244754 ORI6INQL TO CITY CLHRK 244'754 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. Z:CEI�SE Cf�t�ZITPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Jil� 8� 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVID= That anplication for �he transfer of �n Sa1e Liauor Lice:�se is�zed to Edward J. Kasprzyk at 501-3 University Avenue to George and Charlotte ll.Damian at the same address and their application f.or �estaurant, Tavern, Off Sale AZalt �ev�erage and Cigarette Licenses for the sarie location, be and the same a re hereby granted on condition that taithin �Q� days o£ this date said George and Chaxlotte Il. Dami.an shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health� and Poliee, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislat�.ve Code and all other ap;�licable ordinances and laws. �l � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ,�U� � 1969 Carlson Dalglish pproved 19�_ Meredith � Tn Favor ' � � , Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �UQUSHED JUL 12 1969 0 � CITY OF BAfNT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota �A j��`� �e a�t�e�t o a�`ic �a et J� � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor July 8, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, T�Iinnesota uentleme n: George and Charlotte D. Dami.an are �oined by Edward J. Kasprzyk in making application £or the trans�er of On Sale T,iquor I►i.cense No. 7515� expiri.ng January 31, 1970� from Edsaard J. Kasprzyk at 501-3 University Avenue to George and �harlotte v. I�amian at the sarne address. P�:r. and rirs. Damian also make applic� �ion for �estaurant� Tavern� Off Sale Malt and Cigarette Licenses for the same location. The present licensee� Edward J. Kasprzyk, has held the licenses at this location since� i963, and the location has been 13.censed for a similar business since 193l�. George Damian has been in the sales business since August 1959, for Y. _c �. Mfg. Co. of Lon� Island� P1ew York and from his home. Sa.nce J�nuary 1967 to the present emplayed by the Automotive Merchandise, Inc. at 709 UniversitJAvenue. Charlotte D. Dariian is a housewife, having done Part time work for Brown and Biglow and the P4otor Vehicle Dept. of the State of P?iruzesota. Very tsulf fours� � , � � .. e � � . , . 1 �,,� tf" �� '� ,•'R..t,��*a�.�'';:.?�r, ,,.,�* .�,..o,�c,� .,J , i r Zicense Inspector �O �une 25, 1909 City Council. City of Sain� Pau1 Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: I herewith request t?�at alI transfe-rable licenses now held in my name �s�. co�-r�ection with the operation of the on-sale liquor �usiness at 50i liniversity Avenue, Saint Paul, iViinnesota, be herewith tra.nsfe-rred �o the purchasers and new owners, Geo-rge Damia.n and C':arlotte D. Damian, �,vho will operate the bus:ness at fhe same audress. Yours very truly, ,. � ..t�<.�s—rs.-z,�..% �� i EDWARD J. KA.SPRZYK ._,,,.,,� _� June 25, 1969 City Council City of Saint Paul Cou-rt House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: We herewith request tnat a1i trars�erable licenses now held in the name oi Edward J. Kasprzyk at 5G1 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minresota, be herewith transferred to the names of George Damian and Charlotte D. Damian, in connection wiih the purchase by us of the business at �O1 University Avenue, Saint Pau1, Minnesota, wnic�. ��? be conducted at the same address. Yours very truly, t. /f'� � � /� � �`�--;'��-���"Y"7;z ,�:; �!',�2��: � � GEOR;�E DAMIAN � ��� J�/ /I� // � i �� � `' / '�� � � � / �r ��f� /.Y:L�•''�"!C_(,L Y�,�/ CHA.RLOT 1 E D. DAMIAN ,. j • CITY flF S,aINT PA�IL DEPARTMENT UF PU$LIC 8�l,FETY LICENSE DIPIS�t7N ..�---- Da�e V t�l �� � � s� 19� 1. Applio�tian PQr � /'+� . LiQen�e 2. Na�a oP e►gp�.ioant . , i 3. Buaines$ addreas ! o esa.denoe ' l/L°, �. Trade r�me, 3.f atr,Y '� � . 5. Re�ail Beer Federal Ta►ac Staxap�Ret�il i,iquor Federal Tax 3tamp�`w�i11 bs used. 6. C3i vrhat floor iooate �l'umber of roo�na used�� ?. Betw�sn �at cros� etreets � , ioh side of streat /� �� 8, Are premiaes now caeupied �That businese �� long�/•� ,C;S ��'��'• 9. �Are remiaes now unoQOU ied /',,,�o�r lon cacant /�� Frevious use '�� P p .�=�C`.. . � --.�,�.�CL.sL.,..__._ 10, Are you a new er S •Ha e u been•in a s lar busiue�s ePo Q '� 6�'f �e c� r 6t,� u r� �a+� �a H 's � �-�t ti► -�k�t� c� �,,o y� -��`�"?*I 'Nther Yfhen �1t.T L v x.° S� 11. Are you going t0 operate thia business personally L'� f • If not, who will oparate it �"—'�""' 12. Are you in any other business at the present tim�e 1S. Have there been any csomplaints against your operatian of �hi� �ype of place � � �^'"�r y,.. .. . . .. . ,r" , ..,.««.....++"� �A11 �lA PA 14. Eav�r you ever had ax�y 13Qenae revolaed 11hat reason ar�t date ��' r 15. Are you a Qitizen oP the United Stat a ,SNati�v�s��Naturalized � , 16. Ahere vrere �ou born Da�e of bir'th �D � ! � . . . _ 0 `__ 17. T �_married. ldy �wiPe's) (husbandts� name and addreaa is ".," ,� S 18� (If aa rried femQ le) n�y ma iden name ia 19. Hov�r long have you liv�ed i.n $t. Pa 1 � • 20. Have you ev�ar been arrested Y3olatioa what crimi.nal ].av� or ordinancse f 21. Are you a reg3.atered voter in the City of�St. I'�u1 ��Yes No. . �_... � �cl c�m�et�, 2'heee a �1iQations are tl�orou hl checl�sd and an (an.e�r full a fal�if� oa an '�►ill be oausa for enialo � . . , � 22, l�umber of 3.2 plaaes within t�vo blovka � �VI 0 `( • . _ . 23. Closeat intoxicating 3iquor plaoe. t7�i Se�le pt'��lMO�! / (.�!! �f Sale 0� �D� - 24, Neareat Churoh ��j( �/C..� p (,(> Lj . Nearest 3chool �l.i�l (?Gl� 25e Number of buoths Tables � Chaira�/�' S`toola 2-Yr _ ,..r.,.� 26. �hat ocscupeitian hape jrou Polluwed for the pe�at five y�aars. (Giae namea oP emplcq�ar� and date� ao employed.) � .� /� / / , _�c.f t t�v� ! YS �'o� —/ — J� �p,t�r 7'L — Qk tWa//c�� rlec��+� 7 � �,� v r@ l V Z° � . . _ �� f'�_ �� � ./�/� /' ,epr. sK � wo� � 6 '= P' ,.� 5 27, aiva� a an.d addresses of two per ns, denta oF 3te A�ul, M�.nna, 'vho can givs 3.nforme►t3.on eoncerriing you, _ � . � _ . _. . . _ . � .. w. x� aaa�ss �� d�! �*a . � u �,, Rame ,� � aa�as �,�p . �GGt D /� * 3i�na�ure of pp ioan • State of Minn�asota) C ounty of �msey � . ,y pt �la I Gc bei.xig firat duly aworn., depoaee a� say� upon oa�h he has read the oregoing atatem�nt bearing his aignature and l�owa the oontente tYx�reoP, and that the eama ia �rue- of his o�rn laiowledgs except as to thoee me,ttera therein atated upon informstion and belieP and as to thoae mattsrs he believea them to be true. � � Signature Applicant Subsaribed and s*orn to fore ma ' s da v� 19 N ia, ey County, ,inne a a 8��p n 'SAy � ('���Ft`1QBFi�T • � . �1�8 . 1Vot�ary � .c, �,a� My Cammissia;� ExpKas Feb.23,1972 (Note� These atatement forms are in duplioate. �Both copiea muat be Pully filled outa aotarized, and returned to the Liconse Divisionor— � � '�� � ��.lii` AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA]Z BEER UR LIQUOR I,ICENSE Res � Sale f�/ ���/� . LiQenae � Name of appiicant f� �T ` l . Business address S�1 � / U j�/?�('' / Are you the sole owner of this business? e If not is it a partnership? Z° . corporatian3 , o:�her? 4thers interested in bu iness, inelude those by loan of' amoney, property or otherwises Name��a� �'�ll�'�J/• ll��G/Address ���- Q1��J'LC�,�► Ha�w � 04 S P,.f.__ � If a aorporation, give its na� � � Are you interested in any wa y in any other Retail Beer or Liquor busineas? (� , As eole awmer? ^— partner3 Stockholder? �y Othera�rise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) .�_...� Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same ignature f applicant State of Minnesota a County of �msey . �C'� � .�(,( /C( , bei.ng f3.rst duly av�orn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own kno�+rledge, exaept as to those matters therein stated upon inPormation and belief and as to those r�ttsrs he believea them to be true4 � Si�nature applicant Subsoribed and sw� before me his �- d of � - 19 . o ary ublic, Ramse Coun y9 �Hinn.esota J<;;.. �.. t;C'!^_;.4v.'`-�T �ST tSOII1HL13�1.'�71'1 �����2'68 ��'i ' �;;�;y, [�Tinn. 1,,9 f;),.L'urr����ssto+Y 3..; au. , � STATE f,�' �RINNESOTA) COIJNTY 4F RAMSEY � �� a / � being firat duly sworn, doth depose and say that e ma,kes this affidavit in connection with applioatian fur "�Sale" liquor license ("�Sale" malt beverage licenae) in the City of Sa int Pau1, Minnes ota; �ha t yoar a ff iant ia a re s ident of the State of �dinne s ota and has resided therein f'or �� years, _ manths� and ia nvw and has been for the tune above mentioned a bona fide rasident of aaid State and that he now resides at �` ddre s a � � , Minnesota, City or To�+m U"�� Subsaribed and svrorn to before me tn�a aay 6 � o ry io, Ra e y, M.inneso 'i�.;;? C'. �;''P�i�4°ERT csommi8sion e9��;;h:��+9�,'.i?cy ;i.;���ey Ci�unty, Minn. ,.__.._� Cr`,�":GUrr,�;�ss����;res�e .� � ,,�: � , CITY �F SAIl�tT PAUI� DEPARTi+�NT OF PtTBLTC SAF$TY LTCENSE DIVISIt7N , Date� '' 19� 1. ,�pplioati.o�, f or / - �.iaenae 2, Na� oP applioant � 3. Buaine�s e►ddreas�L Residenae 4. Trade x�ame, iP an�► . 5, Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail i,iquor Federal Tax Stamp���rill be uaed. 6. C� xhat �loor loaated ����� Number of roo�a used'� ��� , ?, Betw�en ��t croas streats ��, F* �,�� ���+''� iRhicsh side of street �- 8. �,re prem3,�ee now oaaupiedlj,���fhat businesa` • • ' Hvoc long ��;�.�,p�o, ��, . � ._ . 9. �re premi$es noW unooaupie�Haw long 4acan�t �---- Frevious u �""� 10, wre ynu s ner� o�wr�.er . Have you been in a s imil.ar bua inee s bef ore �_ 'I�her� ,�..""'"" 11�hen """""""' 11. Are you going ta operate this business per$onally . If aot, who �ill oparate it �,�, ~ 12. Are you in any other busi�aess at the present time 13. Eave there been any Qomplainta againat your operation of this type of p]acse � c---�".,.� �fhen ilhe re 1�. II�ve �rou ever }�ad any liesenae revok:ed-����Ihat reason a�t date �"�' ,. - - 15. �re you a aitiaen o� the IInited States ,Nativ�e__��Natural�.zed _ , 16. 1Riera tiere qou born Date oP bii-th � --/ ,�' � ,Z,� 17. T am metrried. �drFs��4) (husband t s j name and addresa is 18. (If max�ried female) �y maiden nams is��l��r���� � .��, ,-�4-� . 19. Hoar long hava you liv�d in St. Paul. ''^ . 20, Bav� you ev�er been arreated-�/��Violatioa f what crim�.nal lavr or ordinanoe�� �J 21, dre you a regi�tered voter in the City o�St, Fl�ul�� Yaa No, - ...�� (Ans�er full arui completel. , These a �Iicsations are thorou hl aheclmed ax�ci an �a eif. oation. R3.11 be cau�e for enia►lo - r,t - S� f � . 22, I�uiaber of 3.2 plaoee within two blook� . 23. Cloaeat intoa3.cating liquor placse. Q�i Sale . flPf S�le 24, Neareet Churah �,�(/�CxQ�b�17 Neareat 3chool • _ —�s . 25s Number of boothe Tables � Chairs�T�..-T�S`tools �. 26. iPhat oacupation. have you follow�ed for the p�at five y�aar�. (Give names of employex°e and date a s o employ�ed.) , • ^ f - � . 1� . � � 27, Give� names and addreaees of two paraons, reaidents of 3ta l�ul, M3.nna, �rho oan give informe►t3on ooncernin you, , : / rrame daare�e � / , Ra� Q .�aa�$8 � — /; ; . , Sigaature of pp icant 3tate of Minr�esota� jss C oun�y of Ramsep ) / being first duly avrorn, deposea an+d aayr� upon oat t he ha� read the orsgoing statement bearing his aignature and lflnaxs the aontezt�a �hereof, and that the aam� is true of his o�m lrnoavledgs except as tu thoae zmttera therein stated upan infornatian and balief and as to those matters he believ+ea them to be true. 5 � � Si ture of Applzcant Subsaribed arx3 sworn to ore m�a ' x$ a is6 ' __ , y � � , 8 „ ��. ,.. .__.�.,.,.�.. .,=t�,� .. . . t�ni�aiot�.e7c�a.�� .�. �•� ,�,�-� ' _ � „ , . . �.•��•�. . . �;fi�.C>`v"IY'..I....IJiI tiy,;i� .;. . !, .� , _ (Note� These statement forms are in`dupliaate. �Both oopies must be fully filled outa notarized9 and returned to the Liaense DivisionQ�r � AFF IDAV I'� B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER aR LIQUOR LICENSE e: � Sale �Q��.p � ' License Name of appiicant � �p � �� / . Business address �� � /��°/-ri �° V/�� Are you the sole owner of this business? e If not9 is it a partnership� �.�• corporation? , otsher3 Others interested i busineas, include those by loan of mone�, propert or otherwises Nam� �Q - �Q kddress1�� � � L'( . Howr G .� . , If a oorporation, give its na� � Ars you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesa? � • .Aa sols oro�mer� Partner? Stockholder? �� atherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) /' �r V �ddresa of such bueiness and nature of interest in same O , _ �, � Signature of applieant State oP Minnasota) ss C ounty of l�msey � �(,r bei.ng firs� ycluly s�worn, deposes and says upon oath he has read the foreg�ing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own l�owledge9 except a� t� those matters therein stated upon infoxnnati�n and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. . C.�iL l(f,� � G���'yt�GG�C ignature of applicant Subsoribed and sworn b ore me ia day o 19 ota y lic, ��r; �oµn��,y.�.,M�nnesota :��, �. iC:,.�.t'y' s':t�i'C, `�.".;�5:., 4i'.;�2y, f��i::1. M�r a om2ni s S 1 onpY,��pr��ia� E�cp�res �eb.23.��I'� j,. , { . STATE � �INNESOTA) . � S$ COUNTY OF RAMSEY . Q � 6i being first duly aworn, doth depose and say that She mal�ea this affidavi� in conneGtion with applica�ian fox� "�Sale" liquor license ("�Sale" malt beverage licenae) in the eity o� Saint Paul, Minnesota; �hat your affiant ia a resiclent of` the State of I�innesota and has resided therei.n f or '�� years, /Q months� and is nuw and has bsen for the time above �nention d a ona fide reaident of aaid State and that,�he now residea at �� Addresa a {,{ / , Minnesota, City or To�+m ^ '�. � ��G�.-� Subsaribed and sw�rn to before me tn�8 -z ay i 6 , o ia, ms y County, M e ota ., � '_ .:'��.'Y,'i��'h, ni�.�i��.:r'.fZ�� OOTf1Ql18$lOYl �1�'���,• S::f?7a"C` f'?•�,.+.. .� PfY cnr,;;issi�,;,�E;<p;r�s E�eb. 23,^19Ta