244739 •ORIE+INAL TO CITY CLERK 244'�39 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTI N— RAL FORM COMM SS�IONE ROb r P � JU�Y 2� 1969 DATF WHEREAS, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, a duly constituted public utility company under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota has filed several applications with the Commissioner of Public Works for the installation and maintenance of public outdoor coin telephone booths in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended by Ordinance No. 12724, approved May 19, 1964; and said Commissioner of Public Works has duly investigated said applications and made his report recommending the granting of each; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paut that said Council hereby finds that the subject installations will serve public convenience and necessity and will not constitute a substantial hindrance or hazard to pubtic traffic; and said Council hereby grants each of said applications and authorizes the Comrnissioner of Public Works to issue to the applicant company a City of St. Paul permit; subject to and in compliance with the terms and conditions of said Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code as so amended, such instaltations to be at the following specified locations: (1 ) In boulevard area 3' west of curb on Wabasha St. and ]0' south of curb line on Plato Ave. J U L 2 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeats Nays �U L � 1�� Carlson �. pprove� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' ' , l � Mayor �� v A gainst T�See�— Mr. President, Byrne Rla$LISME9 ,jCj� � � � DUFLICATE TO PRINTER w � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. �� "�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �bd�rt f•". �1eters4� July �s ��1v9 COMMISSIONER DATF WH�1lEAS, �to�rthweste�n 1let1 Telephc�+we Ca�anY, a d�1Y e�stituted �blic utiiity cc�rgy undmr and pursuant t� the la�vs of the� StaCe of Mt�nasat� has fi tad sevee�sf appl ic.�tttans wtth the Caoml�slone�r a!' l�ub� ta Mt�rks f�or t�e instali�tton �nd a�ainter�s�ce of pabttc o�tdoor coin t+ri�phc�e booths in a�ca�rdanca wtth ths �►rovl�ion# c►f Chapfi�w 5� o� the St, Pau1 l,eglslativs C�de, a� a�ndad by Ordi�ance [�. 12724, appa�rvad May 19� 1964� and l�id Co�aRtsstaner of Publ ic iibrtcs l�s�,�1y 1AV���igat�d s�id appl taattons and �ds hts rep�ort retc�aasend twg the grant i�g o� e+�c�� cwwr; therefore, be i t �t�SOl.VED, by the �cc�n�f 1 nf th� Ctty ofi St. Pe�at that satd �nc11 heraby . flnds th�rt tl� �bJ�et tnstall�ttons w11Y �a� pabtt� eoc�van�e�a�ca �nd necssslty and;�ai11 nt►t 'c�stitat� a sub�tanttat htnelran�s or hazard fio pubitc tr�ff�c; and �atd �un�il hercby grants saeh of �a1d appilr.�tiona and suthirriate�s �thea �a�nais�taner' of ih�b�t� iib�ks to iss�u�e to th�► �p�1 icapt coa�any �► �i ty o� S�. �hau l p�r�'i t; , s+�b�stt to �nd 1� eca�►Z taat.� wi th tt�e tew�s and cc�ad i t t on� 4�F sa 1 d !'�aptar 'S1, of ti��t ;t. �'eu t Leg i s l�fi i ve Cod� as so �ra�nded, a�ch i+nst�iiartons to ba at the foilowTng speet�ied lucaticm�: t!� tn b�leva�r� are,� 3' west a�f ,curb on lfabasha 5t. aad �p► sa�uth o�F curb 1 tne an �taco �lve. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��L � 1��g— Yeas Nays Carlson `��� "° ���� �-� Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' �� � Mayor A gainst T.ed.es� Mr. President, Byrne �O