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' Theundereignedhereby propoe�themaldngof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the Citq oi 8sinti Psul,nis.:
_w..°.,-i�ME�tfll�S,� # writt��+ proposal ..�or the wa�Cing of the f�llowing, i�Fev��st,,.�i�z�..._
�onde�i�iing.,iind.taking��for"�he Civic Center"Parkiag�Ra�p the"fotta�ihj �ie��rttied
iots and..par.�1� r+Micl� r+are cc�ndea�ned for th� wideninq of, Kel logg Bivd. �s per C.f.
No. 102108, dated Mcv. 29, 1935. Also thos� parts of Eagle St. an� Ryan Ave., all
v►itt+in t� �f�lia+ing described lines: Except Lot 7, Block 24, Rice and Irvine�� Add.
all .of.the follov+ing: Beginning at the point of Intersection of the south easterly
li�e of Lot 3, Auditors Subdiviston Fio. 44, with s lin� draan parallel to and 100
; feet southerly fra� the snrvey li�e of Kellogg Boaievard, said s��vey line being
2 feet southerly of the ce�ter lin� of the north roadMray of Kellogg �ouTsvsr�; thence
westerly along said parallei line to a point 123.94 feet �esterty of the point of
inte�section of satd line with the southerly extensipn of tl�� center line of Auditoriwu
Street; thence o� a curve to the right rsdius 880 feet to its point of intersection
'' ' with a itne 30 feet southeasttFly an,� p�railel to the center line of the Exchange-
Kel logg Boulevard Raa�p ss constructed, �nd shc�vn on Publ ic Morks Departaieat, 6uresu
� of dridg�s, P1an of IGetlogg Boalevard, l�srket Street to Sfw�n Corners, Sheet 71 ,
Drawer 106, May, 193b; thenu southwesterty atong said parallel line to its point
of i�►tsrs�tio� with the soatM+esterly line d�: E�igTe Street as extended northwesterly;
� thence soatheasterly atong said southwesterly, iine of Eagte Street to the easterly
�ost cor�sr of 61ock 33 Riae t`I�rvitiie�s Addttion; ther�ce in an easterty directio�
to tbe southerly �ost �rner of LoE 7, Auditorfs 5ubdivisio� llo. 44; the�ce r�c�rth�asterly
along the soathaast�rly 1 ine of sa�id Lot 7 to th� easterly a�ost corr�er of said Lot 7
thanex ia sa easterly direction te the sodthe�ly nwst corner of Lot 4, Audita�r's
'Subdivislon No. 44; thsnce northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said lot 4
to Its polnt of intersection �ith t!� southeasterly iine of Lot 3, Auditor's Suti-
division Mo, 44; thence northeasterly along aaid southeasterly line of Lot 3. Auditor's
Sub�tivision No. �4 to the point of bagtnning.
wcata� �7 :eiyu� a��� pa�or�c■ r ��� �v .w �.�•••� --�_� -
intersection of said line with the southerly extension of the center line or r,�..��.:. ._.__
Street; thence on a curve to the `right rsdias 8$� feet ta its �int of trttetsectton
Nit� a iine 30 feet satirbeaste.rly and paraliel to the center lir�e of the Exchange-
Kei log� Boulevard Raa�p as construc�ed, a�d sharn on Pabl ic Yorks Depsrtn�e�t, Buroau
� of 6ri�ges, Plan of Kellogg Boulevsrd, Market Street ta Seven Corners, Sheet 71 ,
` Drawer 1�6►,` May, 1936; thencs aouttn�rest�rl�► along said parallel 1ir�e to its point
of intersection with the southwesterTy line of Eagle St�eet as extended northaesterly;
thence 'sovtheastarly along said soatbwesterly li�e of Eagle Street to the easterly
most corner of Block 33,Rice � Irvine's Additio� ; thence in an easterly direction
to the southerly n�ost corner of Lot 7, Auditer's Subdivision No. 44; thence northeasterir
along the southeasterly line of ssid Lot 7 to the easterlr nwst corner of said Lot 7 :'�;
thee�ce in an easterly direction to the southerly �ost corner of Lot 4, Auditor�s `' •�
Subdiviaion No. 44; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of seid lot 4
to its poinL of intersection with the southeasterly line of Lot 3, Auditor's Sub-
division No. 4�+; thence northeaste�ly along sei� southeasterly line of Lot 3, Auditor�s
Subdivision No. 44 to the point of beglnning.
' Mr. President Bp�rre v�-,—..
�000 �-s�
? �1SHE� �UL 5 19�9