04-1118Conncil File # �T` � �j � , Presented by �'� Refeired To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul enter into an agreement with the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company and the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation for the installarion and the maintenance of raikoad crossing signals at the intersecrion of Como Avenue (MSAS 232) (IJSDOT NO: 082992F} with the tracks of the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and appointing the Commissioner of Transportation agent for the City to supervise said project and administer available Federal Funds in accordance with the Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36. The Ciry's share of the cost shall be zero percent (0%) of the total signal cost due to the closure of the Como Place (USDOT NO: 082991I� crossing. 9 BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said 10 agreement for and on behalf of the City. 1 eas sen � � Requ d 3 Department of: 2 Benanav 3 Bostrom �' By: D�ector l Hams � Helgen La Montgomery 'Plmue J � ✓ - t � v Adopted by Council: Date '�4_�'Jei� l`J d-�`� Adoprion Certified by Council5ecretary By: App� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 205&&6 36 Form Approved by City Attorney ��� � C��S, o�-r�r8 Public Works Department LatryA.Lueth b51-266-6083 M ON CWNCILpGENDA BY (DA'fE) L1JAi TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES ACTION REQUESTED DATEINRIATED � GREEN 11(3/2004 ���� 1 of Council Resolution to enter into an agreement with the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway y and the Commissioner of Transportation for the installation and maintenance of a four-quadrant railroad light signal gate system with pedestrian gates at the intersecrion of Como Avenue with the track of the BNSF Company (on Como Avenue 0.25 miles south east of Iake Como). RECAMMENDATIONS:Applove (A) cr Raject (R) _ PLAhNiNGCOMM15SION �_ CIBCQMMITTEE _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION A PifotlC Works S1aff PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has t�is persavfimi ever waked unaer a contrad fa this tlepartmen(? YES NO 2 Hasf11�5pH5cMHmevttb¢e{�aGtyeRiplOyee't YES NO 3. ooes this persoNfim� possess a sidll not namalypc�ssewed by any current �iry employee? YES NO 4 isth�spersoNfirtnatarge�edven0o/7 YES NO Fxplain all yes answars on aepaate sheet an0 attacM W green aheat DEPAF(iMEiJr DIf2EGTOR �' I I C1TY CAUNC{i ASSIGN ❑ '--tth— ❑ CRYATTORNEY CRV CLERK NUMBER PoR ���' ❑FINANCIAISERVICESDIR ❑FINANCIALSERJ/ACCTG ORUER � � Division Manage� nuvoatoa assisrnrm ❑ � Bruce Beese �, � �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Federal Highway Administrarion and the State of Minnesota have a program to improve safety at railroad crossings. crossing has been selected for safety improvements under the program. Federal Funds will pay 100% of the cost the City's �cantribution being the closure of the Como Place crossing and related street paving work. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Safety at this railroad crossing will be improved. '. � � ��i� �; 24�� �����2��� DI$ApVANTAGES IF APPRWED. None �.�! �G�°��1�{:�'..zC��bGC DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED' Project will not proceed and safety at the railroad crossing will not be improved. ����� fOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSAC7ION $ °UN�lNG SOURCE N/A C.� No. 205886 ��� - _ ------- COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No ACTIVI'fY NUMBER °INANCIAI INpORMATION (EXPLAIN) Councii k�le # �T - ! 1 / � Green Sheet # 205886 RESOLUTION f CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES(7TA �� J Preaented bp '"Z'` ( / / Refened To 3b Cqmurittee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BE 1T RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul enter into an agreement with the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company and the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation for the installarion and the maintenance ofrailroad crossing signals at the intersection of Como Avenue (MSAS 232) ([ISDOT NO: 082992F) with the iracks of the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and appointing the Commissioner of Transportation agent for the City to supervise said project and administer auailable Federal Funds in accordance with the Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36, The City's share of the cost shall be zero percent (0%) of the total signal cost due to the closure of the Como Place ([ISDOT NO: 0829911� crossing. 9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said 10 agreement for and on behalf of the City. 1 . eas sen /,. Requ d 3 Deparmient of: ! Benanav ,� Bosuom ✓ By: Director Harris Helgen Lantry Mo ntgomery Thune f � f ✓ '1 � D Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary By: App� 3y; Form Approved by Ciry � Approv d ayor for Sub� By. Q/���-!r ������ ��� ���5 Public Works Deparhnent I.arry H. Lueth 651-266-6083 MUST BE ON COUNCfL AGENDA BY (�A"f E) ASAP i Dy-trr$ � GREEN �EET No. 2058$6 im�avoa�e U /.P mmav�ee 7 ,�NroiaECraR . __.. crrccour+ca .--- ASSfGN � CIT'ATfORNEY NUMBFR FOR ���' � FlNpNCIAL9E(NICESOIR ORDFR ❑ MAYOR(ORASSfSTFM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACf10N REQUES7ED D1VIS10II � Bmce Beese 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � � crtrc�a�c ❑ FINPNCIALSFkV(PCCTG �l of Council Resolurion to enter into an agreement with the Burlington Northem and Santa Fe Railway y and the Commissioner of Transportation for the installation and maintenance af a four-quadzant railroad light signai gate system with pedestrian gates at the intersection of Como Avenue with the track of the BNSF Company (on Como Avenue 0.25 miles south east of I,ake Como). RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve tA) or Re}eCt (F� _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION _� GeCAMMITTEE qVIlSERVIGE COMMISSION A PuDlic Wdks StaR F�UAWING QUE3T10NS: 1. Iias Inis pers�rtn ever wIXked u�dera GOnNaIX (a tFUS depaRmenC� YES NO 2. HasthisG�ONfrmevetbeenaplYq�loyee'+ YES NO 3 DcesMispersorVfirtnpossessaskll�rofnamallyprssessedbyanycurcentdry¢mployse? YES NO 6. is th�s PersaNfim� a IatgeteC veMoR YES NO Expiain all yas angwers on saparata shaet antl ettach W 9reen s0eet ... ......._....,,._ ................,....,.......,.. o .�.�....,..,...,���....,,�,.�, WHY). "he Federal Highway Administration and the State of Minnesota have a program to improve safety at railroad crossings. 'his crossing has been selected for safety improvements under the program. Federal Funds wili pay 100% of the cost rith the Ciry's cmntriburion being the closure of the Como P1ace crossing and related street paving work. NAMAGES IF APPROVED� ifety at this railroad crossing will be improved. � DVANTAGES IF APPRWEO. ne ������� ���; J � 2(IQ4 �. ���is �?S_s'.�i'C" C$(;fC?P VANfAGE51FNOTAPPROVED. ect wili not proceed and safety at the railroad crossing will not be improved. ���i ��'�� AlAOUNT OF TRAplSACTION $ �G SOURCE N!A CASTIREVENUE BUDGETED (C1RClE OPlE) vES NO ACTNITYNUMBER 0.L IPIFORMATION S�aIN)