244695 ORI6INAL TO�CITY CL6RK 244�95 .� , _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul� that upon the recommendation of its Sinking Fund Committee, collateral pledged by the Produce Exchange Bank of St. Paul, in the amount of �20,000 U. S. Treasury Notes , 6�fO, due August 15, ig69, to secure deposits of City funds , is hereby approved. �o aRP�ovEO � - , " Assi. cor�orat�on counse� JUN 2 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JUN 2 7 196g Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19__ Meredith In Favor ���e�..,.� Sprafka. � A�� Mayor Tedesco A gainst �' ��t�::`;°'°`� Mx. Vico Yreaidaat (Teterson) ��'5��, �n1 � U ��� 1\ U � DUPLIGTB TO PRINT6R •_ �l J.'�95 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF RLSOLVLD, By the Couneil of the City o� �:yaint Paul, that u�►on ti�e recommendation of its Sinking Pund Committee, collatert�l pledged by the Produce Exehange B�nk of St. Paul, in the amount o� �y20,000 U. S. Treaaury Notes, 6%, due August 15, 1969, to seeure deposits of City funds, is hereby approved. J U N� 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���0; � � �,��� CarLson Dalgliah Approved 19-- Meredith _In Fanor � Mayor Sprafka ' Against Tedesco ....�-°.�."�31��"'�.��;�;�9:�� Mr. Yic� Yre�iel�at (I'et�rson) • �