244693 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 244693 f CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN E OLUTIO G NERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY � COMMISSIONE • DATF W�R'EAS, The Navy Island. Bridge in the City of St. Pa�a]. Was aewerely damaged in fihe recent flood and req�ires exteasi�e repairs; and �AS, It is desired that the bridge be restored to serve the Navy Islau�d; and . WF�ft�AS, It is desired to chsdnge the horisoatal opening in t.he ehannel by f't�rnishing longer erpsr�s; er�d WF�S, It i� required, because of the chan�e in horizontail elearanee and reatil.�ing change ia vertical cleara�ce, 1'tarnished by said repair�d. bridge, that a per�it b� obtained �'roa the Searetary of the Arr�r; be it RESOLVBD, That the Co�nissioner of Pnblic Wcrks is hereby authorized and directed to aeke a�plication Por said permit far repa3.ra t� the Ravy Island Briclge, to the Secretary of the Ar�q,q tbrough the Corps oP Engir�ers. PRpVE FoR� rporaticn C°'���� Pys ' �,,�h � !UN 2 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Na� ,�UN 2 7 1969 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor � Sprafk2 r ��� Mayor �1�Against Tedesco :��YII�� ��'"��":�`""� �U�USHE� ,JIJL 5 196� AQa. �i�ss Praida�t (Peteraon) � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ����`-q.) CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N�, rr� ����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ��, � �► sa.�a �.a�r s� �► ��.$y os st, �wa. v�► �.r.►�,i► A�ed sn � r�e�nt r1ao8 �d req�ro+� e�xtew►iw rap�� �aad 1+1'�, It is iLer��►ycre� td�p►'� �! '1a�'�.dgww b! �I►� 'Iw esrp►�► fi� Na�ay z�� � �, 2� !s de��d �o � th+r !�rl.�rt.�l c�peaing i�a � �1 hY �r�i�hir�g lo� �,+r�� �d. w'H�8�A8„ T� ia �e�x�etA,, `b�ta�are �r� '� +�ha�ps i�a► ha�r'i�n'�,1 �a1+�arrwx�a�e e�nd rest�l��ng �r � v�r�i+a� ��+�,, �r�i.s� '�ry` �� �e�►a3red. t�id�e�e f�st �Ib pe�1� bi b�d !1'Cq�t '� f,�rrl�'t�ty d►f �I1 A7�►'� 'blf !.� � R'�.'V`�, '1�►a1� '�he C�pds�icr�c o� Pub�.l,� �+r,�rl�► �,�e ?�"b�r' �►ut�ac�i�sd aad dizN►ated to �t Q►plia�stS� to� �d �� �cfr ��a� �a t�e Nsvy �e].�ud �.d�e, '�ts fi� S�e�rie�tary o� '�e Ar� t.b�'cn�b t,�a� �orp� at" �gi.n�eers. JUN 2 7 1969 COUNCIL�'MEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays �u� c r�, 4`"�� Carlson � Dalglish � Approver� 19— Meredith _�n Favor Sprafka � Mayor A gainat Tedesco _ ���=�?���`:;..:��: i�� :: �.►�ci.. �«:d.�c c����u� �o