244680 / � Orl�inal to City Clerk ' � � � _ � ORDINANCE 24�6�0 ,. COUNCIL FILE NO ✓ � PRES BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "A.n ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qua.lifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the title "Clerk IV", and by substituting in lieu thereof the following specifications: _1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peteraon Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Appro Attest: � City Clerk Ma r ! �� �Form approved Corporation Counsel By � �/�%� f Ori�fnsl to City Clerk ♦� . ' ' � ORDINANCE 244680 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. ..3_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th Counci� ��� 15 1969 Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peteraon � C7 Against Sprafka Tedesco ,J�L 1 5 1�6� r. President Ap o d: _ ttest. , City Clerk Mayor� � � ,:i� orm approved Corporation Counsel By . pu�tis�� .�1�L 19 1969 � � �by Dnplinte to Printer ORDINANCE 244�80 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���� 5ection 2. Thi� oxelinance �rha11 take effec:t and be in foxce thfr�ty days after it� paa�a�e, approvr�l, and publieation. -3- JULI � i'6� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah Meredith � n Favor Peterson " Sprafka gainat Tedesco � -� , Mr. President (Byrne) °���- '� � �:�'��''" Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By llapllcate to Printer ORDINANCE 24�6g0 . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / �� An o�dinan+c� �.mending QrdinaztGe No. ?607, ent�.tled: ",Az�. ordi.na�a,ce fixin� #he ciutie� dnd reaponsibilities and t�+� mi�a.�num qvalification� far the �varfau� c3��aes of positior�� in th� ��a�a��fi�d S�rv�see o�th�e City, " apprav�d k'+�bru�.ry 13, �.q35, as ame�xded. THE Gt"�UN��L U�' T]H� CITY QF :�iIA�'T PAUL DOES QRl]A�IN: 5ecticsn 3. 1"ha.t Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved Februa�y I�, 1935. ae �.rnended, be wnd the �arne r�� hereby furtl�cr arx�enc�e�d by etriking out the �pecificatxons for the tit�� "Clerk IV", and by �ub�►tituting a.n lieu t�iereof t�a+� follcavr�iig spe�cificatir�n�: _k� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka - A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � Ti.t�E cx �roL�p'o.c clas�e�; CI.ERK iV Ti�le of �;�nical c3.asses in grotr.po �`���C7o CLER?�i uV � �G�;V�L S�RV�GE3 / �� �HE�'�.I..T�-I} �LSB?�.AI��ESj (Px.JR GHAS�N�?� QSCHOtJI�; L3uixes and responsibil°z�ieso �,Yz�d�er supervxsion9 �o ha�e charge of a grot�p a� employeea engaged in cl�r�.�al werk and �:n be responsible for the rc���ine adminis�rai��ve deta�l of the appropri.a�e se6tion; and `�o perfarm related work as assigned, , �xamples of work pexformed� �'o a�sz;nL su.pervis�e, az��i �heck �he work o£ a growp of clerical employees en�a�ea in routine cler�c�l work., To an�wer qu�stions ?n.d rnalce r;:�,`ine decisions whi�h requgre a thorough knowl�dge of the procerl�re� and poli�ies rela:ing �o the appropria$e divisiona `I'o keep n�cegsary re�ord� and make required repor�e: �,G��� SERV�CE' To s�perv�se the cl�rf�al wark invol�red in kh� prepara�ion of announcer rnents of �,ob vacan�ias, proce��:n� of applica�ions� prepara�ion of �xaminayions, raxing and scoring of test�� �he sending of notices �o ��ndidates, an� �he e$�abli�hm�nt of eligible Rns�s for Civil Service po sitions o `To be in char�e of �he examination record fil�s_ �HEALTH� To �ug�rvise �he ZTi�al ��ati�fiica sec�ion o� �h.� Heal$h L�epar�ment_ �'o code and ass�$W o�hersin �codi�� �a�ses of dea�h� (L�BRAR�E�I To su�pex•vas� �he rautine �lerical wark in �he b�siness office and to a�t a� �eeretary to th� Librariano �P�JRGHA�S�NGy To supervi�e �he cleri�al work invoived in aaaraoa�ncinge tabulating, and pro�essing bid�� �o prepar� conLra���y reso3.u:ions, and ��mmari�s of accepted bida and �o proces� t..em, To balan�e and dep�s�i'� money rec�i�ed far the sale of atemsa �SCHOQL�; °I'o a�a as adminis�ra���re a��i�xant �o th.� dire�ior of personnel< � °�'o �nterviev�,r applY�ant,s for �iericai po�ition,�� `�o �nswer routin� �orre�pondence: 7Co sched�le int�rview� for applacan�e� far prof��e�onal pasition�� Ivlinim�.m q�xalii;ea�ions� �-Iigh school �;radua'��on and s�ae year�° clericaJ e�,.-per�en�e, ''hree years of v�hich must have be�n a� a C1Pr2c ��b�, or equivalent, in the appropriate bt�r�au or diwi�ion� _20 i , � '�"i.t?e ax �rai�.�•o� c1a����� � L� �� � ��� 244680 � Ti�le �£ �ttj,�?cal elass�s �n ;rQ�,tpo C_LERK `�P `���j� �C�V�I� SERV��E� � •/ �H?�'�I�'T k-I y �L;��3i'�AR��S� ��TM�RG�IAti�l�r�f �SCI-3C)�L,S� � �a�vie� azid re�pon�abil��i.es�; f;r�nder �uper�r��s�.oiz� �;o ha�re �har¢;e of' a ;roup �f �mploye�� engag�d in �l�r��al work and �o b� r��ponsible �or �'�� x�tiuin� administira�ave detail of °the apprnpria�e ����ion= �n� eo per$arm relatecl work as assigned.. �xample� o:` work gc�rforn�edo '�'c a�isign� sup�r�rise� and �hecic �h� v�orlc o£ a group of �Ierical employee� engaged in routine cl.�r�.eal work„ To an�wer qu���xon� and malce r�:. �_aine decision� whidh rec�u�re a �horoaagh kno�vl�d�e of the pra�edi;;re� and �oli�ie� r�la`tin�; �o the appropria�e divasion� �o keep n�ce�sa�y re�or�� and make r�q�tired repor��, �C?V�.L S�:RV�CE� '�o sr��ervmse �he cle:s*�al work invala�d in th� pr�par�'�ion of announcem rb��n�s of �ob va�an�ies, pr_oce��in� �f appli�aL�ions� prepara�ion o€ �xam�;na'yiQns9 r��iz�g and ecorin� o� �es��V �h� �endin� of notice� to candidat�s, and �he e��ablishm�zak of �li�ibl� 3ii��� for Civil �ervic� positions� To be in c[zar�e of �i1�* examination r��or�i fi2��� ��IE.S LT�?a To �upervise �ne �J'i�.al ��at�a�ti�� sec�ion o� th� k3ealth Depar�ment� �'o code �nd ass��i o;hersin codix�� �aus�� of d�a�h� (I.��BR�R.`�E�;: To supervi��; �he roa�tin� �l�ric�.l work in 2h� b�a�in�sa offic� and to a�� a� �e�r�fiar� �o th� �.i,brarian, �I'�:�R Gri��SIN�� To ��pervi�e �he cic�ri�al work involve�i in az�n��ancingt tabt�lati�g, and proc�ssing bid�� To prepare ccin�ra�'u�d �esalzxmic�ns; �nd ��mmarie� o�' a��epted bids an� to proc�s� �k�.emo `I'o balance ana d�posi� money recei�red for �he sal� of b'temse �SCHO�L�; 'Fo ��`� as a3rrlinis¢ra����+� a,�siB�ant t� t�� dEr��'Vox of per�onnel, `�°o nn�ee���ew ag�pla��nt� for �l.eri�al �o���ion�: `�o an�wer x°outin� �orre�pand�nce: `�'o s�h�d�,le int�rvi�w� irr appl�can�� f�r prof�s�s�anaJ. position�� M�nimt�m q�.�lifacation�� �,��h s�hoel �;radua��on and s�.�z year�a el�rxcal e�epe�x�ncee thr�e years of which mus� �.ave 1�e�n a� a Cl�rl� ��r�'� or equi�ralen�� in the appropraate bt�reatt or division, mZ� _ Ju��e 25, i 969 , , This ord�,nance chan�es the specifications for the title Clerk IV by addin'�g to it the duties of Clerk IV (Purcha.sing). t����,� p , IG �� , i � Ist � � � ' � ��--- � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app .—.Adop+ed � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish Dalglish Meredii�h �44680 Meredith Peterson Peterson Sprafka Sprafka v Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O