244677 f drlsii�al to City Clerk . ' ORDI �IITANCE 2446�7'� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled; "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minixnum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the title "Duplicating Equipment Operator III�': and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: .-1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc' Carlson Dalgliah n Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedeseo Mr. President (Byrne) Appr e • Attest: City Clerk / Maqor/ , , �� -,: Form approved Corporation Counael B3t � � �/�� . � � . � � � �446�� `� 2'�Z@ O� C�1S6�; � �"IPT.�CrA� �' �T pMt'.�� �� �T�R Y ��� / � _.� _�NG � y� fl � I�a �.�t<i i�� �n.cl ;espon�i.�ili�.ieso :�Jz�z�ex s�in�xvi�ion� to b� rESgonaible for the dupiication wark ix�� the -��paz�?��r.ent of F.auca'�i�nF ancl f.o perform related w�rk as assionec�„ �::r.��.°���I.es of u�c,rlc �er:�zme�� ":�o ntaeratn. ::n� supe;�wise tne on�r�a'�:aor, of �1�iixneo�raph and I1��ul�hili.xh r�sarhin�s and of a s�x`t��iing machine, eollatorY punc�zin�; r:iachine and binc�er: '�Q set u.p ��n� pz epare plateg an� s�t:�ncils for duplicatia� mach�,nes, To h::; :e�}��nsil-sle fo< Siling, ;a��e�ervin� plat��,. s�encilS �nd ot�e� pe�tinen: r�a�tet•ial, 7:o be x•eg�ons�il�l� i�r the oilin,r, and g�n�ral maintenance of th� rn��chine� usEU� `�o r.�c�.uisi�ion suppli�� an� :m3terial., I�/[ir�iazxi.a.rxa c�tt�Ii�'ic��ioz:s� 'r?igh Sch�ol �x�aduatio�� and �c�o years" exgerience �s a I�up�ica�in�; J�.qtiYi�,n:���ai:: �pea atog• ��, or e�uival�nt., m2� i briains!to City Clerk ' � OR � I� NANCE 24�6�7� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 1 � Section 2. That said ordi.nance, as amended, be and the same is hereb�r further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Duplicating Equipment Operator (Health Bureau} _3» Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: Citq Clerk Mayor �� Forrn approved Corporation Counsel By . .. � . � 2446 r`� Title of classo � ���� J T NG F �,1IPMENT OPERATOFe HEALTH B;JREAST� ' / ��.7PLICA X. S� � Duties and responsibilitieso �lncler supervision� to be r�sponsible for the duplication work in the �3ureau of �-iealth, anct to perform related vvork as assignede Ex�mples of work performedo 'I'o onerate and supervise the operation of Mimeo�raph and s'Viultilith machines and o� a stitchix�g machine� collator, pLtinchin� machine, binder, and �',erox_ machin�o To operate and supervise the operation of a Continuous Model Photo�tat xnachine and to supervise all the operations necessary for th� production of black and wtzite and colored Pictures. To make duplicating plat�s from negatives< Ta set un and prepare platea and stencils for duplicating machines. • 'T� be respoiasible for filin�, preserving plates,, stencils, negatives, prints and other. pertinent material. "lo be respon�i'ule for the oiling and general maintenance of the machin�a usedo To do a limited amount of art work for retouching negatives, prints, and £�r inlcing posters and signs, '�o oper�tie and be respansible for movie and slide projectoraa 1 o requisition supplies anc'� rnaterialo Minimum qualifications o I3i.gh school graduation and two years' experience as a Duplicating Equipment Operator IZr or �quivalent, _�_ � arit{aal to City Clerk � O R D I �N A N C E 2446�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. � a . �446�7'� Titl� af classa ��7PI..�CAT,ING E��I�Iti1ENT OPER�iT�R I'�� � / � � �z7ti�s ane� r��pon�ibiliYies: �1ncl�r su.pervision� to be r�s�sonsible for the duplication work ixi th� .i��«partxnent of Educ3tion; and to perforrr� related work as a�s�.g;r�ed� Ea:arn�l.es of worlc p�rforme�° '�'+� o�era�e and s,�,pervise t:he ��Era?ion of Mimeograph and P��ultili�h r�achine� and of a s'�i'��hing machineR collatorr punchina machine and bincl�r: To aet up anz3 prepare plates anci sten�ils for duplicatin� machines. To �:� reapon�ible for filing, pre�servinr plate�� s�encils and ot�er p�r.�inend material: To be xesponsible for ihe oilin� and gener�l main�enan�e of the machines txs�d� To requi5iwion. aupplie� axzcl n3aterial� iV�ini�nuin c�ualifica�ions o �-Ii�h Schoal �x���duation an� t`r�o ysar�b expe.rience as a Dup�icating k:quir�meu� Operatar t.Cf or equivalent: n2�-. I - . - 24�6�� Title of class; ! .f, ,� I31,JPLICA�'ING E�t7I�'MENT OPERATOF. ;HEALTH BUREA'�J, Du�ies and responsibilities< �nder supervision, to be r�eponsible for the duplication work in the I3ureau of Health� and to perform related work as asaigned, Exaznples of work perfoxmedo To operate and supervise the operation of Mimeograph and 2�Zultilith machines and of a etitching rz�achine� collator, punching machine, binder� and Xerox machine, To operate and su�ervise tiie operation of a Continuous Model Photostat machine arnd ta sL�.pervise all the operations ;��c�ssary �or the production of black and white and colored pictures. 'i o malce duplicatin� plates from negatives. '�'o set up and pxe�;are plates and stencils for duplicatin� machines. To be resgonsible for filin�, presexving platea, stencil.s, negatives, �rin�s and other pertinent material, 7Co b�; responsible for tize oiling and general maintenan�e of the machines used, To do �. limited ar�iount of artc work #or retouching negativea, �x int�, and for inking posters and signs. To oper��e and be responsible for movie and slide projectore� To r�quisition supplies and mafierial, IvIinimum qualifications o High school �x•aduation and �wo years' experience as a Duplicating Equipanent Operator �I� or equivalent, -4- Dnpltcate to Printer O R D I N A N C E ��4��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 5ection 2. Th�t said ardinaa�.ce, as a�rnender�, be �.nct the s�me ie hereby further s�xxae�ded by inaertin� �uit ite prc�per aiphabetical order the follawing title, and specification� ft�r Duglfcat3n� Equigrr,�eat Qpexatar {Health Bur�au) -3-- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlaon Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplieate to Printer ORT, INANCE �44��`� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ! � �ection 3. Tlii� prdiii�.nce aha.11 ta.��� ��fo�t an�. be in force an the first�day of th� firet payroll peri4d fallowi.ng th.�.�r�Ey days after ite ' passage, apgroval, and publ3cation. -g.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council J°�L � 5 1969 Carlson �/ Dalglish / Meredith In Favor Peterson 11_, Against Sprafka Tedesco ��� � � 1�,�� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplieste to Printer OR � INANCE �44��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�L y A.rr ardinance arnending 4rdu�ance Na. 7607� eantitled: "An ardina:nce fi�cing the duties az�d respan�aibilities and th� minimum quali.fica�kipn� £ca� the variou� clas�es� of po��,tio�e in th'� �lassi�ied Servfct of the eity, '� a�pproved F+�brua�ry 13, 1935, a� aarrxeaded. THE Ct3UNCIL t5F T'H� �ITY 4F S�NT FAUL DC3E5 ORDAIN: Section �.. That Ordinance N'�r. 7607, approved Februxry i3, 1935, ae �me;�ded, be aad the eame is herebp further am�nded by etriking out the specif�iea.tian,� fc�r the title "DupXica�iag Equfp�nent t�perator III", and by subetitut�tnng in li+�u thereai the faU.owing: -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councit Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka. � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By i Jmne 25, 1369 � . , � =:�� ; `.� This ordinance �changes'the speci�fieation for Duplicating Eq�x�ent Operator III by' excluding those duties �ivhich are unique to the Health.B�reaw.. This ordinax�ce alsq establishes specifications for the new titic Duglicating Equipment Operatoz� (Health Bureau). < � � � . , ; 4� - . . � . ' . , .... :: /' I st � . �� , - 2nd ? Laid over to ? 3rd and app �4dopted^ � l S Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish Dalglish Meredith ���� /� Meredith Petenon � Peterson � Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O