04-1115Council File # ��— � ��J Green Sheet # 200124 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 8 Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that rate of pay for the classification titied Public Works 2 Accounting Coordinator be that as set forth in Grade 017 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Association Bazgauung Unit 09 Salary Schedule, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 4 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective as of the first pay period following its passage and approval by the Mayor. Requested by Departruent of: Office of Human ResouTCes � By: Form Appxoved � c�� Adopted by Council: Date �S1` f��_L• a701/� App�o�c�by Mayor for 6 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �/ Approved by a o. Date � l d � By: � D�� ( I t� �c�-- V U' DEYARTMENf/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IMTTATED GREEN SHEET NO.S ZOOIZ.4 Human Resources 11/18/04 CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: IN A'te nv�Tral/DATE Tohn Shockley 266-6482 � nEennr�mar nm. ``��'`--� a c�ncourrcu. Lee Turchin 266-6517 ,vssIGKE� zcmnrroa� cancc.�c PNbffiERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATL� ROU7ING �AxcuLSmv n¢e �¢vaxcw.saaV�na:r� As soon as possible ORDER 3 MAYOR(OAASST.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCAITONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: , Approval of a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the new classification titled Pnblic Works Accounting Coordinator in grade 17 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Association (SPSO) Bazgaining Unit 09 Salary Schedule, in the Salary Plan and Rates oFCompensarion. RECObIIvIENDATION$: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER T'HE FOLLOMIVG QUFSTTONS: I. Hasthispecsod5tmeverworkedwderacontrattforthisdepaztnenc? PLANNING COMI�IISSION Yes No ' ,CIHCqMMIT[EE 2 HasthisPe�srndfumevecheenacityenmtayeel f.IVQ. SERV[CE CObA�ffSSION , 1'es No 3. DoeatSispersodfmnpossessaslaiinotno�maliypossessedbyanycmrentcirymry�loyee7 Yes No 4. Lsthispe[soNf¢mafazgetedvendof! Yes No — Explain all yes anewers on separaM $IIQCt 'dA(1 `dtt`dC}1 t0 gl'BCII S�1Cet IriITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUMTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This new class was created after a classification and compensation study of an existing positian that was requested by the Department of Public Works. The position in question performs supervisory and full performance professional accounting work in the Department. The posifion oversees the prepararion of the accounting and auditing work in the maintenance of • the lazge and complex Public Warks Capital Projects Funds and the IVlunicipal Equipment and Recycling funds. Also, the position assists the Deparlment's chief accountant in coordination of budget prepararion and implementation and in the maintenance of the DepartmenY s complex Special Funds. The position supervises an assigned staff, conducts complex financiai analysis projects, and serves as a c�re team member representing the Department in implementation and operation of the newly automated N[aintenance Management Inforxnation System. ADVANTAGES IF APPitOVED: Tlus action will establish equitable compensation for ttris key Deparhnent superrisory accounting position DISADVAIVTAGES IF APPROVED: None. 1710 Depai't[neIIt 11a3 i1ldiCatCd that s21ary cOStS of'appSOXimat¢ly $3 ,735, annually, have been funded. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT ApPROVED: The position will be below pxedicted pay based on State Pay Equiry Act xules and undercompensated based on the City's QES Job Evaluation System If ttus resolution is not passed, the Depar(xnent may be required to have an otganizational study of its accounting processescondueted. Taraz, nmovNx oa �sncr[oH: COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: ��� ��,, r ;y P e�. r� FUNAING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUNIBER: �, � � � �� y � � s� a� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAINl ���F � C ��,�� ���� ����`��� � �� G:\Shared\Org.Design\Consulqnt-ShockleyVohds Class Work�Pending Projects�PUblic Works Accounting Coordinator Green Sheet.wpd ROUTING ORDER: BeIowareconcectroutingsforthe�cmostfreqaentiypesofdocmneats:�' , CONTRACTS (assumes aatfiorized badget exisfs} COiTNCIL RESOLi7TION (amend budg�s/accxpt'grants}', , L OutsideAgency 1. Depai4nentDirector , 2. DepafineatDirector' � 2. OffceofFinancisl§ervices,�IIirector ' � � 3. CityAttomcy � 3- Cit9�Att,oiney � �� a. r���a�c �r ��r� o� azs,000a 4. �n.��t �� � � � � �� s. ��xi� �� �� o� �so,000j s. ci�y eo� � � � � 6.OE'iceofFinencialServices-Accounting 6.OfficeofFinancielServices-Accounting ADbIINISTRATLVEORDERS'(BndgetRevisiaa) COUAICII;1tESOLiI�LLON(alidti�csandOrd'mances), 1. ActivitgMansgaarDepffitmentAccountsnt 1. llepmtm�tDiredot , 2. DepaztmentDirectcx 2. CityAttomey 3. Office ofFinancial SSeivices D'nector 3. MayodAssistant' � 4. Citp Cle[k � � � 4: , City Council ' ' � � � 5. Office e�Financial Services -Acco�ting ADMINLS1T2A1T� ORDIILS (a!I otheis) � � F.I�CUTIVE'0�2DER � � � � � 1_ .DepattixieutDirector ' � � � 1: Dep �artne�tDirectd� � � � � � 2. CityAttomep � 2' G�itgAttomeY , � ��3. O�czofFineaciatServicesDiredor - 3. Magoi/Ass�ant',� � 4 ��� � � 4 . �,� � � � TOTAL NUMBER OF SI@7ATURE PAQES , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 3ndic�te $ie # ofpages oawhich scgnadms ate'�quiced and PapeicliP orflag eacfi afthese pages. ACTIQNREQUESTED Descnbewhatifie PL�l�4� s�eks to accomplish in either chnxioIogicsi oider'or oider of impoct�e, wlricfiever is mostappmpriatefortheissae. Do�twritecompl�e,s�t�: Begineachifeininyo�Iistwitfiavecb. RECOMbIENDATIONS � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � Ca�mpletefftt�iss�ieinqueslionhasbcenPr�tedheforeffi9�SSP�&corpiivate. „" PERSONAL SII2VECE CONTRACTS: Tlus inf�mation w�l beosed W deteimine tbe cxly's &ability for,wothets �sation claims, talces �d pnoper civil saviceLiciog�rutes. � II�IITfATING.PROBLEM,f.SS[7E>OPPORTCJNPPY � � � � � � � � ExplamthesituationorconditionstfiatcKeate3aneedforyom�projedociequest., , " , � ADVANTAGFS IE APPROVED , � � ' rndicate w�thec tLis is simPl}' �, s�m2 �dg�Procedura requiied bplaw�� oz whether tl�re are s�ifio wsys ia wl�ieh the City of SaintPwi a� its citizenc wiII benefit fi� this ptoject/acfion_ � DISADVANTAGES IF'APPROVED � � � � � " � � � � � � � WhacnegaEiva�ormaj�cLmgesto,e�stingorpastpcoc�sesm�htdusproiact/requestproduoe,ififispa�d -, � (e.g.,tr�cdetaps,naise Towhom� �Lyhea7ForhovdIongY �� DI�ADVAN3'AGES �IE NOT APPROVED� � � � � � � � � � WhatwHtbethenegativeconsequdnces'ift�ptomisedactioaisnotappcovedi',Snafi�itytodeliverservice7 Co�im�e ��fcaffiqnoise,eccidentiafeY LossofrevenaeY � � � � � � � � FRTANCIAL IIvIPACT � � � � � � � � � � � � � Aithoughyaumnsttsilortheinfocmafionyonprovidefiecetotheissueyonareaddiessing,ingeneratyonIImstaoswer ' , � � � twoquestions:Howmnchisit'goingto'co5t7 Who'isgoingtopa� � � � � � � � , � � � �, �, � , , � � � � � � ,,, ' � � � , ., Proposed Titte of Class: The City of Saint Paul Class 5pecification � j �� S PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTING COORDINATOR CODE: 272B BU: 09 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dnties: Performs supervisory and full performance level professional accounting work in the Department of Public Works; participates in, coordinates, and supervises the maintenance of complex funds, the prepararion and dissemination of the annual budget, the development of management informarion systems, and the conducting of complex financial analysis projects; and perfozms other related duties as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Deparhnent accounting manager. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises technical and general supervision directly over assigned clerical, technical and professional staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed exaxnples may not include all the duties performed by all posirions in this class. Provides supervision of assigned accounting staff to include work assignment and direcrion, pro,}ect assignment and coordination, scheduling, managing and coaching performance, providing training, rewazd and discipline, and processing grievances; makes effective xecommendarions regarding the hiring and discharge of employees. Oversees and participates in the maintenance of records, the payment of expenditures, the prepazation of reimbursements, the prepazation of budget amendments, and the report of financial condition regarding the lazgest and most complex Deparhnent funds. Oversees the prepazation, compilation, and presentation of a variety of smaller and less complex Department funds and related reports to include review of the work plan, confirmation of the data files, analysis of transacrions, assurance of the completion date, review of the financial statement, quality control, and verificarion of material changes. Assists in the maintenance of Department special funds by advising the accounting staff on proper accounfing procedures, coding of receipt and disbursement transactions, and by answering questions &om coworkers and division ruanagers. Participates in the implementation and operation of the computerized maintenance management system by serving as the Department representarive on the City's core team responsible for final decisions on system conf'iguration; serves as a resource regarding system quesrions, and handies interface issues with related City systems. Works on special projects for the Department such as implementafion of new government accounting standazds and perfomring cost analyses on large Deparhnent projects to assist management in maidng financing decisions. COMPETENCIES PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTING COORDINATOR Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: PUBLTC WORKS ACCOi3NTING COORDINATOR oY- r / �S CODE: 272B BU: 09 Effective: Demonstrates an expert understanding of the fu11 range of theories, principles, terminology, procedures, and best practices of general accounting and governmental accounting work and demonstrates an ability to resolve the most complex problems associated with the work. Demonstrates an expert understanding of the full range of laws, rules, regulations, administrafive policies, and procedures relating to City of Saint Paul accounting and budget practices including auditing, financial reporting, budget prepazation, and budget presentation. Demonstrates an understanding of and skill in the operation of the full range of office equipment and computer softwaze applications related to department level operations and City financial management; demonstrates an ability to instruct others in the operation of such equipment and softwaze. Demonstrates an ability to idenrify financial liabilities and risks, apply one's expertise in minimizing those associated risks, and bring them to the attention of appropriate management personnel. Demonstrates an ability to plan and xnanage multiple and complex programs and projects related to depaztment level finances; demonstrates an ability to meet deadlines, define, measwe, and evaluate results, and appropriately prioritize and set deadlines for one's own work and the work of others. Demonstrates an ability to effecrively listen, speak, and make presentarions to a diverse group including coworkers, City managers, and elected o�ciais; demonstrates an ability to produce technical reports and other correspondence that can be easily understood by the intended reader. Demonstrates effective leadership of work groups by positively influencing employees and the work environxnent; is considerate, tactful, supportive, and impartial; demonstrates an ability to coach employees, manage their performance and development; promotes the group decision maldng pxocess, recognizes positive results, manages conflict, and encourages creativity in problem solving. Demonstrates a coxnmitment to continuously improving customer service; demonstrates an ability to assist in the development of customer service standards and coordinate customer service improvement efforts. NID�TIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Candidates must have a bachelor's degree with a major in Accounting, or an equivalent degree, and two years of experience as an Accountant III that includes responsibility for leading the work of an assigned staff, ot equivalent education and experience. Thirty (30) quarter credits or equivalent semester credits in accounting courses, and six years of experience as an Accounting Technician IV, or equivalent education and experience, will also be accepted as meeting the minimum qualifications. PUBLIC WORKS ACCOI7NTINCs COQRDINATOR Page 2 o�- i��s C�I'Y OF SAIl�'T PAUL RandyC. Ke11y,Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Robert Sandquist, D'uector Depamnent of Public Works OFFICE QF HUMAN RESOURCES Mgek S Na7ezny, D'vector 400CiryHaIIAnn¢ 25WestFmvthSbeet SBntPmtZMinnesota 55102-1631 John H. Shockley, HR Senior Consultant Manager��� Office of Human Resources October 13, 2004 Twenty Day Notice Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, new classification titled Public Works Accounting Coo; will be assigned to grade 1�, of the Saint Paul Supervis office will be sending a resolution to the City Council t� the new class specification for your review. Attachments cc: Trish Freiberger Lee Turchin Bob Iiarrisberger Te7ephone: 651-166-6300 Jo57ine 651-166-6502 Facrimiles: 4"' FI o or. 651-29L7656 651-266-8886 S'" PToor: 651-266-6495 Kodak ds digilalscience° � , I have receive� tlus memarandum and wish t ai the � this T enry- ay Public Notice. ��������� � 15 Signature Date G.VSbaz<d��c&Dmtigt\Caiudu¢-SbockleYVo@isQass WarkPrnd'mgProJedslPub4c Wads Accowffig Caoid'maCaclA day�wRCe.dePtsig+%4ue.wpd o�- ���s CTTY OF SAINT PAUL RandyKeZly,M¢yOr Date: October 13, 2004 Shari Moore President, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Citizen's Service Office/City Clerk's Office 170 City Hall Saint Paul, NIlV 55102 Re: 20 Day Notice Dear Shari: OFFICE OF FIUMAN RESOURCES AngelaS. Nalezrry,Disec(or 400 CiryHaIIp.mus 25WertPourthSveet S�dPmr�Minnvsota 35101-1631 Tetephone: 651 2666506 Jobline: 651-266-6502 FascimiZe: 651-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C., this letter is to inform you that a new classification titied Public Works Accounting Coordinator is being created. This new class will be assigned to grade 17, of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule. Our office will be sending a resolurion to the City Council to implement this action. I have attached the new class specification for your review. Sincerely, G ����� � �`7 ����� 7ohn Ii. Shockley Human Resources Senior Consultant Manager Office of Human Resources Attachments cc: Trish Freiberger Lee Turchin I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the tune remauiing on this Twenty- Day Public Notice. ����a�c ��� //- � o� Signature Date G�Siuied\qg.MagnlCo�uvlmn4ShockleyNOM1n's Class WmIAPend"mg PiaJ��b6c Wods AccounEne��a�r20 daY.unimuiguhye.wpd An Affumative Actian Equal Opportunity ADA Employer