244640 .. : , ;, ..,,,�. _, , . ti� , , ,^ ' , � , � �,:,� . .. . . � . . ' � j ` COUi�TCIL FILE NO�� CITY UF ST. PAUL � I�,esdlutian Ratifping Aese�sment By— File No 1711� In the matter of the asseasment of �tlitar� �►oll�s pMd �p i�ot � pl`i #�e�lt�Z�tg �e1t Di�s �wtfuel�a2 tlur �1�► �lai! �lk. I1• ��li�ra�iii �e►. � ,A�i.ti�M !`i'�! A,11�ls�t �tsrr� t�r E6�� �st lia�e a�' �e►t !, slk. 2x. ��i�t�t #pr. � ,A�/ditiw+t. under Preliminaxy Urder ��� ,approve� � �� �'� � Intermediary Order �3�1�'� approved Ih�►a� �1* 1li7 -� Final Order �23�! 1Lsx4elt �1� 1l�7 . ,approve� w A public heaxing having been had upan the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further conaidered by the Council, and h�ving been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore BESO�LVE,D, That tYie said asaeasment be and bhe same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmatian. BE IT FURTHER R�4LV�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable �n � equal installments. COUNCILMEN Y� Na�s J.11N 2 5 1969 Carison Adopted by the Council �Daiglish �UN 2 � 1�6� �Vleredith �°eterson ApprovP� `�`�� � �y�lle Tn Fa.VOr � Mayor Fo� x-2 zn� io-sa s� � Againat �IdjC$FI�� �(jN 2 8 1969 , ` � � crrY aF sT. Pavi, 244 !� '2�4a�q OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE � �`O "� Repcc►rrt of Completian of Ass�essm�nt �e No ��� In the matter of the asseasme�t of �i�� p�� y� � � � ,w �,� �ritilt Li� �►1 d�rMr a21� Lli il#t. �� �7►�r1�at! t�. � ,�/�tiLNt �s"w �1�r't itsrat a tlw► +rwt it+�r �t �t t. �. 2�, i��a�s �a. � ��ti�s. under Preliminary Order �' �� ,approved �` �s �� � Intermediary Order �l1� ,approvec� ��' !1� x!�) -� Fina1 Order ���� approvec� � �1• �#� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo�rts to the Council the following as a ata.tement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impro�vement, viz: Tota1 construction costs . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . $ �•27 >$ Engineering . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . ... . . . .. . $ 228 00 Inspection . .... .. .. . .... . .. .. .. . . .. ... .... .. .... . $ Poatalcards . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. ...... . .. ...... .. .. . $ Z 10 Publications ... .. .... . . .. .. .. ...... . .... . . .... . . . � 21 00 Collection costa . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . $ 42 00 Court coats for co�firniation . .. . .. . .. .... .. .. .. .. . 2 10 Co�ptroller coat � 1 00 TOTAL FXPE�NDZTiJR.ES .. ... . . ... . . . . ... . ... $ 2,593 �$_ Charge to . ..S ts��.K.xspair.fixud.02�0.. .. . . .. .. . $ �►R S _9�6__ . .. ... . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .... . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . � Net Aasessment . . ... . . ..... . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. ... $?_,t�g e2 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit• the sum of $ 2,1�g•�2 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af l�nd deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assesament has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asseasment as couu�pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. � ��� l�ay 27, 1969 Co ssioner 'na , Form R-2 2M 10.68 8� / _ `� , . - � . than the o�;her oti4ners since we uoa€;ht che property in 19�0 (F�.arket Value is ass higher '�ut we paid th� sa�e price i'or our ho-nes). If �2,500 or more was spent essed for work on the above .iaroed �.Iley vr,�;;T tiras ;.t r,;,t cione proper7,y? Since the work completed se�r:;s Lo ��r,efit, ±,�-. . , ' , `'; ;-�,�,zi-.; their business from tr.ej.r homes, also ior re�ta�l,f��o r`ave����,�veral cars and do I380 Blair ar.d, th�r•efore the as e �;arage, i do not benefit at � se�:,,r,t does not, aFP1,Y to this property, It is. not the assea�ment on, an equit�bl�. k�ag�s that :we object to� but the fact � tYra�'the-q�+�:,;i��o� adec�uate. , . � � � , ._ . . . . , ; ... , ..,��. �� c;A i �y work :��event,s rr.e �r.9m att�ndi_n�; the meetin�. . . , � -,. . , . . ,. _ . ,- :� . � . .. , :, ,,_• : ,: �� i��ildred F. 'rraase �' . , , -;, I l���u^ i31ai.� ��, cc: a2r, Petersan ' �� �; ���F/ A��� i;. � i, -----�—�-*--� _ _ '. . . . . . . . . . �.. � . . ..:< ,... .�;-,l .4"ik� ., CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 June 6, 1969 � Mildred E. Haase v 1380 Blair Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 File 17114G, Page 1 A public hearing wfll be held at 10:00 a.m. on June 25, 1969 in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House at St. Paul, Minnesota at which the City of St. Paul proposes to assess the benefits arising from grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 11, Syndicate No.S Addition, from Albert Street to the east line of Lot 9, Block 11, Syndicate No. 5 Addition which work has already been completed at a total cost of $2,593,98. It is proposed that each o£ the following lots or parcels be assessed as follows: Lot Block Sub�ivision AssessmneC 11 11 Syndicate No. 5 Additian $149.96 � � You are invited to meet with the technical advisors in Room 286 betweert 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. , the same date for more detailed information. You may also telephone 223-5241 for assessment information, or 223-5151 for construction informatfon. THIS IS NOT A BILL. Formal billing will be made approximately 60 days after approval of the assessment by the City Council. ^ JAMES J. DALGLISH �NF �� lg�y Commissioner of Finance � Dear Sir: Re above � , iu:y car is ��ei_n� parned on t;�e street in front of 13�U Blair because ti�rater stands in i;he a11.ey ir.uiieciiat��l�y �ajacent to the door of u�y garage (i.e.� in alley) . Th7_s :�s the oniy arF��; v�r;are vtat�r st;nds and it has been reported for at ic«si; five years. "u,'e iiaj✓e already paia a thousand dollars more in taxes � (over) ,� June 23, 1969 �. , - �� �� �� Miidred E. H��se 1380 Blair Avenu� St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Deer Madam: Your lett�r, with reference to the alleq in Block 11, Syndicate Addition Number 5, has been tran�mitted to the City Cl�rk for the att�ntion of the City Council at the hearing to be held on June 25� 19�9. As a practical m�tter, it would be extremely difficult to levq aseessmenta besed cn the ne�mber of cars or other methods you auggest. The alle� co�t factor is related directly to the lineal footage coneCructed which is aiso thd basia for aasessment. We note that your complainC was a2ao made to the Departa�nt of Public Works. Any correction required would have to be under its dfrection. Zn viewing the allep on the morning of June 23rd following the weekend rain, it did nat appeer ChaC the shallaw puddle elong the center of the alley Would interfere to a si�r�iPicant extent with the use by adjoining awners. Yours very truly, Forest W. Crowley Supervisor of Assessments FWC/rh cc: City Clerk File-17114