244631 ,� � _ _ Oritinalto City Clerk � . , � � �t7 � � � �; � ORDINANCE � „ COUNCIL FILE NO���`�" �+ "� � i /// tj PRESENTED BY ( � ORDINANCE NO�°�� `� _ An ordinance amending the Saiat Paul Legi�lative Code by addi�g a ehapter to be designated Ch�pter 395, regulatiag the �se of automatic devices and �ttach�ents on telephones aAd radio eq�ipment to report fires, burgl�ries �nd other �aergencie� and providing for the li�ensing thereof. TH� COt�TCIL OF T�iE CITY OF S�IIi"P PAIIL D6fES aR�AINs Section 1. That the Saint Paul Legislatine Code be and the sa�ue i8 hereby amended by addinq a ch�pter to be de:i�n�ted Chapter 395 as follows: 395.01. Subdivision l. P�-R�C�I�DBD TELEPI�D�S 1�lES�'rE APPARATII�. No person shall t�se or cau:e to be �sed any autoeaatic electrical or mechanical dewice or attachment to - a�y tel�phone that reproduces any t�ped or pre-recorded message to report any fire, b�rglary, or other em�=gency and whicl� utilizea the p�blie primary telephone trur�k lines (v�ice eircuits) of the Burean of Police or th� Burea� of Fire Pro- tection, without obtaining a permit so to do from the Chief c�f Polic� :o� �!:ire �hi�f� . Subd. 2. PBRMZ'� �tBQHI�. Aay perBOn d�siriag to a�,e or , cause to be used a�y device- �r a�ta,���-�t�- -��"°`:�`. p�blic primar� telephone tr� linea or aay other telephose lines connected directlp to ei�tlzer of �foresaid Bureans, sl�all �ake application to the Chief of Polic� o= Fire Chief, as th� � case may be, mcco�panied by the fee a� herein�fter provided, and complete plans a�d specificationa detailiag the inst�lla�tioa, maiatenaace aad oper�tion of snch device or attachment and sn�h other inform�tion as the Bnreau involned sshall find reasor�ably nece�ssary to effectuate the pmrpose of thi� Chapter. T�ie pe=mit shall be isseaed or�ly if the device or attachmeat i� compatible with the eqnipmeat of the Bureau invml�ed and is not likely to interfere with the normal use of t�iat �qnipment.="-` The applicant �hall pay the entire co�t of insta�llation, main- tenaace and operation of the dev�ic� aad the co�t of removal npern ord�r of tl�� Chief of .Police a� Fire Chief, for eaase. S�. 3. P�B�TT FS�S 1� R��i�L. Tl�e fee for �m�b p�ratit shall b� $1��.�0 `f�r the fir�t �levice mr atts�hmaat aad $5.m� for each �aaitioA�i a�.i�� or station. Permits sh�ll be valid fmr oae year aad �a�y be renewed under the procednre s�t forth in S�bdivisioa 2. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith - Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �Q� OrfQinsl to City Clerk ' � .. � , �� �� -� ���` ORDINANCE . COUNCIL FILE NO������ . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— / °� � 2 395.02. Subdivision l. 1�►PPARA�U� II��TALLE�S' �IC��tSE �Q�'I�tED. �o persv�a shall install o= engage im the b�siness of iastalling any aut�aatic electrical or �echanical deeice or attacl�aeat to any telephone, telephone lin�, radio or radiv �iqnal that uaes aap taped or pre-rccord�d message or other sia�aal to repc�rt any fire, bt�rql�ry, or other emergeacy eitl�er directly or i�directly to the Bnre�u of Police or thm Bnr�am of Fire P=otection �rithont firat obtai�in�q a licease �o to do. Applieation for licea:e �cco�panied b�+ the fee as hereinafter provided ahall be �nb�itted to the Lie�ase I�spector cont�.ining the aa�ae, hcme �ddresa, propo�ed b�siae�s address of applicaat aad sneh otlaer isfmrm�tion a� the �icens� In�pe�tor shall find reasonably aecessary to effect�ate the pnrpose of this Chapter. �2. LIC��SE FSE. Thc aaa�.al fee for s�ch licease a��iall be $ ' . �ttbd. 3. LI�E�TSEFS T� RBE��&P I�S'.��TI��. bio p�=s��t holding a lie�nse �nder this Chapter �hall aalce aay inastallation _ or r�mawal of equip�ent conered by� this �hapt�r withomt first f�raishing the Lieense In�pector in vrritiag with the as�ae aad address whese a�eh ir�stallatioa ar r�oval is to be �a�de aad s�ch ot.2�er information regarding same as the License In�pector shall fi�d reason�blp neeessary to effeet�at� th� purpose� of this Chapter. 3�etion 2. Any pesson vialatiag aay pzo�i�ioa of this ordiasace :hall b� quilty of a �i.sdemeaaor. Section 3. This ordinance shall ta�e effect �ac� be ia.._fc�ree � thi=ty (34) d�ys froa asd after its pa�sage, a�pproval asd pmblicatia�a. . JUL 3 0 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson / � Dalglish �� Tn Favor �..r Meredith � p.,�..«..,.„ Sprafka C� Against Tedesco J u�. � � ���� . � `� .{ �`�� Approved: A 3t• ice Yr ='� �,� � C' Cle /0��9 Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By pu�.�s�tEP AUG 2 1969 _ p�n01,�to City Clerk . .. ' � . � �� ORDIN A N C E ���r. COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO PRESENTED BY �'� �, An Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code by addire ulatingethe�use of designated Chapter 395 , � utomatic devices and attachments on telephones t report fires, burglaries and other emergencies a,n.� providing for the licensing thereof. THE OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . hat the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby am ded by adding a chapter to be designated Chapter 395 as follows: • 395 .01 . Subdiv sion l . PRE-RECORDED TELEPHONE MESSt3GE APPAR,ATUS, No person shall use o cause to be used any automatic electrical or mechanical device or a tachment to any telephone that reprodu��eother taped or pre-recorded m ssage to report any fire , burglary, � emergency and which util ' zes the public primary telephone trunk lines (voice circuits) of the B reau of Police or the Bureau of Fire Protection, without obtain'ng a permit so to do from the Commissioner of Public Safety. Subd. 2. PERMIT REQUIR , Any person desiring to use or cause to be used any device or atta hment which utilizes the public primary telephone trunk lines or any o her telephone llicationntotthedirectly to either of aforesaid Bureaus, shall make app Commissioner accompanied by the ee as hereinafter provided, and complete plans and speci�ications�detailing the installation, main- tenance and operation of such devi.�e or attachment and such other information as the Commissioner sh 1 find reasonably necessary to effectuate the purpose of this Chap er. The Commissioner shall issue the permit only if the device or att �Smnot likelyptolbnterferetwith equipment of the Bureau involved and � • cant shall pay the entire I� the normal use of that equipment. The,, appli cost of installation, maintenance and eration of the device and the cost of removal upon order of the Commi�sioner for cause. \ Subd. 3. PERMIT FEE AND RENEWAL. `I�ie fee for such permit shall be �100.00 for the first device or attach ent and �5 .00 for each ' ce or station. Permits sh�l be valid for one year additional devi a.n.d may be renewed under the procedure set �orth in Subdivision 2. � 395 .02. Subd. l . APPARATUS INSTALLERS LICENSE REQUIRED, No person shall install or engage in the busi essof installing any automatic electrical or mechan�aaeddo�iP�e°rec tdedmmessageato report telephone that reproduces any p � , \ t i; � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson In Favor Dalgliah Meredith Against Peterson Sprafka Tedeaco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: Mayor '� City Clerk - �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ✓� , � .�,� �� ` �� .. � , R � �� � � LECTRI7 SYS'T'EMS, /NC. 1245 PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 • TEL. 612-646-1805 T0: City Council St. Paul , Minnesota Legal Department � � � � � '�� � � City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota .,1`l�� ? 1969 FROM• L. G . Lindsay, Jr. , President eC}�'�����j����'1 c;0!�ris_!' � Lectro Systems , Inc . St. Paul, D4innesota RE: Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Installation of Alarm Devices Our company manufaetures and merchandises nationally a complete line of burglar and fire alarm equipment. We were the originators of automatic dialers for alarm and emergency message reporting over the re ular telephone lines . We were the first on the commercial market in t e United States with this particular type equipment and have sold more than any other manufacturer. Such background we believe provides us experience which should be considered before any legislation is enacted relative to automatic dialing alarm gear. The writer, as president and founder of our company, is unable to attend today 's hearing because of a prior commitment and urges that the matter be laid over for one (1) week , We believe that the police and fire authorities are entitled to some control over alarm installations - so long as same is not restrictive nor discriminatory - and, most important, so long as the public's right to low cost communications of alarm conditions is not prejudiced. Specifically, we believe that the requirement of annual permit fees of $100 and annual installers license fees of $200 are exorbitant . We believe that $5 per installation paid only once at the time of the installation should be adequate. Also specifically, we believe that the proposed ordnance should include any alarm installation which communicates directly or indirectly in any way with the public authorities . This would include special leased telephone line installations , radio transmission, or any other method. Manufacturers of EMERGENCY REPORTING EQUIPMENT LSAY ECTRO �-�,.��-� � ; .,� GUARD � Reporter J , It would be appreciated if the writer could have the opportunity of expressing his views at a later hearing. Sincerely, � ei���/ CV� r JulY 2� 1969 Mr. L. G. Lindsey, Jr., Pres., Lectro Systems, Inc. ,�.2�+5 Pierce Butler R , St. Pa,ul, Mi nn. 5510�+. De�r Sir: The City Cauneil t continu hird Readin� of an ordinance regulating the oP tic devices and attachments on telephones a�cl equipnent to report fires, burglaries and ot rge to Wednesday, July 9th. The matter will n cus at the reg�il.ar Ceuncil meeting at 1 . M. in t Co Chambers on that date. Attached for informat n ia a copy of' the ordinance as it was amended t . ��� Very truly yours, City Clerk A�/hp � , .� . '7 I st • 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app �Adopted / ��� _ Yeas Na�s �/ !v Yeas Nays Carlson ° 1;� .� � Carlson Dalglish � Dalglish Meredith Meredith Pe�� 244���-_� J Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne ��y��' � `. ��"`� � ���ies �'xr��:s3.i ���',��t��a&u�;t)