244630 � Oripinal to City Clerk ' . ORDINANCE 244�30 COUNCIL FILE NO � / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO , � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: i'An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various cla.sses of positions in the Classified Service of the City, t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Sewer Foreman I, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Two years� experience as a Sewer Crew Leader, or four years; experience as a Sewer Laborer or as a Sewer Maintenance Laborer. " Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alpha.betical order the following title, and specifications for Dietician -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against � Tedeaco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk ---� a or �� �� / , Form approved Corporation Counsel B �" (;��3/G� • i Ori�tnal to City Clerk " , - ORDINANCE �p COUNCIL FILE NO 24�� �' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �OZ� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. _3_ JUL 91969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � r� Favor Meredith p� O � Sprafka Against Teclesco �u L y 1969 Mr. President (B e) �pp v d: A st• . Ci C erk -� yor � �� ,�''� ' � Form approved Corporation Counsel B �et�s�r�, JUL 12 1969 � �����5 . . ��46�0 ���*l� os cta3�e r➢,�E' '�' �C S.�1 IvT �u�:ie� ��:nd responsibilitie�° �'n�ier $t�p�rvision� to per�orm e�i�:tician work in the �ureau of �ch.00l Cafetcrias; to a��ist in thc administratiun of �he school li�neh pro�ram; �nd to perform relate� work as assi�ned. �xa�plee of wo�k perforxnc�rl� �'o assist in a.�.���rminin� t�ie� q_uanti�;r nnr� quality o� food requi:�d� '�'o form�al�t� rnvn�a that rzx�ct ti�e es�abli�hec� foo�l valu� standaxds and requir��xneiats, '�o ;i�r� ar�vi�� rc«arclin; �t�� n�,txi�°xc�aal va1u� af variou� fcao�s an�i to rnak� nutr�.tic�nal analSrsis a� meal�a "�'o �tand�-rrii�� �•c�cip��e '�'o a��i�Y ir ir�sptic�in� t1�ae stora�;e� pxepara�ion and ser�ri�-� ar�as� 'To assist in t�i� pl.a.znin;Q a��i��inga and sup°rvisin�; of th� catpteria p�rson�el� �o assist xn grc��ring and maintainin� recox�l� pert:i.n�nt to the op�x a�i�n of �he s�h.00l lunell programo '�.'� as:i�'t in *�ramo�in� 7F�s� s�hool 1�:�n.c4z prograrn� `�o �rep�re r�nox�� anc� :�comxnenc�ations� 114inzmuas: �uali£i���ions; �olle,n,� g�•a�uation i.n ��om�� E�on�micsE wi�h xnajor in 1�i.e�etiCg, �tutr��ion� Food S�rvi��=, oY r�l,���c� fi��da, ��10 subs�itution for �cluca�ion:, ', oZ� , , . , : � • , 'l�. , ' , - . ; ����,��' - .. , r ,. . `....r`ai : � � � � Thia ca�dixaance! changes the rxsinimum quali;fi�atione� for lthe cl�s�s�i�cat#io�s of Sewer- �r±�mam I by including experience as a Sevver�M�i��a.t�c�,�Labc>re�r 9, Y. 8 _ :; � ' as uaiif �n expesriemce. _ _ .-�' � T�i.s ordin�ance also establiahes c��se spe:cifications fo�r �he���e� s • of Dieti�ia�n. .r �, . � � . - - . � . ,, �. . . .. . . - � . . ' i k`: - f\ ,� , , ti _ , : , \ ' ` '� . , `': . . ' '� -s '�� ' . � � � � � r,� _ ;s ,Y; � � I s+ 2nd 4' � Laid over to 3rd and app�_Adopted � Yeas Nays . Yeas Nays Carlson �rlson Dalglish �alglish Meredith ���eredii�h 2�4�e. . Peterson E �e#afse� Sprafka � �prafka (� � v Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. Presiden+ Byrne r. President Byrne O