244617 ORI6INA,L TO CITY CLERK �44f�1'� I ; CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE N��� NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TI N—GEt�i� FORM PRESENTED BY �� COMMISSIONE be F Peterson WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopa�ent Aathority af the City of Saint Paul is I planning on constrracting tqe EL R10 VISTA PARK SITE, Pro,ject No. MiAn. R-37 in the � COIiCARD TERRACE REI�EMAL AREA. and I(r MiHEREAS, Said park site constr'uctioa will eli�inate the need for existi�g 1� �bl ic seaers in 6i�EENM100� AVE. - fro� 20a feet south of Mi�ifred to Wi�tfred and 154 feet sw�th of Coagress to Congress; aAd pabt ic se�r i�a Mi1MIFRED ST. - fro� 60 feet east of 6reenwood to Cli�ton be abandc�ned as pnblic sewer, a�d MNEREAS, The !�c>asing and Redevelopwent Autbority has requested public sew�er in 6REElJMD�D AYE. - frc�na 24� feet south of Y in i f red to Mia i f red and 15� feet soutt� of ' Congress fio Coagress; and publi� sev+er in WINIFRED ST. - fro� 60 feet east of 6reehwaod tv C1 fnton be abaadoned as publ ic ae�rer, tberefore be it RES�LVEO, Tbat the Cour�c I i of the C i ty of Sa i n t Pa�r 1 , upoq recc�endat i c� of the Chief Engineer and tl�e Co�issioner of Publ ic VOrks, does l�ereby daclare tl�e fol lowtag publ ic sewers abando�ed for prrbl ic use: �bi ic sew�e� i� 6REEIMtlOD AVE. - f rc�aa 200 feet south of Wi n i f red tc Mi n i f red a�d i 5@ feet scwth of C�gress to Congross; and p�blic sewer in WINIFRED ST. - from 60 feet east of Greenvrood to Clinton be abandoned, and be it further, RESOlVEO, That as a .coc�ditio� for t�e abandoc�mer�t of said sevrers, al l work shall be done by a Cc�c�tractor responsible to apd paid:• b� tl�e HoWSing and Redevelop- iae�t Awthorit�r of Saint Paul , a�d be it fartber, RESOIVED, That a11 ma�lwle and catch basi�s fraaaes and castings ar� to beco�ae the property ef the City and ste�ekpiled in a conveniec�t loeation for pick-wp by City crews, and be it further RESOLVED, That the inlet uf the abaqdoned �ew�er tines into the �ac�Moles at tbe 6reenwood-Coagress aad Mi�ifred-Ci iatc�n intersections be bwikbeaded Nitb an 8" brick and A►asociryr balkl�ead and sealed water-tight, aad be it further RES�LVEB, Tbat upon completion of satd abandonments, the Contractor aotify City Sewer Mainte�nce for an inspection of said abandor�wents. �UN 2 4 1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �UN 2 �t � Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � n Favor Peterson ' ' Sprafk� J Mayor i Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �S d�N 2 $ �g�� ' �O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER • .����� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��ENC�� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��rt F"„ plet�sr�on COMMISSIONER DATF M�REAS� th� t�u�1 ng and I�rds�nsl�apn�ant Authar t ty of tla� C 1 ty of Sar i nt �'�u 1 i: planning on constr��ttng th� '�t �1� Vi#T!� I�AfUC �1�, �roJ�r�t t�a►. Mtr�n.-lk��7 i� th� C@NC0R0� TERRAC� �1�1iAt� AREA, and' MlI��A3, ��t� park ���s c�ona���t#at N111 sl ToTnste tba er�sd 1°c�t �acfs�ing pub 1 i� 'ser+�r� 'tn��ItE�l�f#!D Ati��. �» �rea�n 2pQ l�e,►at �out� of Vi n i#rod �o Mf r�1 f t�d snd i50 f�t soath of �Cvn�r�ass �c� C�graas; �� publ tc s�e�+ier tn WlNi�'1l�� ST. - fra� 6a faet �a�t of Creemw�od tc� �Gi�nt+m� i� �ban�risd a� p�bi tc sew�ar, �ad MtE1l�lA5, 't'tra Nousir�g �+� li�►�brrat�►p�sr�t A�tharity �as re+quaasted pub�1a a�e�sr la CttEEM�OD AY�. M frdm 2dG �'e�et sautt� arf M�i�i�r�d to M1n�lr�d �rc��i i� ��t soath of Congross to Conqross; a�nd p�b�1� �er tn'M#MifltER �T. + fr�m 6i� �a�t +�axt o� �reen�d to C1 intc� � abaridar�ed a� pubt i�c se�t. tl�erifor�► be 1t RES66Y��, Ti�t tbs �a�nc t i +of tha C t�y of Sa 1 nt l�a�i, apo� roce�a�n�t f e� of tl+� Chtef E�ginear and tl+� �a�mmissivn�r o� �bl ta Mork�� �►s her�rby ds�lar�a thr folla+tn9 pubi ta s�sMrsrs �b+a�ti�ard 1�or pabl tc uss: pnbt ic �r in 6R1[EM�DD AYE. • froa xAa fest south of Winl�rod �� '�ini�r+ad' aind 15f� fset �vwth �of Cbr�gres� tp Congresss and �bi ic �sa�r i�a M1�1l���i1". + from 60 f�et oaa# afr �re�rn�naad t� C 1 tnton b� absnd�ed, a��wd be 1t �arthar� It��.M�n, Tha�t as a� candt�Cl�rr �`Qr �ha� abanda�enan� of s+�i�d �wrr+ars�,�ai! wrk :l�a11 ba �lo„�r by a Contrattor raspon�ibla to aa� psyad by tMu lio�stag a�e+d la►daw►lop- iaent Authority of 3a�nt l��ui, �a�d b� tt fartl�r, IIE��Y�f�, 'that �11 +�anh�►ta �r�d !r�r►tch bas��s fraa�es and cas�taga� arm �o be�►t�e Lhs propsrty of tlr� City ��d sRo�kp11��! ln s �wnwaient Iqcation l�or pti�k�up by City ctews. �nd bs it`�ut'thor ' ' RE3al.YEO, That the ialet s�� �� abandcw�d sa+�wc 1 ie�ss in�e Ehs w�r�k�►i�es �t thee 6r�anw�d�Caagress and Mt�ri�r�e��+Glt�tan tntar�tl�s bs bu1l�a�d rftk� a� $" brtck and masdnry buik�rd i�nd a�aled waxsr*ikigh�, and bs ft further �301.11�D. That upar� r,�mpl+�t�+� d�" ��td �b�ndoe+�asnts, tl�s C�tra�tt+�r eMOttfy Clty Sawsr Natatenancs far an tnspa��ior► of �id abandanawat�. JUN � �+ ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson � � Dalglish Approve� '��� � � ���� 19— Meredith �� Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku � Maqor Tedesco - Against Mr. President, Byrne �