244608 � 244�0 8 � � ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����� NO. � CITY CLERK �. - APPROPRIATfON TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ' PER CHARTER SECTION 208 I PRESENTED ( COMMISSIONE r ` DATE 19� \ I • R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE j COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY i BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. I CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED I A P P O R T i O N E D 1 T E M FROM TO DR. CR. �559 R LIGHTING $ 238.74 �I o550-t�o � � 238.71� � YES (d) COUNCI LM EN (J) NAYS `uN 2 41'�g� J ,�n Carlson ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� a • n��.�sh .lUN 2 41�69 Meredith APPROVED �9 IN FAVOR Peterson Sp+W++� � ' MAYOR AGA I N ST Tedesco Joseph J. Mitchell COUNTERSj_GNED BY ry� �mp�4lLer _ �i)1t�� C TY CO ROLLER MR. PRESIDENT T3y � � ,� Z_,. ���� aty mptroller ,''r�tice CITY OF ST. PAUL Council File No. �44�;�v � �o NINNESOTA P rir_te r COUItiCIL R_,SOLI�PION 19 RESOLZ�D, t��at the transfers within funds of the various �ity Departments heretofore anproved t�T the Cit;.� Comptroller, as suc:� transfers of funds as of �!?.��ar��indicated in docwr:errts attached hereto and made a part hereof '�/ by reference, as fully as if the same were set forth fully and completely herein, are hereby approved� conies of the afarementioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk and in tre effice of the City Comptroller. J U N 2 4 1969 Adopted by tre Council 19 City Gamptroller ,�U� � u ����' . Apnroved 19_ By rt1I�I_ISt�� .lUN 2 8 1969