244596 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 244596 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. License Comtiiittee OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESO TI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY June 2�, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLV:�: That Application K-12666 for the transfer of on Sale Liquor License N�. 7017� e�irin� January 31, 1970� issued to Gerald J. Isaacs at 2210 Hudson Road� be and the same is hereby transferred to Uerald J. Isaacs and ftobert R. Dehart at the same address. ON SALE LI�Ut?R ESTABLISI�IVT T?3ANSF`L�i (In�dividual to partner:�hip) Informally approved by Council June 17, 19b9 ��N 2 41�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,�UN 2 �+ 1�69 Dalglish Approvecl 19—_ Meredith � �—In Favor Peterson � Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �t�f�I.tswf'� dIJN 2 8 1969 0 � � � . • CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL �C !/ ' Capital of Minnesota �.�7�� oLJe a�ti�ec�t o ab�ic c�a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FI$E PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Depaty Commis�ioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inepeetor June 17, 1969 Honorable Mayor and. City �ouncil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Current�y Gerald J. Isaacs is holder. of On Sale Liquor License No. 7619, and Restaurant, Tevern and Cigarette Licenses No. 7815, e�iring January 31, 1970, at 2210 Hudson Road. He has held the licenses as an individual since ?�ay 1967. Prior to this as a partnership since August 1965. �i^"� Application is made at this�for the transfer of the above licenses from him as an indivi.dual at 2210 Hudson Road to Gerald J. Isaacs and I�obert 3i. Dehart at the same address. �Ir. Dehart has been an insurance claims adjuster for the Aetna Insurance �ompa�r for a number of years. Very truly yours, �,� P�� _ � I,icense Inspector . i'�� f�� 4 � �n� U � �, 0 7 �1�9'"�.�..-�, � � � . - � . �L^'�- � �,�� ,� , ' _.�.__ ��f�� /_. �_ >-� ._ __..—. �, '... `� ."' �,—...-! __ f�`S _ � -`�i /--� � ' � � � � I ...` _._._ � 1 ~� _...` ��.1� \ ..._I . ,. - 1_...___�' : ;-�� t.: �! '�.1% y .:..��� �cJ �:c � � � i 7G� �. �=V�\i�-? STR��T � S�i. �AUL, ;�ii�i�. �:i i C�� ;� �� $ ��D,,1c' � c�� r�-��� `�i��V 1J�:� ,��-�.\ �c,=� .. ... .. .: . `,� , c3 ��1 �G-, _ n `' ��; � /. ��� �� c Jatz,y .��J � �-�.. +'�� �=L,-v:,,�'/j�G��,ti' MR. DANIEL �CLAUGHI.iN LICENSE INSPECTOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUfLDING ST. PAU1.� MI NNESOTA DEAR SiR: TKIS LETTER �S TO INFGRM YOU THAT ROBERT DEHART WILL BE A PARTNER UPON YOUR APPROVAL OF THE LlCENSE NOW IN THE NAME OF GERAID J. {SAACS� OOING BUSINESS AS THB KNIGHTS RESTAURANT. SINCERELY YOURS� GERALD .�. ISAACS / /`�' , .% / „ �� ! �_�j_ 1 � -�..:.'f��l �' .. .. .t'. _.. . <.- � � GJI/�H � • � CITY f1F' SAINT PA�7L DEPARTMENT �' PUI3LIC SAFETY I,ICENSE D�l'TSICJN , , Data � 19� 1. Applioatia�. fcr � �Lo�, . . LiQenae 2, Naa� of �pp].3aant .�t/ !�/ ,�I 3. Businesa addresa �� � /(> � U esidenae ��_� �J�v/fCt/ ;� � 4. Tre�de ziame, i� a�y 5. Retail Beer Federal Taa Stamp Retail i,iquor Federal Tax Stamp i/ �evi.11 be ueed, . 6. C� �rhat flaor located ��� Nzmaber of rooans used� � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �, ?. Betw�r�aext �iat cro$a atreets//z� � ,���Rhioh side of atreet �S.�d.�,� ___l�� 8. :Are prem,isva nax oacupiedl/Jp� �lhat businese Haw long ��►----- -^- _ _ . _ . 9. .Are premi�es noy�r unocaupied� Ho�vr long vacant Previous use 1 . �_ __...,. _ _ 10, �ro you a new rnmer_�`Have you been in a similar buaineas before� � '�here '�Phen ].1. Are you going to opere�te �his businesa person.ally � �. If not, �o wi11 opere��e it 12. Are you � any other businesa at the gresent ti�s /jf(j 15. Ha�e thare been any Qomplaints againat your oparst3an oP this type of p]ace Nher.� ilhe re 14. II�v� you ev+er had ar�y lieanse revoked �rj Rhat reasvn �,�1 date 15. dre qou a aitizan of the United States �gNativ�e�Naturalized /� � 16. 'Nhex� ware you born �'f, �q' c.l- �te of birth ��I�2 / L a2 3 � / � . , ....rr_. ._-� .. .-,-- --T--.--- 17. I am !/mQrried. My (wiPe's� (�nd�s}-na�ms and addreas is /� ( P /1 ��lO 1 C !/!Q � — � � � /�/, T(i I�(/ F�GC/ 18. (If m�rried female) my maiden name i� 19. Hor�r long l�av�e ypu lived in St. Paul � S . 20, He�ve you e�v�ar been arre�ted�iViolatioa of what criminal ]a�r or ordinanoe 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of $t. Pau1 G� Yes No• ' (Ane�r fu�.l a�d Qom letel . These a �liQations aro thorou hl chea�ad and an falsif aatian �rill be oauae for enial. _ _ , , , Z2, 14umber oP 3.2 plaaes within t�ro blooka �"�y� 23. Cloaeat intoxiaating liquor plaoe. Ori Sale� �ff Sale�2�,�,L� "'� ` �� �� Neareat School ��r,�.r. rc �° 24. Neare at Churah ��'%`?� . � ►,�,+ ,-. °; 25. Number of b�othe `� Tables�� Chairs '��° S`toola �• C=� 26. 'YY'hat occup�,tiori'have you follovred for �he past five yosarso (Give names oP employ�ers and datea so employed.) � �_ � � � ` a _��°�� �IT-V '^'1�j✓Y/' - �'�'ti' � �^t�(T�G��—' f 27. Give� �mes and addresee� o� twro persons, reaidents of Stb Pl�ul, M.i.nne, �rho csan giv�e information ooncserning youe Name 'l�`u�` ��' �'6.�� Addrs�s ��(�`-� � � �-Z�-�� . f � Nama ` _ �:.�,t'/y,G. �'��t.�i Addre a s < ?'-� � �:�!tdv�ru.�G -�-t-GE. 3i ture of pp iaan State of Min.rreaota� )ss C tjunt� of Ram$sy ) �� . _, ,� ,..,��� �-. ,� ;.. ; . ,�- . :� ; - , - , ;. �-� being first duly s�rorn, deposes a� say� upon oa t e ha� read the foregoing statement bearing his aignature and l�rnra the car�.tenta thareof, and that the a�m� ia �rus- of his o�rn lrna�+rledgs e�ccept as to tho�e mattera therein atated upan inform�tior� and belief and as to those m�tters he believ�ea them to be true. _. .� Si ture af 1lpplica Subsaribed and aworn to before �cea ' � � this. - day' of �._ 19�� . . j ., _ t �. o =°y Publia� � ey Countya ,innesota My Commission expires s T .. -�' ° � (Note� These statement forms are in duplicate. �Both csopiea must be fully filled outa notaritied, and returned tu the License Di�via ione3� DUROTHY J, MUNKELWIT2 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. �Qy�ommissior�FxP_�res Oct,25�].9ZQ a � - AFF ID.�V I.T B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR I,IQUOR LICEI�ttSE r = Re: :�,;., ; ,:,= Sale 4 _ ." � _=��`` Licsense Name of appiicant a ��--�- d�2 T susinesa adax°eas o2Q�1 Q 1(Jc-t ���iY1 �_�^_ — - - Are you the sole c+wner of this business? ,�,;� e If nota is it a partnership`� L:%�:,�, corporation? , o:�hsr? Others interested in buainess, include those by loan of' money, property or otherRrises Name , , 4- �-c� .:�,��� �►,..�.,� _� Addre ss,Y �` �� �' �c �,�:,�N�,���,. Hoe,r ' � �'� .,�.. .- If a corporation, give its na� Are you interested in �ny way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? �� As eole owner? Partner? Stoekholder? • Otheravise? (Through loan of mone,y, etc. Explai.n) Address of such business and nature of intereat in same Sig ture of applica State af Pdinnesota� ss C ounty of �msey , �' - � 3 bei.ng first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his a��vnn 1alovrledge, except a� to those Ynatters therein s�tated tzpon information and belief and as to those mat�ers he beliaves them to be true. �/��f\cn � UVVv ` Signature of applic nt Subsoribec�, and sworn to before ms this .: � day o£ 19 i �� �.9 F Notary ublic, Ramaey County, Minnesota My aammission expirea 19 ^ DOROTHY J. MU�iKELWITZ —'—Notary Public, Rams�y County, Minrt. M�Commission Expires Oc�25. 19�0 y i sTA� � �2nvrr�soTA) CO'IJI�TTY OF RAMSEY � S$ ;'j f4��.f � �°�. �!-(. !: �'� �� being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in conneation xith applieation for " '�:,'•,� Sale" liquor license (" Sals" malt bevera�e license) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State �f �!linnesota � and has resided therein for �� �� yeara9 mcmthsD arid is nrnrr and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rsaident of said State and that he now residea at �:�� - �'l,�� � _ �, 1;�. ;�-rYti-��„�.�..c,.. ,;s�=1;��" ;����,�, �Address � ' ' ' � , Minnes ota, City �r To�+rn 5ubscri.bed and sworn to before me this day of 19 Notary b1ia, Ramsey County, �:nnesota My commisaion sxpires , �L76R:_)!!-,'� ;. ;t�_�idKE:LWI't�' Notary Public, Ramsc�y�nuhtY, Mir�� ��Q����jcpires Oct 251 197 June 17, 1969 Hon. Wm. E. Caxlson Comsr. of Public Safety Public SaPety Bldg. Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin The City Council today inPormally approved the application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor Lic. No. 7617 and Restaurant, Tavern and Cigarette Lic. No. 7815, expiring Jan. 31, 1970, at 2210 Hudson Road, Pro� Gerald J Isaacs to Gerald J. Isaacs and Robert R. Dehart at the same address. Will yau please prepare the customary resolutions covering this niatter? Very truly yours, City Clerk n8 .