244595 -
� � � 244595
Resolution Appr�oving Assessment By— �
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and eac�en�e� for constrtictioa �r re- ,
coastr�ctioa af aida�alk� and �ork iacideatal theretos
Coatract i�-M-4322_ Histrict l�o. 1, Levp Uo. 2. _ _ _ ;
. . ._ ,.. _ _ ___ —_ _ ___ .. � ,
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+ �SES�A=Li! � I
1�.0. #236745 - Jacksen St., east side lra� Graaite St. to E. Sycaa�ra 3t. �
l.0. #236746 - Jackson St., east side frvw Cast Ave. to Si�s Ar�. ;
F.O. #236792 *� Jackson St., east aide fror� Si�s Ave. toYork Ave. j
�'.0. #236699 - Sylvan St., xest sidt Fro� Wisnipeg Ave. to the south approx. 141 tt.
F.O. �237085 - Stellar 3t., both sides frcR Atwater St. to Lytow place � '
F.O. #23679�4 - ltost Ave., so�th sidt frc� Matilda St. to 6altier SC.
F.O. #237192 - Atvater St., north sid• frerw Bice St. to Sieicoe St. �
F.O. #23�i11 - Mackabig St., both sidae froe� Van Er�ssn Ava. to Minn�haht Av�.
F.O. #236636 - Charles Ave., both sid�a frc� N. ChatsWOrth 3t. to 11. Milton St. '
1�.0. �236635 - Oxfard St., ��t sid� fro� Sh�rbnr�e Avs. narth approx. 140 ft.
..:�.f .;�,;.:;.. �.h,.,s. ..• .....:�. .. �... . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. - . - . . . . > .. , . . , . ._, I
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.. . ,.. . .... . :
i7Vl��lW�7�7a��L6�e�.'.,. ..... . � . ... . .' . - : . .� . . .. . .. _ . . ..
F.O. .#23b4�,�x-...4�i.�!1x+t�.St,, ws�1t siie frcn �ia��R�g,�Avs.. to the:sow�h .approx. 141.ft. _ . .
F.O. ��37485 - Stellar St., both sides frcrw AtMater St. to Lytoa ?lacs.
l�.0 r ���#��,1. �.Z�tactnl�ia S t., bq�h. a#�d�p. f�l1� g;�r��c�a AYt� .Co MiaD�b+�ha .Ave.. , _
F.O. #?,3b635,- Q�c�`ordsStve.��t4��edgr�S1��rb��n� Iv� �u rth app:rox�il/►Al�tt. , .
._. . - - _ _
_ .
' the a�ove improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same I
and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it '
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVE�D FURTHER, That a public hearing be had an sa.id assessment on-the 2���
day of Jn1Y, �9�� , at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, ata.ting in said notice the time and place of
hea�ing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assesaed against the iot or lots of'the particular �
owner to whom the notice ia directed.
.IUN 2 41�69
Yeas �r�san Nay$ Adopted by the Gouneil i
Daigiish �UN 2 4 1�69 I
Mereditrc '
peterson APP Ve� �
Sprafka ,
�'Y� Tn Favox' � '
Mayor '
Form R-2 2M 10.88 8a� `u AS'ainst �{}�S'� � 2 � �96'9 I