04-1104Council File # Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Committee:Date: RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached lease agreement with the Minnesota State Agricultural Society to lease portions of the fairgrounds including office facility (lobby, two offices, dispatch areas and restroom) on the ground floor of building #542 in Block 54. Adopted by Council: Date: f�,�ov�mj�.Zr a a00/� Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary: Ap� B � , Approved by , y�or: Date: l r� ��_ �� �/ Ap� ' '� r04-05.cr RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # �9 D -1 !D 206724 Director ��;��I` Requested by Department of: DEPARTMEN710FFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Po�i�e 10/14/04 GREEN SHEET No. 206724 CONTAC PER N PH N INrtIAIJDATE INRInLlDATE ChiefJohnHarrington 266-5588 1 ErnmMexrwrsECmrs� 5 crrrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP �cm'arrofu+Er �crr�c�xic � �. �r�nnnCIFLSERVICESDIR ❑FPIAMLYLLSEfN/ALCTG ��i . �MNYOR(ORA556TNH1) �XIIMANRIGNTS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLfP ALL LOCATtONS FOR S(GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolution authorizing the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached lease aa eement with the Minnesota State Agricultural Society to lease pomons of the fairgrounds for winter storage of motor vehicles 'unpounded by the Police Department for violation of parking ordinances. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reje[t (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis persoNfirm ever worketl untler a conVac[forthis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMIITEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. �ces this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent cdy employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targetetl vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INI7IATWG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNI7Y (WHQ WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1� . The Saint Paul Police Department will participate in keeping the Ciry of Saint Paul streets clear of snowbirds - aod parking violators during snow emergencies. � ���� N sV ? (3 ZQd& ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Depazhnent will provide storage for unpounded vehicles. ��°�'�4' �`�"'�T��� �� �,E��IV'ED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �,�yl„':.: •°""° , q Gg i� None. '��0� S `' zU�'� ��� � � ����h�� ���!�i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ' The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will not have enough storage room for impounded vehicles. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ See ag[eement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE 43 5-2405 1 ACTIVITV NUMBER 435-24051 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) Statefair04-OS cr ��� �t- � �l '�" STATE -%� ��> '_ THE GREAT MINNESOTA GET-TOGETHER TWELYE D YS OF F DING LABOR OAY �uthonty .�� LEASE NO. � TMS DEPT. LEASE NO. PD/32 DATE: Auaust 1. 2004 o�f- r�o� LESSOR: MINNESOTA STATE AGRICULTURAI, SOCIETY, hereinafter "Societv" Lessee: CITY OF SAINT PAITL POLICE DEPARTMENT, hereinafter "Citv of Saint Paul" [1] Leases Premises. Society, in considerarion of the payment of basic lease and additional lease payments hereinafter specified to be paid by City of Saint Paul, and the covenants and agreements herein contained, does hereby lease, and let unto the City of Saint Paul land owned by the Society described as follows: Portions of the Minnesota State Fairgrounds known as Block 54 including portions of an office facility (lobby, two offices, dispatch areas and restroom) on the ground floor of Buiiding #542 in Block 54 as shown in attached E�ibit "A," hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Premises." [2], Term of Lease: This lease shall commence and end on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. A. � Original Lease Term: Commencing date: October 15, 2004 Ending date: April 15, 2005 Lease Renewal Term: The City of Saint Paul, at its option, provided that it is in compliance with the terms of this Lease, may renew this Lease Agreement for the following separate renewal terms: Commencin� Date EndinE Date October 15, 2005 Apri115, 2006 October 15, 2006 Apri115, 2007 To exercise the renewal options, the City of Saint Paul must deliver a written norice to the Society prior to 7uly 1 in the calendar year the renewal term begins. Failure to exercise the option in 2005 shall terminate the renewal in 2006. 1265 North Snelling Avenue * St. Paul, MN 55108-3099 *(651) 288-4400 * FAX (651) 642-2440 * TTY (651) 642-2372 E-mail: fairinfo@mnstatefair.$rg * web: www.mnstatefaicorg � . � � , by - IrD�( [3] Use of Premises: The City of Saint Paul shall use and occupy the Leased Premises only for the winter storage of motor vehicles impounded by the City of Saint Paul's Police Department for violarion of pazlang ordinances. The Leased Premises shall be used for no other purpose without the prior written consent of the Society. Lease Pavment• A. The City of Saint Paul shall pay basic lease payments totaling twenty-four thousand dollars ($24,000), in advance, on or before the dates listed below. Basic Lease Pavment: PAYMENT DATE (s) October 15, 2004, 2005 & 2006 November 1, 2004, 2005 & 2006 December 1, 2004, 2005 & 2006 January 1, 2005, 2006 & 2007 February 1, 2005, 2006 & 2007 March 1, 2005, 2006 & 2007 April 1, 2005, 2006 & 2007 . TI_�u[�111►YY $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 2. In addition to the basic lease referenced in Paragraph [3], Secrion A.1., above, the City of Saint Paul shall pay the Society ten dollars ($10.00) far each vehicle nnpounded on the premises during each term of this agreement (not to exceed thirty thousand dollars �$30,000] per term). The City of Saint Paul shall keep accurate records of the number of vehicles impounded and provide such information to the Society on or before May 1 st of each year, for the preceding lease terxn, along with the appropriate payment. Utilities: The City of Saint Paul shall be responsible for urility chazges such as gas and electric that is consumed while �ccupying the leased premises. Periodically, tku�oughout the term of the agreement, the Society will invoice the City for actual gas and electric utility charges at the rate the society is charged by the utility company. 4. Lease Pavments: The City of Saint Paul shall make all lease payments to the Society at the following address: Minnesota State Agricultural Society 1265 North Snelling Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55108-3099 Attn: Events Dept. The applicable account number for the City Finance Accounting Code is 2 oy- ��o� [4] RiEht of Entrv: At all rimes during the term of this lease, Society shall have the right, by itself, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Leased Prexnises during reasonable business hours to exainuie and inspect the same, provided that such enhy does not interfere with the conduct of the official business of the City of Saint Paul or compromise their security of the Leased Premises. [5] Insurance: The City of Saint Paul shall acquire and keep in effect during the term of this a�eement the following coverage: (5.1) COMI�IERCIAL GENERAL LIABILTTY INSURANCE including blanket contract liability coverage and personal injury liability coverage with a limit of liability not less than those provided in Minnesota State Statute 466.04. Such insurance shall (a) name the Minnesota State Agricultural Society as additional insured; (b) be primary with respects to City of Saint Paul's insurance or self-insurance; (c) contain a standazd cross liability endorsement; and (d) contain no aggregate policy limit. City of Saint Paul agrees to provide Society 30 day's written notice of any material changes in its insurance program. (5.2) City of Saint Paul shall supply to Society current insurance certificates for policies required in Paragraph (5.1) and (5.6) prior to the lease term commencing date each year hereunder. (53) Nothing in this lease shall constitute a waiver by the City of Saint Paul of any statutory limits or exceptions with respect to liability. (5.4) The City of Saint Paul shall be responsible for the self-insurance of, or the acquisition of Commercial Property insurance, on its personal property, improvements and attaclunents on the Leased Premises. (5.5) The City of Saint Paul is self-insured under the laws of the State of Minnesota for the purposes of tort clauns against the City of Saint Paul. (5.6) Automobile Liability Insurance. City of Saint Paul will provide automobile insurance with a limit of liability not less than those provided in Minnesota State Statute 466.04. Such coverage shall (a) name the Society as an addirional insured and (b) contain no aggregate policy limit. The City of Saint Paul agrees to give the Society thirty (30) days written notice of any material change in its insurance. (5.7) The City of Saint Paul is responsible for any and all claims arising out of bodily injury or property damage to impounded properiy in the caze, custody and/or control of the City of Saint Paul. (5.8) The City of Saint Paul shall provide Society with satisfactory evidence of worker's compensation insurance as provided by Minnesota State Statute Chapter 176 prior to the lease terxn commencing date each yeaz hereunder. [6] Notice: All notices herein provided to be given, or that may be given by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on Society or 3 oy- ��o�} City of Saint Paul, or when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to the Society at the address stated in paragraph 4. on page 2 or to the City of Saint Paul at the Real Estate Division, 140 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address to which notice shall be mailed may change by written notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. [7] Assignment and Subletting. City of Saint Paul shall not assign or sublet this I,ease without the written consent of the Society, which consent must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement to sublease the premises. [8] Maintenance and SecuritV: City of Saint Paul shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible for the maintenance and security of the Leased Premises, including snow removal. The Leased Premises shall be kept in a clean and orderly condition at all times. [9] Surrender of Premises: The City of Saint Paul, at the expiration of each term, or upon sooner termination of this lease, shall quit peacefixlly and surrender possession of said property and its appurtenances to Society in as good arder and condition as the property was delivered to the City of Saint Paul. City of Saint Paul shall restore the lease premises to their original condition at the conclusion of the lease term. Restoration, if necessary, sha11 be completed by April 15�', of each year. [ 10] Indemnification: Each party agrees it will be responsible for any damage or injury incurred by any person or property, including the parties hereto, from claims, suits or judgments of any character arising directly or indirectly from its acts or omissions in perforxnance of activities under this Lease to the extent authorized by law. Each party shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the other party and the results thereof. The liability of the City of St. Paul shall be governed by provisions of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act and other applicable law. The foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover injuries or damages, which arise from conditions on the grounds or property of the Society of which the Society had actual or constructive notice. [l l] Holdover. Any holdover after the expiration of a term of this Lease shall be allowed only after receiving the written consent of the Society, and shall be deemed to be a tenancy only from month—to-month. All other terms and conditions of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. [12] Pollution and Contaminants: City of Saint Paul agrees to comply with all ordinances, laws, rules and regulations enacted by any governmental body or agency relating to control, monitoring, inspection, remedial acrion, abatement of emissions of air and water contaminants and the release or disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes as a result of City of Saint Paul's use of the Leased Premises. City of Saint Paul shall beaz all costs and expenses arising from compliance and remedial environmental actions that may be required by said ordinances, laws, rules or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless Society from all liability, including, without lunitarion, fines, forfeitures and penalties arising from the failure of City of Saint Paul to comply with such ordinances, laws, mles or regulations only as a result of the City of Saint Paul's use and only during its terxn of occupancy of the Leased Premises. 0 o�J- iio�{ [13] Controlling Lease: In the event there is any prior existing lease or rental agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Society (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject property, it is agreed and understood that this lease shall cancel and termanate any prior leases or rental agreements as of the effective date of this lease. [l4] Comuliance with Laws: The property described herein may be used for only the purposed stated herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the City of Saint Paul in its use of the property to comply with all laws, rules regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdicrion affecting the use to which the propezty is proposed to be put. The Society shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations or ordinances by its agents, employees or other tenants. [15] Liens: The City of Saint Paul sha11 not permit mechanic's liens or other liens to be filed or established against the Leased Premises for labor, materials or services furnished in connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, repairs, renewals or replacements made to the Leased Premises, or for any other reason. [ 16] CitV of Saint Paul obli�atious: The City of Saint Paul sha11 keep the Leased Premises clean and will not allow any condifion to exist that would create a nuisance or hazazd, or that would increase the rate o£insurance on the Leased Premises. City of Saint Pau1 shall not in any manner, deface, injure or permit defacing or injury of said Leased Premises or any part thereof. City of Saint Paul shall, at its own expense, repair any injury to the Leased Premises, other than ordinary wear and tear, that has occurred during the term of this lease. [17] Alterations: The City of Saint Paul may, at its own expense, install temporary fencing, to be removed by April 15 of each term, at the east edge of the leased premises. City of Saint Paul shall make no other alterations to the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of the Society, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If the City of Saint Paul desires to make such alterations, an accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the Society and if approved, such alterations shall be done by City of Saint Paul at its own expense. All such work shall be performed under the Society's supervision and any improvements made to the Lease Premises by the City of Saint Paul shall become the property of the Society at the end of the lease period. City of Saint Paul agrees that all alterations will be done in a workmanlike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, and that no liens will attach to the premises for reason thereof. [l8] CitV of Saint Paul's si�n: City of Saint Paul may, at its own cost and expense, provide and install signage to identify the site, provided, however, that the size, design, location and manner of installarion and placement of said signage shall be subject to approval of the Society. Said sign shall be removed by April 15 of each term. [19] Office Space: City of Saint Paul shall haue access to the first floor office area in Building #542. The cost for electrical and gas services for such office space is the responsibility of 5 D�{- l l D� the City of St. Paul and the costs shall be prorated based on the City's use and sha11 be billed directly to the City of Saint Paul for payment to the Society. [20] Citv of Saint PauYs Personal Propertv: Society shall have no obligation to repair or maintain any personal property or equipment brought into the Leased Premises or installed therein by the City of Saint Paul for City of Saint Paul's purpose, and City of Saint Paul shall be pernutted to remove said personal properry upon termination of this Lease. City of Saint Paul shall, at its own expense, repair any damage to the Leased Premises caused or created by the installation or removal of said personal property. [21] Amended: This Lease may be terxninated, or the provisions of this Lease may be amended, only in writing and by mutual consent of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands with the intent to be legally bound hereby. LE^�"" Cit� BY Its: DA BY ItS: Financial Services Director DATE: �_ City Attorney (ft St.PauIImpoundLot BY: ITS Chief of Attachment — Exhibit A Kodak ds digilalscience° � %1 , + ! � 5 l { � � t 1 i i e 70 P.aB Z,�_ � T S �� � EXFIIBIT A �I � �� J �.�.J.u � ... i= , o � y_ ;L� i o�- ii�{ Mntt - The nttached document is n building nnd land lense between Police nnd the Minnesotn State Fnirgrounds. This lease provides spnce and location for the City's "Snow Lot". The snow lot is n second space to store and process impounded vehicles. It operntes during the winter. This lease sets terms for October, 2004 thru April, 2007. The last lease we hnd set terms for October, 2001 thru April, 2004. It's time to renew. Rent - the rental terms nre nearly identicnl. The only difference is thnt April is now rented at $2,000. The 2001/2004 lease set the rnte for April nt $4,000. The rate is less becnuse the lensor wnnts us out earlier. The old lease gnve us till April 30 or Mny 15. Now the out date is April 15. Utilities - the 2001/2004 lease did not include utilities. The 2004/2007 states the city will pay for all utility costs we consume. The lense has not yet been reviewed by the Attorneys. I spoke with Dave Nelson. He said xaeae. �� , l I 15�Q � ✓�j _ ���� � � �/� � � �� /`� � � `�n,�,� ,as,� � m