244567 w 24456'� ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WF�REAS, the Department of Parks and 8ecreation and Public Buildings intends to construet an exhibit building at the Como Park Zoo referred to as a Primate House; and 4�'HEREAS� a portion of the coastruction costs are to be financed from an admission fee to the Primate House; and WHG}� � , it is necessary �o guarantee the fi.nancin� of sai.d constru�tion should the admission fees prove to be insufficien�; now, therefore, be it R,�S�LVED, that the net profits of the Park Refectories be pledged as a guarantee of final settlement of the financing of the Primate Hou�e if aclmission fees prove insufficient after two years of operation. RM APPROV' rporasioh G'ounsei JUN 2 4 1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays ,lUN 2 �+ 1�69 Carlson Dalglish Approvec� 19—_ Meredith �In Favor Peterson ' Sprafka (� Mayor A gainst ' Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne rynll.fSHES JUN 2 8 196� 0 DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER 2�445�6'7 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 1�� �iii ��r`i1��11" M� � �� ��lr�� �� �YWii�� $ttiild3�+� la��a�r '�i �sxr�r'au�� �zz t�tbit D�.a�ng a� t�it �of �ie�rk �or �t*ater� �+a► �us re ��et�rr �e�r i au�d �, a �'��.�n �►� 't�t �s'��ua�itu� +oc��s �rs "to b� �+�ed #r+a�e a�r �u� te�r #� �uir �m�t�+� �t�e; an,d �, 1� � r�a�� � g��N � �aa�s�n�i� i►t �d v�s��aoti�a� a�� �r a��a►� �s+�r �avi te� b+� #��et�,�t� �w, the►zvttoz�f be �� R�0?��1� t�,� �he r►a� ,�r�'l�s ef thrr �erk R�l�ro'1r��li�►e b�r pled,�d as a guarant� c�i �. ea��m�a1t a! i�►s .�a��tiag �� t� ll�ri��a Ho�se if a,�Lrsi� �'eRe� p�rc►�►e �t�+�i+e�i� a!'�� tvvr� ysart� o�' +�r+���. �, �)� � � 19�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�l— 19— Yeas Nays �;�� � t� ���'� Carlson Dalglish t`"'� Approved 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafka Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne O