244549 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL N0. A9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL L TION-G L FORM COMM SS�IONE RObE2"r T WH�REAS, The City of Sa.int Paul and the County of Ramsey have entered into an agree�ent dated April 7, 1969, for the widening and paving oP �1HITE SEAR AVffi�JE f`ro�a Iclaho Avenue to Larpentevr A�enue, designated by .the City of Saint Paul as Pro�eet No. 69-P-49?B a,nd by the County of Ramsey a8 S. A. P. 6�+-020-09; BE TT I3ESOLfTED, That the plans and specifications �,s prepared by Ramsey County are hereby approved and Ramsey County is herebq authorized to ad.vertise for bids. !UN 2 0 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �'Carlson ��� � � ��� �� �._ A proved 19— Meredith J Tn Favor n'rvri.r.rifm- . � Sprafk2 Mayor Tedesco -�-�--Against � ��."���.�,-'°�;�� PUBLISHE9 dtll.V 21 1969 Mr. Vice Pre�ideat (1'eterson) ��