245392 OR161NAL TO CITY GLlRK �����/_ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��''' F C O`F THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ CO S TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J�gg J, gli Ol': omptro BI�er08. �iitchell) �13g. 26. 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF W�, �rdinance No. 325o authorises and prov3dee Por pa,yment for overtime �rork� and �RB�IS, the City �omptroller has anthorized ov�rtime work im his departmeat during the period of Angu,st 9, 1969thrn Auga,at 22, 1969 therefore be it� 8ffiOL�D, that the proper City Officers ar� hereby authorized to pay the enployeea aho perfor�ed anah ov�rti�e Mork in accard�snce with the provisieaa of Ordinances �o. 6446 an�d No. 3z5o. � t AUG 2 6 1969 C(�jUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish AUG 2 b 1�69 Approved 19— �_ / Meredith - In Favor � Peterson • a Mayor ' Tedesc A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� AUG 3 019� . . v � �g H�� • �`�. ^� �C � ' �2a . �-�' ��' ; �3� � '-�. , . ",�,�°: ...x�► . ..qa�.._... . , . . ��� ... �'t. � � �� � � _. ., ,'��