245364. .� �.-_ , . , , 24535� FINAL ORDER COUNCZL FIL� NO. By File No. ��''"a _ _ In the Matter of � ai Ntl�l,1� M�i1� �� #��!"� th� �11� #a . �Mit 7�, �tl, �t ��t�t�rM 4 ��'i ll�tit�r �r �S t�l► �t � tta�r�t�. l� '` �e�t a �?�rnr l�r�t �rt�►rat+�ar ��+r sw ti� sil�► art #�r ar� rs�t e+r ir �, - ��; e�►�af�ri � +ww��t �t a� trst 1)� �l�c 7,�et !�, �+r�rl�r �► �1l0►��,� ��. �u under Preliminary Order $��l�� approve� ,��� �s–�� . Intermediary Order .approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due.notice, and the Gouncil h�aving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ;r� provement ta be made by the aaid City is t. 1G0 � #� a11�'� 1i�t1! 1�,t1� #��il t�M! �� � #� �� �l � �i'►���r �1 � '��wt �i' �a�e Q�s �► ��M �t�rtr. A�'� +lwi�� i M�w�t fs� �r� � ;. •� w�a�s ��► � +I�t +�l�q► �pwi itr at �wr�t t� i�t +ri#�� �w►�, �dr a�r! �,. �_ k'. asx^�rrs �rt 1l�, �i�rrit 7� �watl �t '�+�riiwre �I �1lh#. - o-: _ �`�.. , and the Counci� hereby orders sa.id improvement to be made. RESOL�VE�D FiJRTHE�t, That the Commissianer of Public Works be a.nd is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for ' agproval; that upon said approval, the prap�er city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , AUG 2 6 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci �— Yeas Carlson Nays Dalglish App ed Meredith � �`�-.�' 3fka --In Favor • �' i2SC0 ' 1Vlayor r�s v 0 1969 ,:: ,s ��'�' ���;��`��� A PUBLISHEO AUG 3 Mr.Ytcs Presldeat (Peter�on) $BdriSt 6-68 EM 8a� R-1 ; ,. . . � ' 1 �7�Di 245�s4 ��4 2���� < OFFICE OP THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS /�'�`+� �► �-e, ,� i�AY 1969 ,� RE�E��ED `��� REPORT TO CONMiSSIONER OF FINANCE _ �� '.:! DEPT, a �� �_, F.j.N�CF »,� , f E .;,� ����i �� �`,�� .,- ,.�. May 22, �g 6� To the Commissfoner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Publit Works, having had under conside�ation the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 242922 approved April l , 19 69 relative to 9rading and surfacing with bit�sninous material the al iey in BLK. 7, HAZEL PARK DIVISION N0. 4 from White Bear Ave. to Van Dyke St. ALSO construct a sewer for storm water purposes in the alley and in an easement to be obtained on, under and across Lot 19, Blk. 7, Hazel Park Division 4 (�-1905) '� and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 7,300.74 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X . � Comm i s s i one r of Pub 1 i c` !cs �,/'2'�. � �� g� �-�,. rn!!"a� :��. .ti-��x •��}�.��r����.�. .. ,C ,�',,�/�/� � � . 'T�i.t ��y��: 1�}���#��,`'''�Ji�k����'"����1¢g��y��ra Y� p ` 5 � ��t�,J/a^��!'_', ir�w/ �i�.N"L� +�.� r � y:.� � r { a .: n i ,��¢ i'� ,� � P..a .. fF'��— !/•..— . d. n?: � Ii 4 C t�i � '�: .. � . .. � . � � d��M r,j 12� � r!': ,.��, �iM�f� +,t ai�.F "� "�.y� � � !�•� . . - � . � ,� � f r� �' �,;i ���t+, .��',r� � ;� 1�•�:��! .. , .r,/�'�� '. . .'W. .._ � ��� `'�� ' 't ;i���`!"' r�" - ��'`%�i`'i 6• �/�i�L C ,- � ��` a �rt �, I /i ���`���� " �`` . � . . . � ... . . ��(. • � �� � `� �/ � �� �. ' � ��s : _ ,� �� / �`��� �l � �e�` F+a-bruary 13, 1969 '/ . ���Y� ��� � John H. Barsett, Sr. � 182I S�at Seventh St. . St. Paul, Mi.naeaota Comm. 8obert F. �terson Co�iaeianer of Pfi�blic Worke St. Pau2 Couxrt Houee S�. P�wl, Minn�eata . � Dear Sir: The.following property or�m�rs a�oining the alley running F�ast arid West betaeen l�ite �ear Ave. sad q8a Zsjrke requeet that said alley be graded xith aewer aonnectiona, making it as near the present gratie a$ posaible, $o that garegea in the center ot the block will not have to be reouilt. , �', Sinoerely, -'/� _ . . . �1 �/� ,�/'W• •�+�����•�� -✓ � J023R $• �I'@tr*r� �'s � iC.� � .. � � J�j/rb �!2-��-' 2�2.,�� � c �-�� �� � �• ��� - / 7 �� -fC • � �,�� � r��C"�=.� 2���� ��� ��.� �� ������ • � ���� a� � � �.�' �,�� � � � � ° � - /��� ������ , � " ��9s���� � ������ ,, � . - ��a� ��-��" � �� � � �� � � �j� �, �� � /!'` ,5 - � , � �Y��� � � ) - /�� i- �= ?� . � ,,. r �� , < _ �<��i���'��,.�,�..e�L. � /,� , / - `��� ` y�� r ��� ����. �c �� � � �-.� /�� � � ��� .��� � � _ . a�_�`- 7 1 . ' ' /� , � �.�2���2� /����' '' /3-��-��� � � ° , �,; . - • ,.. . - }�`�#�4fN+�sS;� 7,�r���ifis4r c �,'. a . . .. . � � � �.. . . -,'.'w, �r'i�������q���; ',,�'.d+'q'�� ,1i. �� F �( � #,r S rv � '.x�'� � ' � � . � �, _ . h i��' ° � 4;7 � ,d'n�i a�na .P�J ::j z'j!�l . � ' �..�� - � � t � _ . .. � � � �,{� " � � ��;': i� ' 1 .:�� e . \�f ��( .. . .. . . .. �� 7 i �,', �r . �� �` ' .. .. . � �+ i i< - � �) . �. L . , , . +�i. � 1 .- .. . ». 9 � . ., , ;: , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � : . , � �� fi `_ MINNESOTA , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 . F:�ust 8, 1969 � � John H. and Ann J. Barrett 1533 York Street St. Pau1, Minnesota 55106 File 17401, Page 4 You are hereby notifie3 that the Council of tha City o£ SC. Paul will ., hold a public hearin� in t�ze Council Cha^�bers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. , on August 26, 1969, on the advisability of proceeding with Preliminary Order 242922, approved April 1, 1969, and Preliminary Order 242923, approved April 1, 1969, which proposes to: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 7, Hazel � Park Division /� from White Eear Avenue to Van Dyke Street. Also construct a sewer for storm water purpo�es in the alley and in an ease- ment to be obtained on, under and across Lot 19, Block 7, Hazel Park Division 4. (G-1905) Also chang�ng the grade of the alley in B1oc1L 7, Hazel Park Divfsion � from t��ite Eear Avenue to Van Dyke Street, to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the DepGrtment of Public Works. Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral eup�ort from subject l�.nd or remainder thereof,,�ccasioned by excavations thereof or construction � � of slopes in the gra3�ng and sur`acing with bituminous material the alley in Block 7, H�zel Park Division 4, fro�i Whit� �ear Avenue to Van Dyke Street. • T�:e esti�►ated asses�ment is $6.92 per assessable foot, ba�ed on an estimated cost of $8,104.24. If you wish detailed info�atioa regarding this proposed improvement, you are invited to m�et with the technical adviso�s in F�oom 286, City Hall, at 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. , the same da� as th.e hea;.•ing. You may also telephone 223�-4139 for construction information or telephone 223-5241 for assess::�nt in€ormation. J�MES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance � . � � , "��� f 'E �; , �'„ } ._.__.. , iv',.�'A''�i`�;�.4"�r�¢'""LYj7�.b'�'T'},�3Syi.'!7"vp�{� �S>fiYn'�''�1'� P�,�,��'��"",iA,'�4�'� t � > � � � r .,J a _ , - _ { � .2 ' I �.;. � , �`J �WS{�.l..lA�'!�ONOVAN• �"r '� �F`� ,A � 223 53F1 ' + 4 � �4�kQtion��Eng,ineer � , � � �` .� ,: �.. , : ., � � , . � � � � CITY CJF SAINT PAUL � ' ;�ROY �: B�iEDAH�; J� . . , :F.� ,, ;:'�,Ass;t,Volubtion Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS f � 286 City Hall ` Saint Paul, Minneso4e 55102 •.4 � . _ . .. . . . ,. JulY 23, 1.969 Mr. Grege Beckett Loca1 Improvements Engineer ` Department of Public Works C3ty of Saint Pau1 Deax Mr. Beckett: Set £orth herein is information pertinent to the property assessment for the proposed public improvement described as: G1905 Grade and Sur�ace the a,lley in Block 7, Hazel Park Div. �+ u.ndex° P.O. 2�+2922 �pproved Anril 1, lg6g. The total estimated amount recoverable by assessment is $7,604.2�+ based on �he fol.lowing: rst,imated �ra.ding cost (per P.�d. report 5-22-69) $7,300.7�+ Valuation and Assessments Service 1�+6.00 Fst. publication, Court, postage & misc. costs ].57.50 Estimated Tota1 Atnount to be Assessed �7,60�+.2�+ Fstimated Rate per Assessable Foot �6.92 Ba.sed on the abave, the hearing on the advisability has been tentatively schedulecl for Au�ust 26, 1959.. V�,y �y,yours, � � I �� (�� , , Roy�. Breda.hl, Jr. �� , �� �` Ass't. Valuation Engi.neer R�B�lo Fa.le No. 17�01 cc: R. Wheeler F. Cros,rley!- � _ I I ' :C --- - /f1/I` — , -.-,-- • _f-- i � I � • . ' w S �. I . . 1 E � Q � I , :�i�b� s'� n� o�/ � � '� � e . . J�' � • Q► � � . � � � �t . ��.d ; °; e �`� � �2 , � N�Oc'iOn � ���Q i � � 0 � , , c, J G , , . � �, Q� � � � � � . . I . � . � � � . ; • � � f ; � W w . � . ; � � � � � � � W °� � ------� � -- e ___------- .._-_ --- --. ; . c►� � '1s_ ��2d;y � " . ; � . � i . \� I � , , i � ; ; ; �� i ; � , i � ���� � . � � i �;; ! � ' i' � �; ' : � . !� ; ; � � � j I � : � . � � � � i � ► � ' �, .,� . i" � ,i ' i � .. � __ , � I .� I i ; ' � � � { 'J+ � � I �� , i . ;. , � , i � � I 'ls -- .�►1�.10 Nb'�( ' , , ., ' � � � � . � , � Z � ; . � � - h h ,�, } W � � , V � o v h a v� � � _':� � � h � W . ,.;' . . . ` t i � ; 3.i1 d �d.�� �71/f1�11 , • � , . ,. � ' � } I l ` t . h �. F . �i .. , -;� , . ' ` '�`� ..� � ....- . .. �� C" �_a.� � . ,B� . r..� F . .. �'� °;�s�k'�, " r � �i .i � � , , . .. "�`' e'� � .b � �1 ��� , . . �. w . ,�' � �� � � �� . 'C..A�tE' ��AS`� ". , � � . �.,. f2'd�';�'_e.. .: . .. .._ 0� X2 .T iS3t3 � y �tj( . �� ?� 1 ��^�� RICHARD A. SCHNARR ��" � '° ��TW �.w .:a C I T S�A I I� l� L� �� ' " . �. � _� � � ;� CHIEF EN6INEHR y, r' p . p � �� �Q�P T�� .. _. � .,.. .�,p� °f� � . , . � �. �� ��;al�'of 'Iv�inne� �, �,� `� : ;�r ; , r _ . � ,y,:F. ,. , � �� � -- `� �., � ���� -., � �; `•�"_ ��, �"^ :,�� � �. � � a � , . ` .� � ;k, i � � +?�� _._ � �� ��"� 2 � �" � DEPARTMENT O S ��� � � � � ' � ��..: > .< • - � � � � � � Y � �; � �� . r,.. ..t A�_ ". ��y �f�� ffk� 'k�i4� �. , . . , L ,.. �: � � � 1 0'� ��, �� �;. �� �� '��"o� s � � 'p � -�k�k� � � ��� ��i b�Y3 aesa ,�s� 4' '�'° �a � @ � � �r� _ ks �r. 3 s #� 1��r trtt I t � . t � �• � � �� , E . } ������A�� . . �. , ;rd g�! £ xPt ]t` ?PV� >, b�. � y �,, y r � F ..� ` ... .�� k ft T�. �^a.��:,Y� � ����e � . . �,� i t�,? `�=���xyx p� �`���+'" ...,. - - fSIQRBR�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,��,. #..'�� f :. , �� , �` w �� b� e rse���ga ,.. -----".,...""«" "trg�j� � :�a� � a�:i � �;� , • �,.�. .�y,� '� , �� � ���, x t��} � ,+Nt rs _fi fi J :' � �`n -..-'----..^^^"' '� .. � '�.�" ,�"'.7�1 . . , 4� . - d r�`:y . � .,. �p ¢ . .. 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' ` ��Y"a�t�s 1rer�y tr`r��y, . , � t�beer� �. ��rtr��n �+ai����►t��� 0f �►��+� ���t ,. �'#�J'C�l�r �;� �s it���r�pl" l��+!�It�r , ��K��b ��i��� ���� . � �r� �+��t�t�r�1 , , , � �