245359 ORIGhYAL TO CITY CL6RK 245359 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r,zcLl1s�, co��u1��1�r�, OUNCIL ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.U�11Sti 2�, 1969 COMMISSIONE ✓ pqTF 1�OL+TID; That application for Kestaurant, On and Off �a1.e ATalt �3e�Teraoe, Bowling (8 Alleys) and Ci;arette Licenses, applied for by Roger L. Uahl a.nd JaMes F. Peterson for 1135 E�rcade Street (Basement) be and the same axe hereby granted on the condition that withzn .�days of this date said Ro�er L. Dahl and James i, Peterson shall cornply ca itti al]. require:nents of the Bureaus of Fire� Fiealth� �d Police� and th.e License Inspector pursuant to the St, Paul Legislative ,'".ode and all other ap�licable ordinances and laws. �i261969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19� Yeas Nays �A� � � �9�� Carlson Dalglish Approve 19— Meredith �n Favor , Mayor Sprafk� ___��_Against Tedesco �_�::_,:: Pu��.isH�� AUG 3 01969 ���� . ::;�t::.: Mr. V#ce President (Petarson) ��'�� �i � . ... .. . .4:F � � ' � � . � .. . � . . Y i. . .i. d _ ....� - � '' . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Cspital of Minnesota ����� �e a�ti�e�t o kb`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POL[CE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Dcpaty Co�pmiasdoner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Lteensc Inspeetor Au,sust 26, 1969 Honorable P�iayor and City Council Saint Paul, ��Iinnesota Gentlemen: Roger L. Dahl and James �. Yeterson nake applica�ion for Restaurant� On and Off Sale Tvlalt -3everage� Bowlin�; (B alleys) and Cigarette licenses for 1135 Krcade Street (�asement)� which is on the �'�est side of the street between Jessamine and. Geranium Avenues. This location has been licensed for a similar k�azsiness since 1951. The present licensee� Donald �Z.Carlson, has held the licenses since tiugust 196c?. There are no other 3.2 establishments taitl�in two blocks. The closest Qn Sale Liquor place is half a block and the closest Off �ale Liquor place is one block. '�he nearest sehool is three blocks and the nearest church is also three blocks away, NIr. Dah1 has been emnlo�red at the 3-M Company since 1956. Pir� Peterson has been emplo;;Ted at t;he 3:�7 �ompany since 1961. Very truly yours, License Inspect O CITY �F SAINT PAUL DEPARTI�NT OF PRT$LIC SAFETY T,ICENSE DFVISION Da te� - � �+19�� 1. AppZioatiar�. fo� ,��t�,.1,'�/ q _t-_ �, � _ �ALT ' R�ll� ��i / e. �+ �F'FSAIcI�iaenae 2, Name of �pp�.iaant D �e r � J�r9 h � � 3. Buaiaeas addreaa��/ � ^c,Q��, 8esiclen�s /3�p ���rr, A�E: 4. Trsda �me, if ar�q �rc A d e, � �) ,` �,� A 1L��-S' 5. Retail Beer Federal 2ax Stamp�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p���i11 be uaed. 6. {�i xhaia floar laoated t�'. AS e m e�,'� Number of roc+ma used� �� C�G�SRmiNer -T- 7. Bet�resn �at Grosa streets Ger�`�::u � �� � �iieh side o� strea� (�eS / 8. J1re premiaee nrnv oovupied�lPhat busineae�Qw�,' u T,__, Hrnr lmng l��s, _ 9. #re premieee now un.oaoupied�_HovQ long vacant �--� Freviatza u�e — 10, Are yuu a new OM1Ax eS �4A you been i.n a simi]ar buainesa be£ure /l�d '�there -- 'OPhen � J� . _ _ _ - r 11. dre you going to operate �his businesa per�onallq �/�� If not, uho will oparate it — 12. Are you ix�. any other buaixtess at the present ti.me �� � . 13, Save thars been any aomplaints again�t your opa rati an oP thia type a� p1,e�cse /(�� When i�he re � 14, H�v� you ev�er had any licenae revo]aed ,(JQ l�st reason and date - - � 15. �re you a Qiti�en o� the IInited States��Rativ�e ye�_Naturalized 16. llhere were you born ST, Pg t. L , Aate of birth l��l -�7 . r .. ,. : 17. I ��rried. My (v►3.fe's) (huaband t s) namo and addrea s is /3 j"���J,,,A� IQo e, 18. (If inetrried Pem�le) �r maideri name iss 19. Hoe� long h�ve you lived in St. Paul �� ��S 24, Hav�a �ou ev+er been arreated �d Violatioa of what criminal ]a�r or ardinancse� _ _. '� �A� e lv6o 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St, Paul �d Yes No. _ _ . (A�+�asr Pull a�d Qom letel . These a lioations are tMorou hl checlead ax�d aa fals3.� catia� �!' l be cause for en.ial. 22, �umber of 3.2 .p]aoes within txo blooks �Q/�c° ; _ . . 2�. C].o�eat into$ioating liquor plaoe. C�. Sale ��a� 4ff Sale / ',��QS��� _ _ , 24, ldearest Churah ���P� Nearest Sehool ��/�� �� 25. Number of b�othe ,�')C3,/���J Tables� Chaira .�b Stoola � 26. i�hat oecup�tion have you followed for the p�at five years. (Give namea of emplo�e� and datea ao employed.) , �� 27. Give� �a �na a�a�s�e� o� t�►o persons, reaidenta oP 3te l�ul� MyAY1e� 1a�ho oan give information ocracern.ing youe Name � � `��o�.J e. ddd re s a /�0`16�� �C e ,l 'ivicJ d �c�, Name�,��.v e� `J1rl r rD[.c� Addrees D S � � r _ _ _ 3i�natu of pp icant St�ts of �inr�a sota) �ss C octnty o�' Fiamsey , ° �er ,(. �A . being firat duly a�vorn, deposee ��cl say� up�n uath he ha� rea the orago ng state�n.t bearing his signature and l�owe the oon�enta th�reoP, and that �he aem9 is true- of his m�n lmawledgs except as to tho�e mattera there3.n stated upon inform�tion and belief and as to thoae mQtters hs belieoea tham to be true. � � Signa of Applicant b�.ibsaribed and sv,rorn to before me ' thie��iday of 19� q --�r- ���� 1 � _ ` . . `�To ary b13a, Ra7ri89ST ouTl'GSTy �7Lrie 8o'�a ' '�g�CHARD M. STUCt�d3;<i No�ary Public, Rumsey Count;�, Pfinn MY�orremission E�ires Jan. 13, 1976 My Ccm�.i.saion expires (Note� These statem�nt forma are in duplioate. �Both oopies muat be fully filled outa notarized, and returxied to the Lia�nse Divis ion0�- AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICEPIISE 0�7 Re s a,e�� Sale� � ,�� e ,r LiQenae Name of appiicant / 0 �� , �q Business address /�� r e S' Are you the sole cmner of this businessR��e If not9 is it a partnership� �e-S � corporatian3 --'�' , o:bher� — Othera interested in busineas, include those by loan of mone�, property or otherwiaes Name_C%S'�.qr� //A/�P � Address .�-S'6'��j J� ��O in �Ourl H� �.A iJ�r��d. � co,Ai F��,�a:A IY i / � G� (`G C� S I/3�°� �P►J� W��-CC,,�,6 ta r � �)�. �O A 1�l �j A rr� �. s �, ��.�,���.� �l1 1��,� S �,�1 � a�e� �A r \ w1�. � If a c orporation, give ita na� � Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business?� (� As sole awm.er4 — Partner? — Stockholder? � (?thera�rise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) �---� Addreas oP such buainess and nature of interest in same •2t Sig t re of applicant State of k�'innesota ss C ou�ty of �msey "'So� pr �, .%�A � bei.ng first duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has re d the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the same ia true of his owm l�.ovvledge, except as to thosa matters therea.n. atated upon information and belief e►nd as to those mat�ers he believes them to be true. �°� Signat e of applicant Subsoribed and sworn, to before me this�day of_5��,��� _19� r_.?. ' ��.�v�-�=–�"'�L',.' 1�'otar� ublics, Ramsey R�t��nA�yd�i���t� M csommi93].On ex i Notary Fi�bfic, Ra►r;sey o nty, Minn. :Y A �C0Q7�pic�i�n,�,rYn^ira.��_ 1�_ 1976 s�A� � �nvrr�soTA) CptdNTY tDF 1�SEY � S� D � �. �� be ing f irst duly arororn., d oth depoae and say that he makea this affidavit in connectior� with application for — �� " Sale" liquor licenae ("���Sale" malt beverage license} 3n the �ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a reaidant of the State of �ti.nnesota and ha$ resided therein for �� years, � months, and is now and has bsen for the time above men�ioned a bo� fide reiaident of said Sta�e and that he now resides at J� � � � Address �7, � , Minnes ota. �'�City or To�+m Subaoribed and sworn to bePore me this-���. day of����, 19�� f�/[ < �ii�'(�Lc��s��-�' l�otary blio, Ramsey`County, �4innesota My aoisunission expirsa }�ICHARD M. STUCiNSKI Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn My Comm(ssion Expires Jan. 13, 197g C ITY �F' SA IldT PAUL DEPART�TT OF PtT:BI.IC SAFETY LICENSE D�VISIt�N vata �- 3v iss� 1. ,�pp7iaation Por ���in'SC t .32 /79/3L� -O^' SAL�' - .c o �; SRL a S.ioer�e ��l'- 2, Name oP a�ap]:icant �',g�,�S ,'�. Pi�?`,c'k'�S'on/ 3. Busiaese addrese ��435 �fpc,� o� _ Residenae�_� -, �o,� 239'- �S'fi//w��`�i? 4. Trade x�sme, iP aa�,q'�/�.CA�D/> �owl��✓�s__G__.g_iv�s 5. Retaii Bear Fed�ral Tax Stamp�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.pNV �rill be used. 6. C� �rhat floor looated �?i¢r�=r+��->" N�.trnber of rowna used'`: O�✓!� _ _ - . o.[/��/°}N/uA� . ?. Betwqen vd�at aros� etreets �'ESs �.w-� �Ihich eide of stree� Wff� 8. 11re premiaee naw 000�apied� 11Phat bu�inesa �awZ�n�s Haw long�l..7 Y,���Pl' 9. �,re premie�a no�w unooaupied�Haw long vacant -� Pre�vious uee � lU. Are yau a ne�r anmer�rS Have you baen in a s imilar bua ixtes s bef ure11/o �ere -- '�Phen -' . , _ 11, Are you goix►g to operate �hia business pers�ally YES r. If aot, �ho �ill oparate it � 12. dre you in. any other business at the present tim+s NU - 13. Have thare besn any co�plaints a�;aina� your oparatian of this type af place /1/U ' �Phez� � 11lhere 1�. H�ve you ev�sr had any liQense revo]aad /Jf'd �Ihat reason arxi date ' 15. Are qou a citizou of the IInitsd Statea ,G Nati�e - Naturalizsd - .�.....,........._.,._ 16. '41�iere �rara you borr� S�f: PAu L� M/NN• �te of birth� �2 - ,�/- 3�" 17. T �`married. My (�riPe's) (husband'sj nmme and addrees i� �jyf' f- .�- /�o �'�.// wA�I�F 18. (If inetrried female) n�y �iden name ia 19. Hv�r long have you lxved in 3t. Paul �2 ��,�,�2,r 20, Aave you e�v�er been arreated /�✓'c� Violation ot Wbat crims.�qa1 levr or urdinanae — 21. Are you a xegiatered voter in the City of St. Paul Yes � No, (ans�r fu11�and Qom letel . Thase a �liQationa are tMorou hl ahaolflad and aa fale�f.�oaticm �ri.11 be �ause �or denialp 22, 8tunber of 3.2 plaaes �rithin tivo blooke /j/p�/F 23• Cloaeat intaa�icating liquor plaQe, Q�i Sale �2 �/d� flff Sale ��r� Z4. Nearest Churnh ,� ,�Lv�fr,I Neare�t $choul��Q��f 25. Number oP b�othetVo,v�: Tablea � Chairs ,�d Stool� � .._....�..-- 26, iYhat occup�tian ha�'e you Pollowed for the paet f3.ve years. (Giva n�ames of e�ploy�ai°s and datea ao employed,) . / L �7. ���� ,��e ana a�a�$a�� o� t�►o psraons., reaidenta of 3ta A�ul, �inne, �rho oan giv�e information concerni.ng youe Name �C• f�tF�'sb.�/ Aaareas �j/�/i si.s�y,ro,v •r'7` NaE�9 fi9wr►4tJ' �. /`7l�bL`�1/ .Address �2 .S'.�p.to.✓ �'f _ � _ uro oP pp ioant State of Minn�asota� �sa • C ounty of F�msey �-A�„�S ��f•E•�rv.r�_ ` s�w-�being first dul� aw�rn, depoaes and says upon oa he ha� read the orego ng atatement baaring his aignature and l�o�rs the oonte a tht►reof, and that the aam9 ia �rue- of his own l�awledgs e�cept as to thoee mattera therein stated upon inforastian and belief and sa to thosa matters he believea tham ta be true. . � ture of App icant Subsoribed and sworn to before ma ' thia � aay oP 19� PtICHARD M. STUC!�1SK� � . � .� NOta My E mmissionREx res Jan.n13, ��7� ry lic, Ramaey� o ty� , esote► p' My Ccmmiisaion expirea ' (Note� These atatemant forma are i.n duplioate. �Both oopies must be fully filled outa n.ot�,rised, and returaed to the Liaense Divis iono�- AFFIDpVIT BY APPLICANT FOR RETA]Z BEER t�R LIQUOR LICENSE Re s f Sale g,2 mr41T` LiQenae Name of applicant_ �,qmF,j � Pr�'r=,P.S'o�✓ Busineea addx°e�s ,,,//�.� i4�P�.9�,r� Are you the sole c�wner of this business?�e If not, is it a partnership? �r�- ` T" corporation? , o:bher3 — Others interested in busi.ness, include those by loan of money, property or otherwiseo Na me_ 6S�,�i� kA�/�i,�.i/ Add re s s �6 4�0 DE�sr'D c�` H�' �•5����a.� �,� �rES' ,S'f.Q1�,c /�.qNk �d'�i%�Ls' �ci9R, �9�/�c! �oi9�'_ ��G �R /�A�/_- /�.�U �o�`,ivi niY Av�• �,�sR f'�E/� If a a orporation, give its na� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liqu�r buainesaR /1/v As sole owuer? — Partner? Stocskholder? — (?therevise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) �` Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same — � � ignature of applicant State of M�.�nesota� �as c ounty of H�msey bei.ng first duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath that he haa read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the same is true of hie own ]�avrledge, except as t� those matters therei.n stated upon inforn�tion and belief e�nd as to those matters he believes them to be true. gnature of applicant Subsaribed and sworn to bef�re me this--"'F"�"/,'r_day of � 19� ..��� ��� � a- Notary Public, Ram ey County, Minnesota `� �RICHARD M. STUC1NgK1 No�ary Public, Ramsey County, h�inn My ao2nmission expires 19 MY Commission Expires Jan. 13, 1976 , .� ._.as:. s�� � �nvrr�soTa) COUNTY (3F RA�SEY � s$ ,,��,�E` � �F f-,���i✓ being first ciuly sro�orn, doth depose and say that he makea this aff idavit in connection vrith application f or " Sale" liquor license ("�_Sa1et' malt beverage licenss) in the �ity of Saint Paul, ,Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesot� and has resided therein f'or �v yesr�, g' months� and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide rssidant of said State and that he now residea at 3 � Addresa S�./��,,,,�f,�:� : Minne s ota. �City or To�+m T, Subscribed and s�rorn to before me this��^day of 19� ,�����f otary b io, Ramaey County9 Nfinneaota Not m P b�c�a�s�TUCI 'cKl My commission expirea My� R �,� �nlssio��xPires a��3 M9j. 6