245358 ORI�'.INAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL AIO. 245�5$ ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"E ��� LIC:����sE Co��LL,�'�T�, C N L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY � " _ � DATF ��,US t Z6, 1969 COMMISSIONE . .:ESOL'T=,i�; That apolicGtion for liestaurant, On and Off Sale Z�Zalt �evera�e, �owlin�; A11ey and Ci.�arette licenses for �,902 South Har�line Avenue, made by Edward J. Faschingbauer, b e and the sarne a re hereby ;ranted on t he condition that within (9 a da,rs of this date said Edward J. Faschin�bauer shall com�ly with all requirernents of the �ureaus of Fi.re, Health� a.nd Police, anc) the License Inspeetor pursa�unt to the St. Paul Le�islative C%od.e and all other applicable ordinances �nd l�as. AUG 2 b 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. ' Yeas Nays �G 2 6 ��69 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Sprafk� J Mayor Tedesco A gainst 3 p 1969 PUBLISNE9 AUG — i���,��� ��t F��e�F Me. v3e. Pro..aoac�P'utrrra5 O CITY OF 3A�NT PAUL ' Capital ot Minnesota 245358 �e a�ti�erzt o c�b�ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy CommLdoncr DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lleense In�yeetor August 26, 19�9 Honorable P�layor and City Council Saint Paul, i�iinnesota ventlemen: Ed.ward J. I'a�'hin�bauer makes application f.or jZestaurant� On and Off Sale i��calt -�everage� Ci�arette and i3owlinF� (8 alleys) licenses for I�90-,���-, South riamline Avenue which is on the East side of the street between Randolph and Juno �venues. This location has been l_icensed for a sinilar business since 191�0. 'rhe present licensee,y�tanley R. Pream, has held the licenses since 1958• `,here is one other 3.2 establishrr�ent within two blocks. The closest Qn Sale Liquor place is about half a mile anc� the closest Off Sale Liquor place is around the corner. `i'he nearest church is one block and the nearest school is across the street. PIr. Faschin�bauer has been emploZTed by �a�rton �o. as a truck driver since 1961�, Very txnzly yours� License Inspe k. . . . . - . �.. , e �� 1 . . �_yr}� �.� � C ITY �DF SA INT PAUL DEPART�lENT �' 1'�3LTC SI�FETY LICENSE DNISIt71� Date Q�-� 19� 1. l�pplioa�ian Por { Liaen,ae . 2, l�a�e of App�.ieant � 3. Businesa addre�e���0,� So/�G�,��,��� Reaidenoa /�`/J—��'/ 4. Tre�de 7�e►ma s i� e��r -' 5. Retail Beer Fed�ral Taa 8tamp�Retail Ziquor �'edera fiax Stamp �rill be uaed. 6. C� xh�at flcor located � er of rocana used` _ _ . _ . ._...__ _ ._ 7. Betaresn �at arosa etreeta 9ihich aide af street �� 8. �re pxbm3.aea arnv maQUpied t business �G�h._2� $o�r long ' ? %�G� _ _ 9. �re premieea now unocsaupie�Hav� long vacant Previoua use 10, Are you a ne�ar o�me� ve yc�u been in a similar busi.neee befure i�-- ���`� _ '1�here '�hen 11. Are you gcing to o�erate �hia business pereon.ally �CS If not, who xi�.l oparate it 12. hre pou in any othar buaineas at the �esent time %� , 13. Have thsre be�n any csomplaints againat your operatian of this type af p]aoe �Q �i'h�n 1Rhere 14. A�v� you ev�er had a�y lioen�e revo]flad__!��Ylhat reason ax�i date 15. �re qou a aitizen of tha IInited States /��f I�ativ�eyG-� I�aturalized _. . f._..._..._.._ �,J T- . � �i 16. lkiere ware you bora�s����.u�s��/�G���� , Date of birth d -' �,!� 3 � . � 17. T am,/��rried. �I� ro�i.fe' ) nams and addreas is � �- 18. (If m�rriad female) n�y maiden name ia 19, Hos long hsv�e you lived in St.. Paul �� 20. Aav�a you e�v�ar be�n arreated Violation oP what csrimiraal ].aqr or ardinance ? a `�;�_ 3 21. Are you a regi+�'tered voter in the City of 3t. P�i�l Yes No, (An��er fully and oompletely. These a �licsations are thorou hl aheoked a� an falsificatian �.11, be Qause for enialo � � 22. �umber of 3.2 plaues within two blooks _ . I < 23. Cloaeat inta�icating liquor plaee, flzi �le � �ff lSale � .c�.� S _ __ �. 24, Neareat ehurah � ,6X l�t� Nearest 3ahool ���� ��e+�t�o� 25. Number of b�othe 0 TQbles Chairs � Z St ools � Z-- 26. 'iPh�t oecupation have you f'ollowed for the paat five y�sars. (Give namea of emplosrera and date a e o employ�ed.) _ / � , b _ 27. Give� ne►mea anc� addreesea of t�ro persons, residents of 3ta Ii�ul, Minn�,, �rho oan giv!a in.foz�rsatioa Qoncarning youe rrame aaa�se /��� L�%,��,�� Rame ' .Actaresa 37 Signature of ican 3tate of Minn�asota sa C ounty of Ramaey - � �� � //1����G�=�b�ing first duly as9rrorn, depoee� azxt say� upon oath t he he►s rea the Poregoing statement bearing his signatare and I�na9ra the oonter�te thereof, and that the eams ia �rue- of his o�m kno�ledga except as to thoee me�ttera therein ata►ted upon inPormstio� and balieP and as to thosa matters he believea the►m to be true. . Signature Applicant b�bsaribed and aw�ora to before me ' this_�~'�' de�y of 19� No�ary blics, Ramse o , eaota l�y Ccm�aisaion expirea � ���� (Note� Theae statement forms are in duplica,te. �Both capies must be �ully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Liaense Divia iono�— AFF IDAV IT B`I APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LTCENSE Re: C.� Sa1e ����:piL/ License Name of appiicant � Busineas addx°ess 'T � e� � Are you the sole owner of this business?��� If not9 is it a p�r�nership"� J-�-- c�rporatian? , o:bherB Others interested in business, include those by laan of money, property or othex�riaes Nam� Add re s s Hc�rr If a c orporation, �ive its na� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor bu�ineasR �� As sole oa�mer? Partner? Stoekholder? Otherarise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address oP such buainess and nature of interest in same Signature of plicant State of Minnesota� )as C ounty of �maey ) ° _���1�-JZ-1� '���}��//1/��r�(,�e�x�g first duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foreg�ing affidavit bearing his sign�ture and lm.ows the contents thereof; that the same ia true of his own lrnawledge, except a� to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believea them to be true. Signature applicant Subsoribed a�Cd s�worn to before e this a�Z�day of 19� Notary Public, y o , Minnesota My csommission expirea-����1�� STATE �F' Ad]SINESOTA) � SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY being first duly sworn, doth depose and say t t he makea his affidavi� in conneetinr� �ith application for " Sale" liquor license ("�rSale" malt bevera�e license� in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that yaur affiant ia a reaident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein f'or ,� 3 years, Y— months, and is n�r and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide reaident of said State and that he now xesidea at � Addres a G2:Ll�� , MiYinesota. S.SI/y City or To�+m $ubaoribed and sworn to bef'ore me this '� '�'�day of 19 (�� . , C otary b1io, Rams Co 9 Niinnesota My eomQnisaion expires_w�vCs��.�_l�lS�� 7�— . ��. . ..:�< � �