04-1095A,�,�I ���►, �0�1 RESOLUTION PItESE?QTED BY REFExREn TO OF SATNTjPAUL, MINNESOTA � COM�vIITTEE: DATE i RESOLVED, that the application for a Cabaret Class A license submitted by Tom A. a Terlizzo, d/b/a Terlizzds (License ID#20000005383) for the premises located at 821 Raymond 3 Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby � ' � h � ^^ *'�° �"°�-°' °°'° �° .'°-'-_, ,._a�,..,., ��;� 4 a„ro.+..;.,,,,e«. <..;fhrn�t � 1 �r° ^°. ^ ��ECI � f�aSCC� c.cPUY+ Y��2 ccnC7��7�10/"� �ha'f �-��P/lSCZ y not� apply y�. c� i.�uer, ~ w,ne. S �2z/ O:' 3d (�¢r G�eense �vr- }w�/✓e Mar�Y�S s RESOLVED, that the Restaurant B license held by Terlizzo, d/b/a Terlizzo's (License ID v #20000005383) far the premises located at 821 Raymond Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby s suspended for 10 days for the illegal sale of alcohol and providing entertainment without a ����G'y s . a s license. Said suspension shall becox�r e effect've at 12:01 on Wednesday, � and io last until 11:59 pm. Friday, � � , y � is further ordered to pay a$2,000 ii fine, to be paid to the Office of LIEP within 30 days of the passage of this resolution tvld `Fha� /„ c.p�see 12 ��u, sL�a.1 fj4.�j�Ldr+�.niS{�"u-hvi. '.lr.v..iY.,, o� �`/.�06. T ' "J i3 This resolution and action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the i4 September 29, 2004 Notice of Violation letter sent to the licensee and arguments made at the is public hearing on November 17, 2004. The licensee does not dispute the facts of the vioiation. is Council File # �{ - lct�5 Green Sheet # � �(� q � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ' � —�� DepartmenUofficelcouncil: DatelniGated: GYeell SheEl NO 3024019 � LP — Licrnse/Inspection/Environ Prot 22-0CT-04 ConWct Person 8 Phone• Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaVDate Virginia Paimer � 0 'c n ns 'oNEnviron Pr 266$7'10 pujgn 1 icense/Ins ectioNEnviron Pro De artment Director Must Be on CounN Agenda by (Date): Number Z ; ptt r e .�i .E'��f.� �- Fo� 3 a or's tFice Ma or/ASSistant � � � Routing Order 4 un ii 5 iN Clerk i lerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached resolution to take adverse acdon against the applicarion for a Cabazet Class A license submitted by and the Restaurant B license held by Tom A Terlizzo, d/b/a Terlizzo's (License ID#20000005383) for the premises located at 821 Raymond Avenue in Saint Paul. ' Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects h7ust Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this person/firtn ever work2d under a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any -- � I current city e.mployee? Yes No F�cplain all yes arswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Licensee has been selling alcohol fllegally and providing entertainment without a license. The facts of this matter have not been dispuTed- � AdvantageslfAppr�ved: Ia�L��'Yiu Compliance with Minn. Stat. Secrion 340A.401 and Saint Paul Legislarive Code Chapter 426. O�T � � 2�1�4 Disadvantapes If Approved: �b;,������ .t ��,;� None I Disadvantages If Not Approved: Licensee would continue to sell alcohol illegally and provide entertainmem without the required license. I Total Amount of CosNRevenue Budgeted: Trensaction: Fundinp Source: Activib Number: I Financial information: � (Explainj ( " I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke[ly, Ma}�or October 22, 2004 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Manvel J. Cervart�u, Ciry Attoraey '�Q � � V � Civil Division 400 Ciry Nal1 Telephone: 657 2658710 ISWUtKeIloggBlvd. Facsimi[e:65l298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnuota 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Mr. Tom A. Terlizzo 821 Raymond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 RE: Application for a Cabazet Class A License and Restaurant B License held by Tom A. Terlizzo, d/b/a Terlizzo's for the premises located at 821 Raymond Avenue in Saint Paul. License ID #20000005383 Dear Sir: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Public Hearing Agenda for the City Council meeting scheduled far 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 17, 2004 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts concerning the illegal sale of alcohol and providing entertainment without a license have not been disputed. This matter has been placed on the public hearing agenda portion of the City Council meeting, during which public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office is denial of your Cabaret Class A license and a penalty against your Restaurant B license of a$2,000 fine and a ten day closure of the restaurant. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �/ ��(��.� Virginia�lmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP �/ Mary Erickson, Assistant Councii Secretary, 310 City Hail Mr. Richard Kadrie, Attorney at Law, 121 S Hawthorne Avenue East, St. Paul, MN 55106 Ms. Melissa Mathews, Executive Director, St. Anthony Park Community Council 890 Cromwell Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55114-1599 AA-ADA-EEO Employer 8l21/04 Marcia Moermond Legislative Hearing Officer 310 City Hali 15 West Keilogg Bivd. St. Paui Mn. 55102 2rd. Response To License Appiication Licence Number: 20000005383 Purpose: Application For Cabaret ( Class A) License License At: 821 Raymond Ave 0�- to�5 �ECEI� � L � pu� `� p 200� We sent you a response on 8/3/04 which we had objections to the application and this is a followup to that letter. The enclosed documents show that Tom Tariizzo had on 2/22/2000 served beer and wine at my wifes birthday party and we had besn charged for this service. i do belive he did noi have a iicence for this type o# business and had put me and my wife at risk for any liabifity. t do belive this shows thai Mr. Tarlizzo cannot be trusted to operate responsible. Joseph Ring `'i/� C6unca'i R�s�arcfi Center QUG 2 5 2004 CITY OF SAINT PAUL .� Randy C. Ke(ly, Ma}�or i, 's�.r+ September 29, 2004 OFFICE (,_ fHE CITY ATTORNEY O'l ��O�S Manuel J. Cervnntu. Ciry Altorney CivilDivision 400CiryHal! Te[ephone:651 1668 7/0 IS West Ke!!og„aB(vd. Facsimife:65f 298-5619 Saint Pau[, Minnesota 55/G2 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Mr. Tom A. Terlizzo 821 Raymond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 RE: Application for a Cabaret Class A License and Restaurant B License held by Tom A. Terlizzo d/b/a Terlizzo's for the premises located at 821 Raymond Avenue in Saint Paul. License ID # 20000005383 Deaz Mr. Terlizzo: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentall'rotection has recommended advcrse action against your appiication for a Cabaret License at the above-referenced premises, and has further recommen$ed adverse action a�ainst the Itestaurant B license held there as well. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: You applied for a cabaret license, which would allow entertainment in your restanrant, after an inspector for the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection saw an advertiseanent for eutertainment already being offered at your establishment, located at 821 Raymondl Aven•ae in Saint Paul. During the application process, Kristina Schweinler explained the type of eniertainment licenses, and clearly stated that the Cabaret License was intended for establishments rvhicl� do not serve alcohol. At no time did you indicate that you were or intended to sell alcc�he➢ at your establishment. As part of the license application process, notification went out to neighbors to ask for comrnents on the issuance of the cabaret license, and a Legislative Hearing was scheduled for Sept�m�er 23, 2004. On that date, you failed to appear at the hearing, claiming to be ill, and the heari�� «as continued to October 5, 2004. However, there was testimony from an individual who attendec�±� e f�2aring tvhich indicated that alcohol was being served in your restaurant. On the evening of September 23, 2004, a Saint Paul Police Officer went to the prer.iises of Terdizzo's at 821 Raymond Avenue to determine whether alcohol was, in fact, being served. The of5cer was seated at 7:45 p.m. and on the table, he found a menu, a wine list and a schedule for live entertainment. The menu, a hard cover, permanent menu, stated: "We also have a full wine list, cocktails, and beer and desserts." The officer ordered a premium beer, was served and determined that it was, in fact, an alcoholic beverage. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Tom A. Terlizzo � /.�' _ �ne 5 September 29, 2004 ���� V � Page 2 In a subsequent conversation with the police officer, you admitted that you had been serving liquor in your establishment for the past year, and that you purchased the alcohol at retail. At no time did you have dramshop liability in place, nor did you have an arrangement with a liquor caterer to serve liqnor under their insurance. You aze not eligible for a Cabazet License for Entertainment based upon the illegal sale of alcohol. Additionally, the fact that you have been providing entertainment without a license is an independent basis for the denial recommendation. The Office of LIEP will also recommend that a penalty be imposed against your Restaurant B license for the iilegal sale of alcohol without a license. The recommendation is for a fine of $2,000, and a ten day closure of the restaurant. At this time you have rivo options on how to proceed: i. If you do not dispute the above facts piease send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appeaz and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of your license until a certificate of insurance has been submitted and approved by the licensing office. 2. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evi�ientiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a ietter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Friday, October 8, 2004 on how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts of the violation. The matter will then be scheduled for the St. Paul City Council and placed on the Consent Agenda during which no discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � ���� � Virginia� . Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Ms. Melissa Mathews, St. Anthony Park Community Council, 890 Cromwell Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55114-1599 AA-ADA-EEO Employer o�.-��� October 6, 2004 Office of the City Attorney Ms. Virginia Palmer Esquire Civil Division 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Mr. Thomas Terlizzo Dear Ms. Palmer: RICHARD J. KADRIE ATTORNEY AT LAW 1215 Hawthorne Ave. E. St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 612-791-8400 Fax 651-771-8317 I� _ ;� �JCT ? 1 2�04 ���a� ��������� As reflected by our last conversation and discussions with Mr. Terlizzo, he wiil admit the facts included in your correspondence of September 29, 2004. It is Mr. Terlizzo's desire to present argument concerning the penalty. Please inform us of the arrangements that will be scheduled. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Sincerely, . ! / / _ � _y� .._ ' . . .� pK-�oq5 UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Date: Tom A. Terlizzo, d/b/a Terlizzo's 821 Raymond Avenue, St. Paul, NIN 55114 Wednesday, November 17, 2004 @ 5:30 p.m. Violation: Sale of alcohol without a license at the premises in violation of Minn. Stat §340A.401. Providing entertainment without a license in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 426 Date of Violations: September 24, 2004 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Envirommental Protection: Denial of Cabaret Class A license Penalty imposed against Restaurant B License of a$2,000 fine and Ten (10) day closure of the restaurant. Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter dated 10/6/04 from Richard Kadrie requesting public hearing. 3. Notice of Violation dated 9/29/04. 4. Copy of wine list and menu notation regarding wine, cocktails & beer. 5. Copy of entertainment scheduled for September 2004 6. Copy of Police report dated 9/24/04 '7. Letter from Joseph Ring dated 8121l04 with estimated invoice 8. July 2004 web posting from www.tcjs.org regarding entertainment at Terlizzo's. Saint Paul Police Department NewRMS Page 3 of3 �� t�RlGiNAL {3FF�NSE I i�1�C9�3ENT R�Pi�FtT Oy'1�95 ComplaintNumber ReterenceQN. _ � ��P I..OPY DateandTimeofRepoR 04204975 0g/24/2004 09:16 Pnmaryoflense Data Privacy Restrictions tlpply LIQUOR LAW-MISC LIQUOR VIOLATION �innesota Statute 13.82 NARRATIVE 1, Sergeant Ramstad, was requested by LIEP to verify that alcohol is being served by Terlizzo's at 821 Raymond. I checked the records and determined that Teriizzo's has only a restaurant license. At 1945, on 9/23/2004, I went to Terlizzo's and asked for a table for dinner. At my tabie was a menu, wine list and a schedule for live entertainment. The menu stated "We also have a fuil wine list, cocktaifs, and beer and desserts". My waitress came and I asked her if they served anything more than the wine. She tofd me they have complete bars service. I ordered a"Premium" beer. She arrived a short time later and brought me a 12 ounce glass of beer. I verified that it was an alcoholic beverage and then asked my waitress for the manager. Regan, Nicole came to my table and told me she was the manager. I asked her to show me the restauranYs liquor license. Regan returned a few minutes later and showed me a City of St.Paul license for the establishment that showed they were licensed for being a Restaurant B. They was no license for entertainment or liquor service. She gave me a state liquor catering license for Big Ten Supper Club and Catering and a form that appeared to show that Big Ten Supper Club had liquor liability insurance. Regan told me that she worked for Big Ten Supper Club and all alcohol being served was under their liquor catering ficense. ! asked her if Big Ten Supper Club has a City of St.Paul Catering License and she told me that they didn't. She stated that the attorney for Terlizzo's toid them that they could lega(ly serve the alcohol under the catering license. I spoke with Hanson, Caroi who is the chef for the restaurant. She spoke with the attorney and then came and spoke with me. I told her that they were not licensed to serve alcohol and they needed to stop serving. She agreed to stop the sale of alcohol untii this could be worked out. The owner Teriizzo, Tom called and told me he would stop seliing alcohol and remove ali of it from the establishment until they are properly licensed to serve. He apologized for the problem and he wiii do whatever it takes to rectify the issue. i recovered a menu, the wine list, and the entertainment schedule as evidence. The beer was left at the scene. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Liquor being sold by a restaurant without a liquor license. Please distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Rob _Juv _Oper _PSC _Sex _D/C _Burg _Theft _Prop _CAU _CO _Rptr _Vice _Narco _SIU _T&A _Lab _Rec _F&F _Auto _Other _Team �•• Saint Paui Police Department NewRMS Page 2 or2 � SL�PPLEM�E�IT�� ��FE�JSE / INClDENT' REPORT 0�1-�� Complaint Number fleference C.N. Date and Time ot Report 04204975 � ? _ � 09/24/20Q4 11:44 Pnmaryoffense r ,_? I ,.COPY LIQUOR LAW-MISC LIQUOR VIOLATfON� lta�'rivacy Restrictions Apply He toid me that they have been in contact with Tom Ter(izzo about catesing special events at Teriizzo's. Welsch faxed over his catering license and proof of liquor liability insurance so that if a group wanted to have a special event they knew that Big Ten was qualified to cater the event. Welsch stated that they did not provide the alcohol to Terlizzo's to serve nor were they invoived in the sales that I witnessed the day before. I told him that the manager at Teriizzo's told me that she worked for Big Ten Supper Club and that she was catering the alcohol for the restaurant. Welsch toid me that none of his employees work at Terlizzo's. I asked him if Nico{e Regan was an employee of Big Ten S�pper Ciub and he stated no. He told me ihat as general manager of Big Ten that he knows everyone on the payroll. I told him that Nicole told me that she was an employee when i asked last night. He again told me that she is not an employee of Big Ten. i calied and spoke with the owner of Terlizzo's, Tom Terlizzo. He told me that he has been serving liquor at his estabiishment for the past year. He buys his alcohoi at liquor stores. An attorney friend came in and while they were talking about the business, the attorney told him that he probably couidn't serve alcohol with a Class B Restaurant iicense. Tom told me that he panicked. Tom spoke with James Welsch at Big Ten Supper Club and Tom asked him to put one of Terlizzo's waitresses on Big Ten's payroil so Terlizzo's could seil alcohol under Big Ten's catering license. They had not compieted the deal before I was in Terlizzo's 9/23/2004. Tom stated that he told Nicole that she was going to be paid by Big Ten and stated that is why she told me she worked for them yesterday. He told me that she is not an employee of Big Ten. Tom told me he now knows that he is not licensed to serve any alcohol and is not licensed to have entertainment in his establishment. He advised me he came in and removed all of the alcohol from the establishment this morning and wiil not allow any to be brought in uniess it is under a proper license. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Please distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Rob _Juv _Oper _PSC _Lab _Sex _D/C _Burg _Theft _Prop _CAU _F&F _CO _Rptr _Vice _Narco _SIU _T&A _Other _Rec _Auto _Team _DAO "` Saint Paui Police Department NewRMS Page , orz �` SUPPLEMENTA� �3FF�NSE / 1NCtDENT REPORT p�{-t0�5 Complaint Number Re)erence C.N. 04204975 Pnmary offense LIQUOR LAW-MISC LIQUOR VIOLATION Date & time of occurence: 09/23/2004 00:00 Pnmary Reporting Otficer. �AMES RAMSTAD Name oflocaSon/business: Primarysquad: Loca6onofincidenL821 RAYMONDAV � CHARLES Secondaryrepor6ng olficer. ST PAUL MIy 55114 Approver Dismcr. Western Site: Secondary olfense: Attempt Only LI�P COPY DateandTimeofReport �ata Privacy RestricYions � �/pFy,2004 11:44 Minnesota Statute 13.82 Arrest made? Appears to be Gang Related Police OlficerAssaulYed orfnjured Pofice O�cerAssisied Suicide to 09/23/2004 00:00 CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Pracessed Type Descnption M efhod & Point of En try Force used Point of entry Mefhod Hidlnside SOLVABILITY FACTORS Suspect can be ldenlified Photos Taken Evidence Tumed In Lab Biological Analysis Na�cotic Ana/ysis Lab Comment5 By Stolen Property Traceable Property Tumed In Finge`prints Taken Items Fingerpnnted NARRATIVE On 9/24l2004, f contacted the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Alcohol and Gambiing Enforcement about the catering license of Big Ten Supper Club, 4703 North Highway 10, Arden Hilis, MN 55112, 651-633- 7253. They verified that there was a valid catering license for Big Ten Supper Club and Catering which is heid by Big Ten Supper Club inc. I cailed the supper club and spoke with James Weisch, who stated he was the General Manager for the company. F{e told me the owner John W eisch is out of town, but that he, James, runs the day- to-day operation of the business. I informed him that his catering license was being used by Terlizzo's to serve alcohol on a daily basis. He was surprised and toid me that they were doing that without his permission. Carole Ann Hanson 845 Fiowell AV N St Paul f°� Saint Paul Police Department NewRMS Page 1 of3 4R1G�NAL ��F�NS� / INCI�ENI� REPORT O'`1't0�5 Complaint Number Reference C.N. Date and Time of Report 04204975 LIEP COPY 09/24/2004 09:16 Pnmary oSense LIQUOR LAW-MISC LIQUOR VIO rivacy Restrictions Apply ota Statute 13.82 Pnmary Reponing Officer. james ramstad Pnmary squad: 791 Secondary �eporting o�cer. approverjames ramstad oisrdct Westem Sife: Nicknames or Aliases Secondary o/fense: Anest made? Attempt Onty Appears to be Gang Relafed Police OKce� Assaulted or /nju�ed Police O�cer Assisted Suicide NAMES Other Details Sex Race Nispanic Np �oe 12/01/1948 Age 55 from to Name oflocation/business: Location ofincident. 821 RAYMOND AV CHARLES ST PAUL MN 551 �4 Date � Nme of occurence: 09/23/2004 19:50 ro 09/23/2004 20:30 MN 55104 Phones Hame WoAc 651-523-0773 Cell Fax Coniact Pager Employment Occupation Chef Employer TefIIZZO'S Identi SSN: _ _ Ucense o�/D# License State e �aint Paul Police Department NewRMS Page 2 cf3 � �RIGII�AL �FFENSE / INCI�E"N�' ��POR� py,-�CRS Compiaint Number Reference C.M Date and Time of RepoR 04204975 � jE?� <' ' 09/24/2004 09:16 PnmaryoHense Data P r. __,�y 1�YSt[1Cituit� . ir t L4QUOR LAW-MISC L{QllOR VIOLAT{OfVM Statute 13.82 Suspect Nicole June Regan 293 Day[on AV Apt# 7 KNOWN St Paul MN 55102 Nicknames or Aliases AKA Frrst Name Oetai/s Sex Female Race W hite Hispamc (y0 DoB 12/28/1977 Age 2g fram to Otiender lnformation Anested No �u� No Condition AKA Lasf Name Phones Home 651-292-0945 woiic 651-523-0773 Cel! Fax Contaci Pager Emplaymenf Occuparion Caterer emproyer g� Ten Supper Club Identification SSN: _ _ licenseorlD# � License State Pu,suit engaged rJp Vio/ated Restraining Order No Resistance encountered No Taken to health care faciliry NO Medical re%ase obtained? NO CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene M ethod & Po of Entry Processed Force used Type Point of entry Descnpfian Method Nidlnside SOLVABILITY FACTORS Suspect can be ldentified g � Photos Taken Evidence Tumed In , Lab Brological Analysis Narcotic Analysis Lab Comments Stolen Property Traceable Property Tumed In Fingerpnnts Taken Items Fingerpnnted 0`t-t MBRLOT Vendage - California Yellow Tail - Australia Concha y Toro - Chile CABBRNET SAWIGON Yellow Tail - Australia Black Opal - Australia PINOT NOIR Rex Goliath - California SHIRAZ Yellow Tail - Australia Rosemount - Australia SIiIRAZ - CABLRNET BLEI3D Yellow Tail - Australia Black Opal - Australia CHIANTI Gionelli - Italy Toscolo - Italy $20.00 $21.00 $22.00 $21.00 $24.00 $24.00 $21.00 $22.00 $21.00 $24.00 $23.00 $24.00 Yeilow Tail - Australia Concha y Toro - Chile PINOT GRIGIO Cavit - Italy Eco Domani - Italy WfIITE ZINFADEL Beringer - California RIESLING $21.00 $22.00 $22.00 $24.00 $23.00 - oy-toti5 Robert Mondavi - California $24.00 � (�-l0� CARNE DI MA7Ai.F 16_00 Rolled Pork Tenderloin with Italian Sttffi'ing seived with Vegetables and Cmocchi. TExr.i�.�n�s woRLD FAMOIIS MEATBALIS 17.00 AND BENEVENTO SAIISAGE Meatballs and Benevento Sausage setved with your choice of pasta TWELVE LAYER LASAGNA 18.00 Twelve layers of imported Cheeses and Meat Sauce secved on a bed of Mazinara Sauce. CffiCKEN BREAST ALFREDO 17.00 Ctdcken Breast strips with our Chef's Alfredo Sauce and your Choice of pasta. LOBSTER SCAMPI 26.00 Two 4oz. Lobster Tails fire gilled with our primo Scawpi Sauce and served with yow choice of pasta LOBSTER ALFREDO 26.00 Two 4oz. Lobster TaiLs fire gilled with Aifredo Sauce and seived with yow choice of pasta. S� 5CAMPI 19.00 Large fresh Gulf Slirimp flame broIled with our primo Scampi Sauce and served wiUi yow choice of pasta. SALMON STEAK MANGO SAISO 18.00 Atiantic SIlver Salmon marinated in swcet garlic sauce, flame Broiled and surrounded by mango salsa STUFFED PASTA $HELLS 16.00 Imported Parmesan, RicbtYa, and Mozzarella Cheeses, Spinach and Roasted Peppets served with Marinara and/or Alfredo Sauce. PASTA PRIMAVERA 15.00 S'vc Spring Vegetables tossed with Linguine in a Pinot Grigio Sauce. ALL ENTI2EES INCLIIDE: TERLIZZO'S FRESH BAKED BREAD TWO HOMEMADE GOURMET SOUPS: TOMATO BASIL & SOUP DU JOUR ANTI-PASTA BAR BEVERAGES: El�SL' Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Sierra Mist, Mounhin Dew, Club Soda, Milk, Coffee, hot tea or Iced Tea We also have a full wine list, cocktails and beer and desserts. c�-t��c`R5 THE TWIN CTTIES' BEST -KNOWN SINGERS ARE BACK AT �'ERLIZZO'Sll 821 RAYMOND AVE., ST. PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE 651-523-0773 WWW.TERLIZZO.COM MUSIC—THITRS: 7-lOPM, FRI & SAT: 7-11PM SEPTEMBER: Thurs., Sept2" ARNE FOGEL: Ring in We Labor Day R'eekend with Arne at Terlizzo's? Fri., Sept 3' ARNE FOGEL: Spend Friday with Ame and the gang? Sat., Sept. 4�`: CONNIE OLSON: Connie previews her new CD at Terlizzo's! Thurs., Sept9 RHONDA LAURIE: First engsgement at Terlizzo's! Fri., Sep� 10�': SIGNE HENSEL: One of the Cities most popular voices: Sat., Sept 11`"; SUE TUCKER: MeUow and ja�ay, Sue's sound is hers alone! Thurs., Sept 16'": DEBBIE DUNCAN: Legendary Debbie's back at Terlizza's! Fri., Sep� 17�`: CHARMIN MICHELLE: Charmin brings her unique sound to Terlizzo's! Sat., Sept.18`�`: VICHIE MOUNTTAN: More great entertainment from Vicl�e! Thurs., Sept 23" MAUD HIXSON: Terlizzo's special songbird is back! Fri., Sep� 24�`: MAUD HIXSON: More of Marvelous Maud! Sat, Sep� 25' LINDA PETERSON: First Terlizzo's appearance for this Twin Cities legend! Sept 30`�: YOLANDE BRUCE: The return of this Top Twin Cities _�,�_ -- . . _ _.._. . - --- .-=--"`t � � Terlizzo's Restaurant & Cate:ii St. Paul, Minnesota THE TWIN CITIES' BEST-KNOWN SINGERS ARE BACK AT TERLZZZO'S.!/ C/ick on photos for larc�er image. Thurs., September 2: f��2NE F�GE�.7 Ring in the Labo� Day Weekend with Ame at Terlizzo's! P i �t i [aq5 Fri., Septem6er 3rd: nRNE FOGEL SpendFridaywifhFogel&TheGang!! Sat., September 4th: CONNIE ��.5��: ConniepreviewshernewC�atTenizzo's! Thurs., September 9th: RHO�IDA �.f�U�E� F+�stengagementat7erlizzo's!! u http://terlizzo.com/enter.hhnl 9/23/2004 �� ��� ��� � � •Terlizzo's Restaurant & Caterii. St. Paul, Minnesota Fri., September t Oth: SIGNE {'�ENS�L: one ofthe cities most popwar wicesl! _ � -�-� - -- ~� � �� � _ _ s Page 2 of 3 p�{- �oAS Sat., September ttth: $VE �C�.ER: Mellow andjazzy, Sue's sound is hers alone! Thurs., September 16th: DEBBIE DUNCAN LegendaryDebbie's Fri., September �7th: cHattn�=N MICHELLE Charminbringsherunique sound to Terlino i!! Sat., September 78th: VICKy M�UN�14��� Moregreateniertainmentfrom �cky! Thurs., September 23rd: Mau� HIXSON Tertiuo's special songbird is back! Fri., September 24th: (Y�A�J� {'�IxSQN: MoreofMarvelousMaud!! httn://terlizzn.com/enter.html 9/23/2004 Terlizzo's Restaurant & Cateriu St. Paul, Minnesota Sat, September 25th: tsNDa PETERSON FirstTeNiao'sappearanceforthis Twin Cties legend!! Page 3 of 3 py�t�t5 Thurs., September 30th: YOLANDE BRUCE � 7ha Te�lino's retum of this Top Twin Cdies staN! MUSIC - THURS: 7-10PM, FRl & SAT: 7-11PM, SUNDAY BRUNCH: 11AM-2PM. �� ��.���� r � � , 'i�' ` �'�� Baker Court, &21 Raymond Ave. S[ Paul, Minne'>ota 55114 651-523-0773 Ema�i: terlizzos(a�vahoo.com Copyrignt cp 2004 Aii Rights Reserved. Site Designed and Ma�ntained by JTWorldwide Publishina. No pictures or information may be reproduced without our express v�ritten consent. httn://terlizzo.com/enter.html 9/23/2004 -� ��/V� � YZ L� Z�--� o�--�c s COSTING FOIt BIRTHDAY PARTY FEBRI7ARY 19. 2000 ME.YICAN PIZZA VEGETARIAN PASTA SALAD BABY DAGO GIARDANIERI (BASED QN 30 GUESTS) C� BAR BEEli, WIIdES (ESTSMATED HASED ON $7 PER G1TE51� (Q SS PER GUEST = $i5D) ASSORTED POP, BOTTLED WATERS, ETC. AS CONSUMED ' EST9KATE BASID ON $3 EACH COFFEE {AA3D CONDIMEN'TS} BARTENDER (4 HOURS +�T UP AND CLEAN UP) ROOM RENTAL (SPECIAL RATE) INCLtTDES EXCLUSIVE ROOM AND BAR USE, STAFFING, LININS, ETC. PLEASfi NOTE: OUR NORMAL ROOM R4TE FOR SAIURDpy 7.RGHT IS 5895 FOR GROI}PS OVER 50. [JNDER 35 . ROOM RATE = 5595 FOR SATURDAY IdIGHT. L*I ADJfON, OUR NOR.VfAL CIitu2v£ P3R A BA2TErIDER IS 5700. i2ECEiVED IN L: $390.00 AUG � � 200� $ as.00 $210.00 $ 30.i)0 $ 22.50 $ 75.00 $395.0� ESTtNiATED TOTAL $1,167.50 PLUS TAX COUncit �8�3PCh C8Rt9C QUG 2 � �0�4 � , - _.._ . � i �s.ea^ .'�,,:'ug, . . . � `� �, . �� � � C� ►, � _ �""� � �����" "'�" AT7HE gAKEFtCOL3RT GOI�SFERENC� F✓EAtT CEiv'tRE 821 RAYMOND AVENLE S�. PAUL, Sw72NHE50TA S 16 Q'�'10`L5 .._�_�.� . _ � - -. �`�` �� , JOBNUMBER� r, DATE � . \ PHONE-s51-52 �pX 5b t -52�775 t�ti:►e:r�+t+33ttti,t►::�tf+tttttttis+e GLfEHT !!v� �NlT EON�AtS IVAtdE PHON� ��-al�G-k'/9�F,►� � . AflDBESS - lff������f���f��t�t FoR: .� � ,��� 7'�� � �� �Ce;G�s � / � �f � Councit Ressarc� Centsr AlTC 2 � 20D4 � � . �' \ ' 4 s-�.. � � ' ' +.�.. . � ... . a �'z�TOTAL �- n / �� �.,��: �� � / TO"i'A�.: g ,/� 98 � L?EPCSST @� $��! DEPQSiT PAID :�- _DATE? � �� RA�—� $-----�i�-�— WE APPREClATE YDUR H(i5{NESS AND LOOtC FORWARD TO WORKtNG WlTH YOU AGASN! TF�4NK�Y0[Jttt it�"�, ,, � � �ll , @,�'�� �, .� Twin Cities Jazz Sbciety - Page 1 of 2 Main Menu Home About the TGS Membership Benefits News Contact TUS Performance Schedules Twin Cities Musicians and Groups Twin Cities Jazz Radio Jazz Clubs Jazz from J to Z Concer[ Series TGS co-sponsored events Related Items hiay 2004 Gigs June 2004 Gigs August 2004 gigs September 2004 gigs Ottober 2004 Gigs O�,�lc�t5 7uly 2004 Gigs ,� Pe Lucia's Restaurant (612-825-1572), 1432 W. 31st St., Mpls. . Every Thurs., Paul Hintr solo 7-sti guitar, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Lurcat & Bar Lurcat (612-486-5500), 1624 Harmon Place (across from Loring Park), Mpls. 4ive i Sun.-Wed., 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m.; Thurs.-Sat., 9 p.m.-1 a.m. (Thurs. nighC concerts are broadcas KBEM-FM 88.5 starting at 7:30 p.m.) 7/1, Arne Fogel, Maud Hi�on, Rick Carlson, Steve Pikal z Jendeen Forberg; 7/ 15, Willie August Project; 7/22, Ticket to Brazil; 729, Dean Brewington i Mainstreet Bar & Grill (952-938-2400), 814 Main St., Hopkins. Every month, on [he second and Sun., Mouldy Figs (7/11 & 25), 4-8 p.m. Malt Shop (612-824-1352), SOth St. at Bryant Ave. 5., Mpls. Every Sun. and Wed., Michael "HOc Deutsch, 5-8 p.m. Mon., Tues. E every other Thurs., Mike Harrison. Melting Pot (612-338-9900), 80 5. 9th St. (9th & Marquette), Mpls. Music 7-11 p.m. Every Thur Visions w/ Nate Brown, guitar; Cody McKinney, bass; and Jay Epstein, drums. Mpls. Cafe (612-672-9100), 1110 Hennepin Ave., Mpls. Every Tues., live jaa with a variety of Every Fri. 8 Sat., Sencacion ta[ina, 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. 0'Garas (651-644-3333), 163 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul. Jaa in the Shamrock Room. 6/29, Riv� Orchestra; 7/12, Cedar Avenue Big Band; 7/ 13, Stan Bann Big Band; 7/27, Nova Jazz Orchestr The Quest (612-338-6169), 110 N. Sth St., Mpls. Alternate Mon., Salsa Night with Latin Sounds Orchestra. Roseville VFW (657-483-5313), 1145 Woodhill Dr., Rosevitle. Every third Tues. of the month, C Daniel Jaa Band, 6-9 p.m. Ruby Begonia's (651-351-5380), 112 N. Main St., Stillwater. 7/17, Maud Hixson and Rick Carlso p.m. Sophia's (612-379-1177), Riverplace, 25 Main St. S.E., Mpls. EveryMOn-Tues., solo piano. 7/10 Christine Rosholt quartet with Paut Cotten, 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Stardust Lanes (672-721-6211), 2520 26th Ave. 5., Mpls. For jaa schedute, visit <www.stardusttanes.net.> Sugar Room (507-625-8175), 200 Wafnut St., Mankato, MN. 7/24, CI Rosholt and Reuben Ristrom, 9 p.m.-12 a.m. Tapestry folkdance Center Every Thurs., swing lc all ages and tate night swing dance w/ DJ Terry Gardner, 10 p.m. Every first Sat. of the montl dance (free lesson 7:30 p.m.), 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. 7/16, DJ swing dance, lesson 8:30 p.m. a 9 p.m., 510/58, all ages. Terliaos (651-523-0773),:821 Raymond Ave., S[. PauL Music Fri. Fx Sat., 7-11 p.m. Every Sun. �' Brunch, 11 a.m,-2 p.m. 6/27, Maud Hiazon and Reuben Ristrom. r http://www.tcjs.org/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=39&Itemid=0&limit=l &li... 10/6/2004 Home Twin Cities Jaa Society I Wednesday, 06 October 2004 searc �� SA(NT PAUL � Al1AA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of License, Inspectians and Environmentat Pmtection 350 Sl Pe�a Sva45uite 300 Saint Paul, Slirmcsota 55102 (65p 266909U Fu (651) 2669124 w�,: � s�,.u, ' LICENSES ARE NOT TRAIYSFERABLE PAYNIENT 14NST BE RECEIVED WITH EACH APPLICATIO�' S l�{ ��� g r JS�,�� D s Z� � �[�� Type of License(s) being applied for: � 1►V � 0 N S/"C �-�- � MP�t-"C �N SA-t.� Projected date of opening: �z' � � � Company Name: T��- �-� 2-2-'a S Corporation / Partncrship / Sole Propriemrstiip J If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: �`� Business Name(DBA): T�_CL-�--�22 C> S Business Phonef�OS� 1� Business Address (business location): $ ���'�� D �'— ��'� �" � N '� t, � `- Strcet(N,Kame,7'ype,Direction) Ciry State Z�p+4 Beriveen what cross streets is the business located? ��'� I��� �{ Which side of the street? �_ Are the premises now occupied? ��. tiVhat Type of Business? �ts'N�'�t�b� Maii To Address (iF different than busincss address): S�� �^ Strect (A,Name, Type, Direc[im) City 5���� ZiP�4 Applicant Inforr Namc and TitLe: Home Address: CLASS N CITY LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK N ) Driver License: State of Issue: Y�'U v' Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES_ NO � Datc of airest: Chargc: _ Com�iction: List licenses which you currently hold, Where? Sentence: held, or may have an interest in: Have any of tl�e above named licenses ever been revoked? Are you going to operate this business personally? �_ Z'ES Firs[Name Middle[nitial NO If not, who �vill operate it? Las( Hwne Address: Stree[ (N, Name, Type, Direction) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in tUis business? operator, please compiete the following infomiation: Firs[ Name Initial (Maiden) YES _� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: S[aro �-�yT* Date of Birth Phone YES __�'__ NO If the manager is not the same as the � ' Last 'L�A Da[e � � — .. .,, ___ �.__...iu ��...,,e r.,.,,. n;.P�ri��� Ciry S[ate Zip+4 PhoneNumber Please list your employment history for the previous five (5) year period: BusinesslEmnlovment Address (Comolete Mailine Addressl Date I "r�-Sm1nK�� S�W�rZ List all other of£cers of the corporation: OFFICER TTTLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIRTH � � If business is a partnershin, please include the following information for each partner (use addifional pages if necessary): FirstName Middle (ma�aen) Las[ Da[e S[reet (ti, Name, Type, Direction) - City State Zip+4 Phone Number First Name Middle [nitial (Maiden) v Last Date of Birth Home Address: Street (#, Name, Type, Direction) City State Zip+4 Phone Number MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER-Pursuantto the LawsofMinnesota,1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner ofRevenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of eacl� license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze requ'ued to advise you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax IdentificaGon Number: - This lnformation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Departrnent of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtaine3 f,-cr_, ,he State of Minnesota, Busir.ess Records Department, 600 Robert Sueet North, Saint Paul, MN (651-296-6181). Minnesota Tax Identification Number: ��' �" J� �� � If a Minnesota Ta�c Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by piacing an "X" in the box. CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance wiih the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdivision 2. I also understand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action against all licenses heid, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Policy Number: Coverage from 4 f,r � , C.� to Gb `� 5J d � I have no employees covered under workers' compensation insurance (INITIALS) ANY FALSIFICATTON OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or otherwise, other than akeady disclosed in the applicarion which I herewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fue, health and other city officials at any and all tunes when the business is in operation. �I"O Signature (REQUIRED for Date Preferred methods of communication from this office (please rank in order of preference -"1" is most preferred): � Phone Number with area code: (�) �i 23 '�d �� 3 Extension (Circle the type of phone number you have listed above: Business Home Cell Fax Pager ' Phone Number with area code: (�� / ) 27 g"' �o�� 0 Extension (Circle the type of p number you have liste Business Home Cell � , F p ax Pager Mail: ��\ �`� �" i'5���-� `5'�'<(���, //NKl . �51�� Street (#, Name, Type, Direction) y City State Z�p+4 � Internet: N �t'f E-Mail Address We will accept payment by cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Paul) or credit card (MasterCard or Visa). **Note: If this application is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. If there are any changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning _ Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the following documents. Please attach these documents when submitting your application: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8%i' x I1" or 8%i' x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as I" = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of al( pertinent featu:es of the interior of Lhe licer.sed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, pazking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cusent area and the proposed expansion. 2. �A copy oF your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the property� ���-�-� \�,�-� u1 ���� � �— ��� IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: � � � � "�, � American Express . ...m. __ . _.. �.. EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: � Discover � MasterCard � Visa ❑o/o❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ Name of Cazdholder (please print) Signature of Card Holder(required for all charges) Date S�1 � W � � �� � �� �#� � ��a � 0 G� TERL{ZZO 827 HAY6AOND AYE $pINT PAUL, MN 55174 � �� � 10320 .— �, — � a—wsm DATE �� •� UQLLARS $ �� . /j �' Y :��� L� � � � � .nM ,� (�CZ�O ,t`� r`'� � L � N �` � � � A O �� � ��� �a� � ��� � 10319 TERLIZZO 821 RAYMOND AVE. pa ,�,�� 1�D ?2-7a�p SAINT PAUL. , M � N ! 55174 � t` t �� PAY � �\ "\ f�F" �� �'f �v� _no�urss $, �'J' ��+i_� T01H@ORDER p � � u � � w,.n...s ���Z,�n�'� �-C`�( S� � �n�`�� ti L � 1 �__.._. � +�' '�u � �� �, �x T � O �� � � C' ��F Q �a� � ��� � T07NEOflDER � r I TERLlZZO 821 RAYMOND AVE. SAINT PAUL, MN 55774 � � �C_ 1Q318 DATE_J! t� ± � � �'1�� L,, L � L.� .1 $ �-7� op oo��nns � � � 8 o.,.am c�-`ti��`'� ��v� t-�vr��r2��7 � � �-�+r.� �� � . L J � ��• �_ / . � �� V{ II � 11 il � i V L FI �� II I Ii 5i �.f�N�-�5 LlcF�v�� ��� � r �AT - �tZ 'U�l i N Cz A�#J'D (3�'� i'�.2 L i 2.2 r�'S 2�-STU ��+� T � t�p �.'��. I i� oo �"ro 2<< o � l�rv'c7A ��5v �-� �.cc� f�c.� (�,� N�-�k ) c i,-�s r��,00 pwt e P6 N � �t�- �6Z.�� �N'� s �v �.b� �� t� P N� _"C� � t. o e7 � u� L C..� S�- t(; o z'� p�1 � 1�1 �L �� l.\ 1�.�,-� S� z� � w�N r.�`n P�zt2... UJ t� lT�-i � 1>v��.N v> �'W ��Ct{- L �v� J R� Z U a�--�,� ��a '!�'� �� �p C� 7�oc� T� I� :�c� �w� , 1 D P�� c�L� �SV ���'P-�J � c f-� ��'P c� N c-- �.�d�� `C�f�Nt�t�c3 � c�� � c�Ur''L. G o r� s t'� T��,�A-"T � 6 t� ����--� � ��� ��►� 821 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, Mn. 55114 651-523-0773 °` °'"�e„� Minnesota Deparurent of Public Safety � ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISIOY 444 Cedar St, Suite 133, St Paul, MN 55101-5133 .,� ' (651)296-6979 FAX(651)297-5259 TTY(651)282-6555 W W W.DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION FOR COUNTYlCITY OPISALE WINE LICENSE and/or OPTIONAI. 2 A.M. CLOSING LICENSE (No[ to exceed 14% of alcohot byvolume) y �i1�£y7: . �, .�?�.. �"= �� �� 4 r"-^' : sz' �,�..::':��> .� ,�,,. - EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. If a corporation, an o�cer s all execute this application. If a partnership, LLC, a paztne shall execute this applicarion. �' (� �` , �-fszn ,�vN�A/°F!G Workers compensation insurence company. Name �� � �, �Policy #� e U�' LICENSEE'S MN SALES & USE TAX ID # Z —'J7 � To apply for MN Sales Taz # caR (651) 29G61 S I LICENSEE'S FEDERAL TAX ID # 2 O— `L Applicants Name(Business, Partnership, Corporation) TradeName or DBA F- �(Z �� t,� 22� �� crz� t-t Z2.t� S_ � City app(ication � ora ❑Transfer Partner/Officer Name and Tit(e Partner/Officer Name and TiNe If a transfer, give name Dateafinwryontion I Staceofincoryomtion If a subsidiary of anoNer corpontion, give name and address of parent coryomtion owner � c� ��23 ��t� ount �� ner owner � iershiq LLC, eive name, address Address Address Address Address � State Ap Zip Code V�II� � ����� License penod From To ofbirthofeach artner. . Social Security # DOB I Social Sewrity # DOB Socia( Security # � DOB Number I Is wcporation authorized to do business in Mincesota? ❑ Yes ONo A� _ `3�('� $U�uC. ArePropertyT esdelinquent? HasNebuildingowneranyconn cti qdirectorindirec4 Restauantswtingcapac�ry ❑ 1'e5 No with Ne applicant? 0�'eS NO Hoursfoodwiilbeavailable No.ofpeop�tawantemploys No.ofmonthsperyearrestaumnt Willfoodservicebetheprinciplebusiness? �� t ,(�. �b 2 f7 wil( be open �� es 0 No 'Ct7 �� �' Descdbe che pcem+us to be liceiued � P 1���tin�rc�— R� � N� t3�2 S�u v c rz [Cthe resLaurant is in wnjwction with another businws (rewrt ete.), descnbe business �� N NO LICENSE WII.L BE APPROVED OR RELEASED UNTIL THE $20 RETAILER ID CARD FEE IS RECEIVED BY AGED OTFIER INFORMATIOPi 0 Yes �O I. Has the applicant or associates been ganted an on-sale 3.2 malt beverage and/or a"set-up" �/\� Iicense in conjunction with this wine license? ❑ Yes `Nd Io 2. Is the applicant or any of the associates in tlus applica[ion a member of the county boazd or the city council �� which will issue this license? If yes, in what capaciry? .(If the applicant is the spouse of a member of the goveming body, or another faznily relationship exists, the member shall not vote yyy ��� on this apptication.) � p Yes �vO 3. Ducing the past license yeaz, has a summons bern issued under the liquor civil(iabitity(Dram Shop) (M.S. �\ 340A.802). If yes, attach a copy of the summons. �Yes �0 4. Has applicani, parhters, officers or employees ever had any liquor law violations in Minnesota or elsewhere. If so, give namu, dates, violarions and £mal outcome. OYes ➢�No 5. Does any person o[her than the applicants, have any right, ritle or interest in [he fumiNre; fixtures or equipment �� inthe licensed premises9 If yes, give names and deta@s. ❑Yes �NO 6. Hzve the applicants any interests, direcUy or indirecdy, in any other liquor establishments in Minneso[a? If yes, /� give name and address of the establishment. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE QUESTIONS AND THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO T[-IE BEST OF MY OWN KNOWLEDGE Si nature of A licant ; Applicants aplvine for Optional2 AM closine license camntete the followin¢ stepr I. Does your liquor license issuing authority allow the sate of alcoholic beverages untd 2 AM? ❑ Yes`�o (If Yes, Continue) 2. Report your previous 12 months total intoxicating liquor receipts by checking one of the following: ❑ Up to $IOQ000 in gmss annual receipts for intoxica[ing liquor - $200 2 AM license fee ❑ Over $100,000 but not over $SOO,OOQ in gross annual receipts for inroxicazing liquor -$500 2 AM license fee ❑ Over $500,000 in gross annual receipts for intoxicating liquor - $600 2 AM Gcense fee ❑ Did not sell intoxicating liquor for a full 12 mont}�s prior to this application $200 2 AM license fee 3. Make cheek payable [o: Alco}al & Gambling Enforcemen[ Division (AGED) for the amoun[ indica[ed�ve. Includ AM sales with this applicalioa � \.,� � The�ise�e must have one of the following: (cn«t one> �P C �p � 9 ND Fun_ Go w��-� rv `��� Liquor Liability Insu[ance (Dram Shop) $50,000 per person; $100,000 more than one person; SIQ000 proper[y destruction; $50,000 and $] 00,000 for loss of ineans of support ATTACH "CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE" TO THIS FORM. ❑ B. A Surety bond from a surery company with minimum coverage as specified above in A. _ 0 C. A certifica[e from the State Treasurer tha[ the Licensee has deposited with the State, Trust Funds having a market value of $100,000 or $100,000 in cash or securities. " IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY TIIE COUNTY BOARD, REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY - OYes ONo I certify that to the bes[ of my knowledge the applican[s named above are eligble to be licensed. If no, state reason. Signature County Attomey County Dare REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant and the associates, named herein have not been comicted within the past five years for any viola6on of Iaws of the State of Minnesota, Municipal or Counry Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as fol(ows: Signature Depariment and Title Date Il�IPORTANT NOTICE - ALL RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSEES MUST HAVE A CURRENT FEDERAL SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL STAMP. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING OBTAINING THIS STAMI', CONTACI' THE BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND FIREARMS AT 651 726-0220 591142003 � W ro °- � �§ O �� � ��� � ��a � O onu}F �wE TERLIZZO 821 fiAYMOND AVE. SAINT PAUL, MN 55114 ���`� 10321 l DATE — Q �2-7p/ggp _.. %��Zi �`�l f�tCs'Fc,�O. PAY 1��Y1" W �OLLAHS $� 1�F0 TO THE OfloER OF r { � 8 �� `���.� �-'n r��� � , � M ��' �' X N�izTl _ �2�_�Wksvv tQ �U4 F � 5 z�--�? �N� ��� - - ��,���s� .�- Hov Y7 04 07:52p Rebecca Fogel City 952-9Z0-6036 P�1 2 "`""p ,. � My name is 9rne Fogel. I azn a singer aad broadcaster residing in the R'win Cities. In addition to my work in the music and broadeasting fields, I also offer a variety o:P other ereative services in. the advertising and entertainment fields. I have been prafessionalty invoived in these various aetivities for tbirty-five yea.rs. Pve lmown Mr. TerIizzo since 1983, when we both worked at a St. LouLs Park .A@vertising ageney, "The Orfon (�roup". When we began diseussions regaz'ding my input at hfs restaurant, "Terlizzo's", in autuFnn 2002, ave agreed. that I would help him put together a roster of talent for his non private weekend dinner shows #,hat would adhere to the following guidelin.es: *Ali music would falt under the elassiIIcation "Jazz" * All performers would perform un.der the most "intimate" of circumstances, i.e. s3zagers aPpeaa'iDg w5th minima7 �ompaIIiment, usually jUBt a Sfmpie pian.o accompaniment, oecasionalLy with added aecoustic bass. No drums! * Performars would ba ehosen feom the "pool" of top area Y,alent; t7�e mast reliable, tasteful, adul�oriented performers in the field. This list of �equent pez�Porm.ers included myself, Connie Evingaon, Patty Peterson, Charmin Ddichelle, Lucia N'ewell, Maud Hixson, Sue Tucker, Debbie I7uncan, Bruce Henry, and so on. This ^�as NOT to be a"NACk n Rolln ar �"Blues" venue. Just good, top- quality standard znaterfat Srom the songbooks of Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Duke Ellington, C+eorge Oershvcin, etc. pertormed by mature, seasoned, tasteful perPormers. , As the months progressed, the rules stayed the same. Pdany times I would eome to the venua when I was not performing, juust to see 2zow things were going. Oz� tdaese nights, I always noticed t�hat TFiL� IvxTJSIC, AT.REA.DY IN PROGTi,ESS, COIILD NOT BE HEAR,D pUT3IDE OF fiHE TsSTABT,I�5HMENT. Upon enterin� the building, I often noticed that one would even have troubie hearing the music outside th.e door of the restaurant, even if that individuai was nevertheless Snside the Baker Court bu3lding. T also must add that when, as a performer, I might occasionally have aceidentall,y created enough voluzne in my performances so as ta affect the raom's eanversaLion level or fn any way slSghtly go over the optimum volume-levei, T was qwickly asked to turn down my vo�ce level. Maua,�ement aE Terlizzo's is always accute�y aWare of the fact that the music iu the venue is intended for accompaniment and laid back soothing entertainment, never bom.bast or offensive�p hi�h deefbels. nov i� oa oa:as p. 1 Photte: 2247345 .Nlanc�ni's Bar & Char House �a'� ����� S7. PAUL. MINMESQi"A 55102 ����� Nov. a7, 2994 Dear St. Paul Office Of LEIP, The Mancini famly has lmown Tom Terlizzo and his fami}y for forty years. We have heen to his restawant and, have seeu his operation. Tom is a very bard worker who s;ares about his reputation and business. I imowTom wants ta continue running a restaurant in St Faul and compty with all Iaws concerning licaensing. Feet free to r.a�l any of us for a reference as to Tom's chara�cter, � ��_ � i C� } � ` t9 '�� ��.- �_�