245346 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK -J�� {(�� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ti v-i � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. NCIL RESO U ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ' DATF � � Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the North�re�tern �� Bell Telephone Company, to make necessary egcavation to place bur3.ed UV� � ' �� telephone plant in �Tynne Avenue between Han�l.ine Avenue and Snelling �lvenue. Work to be done under the direction of Gonm�i.ssioner of 1'�.blic Works. The Tel�phone Company to pay for the eost of publica- tion incident here�o. Location of proposed plant to be sub3ect to the approval of the Public Works Department and Boaxd of Water Commissioners. AuG 2 2 1969. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays AUG 2 2 1969 � ��}g�h, Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor � Peterson J � 1 Act1� Mayor Sprafk�, �� Tedesco A gainst � `���" '�y�� PUBLISHEp AUG 3 0 1969 1Vjr. Vfc� President (PetereeYt� . 4 . �+ �a �4 , s�����, ^' .. � X .� �,` �S.. . � I� ,�� �^k Y�.�� � , . ��,��'�'.���' :r: �� . '�' �.; � x��� }4y ,� . . ��+' •t �M�y'i'�,`t�;v � �� t'" , �' -r ��'.�' �... � ?-` . . �. . � ,. . ... • . . �iti..�"'��<`�' � , .. +w....._.., .. ,r �����4b DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE° DATF Resolv�d �hat p�rrnission t�e and 3.s here�iy �;r�ted to the Nor�GYnTestearn Bel1. te�.�phone Com�an�, to m�tp necessary exc�vation tn place bur�.ed te"lephone plant in �1'ynne Aven�.e bc�tween Iiam].ine .�venue ancl. �nel].int; �venue. �Tork -tn be donF� under the c�.irect3on o� Cor�ur�i.ssioner of i'ut�lic �°loxks. 2'he Telep�ot�� CorFi��zny tc+ p�y for the cost o�: �uk�lic�,- tian incid�nt her�to. Locau3.o�� oi �s°o�osed �lant to �e Eu��ect to �he apnr^ov�l of' the Pu�alic �,;;�orks ��pAr�t�r��nt anc� Hoard ot' �tifiater Comnz�.��a.oners. ��� ? fi�' ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �;�,� ;a� , r>,:� - � �� Approved 19— Meredith n Favor D..+o,.�°°=°°n--` Mayor Sprafka 1 L" A gainst Tedesco :��'��_ 'd�it;.,B��... z �.. �1N3r. Vice t'x�:a�c4ex�.k �i?e.sLasc�?�) � '1s,,: