245344 ORIGI,DIAL TO CITY CLBRK 245344 f CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI ENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY ���ssioner Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and speci�ications heretofore approved for the proposed grade and surface with bit�xninous materlal and construct concrete curb and gutter on IDAHO AVE. from Mackubin St. to Cumberland St. ALSO, construct sewer service connections and water service connections (G-1882); and grade and surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on N. COHANSEY ST. from proposed cui-de-sac north of Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. ALSO construct sewer for storm water purposes and construct water service connections, (G-18$3); and grade and surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on N. ARUNDEL ST. fram proposed cul-de-sac north of Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. ALSO construct sewer for storm water purposes and construct water service connections, (G-1885) as approved July 30, 1969 by Council Resolution C.F. No. 245079, now, therefore, upon the recommendation of the Cormnissioner of Public Works, be it RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as approved by the Council , be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Addendum No. l , which is attached to and made a part of this Resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifications; and further, all interested parties be notified of this Addendum. AUG 2 2 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��- � 2� 1969 �, Approved 19__ Meredith In Favor � � ge�ersa� Sprafka � ,��� Mayor Tedesco A gainst :e:�`" �.s����� PuB�isH�a AUG 3 0 1969 Ma. Vtes Pxee�daat (Peteraon) _ i d .��O � :`s - . . c , C1fiY 0� ST. PAUL � � ,� � � r- � DEPAR`1�:Lr�� OF 1 JBLIC WOlt'�S � �-/ I August 21, 19'og Gr4.c1e �d stzriace Frij,h bitur:ii�'ious .materi�].. and cons�ruct ccncrete curb �d gu�ter on I��O kVL. frc� P'ac�u.b=n Sti. to Cun.�crla��d St. p.L�O construct se��er se-rvice cor�ections a:nd s�r�,ter service cor.i:ections. (G-1882): and grade and su�riace k�.tn bi�w:L.nous n:�teri�. �,nd cons�ruct co�crete curb a.nd �ru�ter ' o� N. COIi4I�1�Y S�T. fro� proposed c�:i-de-sWc �or�h of Hoyt Ave. �o Id�o Ave. l-�.SO construc-� se�rer for s�coi� wa,�er �urposes �nnd construc� w�ter ser-�rice cc_�ections. (Gi883): and grac�� and surl�ee with bituminous materia.l. and co�struct concrete curb �zd g-u�ter on N. A�iUT�DyL ST. fram. proposed cul-de-s�,c nor�h ox Hoyc Ave. to Id�.ho Ave. �IaO cons�ruc� sewer for storm water purposes and construct water service conn�ctions, (G-1885). ADDEI�Dt�i��i I�IO. 1 The campletion date shall be changed irom October i5, 19�9 to July 1, 1970. . ;. . . . " �` i ,�, v '�� - . . . . •s�.��.'. . .. _ > a DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �45��4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C�n�S!G i G1��„ ROE?��t F. COMMISSIONER Peterson DA7F MNER�AS� I t haa been found nace�ssa ry to chang�e. nwd t fy and a�nend certa�in pKarticns of tha pians and �pectftcstion� har�tofore app�ovaaf for • th� proposed gr�d�, �r�d surfac� with bitum�r�ous ma►terTat and ccrn�ttruet ` concrete curb and gutter on lDAN4 AVE. 1'r�rrn Mackubin St. ta Cwnberiand St. ALSp, construct s�rer servfce carit�a�ctlons �t�d water service connecttons tG-l$82); and gr�de and sur�F�ce wPth bituminows matmri�l artd co�struct �oncr�te curb and gutter on N. CONANS�N ST. �ram propos�i c.�rl•de-saa north of Noyt Ave. ta idaho Av�. Ar.S�i urnstruct s�awor For storm wat�r purpases �nd construct water servic, umnsctlon�, (G�1$$3j: and grade and surf�ce with bituminous materiai and cor�st�ruct concrete� ce�r�b arn3 gutter +an N. /1RUNDEL ST. from propas�d culwde-ss� na�th of Woyt Av+e►. to fdaho AVe. A�.�(� �anstruct 5ewer For storm watar purposes a�d construct wate� servica connec�ions, (�-1$�5� as approved .lu1y 30, 1g69 by Council Resvlution G.F. rio. 245c7g, now, therefore, up4n the recc�nun�dation of the CQmmis�ioo��r af Public Work�, be it R�SOlVE4, That tht pl ans and sp�ci f i eat i ons fc�r the� above n�ed lmprovemer►t, as epprov�d by th+d Council� be and the same are h�reby ch�nged, mod i f f ed and arr�nded t n accorr�ance w�th Add�ndt�n No. 1, wh i ch i s attrch�,d to and made a p�ri: r�f t'his Re:sotution and of the �fc�r�:mentioned plans and specifPeations; and further, all interested parttes be nafiified af this Addendum. . ��� ��; 1��9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �" . �: �;j�� �}g� Approved 19—_ Meredith �Tn Favor FE�ersva'-' Sprafka L� Mayor A gainst Tedeaco ������'. �. Viee Yx�ci3asQ (3'eYc.rsouj� 55