245324 • � �����j� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. �i.�:�rt;;E cot��l�r1T��. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY tiU;��ust 21� 19e9 COMMISSIONE DATF '., Rr�OI,TJ�`�; That applic:.:tion _°or Sunc•a�=-Un-Sale-Liq��.or Zice:ise, a��pli.�.d f'or by '�he fol�ia%n; a�plicant i•�ho is a holder oi �-�n Qn �ale Lic�uor License, at, the adc�xess stated, be and the same is here'pdT �ranted and in com�liance with C� F, !•TO� 235531, which amends �ha�ter No. 30`3.00 of the St. I'aul Zeoislative �ocze and Jrdin.•=.nces. Park Lanes, Inc. 616 �omo 1�ve. App. ]:31�2 Pde�a 1`JE��T Iniormally a;�proved b;� �ourcil Ju1J 21�, 1969 i�ew Location AUG 21 1969 . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � AUG 21 1969 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith ,��Tn Favor 1 �A n_� � � Sprafk2 Mayor � Against ��t��9 Tedesco .�g�� ��������``����..�,, .: ����.�sK�Q AUG 2 3 A4�,� Yi�► Pxeaid�nt �rc�.:�so.�) � C._._ � CITY OF-SAINT PAUL � 6 � Capital of Minnesota � ��F���Z. y [ �e a�t�e�t o k�`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiasioner POLICE AND FIBE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depaty Commluioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspector July 21�, 1969 i�ionorable riayor and City Coiancil Saint Paul, P�Iinnesota Gentlemen: Park Lanes, Inc. r�akes applic<�tion for Sunday-Un-Sale-.Liquor LicenBe for their place of business at 615 Como nvenue. jhey have held a liquor license at this address since �iay 1969. The location has been licensed as a lic�uor business since 193�. Very truly yours, 1 ,,,., ! •�� ` l �` ��`r�' }��f'�ft.fiv � !'" License Inspector / d�� o�+.�` � � � �O w AFFIDAVIT F�t SUNDAY I,I�IIOR LICENSE AppLICATION ATa� ��� � Reaidenae Ad eas � � ���_f� . Lioensee Address of Businesa _ b ��n �,p�s-�„�.� �-��-e, I heraby apply for a Speo5al 3unday Liquor licenae. I have a R�atauran� - � (orosa out one) lioenae r�ith eeating oapsoity for /Q /� people. $igned State oP 1�a.nneaota) )S8 C o�mty of Ranaesy ) r vL-�d"E�[/` being Pirat duly aworn, depoeea an +aays upon aatli tha he has rea tlie foregoing afPidav3t beari.ng hia aignature and -l�o�re the aontents �thereof; that the same is �rue of hi� o�rn knvArledge, exaep�G ae to tiiose �tters thereia stated upon information a�d belief an.d as to those matters he belierres them tc be trus. Si�nat re of appli�ant Stzbaorib�and s�rorn to befar�e me / thi �3 day of I9��y � , Notary b o, aey Countq, sota My oa�unission expires i� - a.s- 19Zp • �. Jul�,r ?_�+� 1:»�� Ii�n. '�n. ?;. C'�rlson _ _ C�:�sr. �f Pu�lic ^afety Publi.c Safety Buildin� Dea-r "ir: Attention: P4r. Daniel hleLaughlin The Ci.ty C�izncil t�da�; informally appr�ved the application of Pa.rk L�nes, I:�:c. f� Sunday On :�:le L'qi.�or License at �1; CoMO 11ve. ?�'ill yolz nlease pre�are th� cust�mary resolution coverin� this matter Very truly yours, City Clerk n�;