245302 ��5�02
In the Matter of ��
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6rede aad snrface with bit�inous material the alleqs as follows:
under Preliminary Approved File No. Description
- Order
243282 � Apr. 18, 1969� L101-G ---� Alley in Blk. 14, Fairvirw Add. to the City
of St. Paul from Case St. to Jenks St.
243261 Apr. 18, 19b9 �102=G Alleq in George Doehne's Su�. of Blk. 15,
Fairview Add. to St. Paul from Bradleq St.
to Jessie St.
243272 Apr. 18, 1969 L105-G Alleq ia Blk. 1, Wei�and Add: from Aawthorne
Ave. to the Northerly lin� of Weinand Add.
243288 Apr. 18, 1969 L107-G Alley ia B1k. 1, Fairview .Add. t�,4the,,City
of St. Paul fr� Cook St. to Magnolia St.
243280 Apr. 18, 1969 L108-G Alley in Blk. 7, Fairview Add. to the City
of St. ,Paul from Lawson St. to Cook St. �
243284 Apr. 18, 1969 L109-G Alley in Blk. 3, Fairview Add. to the City �
of St. ;Paifl from Cook St. to Magnolia St. �
237772 Mar. 27, 1968 L111-G Alley, �n Brookvale 2nd Add. from I�ississippi 'k
St. tb westminster St. f�
242274 Feb. 20, 1969 L112-G Alley in Brookvale Add. fram Mississippi St. �
to Westminster St. � ',
243268 Apr. 18, 1969 . L113-� -- N�rth-South alley is� John Mongan's Stewart �
� Park Add. from Geraniwn Ave, to Rosc Ave. ` �
i . �`�243276 Apr. 18, 1969 L116-G Alley in �hills Add. and Flisram's Add.
from Clark St. to DeSoto St. '" '"1
, 243323 Apr. 22, 1969 I,119-G Alley in Blk. 12, Fairview Add. to the City
' of St. Paul from Jenks St. to Lawson St.
243321 Apr. 22, 1969 L124-G Alleys in Blk. 2, J. R. Weide's 4th Add. to
St. Paul and Blk. 3, J. R. Weide's Add. to '
the City of St. Paul
Grade and surface with bitvminous material and construct sewers for storm water purposes '
in the alleys as follaws:
under Preliminary Approved File No. Description
243293 Apr, 18, 1969 L118-G Alley in Dorr and, Stone's Sub, of Lot 6, I
of Hoyt's Outlots to St. Paul from Westminster
St. to Arkwrfght St.
243847 May 13, 1969 L121-G A11ey in Blk. 8, Westminster Add. from I.S.
� 35E Frontage Rd. to Westminster St.
I 243844 May 13, 1969 L122-G Alleq in Blk. 7, OakVille Pk. from Wefde St.
! to Arcade St. (G-1890) ,
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