245298 ' �45�z9� oeta�Nw�To e�rr et.neK , CITY OF ST. PAUL �COE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO L RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF W�AS, aa exa�aination for the position of "Library i' Assietarrt" is being scheduled, aud �+II�AS, investigation makes i� evident that a suf'f'icient eligible list cannot be obtRtned. f'raaa ammong the resid�nts of the Citya and W'�S, it is de+e�ed in the beat interests of the City to extend campetition to persons living outside of th,e City; n� therefore, be it R�ObVLD, that the res3.ctence xequirements t'or admission to the exa�i.nation as prnv�.d.ed. in Section 10 D of the Civi7. Servic� Ru1.es are hereby wa3v�ed Por the first eacmnination for "Library Assistaat" to be held follawin� the passage of' this resolution. a�G 2 0 �69 �` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson AUG 2 Cl 1969 �� Approved 19—_ -- Meredith � ` �� Tn Favor ,� Pet�erS� Sprafka � Mayor A gainst ��tt'n� Tedeaco .r„r r � �p�'"��'e. �'� � �,►�,�.�,��;���;:,_ � .� , : ��� AUG �3 1969 � ,' �� �w � � � � k � ti �. ,�.. .ilh� �.y�y r A � .� � a� �fAM� . , . ,. � � . . . �•r ..� �.. . ,,'�. . .i?� w� s�. ' . 47'��.�.,:.„��' > : . '. `•'• � �� ,�i t . ���{�c3 J DUPL[CATE TO PRINTER �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF W�AS, an examina,tion Par the po�ition of "Library Assistaat" is being �cheduled, e►nd WI��AS, invest3gation mak�s it evident that a suff�.cient eligible li�t caanot be obts3ned fraan sar�ang the residents of the City� and W'F�REAS, it is deemed in th� best interests of the City to extend �ampetition to per�ons living outsi8e oP the City; naw� therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the residenae requirenents for admissian to the exaanination as provided 3.n Section 10 D of the Civ31 Service Aules are hereby w�i.ved Por the f3.r�t exami.nation for "Library Assistant" to be held follow3ng the pas�age of this resolutian. ��� � � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,h, r ��- Approved �"'' "� -- _ . 1g-- Meredith `�� Tn Favor �e�e�san— Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst v, n• ',,.rK •.r.� � ���.'�y�ne , Ndi. �r'aE,a k'xe�idc;nt �i'��,.:.;�uj , ,. �