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' Theuadereigaedhereby pmpoeeethemal�ingofthefolYowingpublioimprovemeat by the City of 8aint Paul,v�s.:
� _. . -..,. ,.., ._,,..Regr.ede.&. Surface T�rith bituminous material and construct where
necessary concrete curb and gutter, concrete curb, concrete side�alk� �'�� � ���
' ". . ._ c�vncrete driv�e�rays and constru�t sewar servi,ce conneetions, also.do ... . ... ...
� all incidental work to c�plete impro�ment on the follo�ring �trests.
� .... ,.. _
-- Aurora Ave. Pram Oxford St. to Vi�toria St. �
F�aller Ave. fram Lexington Pk�ry. to Vic�ria St.
Carroll Ave. fraan OxPord St. to Avon St.
Iglehart Ave fro� Lexington Pliwy. to Avon St.
Hague Ave. from Lexington Pkvy. to St. Albans St. —
Laurel Ave. Pram Lexington �'kwy« to ��o a�.. __
Ashland Ave. Yram Lexington Pkw�r- to Grotto St.
Oxford St. from� Selby Ave. to Coneordia Ave. -
Chatsworth St. from Summit Ave. to University Ave.
Milton St. Yrc� Sumn�Ct Ave. to Ha�ue Ave•
Miltoa St. Pra� Marshall Ave. to Central Ave.
Fisk St. from Iglehart Ave. to Carroll Ave.
-- Avon St. from Marshsll Ave. to Concordia Ave. �
Grotto St. fraan Fortland Ave. to Hague Ave.
� Grotto St. fraan Selby Ave. to_M�arshall Ave• ..
w..... r _,� ���rv vy K�r V 17GAi'ii. OGF Yj�iC �i{J�jC.(i{Il(�n�•p �j$Q QQ ,
all incidental . work to complete improvement on the folla�wing streets: w
hav �Ora Ave. fra�n Oxford St. to Victoris St. �+
Fuller Ave. Prom Lexington Pk�ry. to Victoria St. ----
the� Carroll Ave. fra�m Oxford St. to Av�n St.
Iglehert Ave. fram Lexington P'kWy. to Avon St.
Hague Ave. from Lexington Pkwy. to St. Albans St.
, Laurel Ave. fram Lexington Pkwy. to Grotto St.
Ashtsad Av�e. fr� Lexingtcm PkWy. to Grotto St.
OxPord St. fram Selby Ave. to Concordia Av�e.
Chatsworth St. from Summit Ave. to University Ave.
Milton St. fram Sus�ait Ave. to Hague Ave.
Milton St. t'ro� MarshaLl Ave. to Central Ave.
Fisk St. from Iglehart Ave. to Carroll Ave.
Ad< Avon St. froo� Marshall Av�e. to Concordia Av�.
Grotto St. fram Portland Ave. to Hague Ave.
Grotto St. fraa¢ Selby Ave. to Marshall Ave.
Councilman Carlson
� Da l g l is h Apptoved.....»..................._........................................
,�lA��,� �
;% Meredith
Tedesco .........: .. ... ....... .......�...
. Mr. President Bptrre _ Mayor.
� �-� �uB��sHEO AUG 2 3 1969
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