245264 �� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK �452'64 , . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUN ESOLU O -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE _ WHEREAS, Funds appropriated by the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the 196g budget of said City for winter street maintenance i� the �nount of $754,012 are virtually e�chausted and have becon+e totally inadeq�ate to properly protect the public inte�ests; �ow, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby finds aad determines that the City is confronted with the sudden and une�cpected e�ergeqcy wherein the funds appropriated for winter street a�aintenance have beea virtually exhausted and have become inadeq�ate properly to protect the public interests; be it FlAtTHER RESOLVED, That the Council further finds and detenaines tk+at it has become r�ecessary, iA order to protect the public interests and the life, property, health and Nelfare of the citizens of this City to resort to an emergency appropriation and e�ergency borrowing authorized under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 206 of the Charter of the City of Sai�t Pawl ; be it FURTHER RESOLVE�, That the Mayor and the Comptrolier be aad they• hereby are authorized and directed to borrow a s un or sums of money not to exceed $275,000, in the aggregate ar�d to execute and deliver to the party or parties a�aaking such loan or loans a prc�issory note or notes payable to such party or parties bearing interest at a rate not exceeding iv er ix (6°,�) cent per anntan, said note or notes to be payable oAe year frona the date of execution thereof; be it,:; FINALLY RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed shali be credited to the Ernergencr S�oti+ Removal Fu�d, Activity Code 025�+-�, or related winter street maintenance acfiivity funds, all of said fund to be expe�ded for the purposes . of snow plowing, snvw ree�oval , sanding and salting icy streets and otMer related work necessary to keep the streets i� reaso�ably safe cc�ndition for travel by the publtc thereon. , ,� " ��, � 9 1969 FQRM V�1PPR0��/ COUNCILMEN ` � `� ' % Ado ted b the Coun ' p y ci 19— Yeas Nays Ass . orporati n � t i � ���t� Carlson �1� �� � Dalglish � Approved 19.— '�� � in Favor Meredith � J Rayor Tedesco A��t Countersigned: PUBLISHED A 2 3 1969 ���'��Y��'�_ � ! ::'s _ ��1V�'�..��G.`��� Mr. ?ii�PxeKdest (iiri�rrwr} y Comptroller ��22 I • � . r Ana Cod�i12 �,�ITY �F�9 PAUL J. KELLY ' ��2� R� "x THOMAS J.STEARNS °o E ' '' JON R. DUCKSTAD } �6 ^ ARTHUR M. NELSON '�.� ' n° JEROME J.SEGAL THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'�ONNELL KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK H"�"�``''°"' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �osEPH E��°w��HT DANIEL A.KLAS R.SCOTT DAVIES Sp�cia)Assi:tant LEGAL DEPARTMENT PIERRE N. REGNIER . 316 Clty Hall, St. Paul. Minnesota 55.102 JOSEPH P. SUMMERS Corporation Counal AUgUSt �.2� 1g69 _ ������ Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell � City Comptroller 109 Court House Dear Mr. Mitchell: You have requested an opinion of the Corporation Counsel as to whether or not it would be legal for the City Council to declare an emergency pursuant to Section 206 of the City Charter in order to make the necessary preparations for winter snow including, but not limited to, the purchase of sand and salt, servicing equipment, erecting snow fences, and snow removal. Section 2Q6 of the Ci ty Charter provides a� follotitiis: • ::c . "Emergency appropriations.--Sec. 206. In the event of destruction of or injury to public buildings or structures , by fire, flood, tor- nadoes or other elemental causes, or of the " invasion or threatened invasion of the city by epidemic or contagious diseases, or of any other sudden and unexpected emergency wherein the funds appropriated for any of the purposes above and in this chapter provided for become inadequate properly to protect the public interests, the council by unanimous vote of all members thereof shall have power to authorize the mayor and comptroller, to borrow temporarily and upon such terms as the council may prescribe, such sum or sums of money as the council may, by unanimous vote of all the members determine to be necessary to meet such emergency, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making such loan, such notes, � bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness as � t . the eouncil may prescribe. The payment of such temporary loans shall be provided for either by issuing bonds therefore or by tax levy within one year from the date of such loan. All acts �,r.a �' �t. /� i ;�' Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell 2 August 12, 1969 of the council under this section must be approved by the mayor and the comptroller by signing and countersigning the ordinance or ordinances, resolution or resolutions by which such action is taken, and if such ordinance or ordinances, resolution or resolutions are not so signed and countersigned, they shall be void and of no effect. " It is the opinion of this office that the City Council may, upon a proper determination based upon facts presented to it, (including, among other things, prior weather conditions in the City of Saint Paul in the months of October through December and the fact that the 1969 appropriation was in the amou nt of �788,812.00, which amount has been depleted exce t for capital outlay by an unusually severe winter just passed� conclude that an emergency shall exist if the necessary preparations are not made for the winter months. It is also pertinent for the Council ' s determination that the 1968 appropriation for snow was �780, 128.00, and expenditures for 1g68 were �608, 422.66. • .:c . .. Based upon the above information, the City Council may declare that an emergency now exists as defined in Section 206 of the City Charter and authorize the Mayor and the Comptroller to temporarily . '� borrow money. Respectfully s mitted, . SE P. ERS p�,ation Couns 1 � "} � ' , 'l, � GL�� � • PAUL J. KELLY Assistant Corporation Counsel PJK:paw ��RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA ` CHIEF ENGINEER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMER;T OP PUBLIC 19VORKS 234 Ciiy Hall & Court House 55102 ROBERT F. PETERSON Commissione� ___ . ... . . ,.- _. _ �� Auyust 11 , 19<g ������� Nonorable Thomas P. Dyrne, Mayor and hlembers oi the City Council • St. Pau 1 , t�l i nnesota Gentlemen: 6y tetter on April 3, lqog, I informed Joseph J. Flitchell , City Comptroller, that our 4:'inter Strea*. F?aintenance 3udg�t 1,�as almos;- completely exhausted. At this time, the 8udpet is depteted ancS, furthermore, u.�e have over $30,000 in unpaid ec�uipment renfal , repair end service bills from the Municipal E�uipment Garagc, - !Jith �•�;nter approaching, the department feels that it must prepare for �Ninter sno��ts i n �lovembe r and Jecember by r�u rchas i na sand �nd sa 1 t, serv i c i nc� � equipment, r'puttina up sno�,� rences, etc. These functions m�st be done in Septem�er and October in order that the department can operate efficiently when the snotU comes in P�ovember and December. ' � It is estimated that the department l,�ill need $275,000 for preparation, the November and Jecember operations, and the unpaid equipment bills. I have prepared a resolution authorizing a 5?_75,000 emergency loan and I strongly urge your support of this resolution. Sincerely, ����� ��,��r Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Publ ic krorks RFP:JFS:ddr cc: Joseph J. Mitchell James F. Schwa rtz . r .+ . , �. � . , ' � ; I , EUGEtVE V. AVERY C � T�/ j� C C � ! � � � � � f � AN7HONY J, CF'aEA CMIEF ENGINEER � `�� r J � �J DEPUTY COMMIS910HER Capii•af af Minnesota ��P��t'�t::��P��' �►° F'���.�� t'����5 ����G���' 234 City Hall & Court Ho�ise 55102 � Ft0�3ERT I�. P��EEtSQid ' Commissioner ' ���`) Rprii 3, 19G9 � Fir. Joseph I�'�b tche 1 1 � CitY CGi+�pit("CI �t�.0 � Raom i09 � :�'City�ttall � Dear Mr. t1i tci:e 11 ; " Thi s i s �o i nform you tl�at our bucln,et for �!i n�Lr Street M�intenance ��;:ratic�rrs ts aimost ca��pletely exhaust:�d. ue f►au[� ctnnn�c4 :�j j Ct�nr�tinn_al �n�r�ag �n ti��r�cg f��n��, l)t!t thr�ra will be equi���ent repair bpils being processed during the month of f�pri 1 . 1t arauld seem that Yhere r,�ay be a need for a e�rt�r�ency . borrowing for tisp idinter Street Naintenance Activities in th� fal 1 of 1��9, but ��;a ���i l 1 h�ve a better picture ofi the si tuation iat�r in the ycar. I t�ri 11 tnfarr;� you as saon as possibis of our bal�:r�ces in the funds and our neeas for next fall . Yours truly, �7J � � � _ ` ��-r (�*�-� �=��-�z�,..- � Robert F. Petersan Commi ss io�ter af Publ ic tilorks RFP/JFS/nb cc: E. V. A��ery G. K. Scl�enberyer J. F. ScnsMartz � .r ► • • Area Cod�612 cs*x op PAUL J. KELLY . 7t3-5121 RQ$ � � THOMAS J. STEARNS g ..4:':�; -`� JON R. DUCKSTAD � � __�'3" ` ARTHUR M.NELSON dg ° �° JEROME J.SEGAL THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'rONNELL KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK Firsf Assistant CITY VF SAIN� PAUL JOSEPH E.CARTWRIGHT DANIEL A. KLAS R.SCOTT DAVIES Special Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT PIERRE N. REGNIER 316 City Hail, St. Panl, Minaesofa 5510Y JOSEPH P. SUMMERS Corporatioe Couas�l August 6, 1969 � '� �����3�� Honorable Robert F. Peterson= Commissioner of P��blic Works � Attention: J. Schwartz Dear Sir: Attached please find resolution approved as to form pertaining to the declaration of a snow emergency and authorizing the mceergency borrowing of funds. Please have this resolution countersigned by the comptroller prior to submission to the City council. • �E . ,,, ; Very t ly you `/ RO ;�Cf J. SEG� � enc. Assi �tant C�r�`poration ouns�l � � �� � . � � " ; : , # �A , .ousuu�lc ro►R�NtsR � � , ' CI�Y Of ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY �CLERK F�« NO- ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��sr�a�c.r COMMISSION� DA� _ � . �i �;'� ,� ��� { . .. , � . , a �1`� "� �� , �� �� � ��.�� .� � � ��� �'��� �� � NII�►���N �#��� AMNt�, ��������� �� ��" ��:� �� � � �� � ��IM� � �M� �i � . ' �. �� �� �Mi�l�� �� ������ . � :� �....� a.. , j � �� � � � ����� . . . ; . . , ,, :� �w�� � � �t . � U . a , ,. � . � , � � . ; . . �. . � , , � ,, . `'� ,. �� ,���'���� ��i��r iN�►► i� �e ;. . . . ,:�IN�ii� �► 1�' iM► �. " '# ; , w�1�,+� '�IIrN#�����j'�? �� #�` �, � ,. �, ,���r�'"����ii�t� +i� +� '� ��, _ { �.� �� . , � , �r � �iw� �il��r� i� >� �' +i ������. � +������3�'rrwr.�"�.•� � , , �r +��y"��,��� "�r'�1��r ��irr�"+� � ,�, ! �wr� �iwt��� � ��► � +�".' ���� O. �� - � �� ������ ���i��l� ,, _�., ,�� ,�,�:� t' . � .' . i �� ��`+�` �.' . �:��N���� !� , F �� . „ , , t� #Mllt ��fs : � . ' � - . . 1��� � � �� � . , p� ������, . ��� ������'� � , '������ ,�_,�� �'�. �' � �ti; , . ��� ` '��� :�����,: � ,. . �� � . #w�t�wrr��� �� �ir . .. �� ����� � � a � � � � . , AWG �191�69 COXJI�TCTLMEN � ' Ada�ted .by' tl�e Co�nci� � �... 19_ , , , Yeas Nays • ` AUG 19 1969 ` Carlson � , . Da�glish • APProred 19..._ � , � ' ; , Favor; , . ': Meredith ' � ' . ,� . �, , � , ��� �. �'y � : Tedesoo -�inat Coun te r s i gne d: . ' .� �. ��r at (�i��) .•.: � . G�— . , �-'�'" ��- . y Co�ptro ler + � ��22 ,� . , � , , _ . , r _. ; ., . , , , ,. ,