245260 . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �A�f��\' • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N0, t v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I,ICEi�1SE CC���'�'Tr� COUN R LUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A1.1�liSt, 19� 1969 COM M I551 ON E DATF RESOLVID; That applic:tion for t,he transfer of On Sale Liquor �,icense and 5unday- On-aale-Liquor License, 9.ssued to the Turf Ulub,, Inc. (old corporation) at 1601 University xvenue, � to the Turf Club� Inc. (new corporation) at the same address� and their apnlxc-�.tion for j�estaurant� '��.vern� Off Sale rialt �everaoe and Cigarette licenses for the same location� be and � the sar�.e are hereby gr�.ted on the condition that within D� . days of this date said �Zrf �lub� Inc. (new corporation) shall comply y�ith all requirements of the Bureaus of h,ire, Healtn� and Police, and +.,he License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. AUG 19 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carison AUG 1 � 1969 Dalglish ApprovecL 19— Meredith �n Favor d�eterson— ' Sprafk� � Mayor A gainst Tedesco ��:1� . ,..�...,aw;s>,:'a: Ms. Vico Prehdos (Peter�oaj �UQ�.ISKE� AUG �3 196� � . . � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° Capital o! Minneeots �J�� �/ �V �e a�ti�e�t o k��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,DeDaty CommlYioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN. Lieense Inspeetor ��u�;ust 19� 19�9 Honorable i�ia�jor and City Council Saint Paul, �:�iinnesot� uentlemen: The Turf Club, Snc.� an enti�� new corporation� is joined b�� the `lurf �%1_ub, Inc., present corpt�i�a�ion und holders of QnSale ��iquor License i�lo. 759�, anct Sunday-Jri-Sale Liquor License Pdo. 7759, both e�irins Januar�r 31, 1q70, at 1b01 University Avenue in rr�akin� a��plication �or the transfer of these Iicenses to the new corporation� at the same address. The new corporation� l�.irf CluU, Inc. also niakes a,�;�Zic:::tion for Restau_r.ant, Tavern, Off 5ale ?�talt 'severa�e and Ci;axette licenses for +�he same location. The o£ficers of the corporation are Jernon Uockett� President, and Yathleen �i. Campion, �ecre�ary and Treasurer. 'i7�e;-T also are the only two stockholders. This location has heen licensed �or a similar business since 1935. �ir. Dockett is sales mana;;er for the ,�. �c ��, 5ervices. Kathleen Ii.Caripion is a housewi*e ar.d x_as no outsS_de em;�loy�ler.t. tTexy trula� ;lo,xrs, � 4 6 eu ,,� . . .. �.-�-1,..+,�.. ,, - r - '+�" _.<:, f•A",�.'f'. . .. License Inspector �O . , � ' ;� . Auguat 1969 License Inspector Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota I Frank Fleischhacker (President) and I Jani�e Fleischhacker (Secretary-Treasurer) of Turf Club Incorporated, 1601 University Avenue, St. Paul, hereby ask you to transfer said on sale liquor license and other licenses at 1601 Universitq Avenue to the new President Vernon Dockett and K. M. Campion Secretary-Treasurer of the Turf Club, Iucorporated 1601 Universitq Avenue. � � � / � itness . n � ° ��+c���� Witne '�:�, 1�,�1617?8�9�� _ '�"� �' `'!� �`°y A!IG J 969 w ^ . c� ;� ; � � OVED �� � CIC�NSE DIV. oZ' � f�'`'1��. of Pu61ic Safety , s/ . �. s��'z� ��o� i August 14, 1969 License Inspector City of Saint Paul ` We the undersigned ask to have on sale liquor � ; license and other licenses of 1�rf Club, Incorporated transferred to Vernon Dockett (President) and K. M. Campion (Secretary-Treasurer) of Turf Club, Incorporated. , ,` , Yours �ruly, �' /t� � .I 5 . �1�t--G��/� �,� �� � � ��� yr�rn p�s yernoa Dockett, President �/ ^ w �vPSS � L' ' , K. M. Campio , Secretary Treasurer �'�^�,��17�819�0� . �:� !�� �'�.; � ,::;� �;;1G��.i6�; �; .� . . �L.i�JF. � L � � .. DIV. � �r : ;ilic Safety � \�\.%^y•, ��p,L��1+ �..� ...� ����p �.L .� ' .�,,.,-�.,,�: ., ;�, r ,, _. Angust 1S, 1969 Licease .Inspector City of St. Psul St. Panl, Minnasota Dear Sirs By this latter the Baltimor� Holding Campany granta psrmi�sioa for liceas� transfer to Vernon Dochett and _ �. K. Campioa of thetiYnrf Club, Inc. . Yours very trnly, , ; BALTIMORB SOLDII� CO�Q'ANY � ,���C�%�� AWf9/lm , Arthnr W. Owana,oiaa Praaident � i .��1�°1198192� � c�j�, ��� -�,... � j,��,,,u �;JG 1963 `� �.... �� ',�U� :.�''��iVSE DIV. D � - - �j� ��"u�• of Public Sa(ety � � �ys��Z � ��0��,� CERTIFICA'�'� I; K. M. Campion� secretary of Turf Club� Inc.� a Minnesota corporation do hereby certif� under oath that at a duly called meeting of the directors of said corporation held at the principal office of the corporatioa in St. Yaul� Minnesota on the 3rd da� of August, 1969 at 10s30 a.m. at Hhich 'meeting all of the directors of said i corporation were present� the folloXing named peraons were duly elected officera of ,I said corpora tion to serve unti 1 their successors are elected� said persons being a11 of the officers of said corporation, to-`ritt Yernon nockett President K. M. Campion Secretary-Treasurer llated St. Pau1, Minn. Aug• 6� 1969. . � � ecretary-�easur C1ub� Inc. Subscribed and sworn to before me g � tl�iis 6th day of August� 1969 DOROTHY TSCHIDA, `�--- 9_ � �� Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn. ' �l- `Z'�c� �� MY:��mjs31°n'F'��lfP� �Ipfll l3r 397M1' AtteSks � . � / . ,%�-�2'�I�'`�'�/f� !!l� ` Vernon Pockett, President Turf Club� Inc. , � CITY flF SAIIdT PAUL DEPART�NT �F PfT$LIC SAP'LTY LICENSE DFP�SIf1N i Date � `- � 19�� P 1. Applioat3.an for , �tf' s��� ��,/1e r - Liaense 2, Na� of �pp].ioaxit c°i/'' �I 0 !' . ,�� � e'� 3. Buaiaeas s►ddre�a Resiclen�e�„�/Z J��6y ��e ,�f���lf / �+ 4. Tre►de �me, if at�y �v l�F � �u�P ��C. 5. Retail Beex Fedaral Taa Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p v�3GDZ�Lri11 be used. _ _..__ ._ _. . _. _..........y._.... 6. t�i �rhat Ploor located �vr�'.��.e�. Number of roamns usgd`�: - - .p�.r.__ � 7. Bs�w+�en w�at cross streets������ 1Rhicsh side of street �p _ � s 8. llre prem3�ee nrnv aocupied�r�What business ,,..., D�, S�le F�iT dr How long � �,�. 9. aA,re premiees nc�mr un000upied �J'c How long gacant Previou� use . `.._ _ 10, Are you a nev�r cmn.er es H'ave you bee� in a similar buaineea before 'i�here '�hen 11. Are you gc�ir�g to operate thia bu8insss pereonall���o . If not, rorho will opare�te it� Qe,, � ��Q ��Z t� S t� 2, 12. Az�e you iri anq other buainess e�t �he pres�nt t9.Yrne p _ _ �_,.._._ 13. $ave there bsen any complaints against your operatian oP this type oP p]ace`� 1Rher� ithere . 14. Ha�e you e�er had ax�y liQense revoloed�l�hst reaeon a�I date -- 15, Are you a a�.ti�an oP the IInited Statea_%'�Nativ�e ✓ Naturalized �� 16. 11liere wvre you bora�V�U/ 1'Ilhg, , Date of birth� � �/9' 2'`� � ��✓� 17. I v �►rried. My {�.fe's� (husband•s� name and addrea e is �q r't e �7 r�a�IPe(, r.�/L ,�.e/D!/ S't ��l./ �.f' ""_� 18. (If marrisd ferna�.e) n�r maiden name is 19. Haw long have you lived in S�. Paul �� y��` T_ ' �0. Bave �rou ev+ar bsen arreated �U Violatioa. of what ariminal lavr or ordinancse r-- _____�_.,. 21. Are you a registered voter ia the Cit�r of 3t, Paul� � Yea � No. (An;e�er Pully and aompletely. These a 'lioation� are tMorou hl cheol�d a�d aa fa�.s3�ioatioa �rill be cause for denie�lo 22, �umber oP 3.2 p]aoes �rithin two blooks 2,. Cloaeat intoxicating liquor plaee, Chi "�le Off Sale 24. Nearest Churah Neareat School 25. Number of' 'b4otha Tablea Chaira Stools � 26, iRhat oocup�t3.on have you flollowed for the p�at five yoaars. (Give names of employ�ers and dates eo employ�ed.) a ` S� �'!/ 27. Give+ �e aaa aaare��e� o� t�►o persons, residants of 8t4 Pl�ul, Ma.nnd, �rho oan give in.forme�tion oonaerning yous Name �'�Y D��� ��c�"s Addl's a S_��,r�S ,,,� �e..j�__H e ' Name �S e,�l, . �.'r-.�-��rnPr Addrea ✓fi. Si�sture of pp ioant State of Minn�aaota) �ss C c>un�y of �maey , �. ` ��t•n.�!�L �G� r=r'�h:-�`"�!� being firat duly avrorn, depo�ea ar�d say� upon'oath t he�ha� read ^the �orago�ng state�nt bearing hia aignature and l�aers the oontenta tl�reof, and that the ae�ms is �rue of his o�n l�acvledgs e�cept as to thoae me�ttera therein atated upon infor�ation and belieP and as to thoae matters he believ�ea them to be true. � , ignature oP �pplicant b�.ibsaribe� s*orn to before ma � thie � �� day �� 19� No =^y blia, Ramsey Cou�t;�.' Ro �rs�ocNa Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. M� CtrAE71�.88�021 @Xp1Y'98�y ��mission Exoire�eb. 3. 1973 (Note� These statement Porms are �i.n dupliaate. �Both csopies must be fully filled outa notarized, and retarned to the Liaense Divis iono�� ,\ AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER flR LIQUOR I.ICENSE Re s �Sale y. �pl;o � Licenss Name of applicant '� (? �"„ � . P �' oC' F� '.��,. Business addre�s o � �• Are you the sole owner of this businessR�e If nota is it a partnerahip4 Y�� corporatian?_7y�o� �� �, ot�her� Others interested in business, inelude those by loan of money, property or othez�iaes Name /Y� l�+���'' �or� Adaress !'G7 !/1�na1���' �g�,-TJ.rra.�,. If a csorporation, give its na�a �j�' �' �u� Z,/1r Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Besr or Liquor businesa? J�� As sole rnrraer? Partner? Stoekholder3 Otherarise? (Through loan o£ money, etc. Explain) �j�Q Address of such businesa and nature of in'terest in same � ignature of applican� State of B�inna s ota� - �as County of �msay � ��, � .�;: ` � , �' ,.,�` " �C �'`k�"' bein� firat duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidagit bearing hia aignature and Irn.ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of` h.is awm l�.owledge9 except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believas them to be trues v 1 A�� igriature of applicant Subsori� and swo ��before me �, thia z��-- ' d y o 19� Notary ublic, Aamsey C�xqty����ota � puDlic. Remsejr CeunlY. AHnn. � My cs oinmi s s i on expird�!► Oo�amia�iw► Exv�es r�.�3,�97� ' s�� � ��so2A) � ss COUNTY QF RAMSEY � `� � °' '�/: '�'` being firat duly sworn, doth depose and say that he ma,kes this affidavit in connectiott with application for "��,Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt bevera�e license.� in the �ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein f'or �U yeara, months� arul is nvw and has been for the time �b�ve mentioned a bona fide rssident of said 3tate and that he now resides at /,�(Z ���b�/ i�Addreg �T ��ic � , A+lit]ne s o�&. �city! oro�n.��' ��!/. .�- � Subsaribed�and sworn ta before me this '�� day 19� Not�ry Publia, Ramsey Coun�y; ���� Nota�t�uDlic, RartneY Ca►nry. Minn. My comtniaeion expirea �Commission �piros Feb. 3. 1973 C ITY �F SA INT PAUL DEPART�TT �F' P[T$yIC SAFETY LICENSE DNISION Da td �f sr 7.9 6y_ ��e � 1. Applioation for��6r l.�c ' � Liean�e ��L ee� " C�'� 2� ]�a�e of e�pp�,ieant �R /� a n�b tQM .. 3. .Buaz,nese addreaa R�jOI �hllf�{�5/�v Residenoe�7����,�,�f f� 4. Trsde r�ame, if any �j,,j/� � �� U�i Th o. _ y � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp Z36a2� �,ri.11 be used. 6. {� �rhat Floor located �t.,.- aYo�e� Number of roo�s used' 7, Betw�ssn �at oross streets.Sne/lri,�;�rr 111►hhich a ide of atraet 1j/� 8. ♦re premiaee naw daQUp3ad //,�s 'YPhat businese ph Sc% ��y,u„�✓_H�r long �,s,,, _�rrr..,_ 9. �,re premi.sea naw unoQaupied��Hovv long vacan� Previoua use 10, �re you a new rnmer�rHave �rou been in a similar busi.neas before � il�here 1Rhen 11. Are you guis�g to operate this buainesa peraonally � If not, �rho vri11 oparate it 12. Are you in any othe�r buainess at the present time �/� 13. Hav'e thare been any Qomplaints againat your opare�tioxi of th.i� type of place N�_ VPhen lnhe re 1�. Ha� you ev�er had ax�y lioenae revolaed�Ylhat reason and date 15. Are yot� a citizan �f tha United Statea�Native�I�aturalized 16. T�here �rare qou born ���u� �H,� Date of birth ��'�� . _. •.:�j- 17. I am `mQrried• �� �wsf�s� (husband's) nam�s and addresa is ;.���M ' � C' ,� � o ,(�/ �/�� or� S 6' 18. (If marr�.ed female) my maiden name is � �_ �e�'�PH 19. Ho�r long have you lived in St. Paul � 8 y�'S 20, Ba�v�s you ev�er been arreated �� Violatioa oP what cr3.minal law or c�rdinanoe 21. Are you s► regietered voter xn the City of St, Paul Yea No. _... . �. (Ans�aar Pully as�d Qom letal . These a 'lioatioaa are tMorou h1 cheal�d ax�cl an faleificai�,an �.11 be cauae fur denialo 22, Number oP 3,2 p]aaes within t�vo blooks 2�. C1.oaeat intu�iaating liquor plaae. On Sale 4ff Sale Z4. Nearest Church Nearest 8chool 25. Number of buothe Tables Chaira S`toola 26. Rhat oeoup�tian. have you �ollo��ed for the pe�at five q�sars. (Give name� of employ�ars and datea so employed.) . �--�� � 5 E ��r' G 27. Giv�e� aames and addreesea of t�+ro paraons, residenta oP 3to Ii�ul, Minna, �rho can gi�e in.farme►tion concarning youa R� ��', �.�.s�e� aaa�ss >7���r� �kw� st�c�u,[ Aame �id/��� /�10Y4 H .Addresa 34�y /t'k k� p e S'f-�/� v/ , � p�aature o pp zaan 3tate of �inn�sota� . )ss C oun�y of Rsmsey j ` � � . ' � '� being first duly s�rorn., depoaee ar� say� up n c�th t he � re the orego ng sta�ement bearing his signature and l�ovre the sontenta thereof, and�that-t�e asms ie �rus� of his aern knav�ledge eacept as to thoee me,ttera therein a��ted upoa�. inPormstion and belief and as to thoae me�tters he believ�ea them to be true. � l� • gnature of �pplicant Subsaribed and e�rorn to before m�s ' , thie �� _--` ay of 19 No ry blic, Ramaeq Coun�yr���g��� Notary Public, Ramsey County, MinA� �T f'+t7�71j.98�021 A7Cp1.i"A8 My Commission Expires feb. 3, 1973 ' (Note� Theae statement forrsn� are in duplioate. Both csopies muat be Pully filled outa notarized, and return.ed to the Lioenae Diviaionor— AFFID.�V 1'r B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I,TCENSE ����,<v Re a �Sale {� r j,�/o✓ Lioense A�-� , Name of appiicant ., , „ � ;;. - -�, �,� • Business addx°ess �o( �/h l� Ar°e you the sole owner of this business?_�� if not, is it � partnerahip? /�/c corporatian? �� � , o:�her? ____�___7 . _ . Others interested in business, inelude those by loan of money, property or otherwiees Na m9_ �/�i'r�cr� 'uf/U e r�F 7� Add re s s 1.5�/2 S'���i � .S���t'P../� �'.a�, �— If a corporation, give its na� J /,../ /(� /_ � ,�,� 1 y� Are you intsrested in any way in any other Retail Bser or Liquor buainesa? /�J� As sole aaraer? Partner? Stockholder? Otherarise? (Through loan of' aioney, etc. Explai:n) /V� ,�ddresa of such buainess and nature of interest in same � 'gnature o appliaan� State of Minnesota ss C ounty of I�msey ��"s = � , > !M °:lf :', �r;�� bei.ng first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath hp he has re�d the foreg ing affidavit bearin.g his signature and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his vwm lrnowledge, except as to thoae matters therein atated upon infor�ti�n and belief and as to those m�tters he believes them to be true. . f���� � ` Sig ture �f applicant Subsorib�'�nd sworn to bef�re me � this ., d y� �� �`��' —_19� C' _: ,�V w°���� Notary Public, Ramaey -Co�tn�y���s�ota M�ry P�bQt, ptmsey r MiM1, �y a�ssion expirelly �Noe#xo;n� c�1 19� -... -, � � . . , � s�� � �n��o�A) Ct7UATY OF RAMSEY � S8 �; ����:.,zt_� �l � �r � : E.� x: f°-,� being first duly axorn, doth depose and aay that 9he makes this affidavit i.n conne�tion v�rith applicsa�ion for " ��Sale" liquor licenae (" Sale" malt beverage licenae) i.a the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State esf Mi.nnesvta and has rasided therein for o�� yeara, � months, anri is noav and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bor� fide resident of said State � and that he now residea at �G?sj �/ /�t- ��yr��7 �` —�Addre�s� �f� J , Minnes ota, City or Town � , �-..Gz�- Subaoribed a avrorn to before me thi� -- da o 19� ___� �'�1`�' bJ.lf39 iWIII$ey ri�U�lt"i�yKQDCl��vT��' Notary Public, Ramsey Caunty, Minn. , �dy Qo�aiaaiun expiY'98� Commission Fxpires Feb. 3, 1973 �