245246 ." . . . •ORIgINAL TO CITY CL6RK �O_ ����� ° CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �-+ ' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� � U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 1138, Laws of Minnesota for 1969, approved the 9th day of June, 196g, entitled: "An Act relating to the City of Saint Paul; creating a civic center authority and prescribing its powers and duties; amending Laws 1967 , Chapter 459, Sections 3 and 4, and adding a new section. " a certified copy of whieh is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FUR.THER, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. F�VI PPR%.` . � � Asst, Corporation Cou sel� AUG 15 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays CarLson AUG 15 1969 Dalglish � Approve� 19— Meredith _In Favor Peteraon � Sprafka L� Mayor �^ A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne PU.BLISHE� AUG 23 1969 �� ��b�y ;o ds�;�raes .� � M�►•�rx: . . rk:7'.ti . � - ' . i �f• , ' 696� O � `J(1�1 au��g '�uapisaz� •.zy� C7 31 1 .� � � ' oasa� s,�vss �o .tri�r,xxaaa �suce8�--- ao�y�NN �O 31d1S � ��t3��ds uos�a�aa ''' * { � ' , t�'� .zon�3 uT---- u�ipaaayll � —6� anoadd� � ° usti���Q , uos�ag� ��dY � C �.��',°�� s�f�H s�ea� —gj t�uno� au� �q pa�dop� I�I�L1I'II�rIf10� 696t � �[ �fid . �as no+ � uoi�eaodao� �ssy -- ��;';l�l- ( �"�" • � � /i -'--�� � C�:� 'r,�`��'d NZ�I„�� � '�-�� Pt�s �o ��tiao.�dd� �o uot�ntosa.z STI�'). �o �do� L' �tltptl��ti"L pu�^ .zapuna.zau ��� pz�s �o t��o.zcid� pt�s o�. lti�ssa�au s���� Z�z�uassa at��} °ut��e�.s Z�,zaua� �CaLtio`��F� ait�- �n pac�ta�s�.zd in.zo� uz a�.�ot����..za� � a��`!-S �o �.z��.a.z�a5 au� LI�-tr� att� Zl�zniu�-�o.� Zt�us � Zn�d �.uz�s To ��.z� pt�s �o .za�z�lo t��z.z�t� �a�tio ati�. s� ��T.zaia �f�t� au�- �-'�ils `2I;3I3S2Ii1.3 Q�A'IOS�"� :pa�o.zdd� S°tItij`). ZT� ut st �na.zau �.�� � pt�s pu� aq. j��us `u�.tnLa.zaLi patt� sz uazurL �o �fcio� pat�t�..xa� � „ •uot�a�s r�au � Qu��pp� jliI'� �� pu� � suot�.�aS `6�fi� .za�.ci�u� ` L961 sei�7 �tii.puanc� : saz�np pLx� saanLOd s�z �uznt.z�sa.zcI pu� �S�z tot��n� ,za�}ua� �tnz� �e �ui��a.z� : Zn�� �}uz�s �o ��.t� au�. o�. �uz�.�etaa �.�� uF��� :paY�.t�ua 'n9(t 'atznr �o ��P LI�6 aj�� Pano.zdd� �696j ao� ��.osauut�,� �o sni�Z `g�Ij .za�d�u� �-�u�. �tn�� �ui�S �o ��-z� au� �o jtouno� au�- ���I `Q�AZOS�2i 1V4 � 3NOISS1lVW0� A9 031N3S9bd W2lO� l`d2i3N3J—NOismos�� �i n � . • � � �12131� Jlll� 3Hl �O 3�[��O : �i�'Ci��� •ON ii�Nno� lfl�/d '1S �O ,lll� .i : � ' xaa��atta c.:.�vNt9tao r t s . ,,;' . • � y�;� �� � f � . CERTIFICATE OF APPROYAL OF SPECIAL LAbI DY OOYERNIN� �ODY � (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645,021) � � �TATE OF IJIINNESOTA � Ramsey � County of . TO THE SECFtETARY OF STATE dF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the City of Sairit P�ul � lna,sr� �f gov�ra.men*.al uair.l ` t DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 1969, Chapter ; u38 requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body ,of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the City Council � (designate governing bodyl at a meeting duly hel.d on t:�e �-5th• day of ��z�T_ , 19�, by resolution Council File ATo. 2!+5?.�E did approve said Laws, 1969, Chapter 11 8 _ (If other than resolutioa, specify) by a majority vote of al� of the members thereof � (Ayes 6 ; Noes � ; Absent or not voting 1 ) and the following additional•steps, if any, required by statute or charter were taken: , � Resolution to be pu�].�.sned in St. Paul Le�al Led�er� the Offici al News��,=Pr of th� Ci�y of St. i'a..u]. on August 23� 19�9 A copy of the resolutior� is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate Q by raference. -. . �`', 7�j�� �,.� Signed: �/,:;,��/ �--/��:::_,•'-' �y Clerk SE�' (Official desigaatiou o1 oflicer) (This form prescribed by the attorney General 3nd furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.021) " "If extraordinary majority is required by the speciat law insert fraction or!�ercent- age here. STpT'E OF MINNES4TA ' DSPAATMENT"OF STATB � FIL � D � �7 AUG � 01969� IJJ- / ;�:< ..�r.. �'.:,G'�.,,...,".,, �' Secietat'� of State . , • . — ---- ��` 5 �-�� �� � 1 �, ��-����- �l ��� I , ' ' `�1 �� � - ,- �- � � � 'I � ` ��s - � � � �'� � = -- �--- . � � z �; � _ f � � 3�i = � ���� OF = � .�, +� .�, � �I� ��\ � � /�\ ��� �E�''� � ���I �I� � ���� I, JOSEPH L. DONOY14N, Secretary of State of the State of �� � � y� Minnesota, do hereby certify that the annexed is a full, true and correct photocopy of I� 5 I�` ��y, LAws oF Mn�xESO�r� 1969 �L° >�- � ;�y Chapter ii3a y=� ��� �� ��� � � t�- � IE � 3 ` l �j> y ' 1 _ _ Z( � > 7 �I , � � >,i � �I Z �'; as the same appears of record in this o�ice, and of the whole thereof. � � " - In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto =�� � set my hand and a,�xed the Great Seal of ���� - the State, at the Capitol in St. Paul, thi.r �� � �i 24th day of June � �� ' � �4. D. 19 69 � 3 � � � n � �� y I ` � �:�y��`�—L�.-���v�-�(J' f I�r�(r -_ � Secretasy of State �� � p� ��in I��i'3�'q�`.00 hhc'��� pp° ��3n�' '! � � 3� � � ���� � � �� � � ���� 1� �) �� II, 1 I I �� �� r�/�����wv.ivwv�n/�vv�nn^.�i�Mnivw�nn.�.�'�,�n.v�n.vvv�,v���n/'.nivwv�.�n/v.iv�iv./�n ♦ ..Y . ' . ' 1 � , � i . . • � • ', 1�. �. n . .. . . � � . • , � � • � � � � � ��'V P '� • . . S.F. No. 2634 ��U ////�����'� CHAP''Y'lC'."t l�o. � ' � ':� � ��� . r�� yV,"� �'�. � . � � • � . � . • ' . . . . . . . . � � � � .�a� � relating to the city o�' Saini, Paul; creating. • . �, civic cen�er �.tz�hOY'��y and prescribin� its ' pov;�rs and duLies; a,endir� Larrs 1967, ' . � C:rap�er �+5g, Sec�io:�s 3 and 4, and addin� � • � a neta�sec�ion. . BE IT ENP.CTED BY THE LEGISLATUP.E OF,THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. ��.�rts 1967, Ch��ter �59, Section 3, is , � ' a,�cnded to read: Sec. 3. ��:k�d���-e�e�.�1q Tne ci�y shall have po���er to � . ne;otia�e ar.d to obtain, ar_d shall o'otain, fro:� responsible persons, f ir•„�s, and cor�or�.�io;�s, r.on�-ct;:.�:ulative gu�,ra,�tees in a.n a�greoate �amoL:nt :�e� to exce�d �150,000 annually i or a period of ten years, co::,.:1��c�.n� af�er one year of operation o� the arena port�.on o� �he civic cen�er, vrni ch • shall �jnd each o aran�or respec�ive?y �o pay his pro ra�a share of �he anr.ual principal a::d intcrest pay�nents necessary upon the bo:�ds aui.hor�zed Dy section 2 hereoi' �o the exter.t rever•ues gror� t'r_e civic Cv-�:":�@Y' �r•e insuz'ficient for such purpose. Provided, ho:ti*cver, tnat guaran�ors4 ag�reoate oblieatior:s urder s�,id noncL:r.�ulu�ive annual ;uar4n�ees of $150,000 (for any calerldar ye2x) shall be ftiirther limi�ed �o the �.oL:i?i, bJ �•a'nich ir.cor��e available z"or dCbt l�e�i�e:r.er.� fron� �11 par�c�r:� a:�d conce�sior.s associa�ed wi�h �he civ�c center fa1ls b�lo:-r �500,000. "Incc::e , avai?aole fo-r deb� re�ii Ci:!GIZ V 9 « ��:i�n resp�ct �o parkin� facili�ies, mear.s gross receip�s :�ir.us a.Il operatin�, prc�oi,ior,al or o�her expe:�ses; �,::d "?r,c�::.c available �'or debt re�ira;aen�" wi�n respec� to cor.cessions r,:e�ns tr.e e�:la� ir.co::e -r�ceiv�d by �I:e c�ty frc:! �he co:�cessio:�aire . or ii'' o?�e�a�ed by �:r:� c��y ::e�:�s o�oss r�ceip�s :�ir.as �11 O;��T'?�'.i.:3�� •p:.�'O:^:.0�1.0:^_c:.�9 O'�• G'GI1Ci' �?t;�;;1��:.°,� bozn Oi l':i1iCt1 1 . . . �_...__.___�-.------------.--.____.___—_ _____._.�.__. _.____� __._.____ . � , , . ' ; . • • �. • . . ` . . , � S.�. No. 263�f sh�:.�? be sub�ec� to �::�: corztro�. oi thc civi_c .:e:-ztEr �ca.;:r.�is��.on t�e�'i 22c:d il�rcari. . • : • � Cu;�.r�:�v�4J sha?1 ru;? a ro;:� �h� Uua�^���ar to the ci�y .�oi. 5�,�'r:� :'au1. and shall, upor. Lrie�.r acccp�ancc by resolu�ion oi T.i2�u' C.'s.�y' GOL2riC�.�.9 ,GOriSi.i 41:cvv .��.E��'',-,�.1. �°..:"s��.. @;IA O;'G��a.O�.G ' ' G}J�?�.;R.��.�:':� Oi 'l:�''.0 1'�?S�i:Ci:'.Vc �,L'.uT'�..r;�OT'S �.Y'< <iCCO'f'CI�..�.CG VJ]..�Il t:�e �err�:s ther�a�, r.c�Lv3iu�s��:n�.ir�y a.r•.;�' Nrovision of la�rr _ ilhiC:`2 m�ght o4hcrsais� ��:c'!a:.�� such ��:�;'2r2�,�@S to b� ultra . . � virts on tY:� part of �:� ;lz,�r�.r.L-o-_ or the city. ThE failuru o�.' a� such �uar�,n�e�e, or al? of �he�, � sha�.l noi, af�'ect �h� city�s :e�po:zs'�b�.li�y to nay �ne L7T'�_'.°'�_Cl�2.I �;.ili:1 i11�:8�'2S'� 2:t�JOi`1 ��':� �JGi?C,'1S9 3:C7.° Si13.s.! ^u2�;jl p�:rc'r.a�e� of .such bands be r�::��-rcd �o a�:�ciuire .,rr.��:.�r such . - . g�ur�.n�e�s .have b�en ob�:,a`w�:4d o:.^ �;�.ve�. . i:3.0 �,u3.:'�.n'GE.'E;S TvGi,�:ix`GC� ri�::'c:�5' :l':�.�.�. 'i7� Q�?��:d.iltCl p7"icX' �o �hc issua.r�.ce of a.r�y �o::�. �:f_d�r uectio� 1 or sec�ian 2 rcreof. � �...a n o„+''''rs?��wE�v�u`;";^�.�::w°;;`:c3-�C3�=�;�:_E�-^G�:VRi:.�i.»u:�r:i°:.��.•;,?uR,'�'_ . srt�vuV^�:ti�° -�-c::i• . }":�.''.u•�:is���;.,...--G'�:v�.%L«G=�i�-�'�i���- :.;�v-�:)v:'oc:vw".-.'.i::v�=�:��:—�'".".::Cc--�£���.�:AiF.cOiiv�•-c2'�:a �� ��, '-',,-. � w.:tv:`Os.a...''.�;,13..,v:v-^•,��.'.c3i.• ' f>a.m�.�:•-°���;-�°:�L+.�-���:v?�c�t� r ?t�c:-._ � L:,L�MLi�'Jt:ri.'t:.1i:.. '��aJV'�� . �;;-;�1 � . 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G^v:�•Sl,:�•o�`.i:v.''.�.�--�.°v�-�v�.,:�.;Y-�G-�G�:::t--�?•vy^a-iGi%1�^,i�i:-':�G'�,°.C30�a�`..3.'s���v-°ECf3��:Gv • . � ��--o:�c���-��:o;�0�-�•:�-��_:f-��:•'_•a�.c?�_�--s��._�;,-�;::�?.'_bo--:a=�-�;� v�:e�-e�-�;�-���::--w?:o-���;r�-�:e��o�^w:,^o--c•_;�_�Waa�:v�� ::O�i'.:Yi:vi vv�,i:G.�:�-�'�.,.'.':;�--i��G�fs°.�_€'.�v:-Gi��-�.:���G=�-Ci:`u.-'.�_'�v�:.?�-o�°�i�7t3 EC:v::J�'�..i�yv uiCO-Cv�:i�.•i:c3�v�-F,F:c�•�-vfi�:"�._:.;;,vv-��'��-�:?Guv•-r't-i:�ii�=lc�-i?-�Go�•Cii: �l L 1. L,. . . G�i-v:lci-GO�s�.^v�1�-u��0i?-v�'�@-�G:':=_c?.'v"��0:?--t7:�-v�"_0--���^.Gv--�_-�vi�O • £;2'..c=?u.:Uc3�-�GeC•�Jv�G�vy--�:�--Cv:..:='_�?�-�'.i:?�i;2�:?i�-vG-GOiso'•0:3 �-:�_?GG�=s- Sec. 2. La:�:s 1967, Ch�����r L:-59, S�ctiori 4, is • J ` � . , , • S . ., . ` . ,r', :�c . 203�; �.::e:�ded Lo �:ead: � Scc. �. All p���tj nu a a,�•:� ._.;3 a�:z;;r �arkyr.�; , i 2.C't l .;i,�i cS O:ti21.?�1' DY..��:c C���f 't:':.��"'.:�.Y? G.� c�.i:;;�.-`'..CG:L�`, x0 �:at� , . wuc:w;.G»ic�;� �.nd civic c�r.�er sh�l? b: o��r�.ted 'c� e�.��;� . ' 1 nc� ::h�..1.i r�ai. �bc co::��ac�e�. out ' -"�::,�c,u tr�u ��u�hor�,:,s/ a. . C:iT.'EC�:i.3i O:' 1.:2uj.1'2Ci.Z�T �.O �.i'tiY '�J' T`�-Vdti`E p3.:°V�f+ S�c. 3. Lat�as l�a(, Ch�.��ey ��9, is fu�°�nz�^ .u..'�endcd �};j �.�0.'�:�; a T1EYJ SGG�iG?! �O '_2.?C�i: � ' Sec. 8. Sub�a�ris3.o� 1. Tn�r. :: iil crea��d �n a�encv Q�' �rit, C:i.'G? O1� Ca�.i::u �'�L2�_ ?ti.x:0�°7:1 c S ��?i? C1.V�C C��°3uvT' . �i�i.�:0i•��. . ; --•_�--•-.-- �+ 'C� n' �_ 4-� :i::Ci�J.. r�.a...}le .�1-�'...�ne�Ml::i:itiy���'✓a J�����TC.�.i1 �t.l,S3Zi-�+ �'rAe au�,�� �.v � - • �n J� : �-, ;;r�� ���;at�r ��ri�h ��� c c:�:�e:^_:, :;:.':::�v:CS S?"a3�.�.. �G 2i)�`�' t��� ,e:r � • a, �;�e �?cw�.9 �na s�.�.�? �'ao±c: �c o;;h��^ ����,_�c �a�x"ice s�v.^. - I co;� :y n :r �c. ;�:�� :�e,t:�j�n�� s�.:?3. ��e��;�;�.�e� by �h� r•_��Ver no��. �.t �1 � �._-_.� ?`�vi:. c�??'iOI:?' ��2i? r:C,i!'f;8�'r� C2' i.�i� C:I.i;�r Cflt':,�'tC"�i, .t .� -'vp'`L r1 Y`' Qj, L:�':�. �=�..J.�x 41.'',�S..�L:.�'. �':`aVi�.�1.� i"ir'_°ti.�ii�'-r Ur.��.l �;��:�ti � : �.� ° •~ > S'.-�.�,'c.�f; t7ll'�'?;..'.�.G' ?:�:�:::ii�. .Sii��.1 �?: cr'...�ii7'.J�i1vt� fi fl:?Z ��wuc o, i,n�. - . �,�� �. ,_y,- '1^Yypr ;;�i i°' � �;L:.�?'2?".i;C3'L"':,� 2'1SCU':ir �s,�,i?°.'..:;�:k�'.:J �x°i:°.��!�1 c, l.•C) i,;_� ac.CC..- --- �.:lt. .....,,�,,,�„_..�..,,,� . ...-.._....a....•-..--.--�--^ rr:� -,-, '� i.}'I:: �:.VB 2723.v_L�.� Z::C.'",��-�; r�C:?�?'?,^-_�?� �i�f �,�"!t? .i_.c:c. Q� - 4 n � � �,y di- O,"� l'�d�:::l�t�l/F:l.ep ���.?S. Y��Ja.�r.t j_.�+ �I��_'.i�:I:�Ci S �.Z`C: L�,'i� �1,Z'i0 O� .� '' S�.�T:u x'�t��o �'n7°+ (}f" ''"i.Ylr �:,°;'�Ja.�C; "';c?i-'y:t;='�;, �''�S� c��Z3Gs.!;;��.^'.. S�la?1 C'e �.._.�--.._...-.-.-_...------�---�— s Y+ l,w';° ��..3..� ��1,_"� -�-� a1�"j?^1t�°'^1,. :��e�:li i �"Y u?S:)S.?t.` � .�,'rG f•'4TL;, �1.:'�v.�Zr(...G. .�o �.,_.,.,.,,.,.._ . .. ��".. �, • ...,�. �o c:�:.�w;'� C_r, Jt��._�,,,1 _ r:�e,::�c�Y s s i��..�:1 b�; �.o� �'e;z_�e�-�.��r.�� ',_.�.��:.��:�..,�.��____ _..:��._._._.._.�. �� e a.� �� .z � rr-� e��;^l_�. .,:v�',.i`Jf.' �3"? '`i.:"iu V c u'" Q F� C���::�!±'�,v_...�!':,� .t'i'::it:I C�_.....-...r. .�_J.:.._......�..-�----- 's:.t•:C•�Yuc.T' '��'Zi�S i:�:��r� :i__'C;•?•�,,.;�.? i��.�,��,....-.=��?;,_.....,.�,,.,,,,:ncZl 1T'i u's:a.?:'u' :.Tl -____----.------ C�.� c`:c.X': ecC:lt ev2'_'i--71�:"i1i����"C :� � y�/� na- .-a-�, t� _-•;� Z <z: • s'.Ci i::,`.', ,.Si1cLi.�.. '�.?:: T 01� t�.�'tt � . r.1.'1 ' ��G i y a. v c .:;<�.._ l�:/VV�.:llili:t+�_._.�v.rV—... ' t'u�;:?�..'.."�'Cci:�' G� �::Iv is.:r:::��il-.:.'"°c:Q i:eMM�' �:� r.r' �i' t-t';c. C:1,;._.., J� i�•Y� c _i � ;�r.tY4 '?�:.�G1"Iv.I� A'�:: C•.�.'�',-,j ..: w.G:' _.�..- _ . -,-,� ry--i C,- '�,'us.'G 1�`7 ��� '"'c��?`;:i�:.:":>c'..^,._ iv:,"' i,S.c:'��' iia�c^SS�Z'?/ C G?' - ,^' _.....d�-�---- -- ........�=;:`-=�-... t� � � 1 . ' � . . � . . � S.F. \o. 2b34 e�:b�r.ses. � � , any t�iiblic m�nber nas� be re;�.oved b.y tre nayor, c�ri�h' � ; . the consen� or tne counc�_l, �'or cooci cause s�or:�. , The 2uthor:i�.Y shall elec�, °or one��.ye�r �erms, a . crzii°�an �nd such o�her Ol"i3.C2�'s as it may d��� � • - a�nro�r�a�eo . Subd. 2. The au�horit�I shall bu�ld, ec3uu�..p, maintain, and operate the civic cen�er of the c�'cy oi Sair.� Paul._ Title to all pronerties sha?1 r��:ain in t�e c��.yo Subd. 3. To disch;rCe i�s res��nsibi?3.�;es �he authority sha11 ha�►e pot•�er �o: . ��.� Sl?l�O�rl� �Y�C� 2.'G � �S ����.Sl�i'@ T'�::2CVG' � t[:c�.�'_1°i._�' director and a deput�� di-recto-� ar.d fi�; their c�o:npensation. (2) use t'ne services of :�ne C�vi1 S�rvu_��e Departnent o� the city of St P�u1 to secu-re such other remployees as � may be necessz-ry to oU�-rat� tt�e autnoriey and the civic_ center who shall be in the c��ssi�ied servi�� of the citv o` St. Paul. • � 3 ]"�cT'c�'° 'G^C C�V'c cer�er, ard ::ic�^�c^ T''�;�tl�ca.�1.C�"S r�e�ardir.� �.�5 U52., a.T:� �:1 p2.".�'LwClii2.� 1���SCI'i.�i'�c �ric Ci1&?'�-;cS i,p tijv Ii�,2C1� I'OT i�S i?S2� de�°_':'iiri� ��;P@Y: fr�e Lr:S� St1^���. D� �"_'dT:�'i.c?� T_"OT' U:OY't.'f2V C�ti1C �C1',S�lJ..�T.�2S� Si� CO3:�xOZ f'.'fl@ u:�i Gi1S_ OI� 2ri�T �i'SO?'2 ��C2=':SCC? �O'^ i.C?e S''u�e �i �2^i�O�:iCG.i:�Y?,C h n= ; '` ��� CGi?L�.T'. Th1� ei:w:E�''���O:i l��uor uno� t__e �_..m_ses ox ..._ o" �or;ers shal_1 r.o� be cans�rt.::c� �.s a lir:?i��,�ion u�or. t'r:e ,,,-^ ' G'i;''_E'.''2.� ,,'�O��TE�^S O° �f?�. c. .�..0'':i�Y� � �[• } 2'�^tt8 COY V' aC'i.S �'^CI pU._•C-1c:�c:S ?':fl_CI"i �:!'1:.��, E?:CEp� �g �prpvi��� j.yl $;�b��iv�sj Gn 7, ",'J@ Y?c.��. uS 1.ri '��'12 Cc:SE OI� - S \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . - _ _ _ , � i � .. s ` . . . . � . . . � � � S.x'. \a. 2b34 O�.h�„ ;—' ,:.��, . .,•.. �-.�.�•a t. .� C�.�.ly dr_ i.C';.�:� �...Cl l)i.�... ..«i.,S. a- '- ��?CC���. c?'?C: C':i�u?��. c�,CC�?'A::�.i�r T'.O �.�:F��.Li 't�!?:.�:;1: c.I1V � .... �_,_ ______._.�._ �.____�_ ' • ,�,-t r t'4. r� rr , ,-; o,•,� .v`. .� � .���- � �;� ' �.,t�i,.a O:ii �-,ovexr.i., t.5 (7T' G V:tca c„_L.� iOX CiV1C C@�Ltr X'iLi�I�QS�S o . , � . . ' , , S�Ud. l�. Recei��s o�"' tY:.e �:..a�h�z�tv s::all i�� � de�aswt�d t� its cr�aw� �.3� a r�valv�r;; iu�:d in t?�e c�t;r , . `"i.2'@SSLIT';,� c i:C� cX G-':1Cl.r�C�k �.:'i ?CCt?�C?c'�..;�P.. L?:1..��2 �.i: a!�nu�.l bttr�~��„ i'fiE' 'OLtCZ��2�', S:2ul� �3c�,. SL?ui�i.i.'t',�:.C''. ``�.4 '"i..i2C- Ci_�*^•t7`'i.�`O��.C'i` G('.=0?'G ' Aurust 15 a� ��?.ch s�e4.� �.r.c sh���? �:• �r�~�� �-.;.���c� l�v ;;i;�4 � L^i1 vi?J�I� ?�:OQi2?_Cu.'G1U i� d"i.G L�`!C CO��:SG?� c.S p��'4 Qi Y:'s.S �SLtQ�,i:� _.• ti" ,s t�, e� ,-�t�z .�,.'�r' -CL �-i�-^, 1 r� -F' �4 _ �;'v�?:'?'��5., n� coz...:c_.�. ,4�..� ,,..,.._�..�wi- ,,.��: i�._dci._,e� o� �n c''..=�''.:f2U��?'�� Oi'?��T �"J�'l::'1 ?"c?S+?c,Ci. iCi �e��ie:,' `:r;C7tZ'�`:`t."�S D3'tJ�OSi:'�.�' LO � ' �� �� wl.l��'il� '1"yG)� ^.� M'• �v �/`•� �S 't� , �j y'� 7� '�'� r. bY ��. n. _ .�:�r �::4_. �� ;,�e c°.,.,� o� borc. �..�.c��c�sv . /r;• -� �'�; 4• o,y� 1 � a � .�y �j}1 `>.c_j., ] .�+ �, j 7 q s is..�1+ � 1r?t 1� C�•'--:C-'�. :i���. �.�0 _.:..0.. { �:. ;2 U.�QC� G il:��. t �...�...Q:1 _i.Ce - i ' r.^.�r r` r�c r � v ,-� c s�i�:K'?' C�.lr �r,':r, r'� . �l� J � C.��.�.1:J�: 1�t ��T....,,.,:./ [:7.---�^�._.,v t E�v G�i!� �J Ll °C.S,.'c S �•7L�V Ts">='.Y, 321 �I?� C:'.`,.iCi E.'�?C1"3 C::' �}?c:. ^�i.3i.z?n?''�?J, C:�. Q:k c.i'] 2.CC7`i,2�:_ �. ?-, b, . � �.. . ,f �'Jt'�S'..5, c.�:.0 "c'_�? Sl.?.':"d� :�C:��9.;;1����,G +.•fi�� �.: i,ii.i� C1 �P.0 Fzi�.�!"i0i•s;,�T :� . c.':: ::(1� G1.GS�� O.i i,_''tw G�.l.:;r D7�.t,�'��v .V�ci.?'' Si'c.��.� yJ=� c,�..�'`"i.vi'.:c:.��Cc.�1�J �.ui72"':��w':lc:i.�.`�.'. Ld �.�S C�_'•cQa_i, i QT' �"'_G' i O i.�_�:'i'�?':r! . __,_ -.._..-�...--.>:,. � � ' c"'.c:.i�°o � . 1•jic e'�Zr T:=a�� �c;t;�: �;i l C7�1A �?^ B.C�+.ie' t�',:±G`2'2 �C (�i:t:t?7.` ��V:..cS •.1 .r � y��' �+-. ri r� �r ' 1 1'. c� 1 tit �a'� ��:Y°i iS.�i�.�:r D��� 1C'.?' OX' CP.G l,�.i G'.� C.�.L C�.,.-�Ql�t::i. 1ri'.},. J�i« ....(+ G�: c� ���� a�:� de"�<:��:r�c. �'_c�v ,�.�,� c: =:.:� c�trr�r:t?y _,�.y<�b?�: �c, ____,..__�,-...,_.- ........�............ - _.,.- - - �E.s:.L i�':'2�"-,�iti; c'.'..'.Cc��c�,C��".�i..i,i:ti i LaY; �9 C.i"1 `i"!�! � �° Z.`f'��._VGu �C7 �t,�":c? ` c�•.i.7.`�,fi0'�.''��.V'S 7`c'tIO�l�f':3{° 2�;.'�t. p' � '-�, „r •r^ . �_. . .c._� i 1., � Si:i)�tio- �o '�f �'i�fl�'v:.�� .�a �):��`'v,�� G.l�I�;LVi lV;j tJ�.7. �..'C. , ��`�"t�<-..�r, t,i-j va'� �iCJn�i. 1 G.:;i;.��> �_Li'Z, �7.Z�,�cGv 1� v'� :'v�i�l�`�4,, Q'_�' G.�- ::.�'i•v�:ci 7�'" L.Y!° C„t;:i^' � ='_;� ;:ol l c.l? I:U.:...�G�?'��" c?'^: . i� 'ivCir� ..�',.i;�'' �.l.c�,1''` a�� G.l,.,:i' �G<.'.".;'2.C:;a U'fa;!.�a. L:Zii.i: 2.'J!=J::'OVG? ^�y . D�% t.^::: G�'!�it:Y'��t7„__i'i,^- c:_�,:-:':;i::i.�•C t�YP ''.i.µ C�"'_c.t.s.•�?i.:i. i.;1t' `.^.c:`r`�-._._.�... 2.��G1:�? CC•:' °��'t,"'G�.��" v0:^..�•: :'.;^. ^ ='C!'.r;���M °nn• �.�`.0 _CJ"�' r yn i"' ' c� '� a.�-.'" ' ^���'^.r '^� '.� l�L': !G.uC� i:�l�Y.�r..�:.21� CG' v. .O��.�:i.<^z� a�'.:'b' CGG :.0 ,���. -'c-s-5 �� ._...____ — 6 1 i ;I�� � � � . � � � + � . . !, . f i � �� � . ' • � . S.F. No. 2634 co:a�e�i�ive b�ddir:�. Subd. bo The �.utho_•i':,y sha�l L�.s� �he services o� the � co*:��ro?ler, civil servi ce. ie�•�,l dena��:��nt, a�d urchasing � fleb�r�;�:ent of the c�.�,-�. � • . � � , Subd. 7. Tne council. m��T in i�s discrzt9.o� reaui�e � the au�hori�.y �to con�r��bute to the ci'c,y from its revolvinr f1:nd its pro rata share o� ihc costs oi operatina the de�G,r�r��ents sneci:°ied �n Subdivis�ori oq as :•,�?1. �.s thc ' COS'�S Oi VJO?"�G'ric^:1�5 CC'::!DcT?S�-�„�1�?'?, 1;!??Eln�loy��nt insur2.,'1CC'., he�,��r and welf�re b�:��ii�s� re�:�rer�er_�e and tor� � l:i�,b�.1.�V.y clair��:s appor���o�aole �o �he onera�ion oi the au�nori�.v. . � Subd. 8� U�on ���s a.�?�o�.�:':,r:?��:�" �chc �lt�ti10?'j.�y shall . succeed �O 8.�� �:1C p0?•.'C'!'S c.:!C1. �12i.1G'S Ofi' t1'le CC::":11551021 _. es�ab?isY:ed bZT L�.rrs lgo'7, Cha��cr !�59, t�:Tni ch snall • 't!2°r'<;L;�O?'? cease �O �i_3.Si.< Q��� ;�L1c Y'c:?`?��;�5 �T?1�?"OVEC� tiJy �11C: cc;.�r.cil pu,^suan� to ��le s�ut�?t� a.^o�esw=d Sr.ail re*:ain biriGi:�� LiUO� i.:?� �t.�a_»�.??�Grs E..C:.p� Tr:i�:^ �c^Sp�Ct t0 i,hC�e �;tl���:1�0i S t�?fi0 P7�'G�21:1 i:f'_��i,�l Cc'��rS c^.i iG2' ��2 @'�'iGC�i VE' C22.�° Oi i.?2j.S c:C'G f 1�E,' 2T3 li SL�i??"P_?.'?i. Oi I7v^iivu''.CC@�t�?10E OI� '-i.:?� L�T'OV'1Sj.Of1S Oi f'.�:15 c�..CT 1';?L'_r1 'GI2:? C�i.V Ci @'_'it. ' l�'lE �UG310"^i�t7 Sf?u.Z� 7'.c:iv-� .1L:i•.°L.SC1.�Ct:�02? OV2T' ��:e 'J3'�Sc�Y3� f ' sc'Y?t t�21;:7. �L;b�1.0 2.1:��'?1`.OL'st'�:� c�_,^.'. �S�OCi.�i.2L� i�G1.1."'��eS � _ �?'"_L?=�i'V Z, ���7�, c?'�C� t`�,:tC' .'�PCV�5�_v^:^S O_° L�2° CC?22'i.C:T' Oi i.11E ` r Y �.�.1 � -, �-• .; • � ; C-i'l;'� O� S%.32"?� � i �l g�-i��• �O i: �,r+����'.1::;:i. O1 �!li c^��:G '�O_"_L'_:? 1 � . � Si:c`.�.� i.�"_ci'?�i'G��' bE' Oi� rO c'��C'"v� "`-r,-�.�Ojr�C-S ;1?Y'in 8.i i.C'�' �C'_@ L'�'i cC i,�V@ date ilei'80?� '?��n r�.-�.S\ll.V,_ JO 'G!:3 c L:Q'.iOT•' :: Snc�1 �'i� �.:1 i.L?2 1?:'?C:I�.S S?.i-i 2 Ct S C 1'�V'_G� O�' •G'^_c' C;-�i.'�,�, NO �L;�U.��O=^ilt°" �� E:'i li1 OZT^.^1� fl 1 I �V �„r � G 1 ��� � C/"'�. y'� j'1 �� T`^h ; ;cc S. 2 SJi'Q.:_^vi...G i3O ::L_ E:�'V'i,�.�_Y �O � O c._ :,�:_ ! G:��• t=:"i'GGv�VE.' Cic!�C-' i:C••::0:'' t,r'i.^C;:i. CG:"�5�:'.'1� O' v.^_t? 2tli.i':v'_'.'ti.�T, . � :r:l�! ' � n��^ �C..:,• Ty� ,-�1 n r•r�`''_'q ..;�1 �Y� �-� �-' � no•�=-•7,•� ,� . ic_z r•;a.� r�.�.� :c._ co_. e=� .,o•_ _;,_.o:_ t_.�o.. �r_e c.,� ��_: c�: Oi 'i2�GZ -5.5'ii`?""� S`�'- S G ° a r l .l �r-�.- ' c:�. l.c.t�l; o S v_ J r�i`�;.='Z ., 1.`��l`�. �,_�. CL._ �,:':l. � ' i • . � I I . , • • . S.:. No. 263!� �, , . . � .i?� ' �i,`'.'•V'i "' �' -� n :<• r ',�' t}.., v�-� a_� �?L:.,�.�07'�1 Z:�ll��.O�c.�:� S:lcw�. ?�c....� i� C1c� � a�: ��L2 iSG.I.Ci..LC2i O� �, . • . • u!IC; �^.L��I?OT'i'Lzi. . ' • Si.I���. �-1. �;Q�'vi:�i.z_�i,cY!C�1?�''; c:7'�( i.)T'Olt"!:;].n:2 C;' i.2'•'' O'.'` . C:'!cT'i:ei'? �:'i� C042:C3..'.'. �? ti.i'lr� C:1.�V 7i`� �8.7.iii. I��uLi? is• h2x�e��:r ' 2'�?.i;� 'ni . n-i `- .�.,•^�.,.,-,�;".� `.,! %, Y3ZT T'r Sf�4l�.`i0i1. w'T'O:?t iU11Q:� ' 11C., :'-�... �O c"Z.��._ u _ 1c_c-• �.�.r.-'�...�!2.}J��? i.0 ��} SLI.^.�� '"i;;?G.� dS �I:�� �tl;:�`"i..Qi i.�,-Gr d;;G:�+' T'?Gti�' :' , �O Gi.;;^::?c?:1C° G';3E;2'?.i�iG"?S �.:'? .�.Cj'�``�.• i.t3 '.�'.I:C�.i?Cl� t�',�:£' :2jX'a.Yi,��' p�F" 0;1 �:{�C'JI��VG� c^a Y�{-"- �t»-� c �(�.''� 04r: „r r� r�,. r+�l 7q �'r S� D'c: •.,t.L' c.U r. .:'.� <. l.� ut,: 1::.� �..+E..� D t�i�_, t.... G, ' ?'i�C�SS�n� . S�iC�1 ilz;!��S Fii�?j �Jf: .�'SG3'�U:°F�;'�^.�, �T'Gi1 O��'1G'�' fLt??(�.S �1`.� {�1� t . ,��•.....� .�. �.. St p� ' Y ��, Y, �-.r;, 4:1� C�..riy �iO �e �. F,.uo.�CZ J.Y'V!':i LPC: �.l,:.i�Y:C��! J,.4V J 3'G';VG'?Z:.It.J C�.. l:'..i.�..� �:2� v.'1^OCE�C'�S O'_" �}O:+?G''.i .i_S:;L?�:� L?E'.x°£'.U!'�C'�?"o a r Y.- � r_.S ,: Szzc� wnp_aNr_�.� �-. shai'! r.�t cancel '��.t :h:_�_? :n�:���.�:� �v;���!�.b�.� i�r use un+�i� ' ex�en:z�:d4 S@C. �. w''Y!�S cC?� �����-..i� i�:O::e�: E?i�c�C'i,l�`� O i��,7 ��,,.t i.��2' i.�S �.TJ{��"OtY�.! '1J;j 8 ::2cL�Qi':i.LJ G:.� 43"!w �;'G"•�'::2'I"11.?Z� �3Cy O� �:'!� � c��.�; oz" S��::��, nau? �.nd �-�.~���n :;::�:.U� ��.��; ��fit�, �hc prov�si�:�s Qi Ti�.:.:iXl'u'SC7'i.� ��u�:::i.s'.:: � rilni;,:iCXl bj�'r� .�,`?l � � � - �. u � f I . ' ,. "`+ , • ; S.�''. :\TO. 2634 • � . A' , � � ` 1 � . • , � . . . , . . . . . � ,��'� �il J . . � . . . � � � � �i��,��`��'� I :�' G� � . � �ames B. Goetz � � , . .President o� the Senate. �� . . , . , . • �� . • , . �\�'�,�� �.:�.! � L. i,. D�xbury . � Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate this 19th day of ifay � in the year of Our Lord one tr.ousand nine hundred and sixty-nine. _ l � .. � , � . . � . ,���,��� ����' ,�. ,� �H'/Y. Torrey . Secretary of�the Senate. / Passed the House of Representa�ives thi's 22;�� day of rj�y � in the y2ar oi Our Lord one thousand nine hur.dred and sixty-nine. . � ���..c.��'�•.�/I�=�c�_3.��c�;-� ' Edward A. Bu3'd�Ck . . Chief Clerk, House af Renreser.tatives . . n , Approved �;��!.vit-�--- �1 1959 .�; � � �"�}, .,�.4 i�/ g��y '� �'', A�/!y�'%i ' � �' � �`.�'';;��� �- > • - �r v� �/ �' c��✓.-..>--..::,. cs„-�" Harold LeVar.der Governor of the State of M�n7esota. Fi1ed''�GG;:-.-C �j 1969 . ��:'✓,=: :.s '�:li�. `..� / `J :::��.i'u,F_�•�--�-:.�_: t l f=� �-�- ��, �, .���,,---: . . ,,.� ,.�� �, / �.�.-� Joseph L. JonovGn Secretary o° State. . � � . _ __ ___ _ _ ___ _ � � II . . • ' . "'i�"nll� , _ -�..��, J . , � .�¢s.� . .� ��_ .. , _