245245 Ori�inal to Gity Clerk � . � ' v ORDINANCE 45`z�5 OUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�� �� �N ORDIIdAIJ�E SETTLING THE i�LAIM OF THOMAS DIAZ Aq�AINST RONALD'OLSON AND TH�MA�a W. DREWRY, POLICE OFFTCERS OF THE �ITY 4F SAI�12' PAUL THE �O�JAT�TL OF �rHE CITY OF SAIN'T �AUL D�ES OR�AIN s Seetion 1. That, prtr�uan� �o Minneso�a Statute� Seetion �F66.07, the proper �3.�g officers are hereby author3.zed to pay out of the �ort Liability Fur�d 0035-�21, to Thomas Diaz the �um of $350.00 in fu11 �ettlement of his �laim for dama�e� and in�uries sustained on duly 22, 1968, as �, ��su1t of �he perfor- mance of their duties by Ronald Olson and Thomas W. Drewry in placing said Thomas Diaz izn,der arres� at or� near E3.ghth Street and Jaekson Str�e� in the Gity of Saint P�.ul. See�ion .2. �hat �aid sum �hall be paid to said elaimant upon his execution and delivery in full �o the City, in a form to be appro�red by the �orporl��ion Counsel, a release for all damages and in�u�ie� sustained in the ma.nner a�or��aid. Section 3. Tha� this ordinanee sha11 take effeet and be in foree thirty days �.ft�r its passage, approval and p�abliaa�ion. �EP 2 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii - Carlson Dalglish n Favor Meredith / Peterson � � Ag$inst Sprafka Tedesco �EP 2 196g r. President rne Appro Att t•. , City erk Ma �� ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED: �'j�P 6 �96�' Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE � 5 COUNCIL FILE NO ����� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �_ AN �Fi171NANCL SETTLING THE CLAIM OF THOP�S DTAZ AGAINS�l KONALD OLS�N AND THOi�rtAS ��,T. �1RLG�tY, POLIE;E CtF�FIC�RS G� TH:E CI'I'Y aF �SAINT lPAUL 1Hi's COUNC�L OF iHE: CTTY t�F' a.9INT PL�UL D4ES QRDI�TTd: Section 1. That, pursuant �o I�Iinn�so�a �i,atutes Section =�n6.J(, t:;E pr�per �ity �f'x'icer� are hereby authoriz�d �� pay �ut oi' t:�e T�rt Liability �'utzd 0035-�?_1, to Th�mati Diaz the �u.,i v�z �r���.00 irl f'u11 �:,tt�.�r��nt a�' his cl�im f�r dama�es anc� in,�ur3.es suwtain�d on July 22, 1��8, as a result of the perfor- ,ilaczce �f 4r•eir duties by ��nald 01�on and Thonia� W. Drewry �.n placin� said Th�mas Dia� und�r arrevt at or near Eighth StreEt and W�,c'cs on S�re et iri the Ci�:y cfi' ���n� i'�uZ. ::ec'��.�n 2. That �uic: �u,�; s;�u11 �e p�,ic� �,o sai� cl�irr�ant u�on t�i� �«ecut�.on and cl�l:�veryr ir: ;�ull t� �i�e Ci�y, :i.n a � f';,r��: t� u� a��?���v�u by� �►°�e Cor�o:�•ati:;n Counsel, a �c-lc�s� f'or �1�. uur;,a�;::.0 u.1d in,juri�;s su::taine�: in �he �4,nner aforesaid . Sect�.�n �. That �his ordinance �hall take effect and Lc �.n force thirty days after it� p�s�a�e, approval anu publicati�n. frg�.(s.'..� *-i 11T6� �`�S->� :as Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka - �, Against Tedesco ;� --' ,i.;�`� Mr. President (Byrne) , , - ,� I st � �� � ' 2nd Laid over to � 3rd and app �._._Adoptec! � � Yees Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �` Carlson Dalglish �alglish Meredith �4�;��5�eredith Peterson �t �eterson Sprafka �prafka Tedesco ��desco � l Mr. President Byrne I�k. President Byrne O