245234 ORIGINAL TO CI7Y CL6RK 24�;z,�4 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I,ICEPdSE C�ir��TTTr� C NCIL R OL ON-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY AU�US'� J LJ., 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF �SOLVID; That Applieation K-13135 for the Transfer o� fk� Sale Liquor License P1o, 71�36, e xpiring January 31, 1970� issued to the Tiffany Lounoe� Inc. at 2051 Ford Par.k�aa„r be and the same is hereby transferred to H. I,. �;,, Inc. at the same address. O�iJ SALE LI:�u UR ESTr1BLI Sfll�l.�i I�tT Tt�IuSF'ER (Iscensees} Informally a;:�_�-roved by �ounc i1 July 2I�, 1969 41d Location pUG 14 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays AVG � 4 � Carlson Dalgliah Approvec� 19_ �� '� Tn Favor P�tex�a�. ' Sprafka , Mayor A gainst �::° � �,��e:�: ist� o AUG 1� 1'9�9 . : ... :> ;,:::;�� PUBL E Mr. V1ce Pxes�doat (Petersor�) � �'•F z�r��f 9 97 �7-��-G� P.7. 7.r.,-H-'. ��w ��`�7. .s=a �u- 3a�� �-��-6 ? ��s� �n�e�l. c.i= �y�,r-b�� C',� z�f.1"i� L can��: l, ,,9 c,r—, �...��- 0� 3 CF -� y�s-�3y �- �,-67 g-►�--6� CI OF ST. PAUL � APPLICATIC�N FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � Application No ........_......._... Nameof Applican�....HwL�M�.a__�n��._...._... _.�_... ...................._..............,._....:.........._........... Age._._ ..._... _.._......� � Residence Address...:..........._....._...__...._..__...___.._......._..........__.._._..............................._.................. Telephone No........---__..._...._.........._..._..._........_ Areyou a citizen of the United States?........X��.........._.._.._._........._...._._.:..._.._..._...._....__.._.._.....__..._..._.........._........___...._.._............................_._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or buaineas of aimilar nature? No Whenand where�......................._.........._.........._..._...._..__...---._..._._._...__....................._......_..............._...._....__...__...__..._....___ .._._...�..... if corporation� give name and general purpose of corporation......General_ business .cor,poration.,._,.,,__ When incorporated?....July,.l7th,,� 1969.�_..,,_...._. ................._....___. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?............................._........__..._,..._.... .._..._.._ How many members?--.--.-•.-----.-----......._..._.._.__..._...._..w.._...__.._.._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. . . .. . . . ... . .. ...............H.A.�cs�lc�---I�a.---M�..._�QC...A�.lc�,?��$lat.,....M�.pletacux�.�_�i�Lun.e�.Q.ts'��.Pre�ident_and Treasurer ................ ............._I�ary...Metz,_..:1706�Arkwright,__Ma�lewood,�_..Minnesota-Vi ce.-Pres ident...and..,,Secretary____._ e Names and addresses of Stockholders: ................................�iarold,..�....I�etz,_,1�06 Arkwrig,h..��Ma.,,�.�.ewood,,...�innesota-------.•---._...._..........._._._. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known.....��.:.�.!��J..4....�.�re�..�'..�hR��!c._.__. � Number Street Side Between What Cross Streeta Ward 2051 :Ford Pkwy. . North . South Clevel�nd & Kenneth 11 How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?................................................................._........._ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?......................_................._........_..._...................___.........._..._..._....._.�...._�..._..._ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?_..__...._...._..............__._ Name of closest school...._Saint...Leo's..___.__. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.._.._Co�e�:cial................................................ On what ftoor located?..--�--1s.�....�]..�zQ�:..and...�3s�en.�._........................•----................-----......._............-•--�-----•--.._...._......_.__........._......._-----•--�---------__ Are premises owned by you or leased?....��:��5�_...._.....If leased give name of owner..._.�i���1��...Simon,......_.........._. _. If a restaurant give seating capacity?................................................�---..................---......................._......._.........-----•--��---�--•---........_.......---......................_._.....__ if hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._...__......._..........................._.....................-•---...---....-�---..........._....................._......-•---......_-�---------••-•--•--- Givetrade narr�e----T�f�at?;X IA�n&�-•---------------- �-------------------------------...-----------------------...----•--...------•-------------------•--------------�----._.. Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ......... ..................Qne....rn,�n...�an_.fir�.t...f].�ar. _....._..--�--_......._.--•-�----_.._............-�-----------�--•-•--.............�.........._..._........._.._...__---...._ .:..........................Small room in basement ..................................................._........_......._.----------�--•----......................................................_--�--................_._............_...----�-----......................_....................................................._..........._.... ............. ................ ........................................_......--�---........._......._.............._.....-•----....._.........._........._.............................---...............--•---•-•----.._......._.._..._----................---..._.__._.__ (The i�ornutioa above must be given for hotels and restauranta which use more than one room for liquor sAles). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?.................__._.........._..._.....-•--•�----.............--•--------.......---._......_._..__................._........._...._..........._........._...._.._.._......_._..... Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)........_......................................_........__.._.._.__.._....._._......._..__..._.._...._... Give names and addresses of three buainess references:...__.._._.__._._.__...__._._.__...._.............._..._.._...._.._...._........................_......_ 1....___._.._Clayton._Parks�,�Jr�.,..,1563 White Bear,Avenue,.._St,._...Paula._.Minnesota 55106 2......__„_....�homas .,Swan,,;._.194,�...M�ontreal._St.�_Pau�,.,-...M�;nnesota .................._............__...._................___.....-----....._----•----�•-----.._.. 3..__.._._.....Bill Pinotti�_ 445 Minnesota Avenue, Roseville, Minnesota THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COftP08ATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORP08ATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE � STATE OF MIl1NE$OT1A, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, e�• _.._..._._ _ __._ bein8 IIrst du1Y sWOrt4 depoaes and says that he has read the foregoing application and luiows the contents�thereof,and that the same is true to the beat of hia knowledge,information and belie�. Subscribed and swom to before me thia.._.._......_ day of_._..__......._...._...... 19 ........_.........._.......�..._...._...; � . tY. _..__._..._ No Public Ramse Coun Minn. � � My commiasion expires.._......._......._._._...._....._..__..---_.._._ STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ss' --�.._.:._...._..._... �` � ___.....:._�...__.___._...�...._ -- . . ._.: . _._,.._...:........f_....._.._... ..___....�.._.being Sr�t duly sworn, depoaea an aYS tha�...��N.�N�. th �-... ..._..__.. .. �_.... ..._...�. .----. -•--..._.....__.._--- .--._.........._.._...__._._ ....______.� , a corporation; of....._...._.._.... _.... y..._...... that................._.........._. ................_..._.........._.....haa read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the / same is true to the best of....._...._...._...._.. . _....__._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the s�l af$xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation;�hat said application was aigned, aealed and exe� � . cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directors,and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. � � .............._...._..._.........._...._..._ .�.� Subscribed and sworn to before me this..._-----�-��....day of...__...._...._ .... .._... ... .19 ._...,L . .,��.�... �_. ��.;.1._...._.. .. __�,--- '.:.`.�__.._�. .._..__...._ .........._.... ...._.. Notary Public, Ramaey County, Minn. S���N ����,9�'].__._ �,y COIIlInl881011 87C�11T@5....._...._...._.f�. �J.,.�, 2 � ��:, ,.�-� pc�. C�'' � •,;e' '<�'��.,�, , , .�\ �.`� � ,,��`°�J`\V . . Noy��.c �� � , � . � : � � � , �