D001235C � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions wluch proved to be necessary to the Improvement described No. � ��5 Date� ._�_ /1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CAANGfi AGREEMENT NO. CP4A1-21 as Saim Paul Civic Center E�ansion CP-4 Bnilding Constrnction Imown as Contract L- City Project No.915117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: 1. i� _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _- IIept. Accounting (Civic Cenrer) _ - Engineer (FIGA) _ - Contractor _ - Frojea Manager (CPIvIn Concrete changes at Srairs If4 and 5 per ConVactor Proposa14.67. Reason: Concrete and steel coordination. Provide extension of ladder to Wilkins roof hatch per Proposed Change Order (PCO) #111. Reason: AiLow access [o roof since Witkins roof was raised. $4,724.00 8W.00 Toml $5,531.00 . ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 5.531.00 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, lmown as contract L- and wluch amount is to be financed from: 930-9Q300-0898-00000 Civic Cenier Expansion Fund. \)aZ�ED S O � � ��- 19 � M.A. Mortenson A � C Attorney 19_ Exoansion o dinaf Q Committee _ Committee � l�� �9 9� Director of Civic Center /�Gi%/�C%�L�U�✓ Architect Z �ti 19� � of Assistant to the Mayor �fZ35 �s5�.� Gil�, Sk."� GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE QDEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCfTYCOUNCIL ��N'�3U� assraN cinarroaNer �cfrrc�aic NU48Eft FOR ❑ BUOCaEi OIRECTO Q EIN. & MGT. SERVIC DIR. AOUiiNG ( �""� ORDER a MqYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n a�y (lu7w TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: ��� a� _ PWNNING COMMfSS10N � ( _ CIB COMMITiEE _ _ _ $TAFF _ _ _ DISTAICTC�URT _ _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE� INRIATMG PROBLEM, � +-. n�b.- PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Mas this personftirm ever worked under a contract for this departm¢nt? YES NO 2. Has [his person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skili not normally possessetl by any current ary empioyee? YES NO Explain ell yes answen on separate aheet antl ariach to green sheet �y �v�. � ����''P��N�'�� .��°"� r Y. 'u }�YY4 ��� �F �fiAY 1 ? �997 �661 � t ��Y! ��t��� ��� �� �� RECEIVEC� MAY 2 0 i997 CITY CLERK z, � 4L AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �`J ��� CAST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ?IWG SOUFCE J ' � � u'� � �N AC7NI7Y NUMBER � � � � �� � � 3 � � � t g ��� 'CIAI INFOR(nATION: (E%VLAIN) � /� e ' �VV � � a � �� � ,�y� � -� �'�' � �o�Z35 cor�rs,ac� ssa�us - . � . PROJECT: CONTRACTOR Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,D00.00 PO # 385,700.00 Cp No. Deduct Add C4.01-01 C4.01-D2 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-05 C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4.01-Q9 C4.01-10 C4A1-11 C4.01-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-1fi C4.01-17 C4.01-18 C4.01-19 C4.01-20 C4.01-21 Subtota( Saint Paui Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota M_A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapofis, MN 55440 34,475.00 151,969.00 29,884.00 10,193.00 24, 598.00 86,610.00 (4,535.50) 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,000.00 15,460.00 50, 000.00 3,253.00 24,705.00 29,188.0� 4�,889.�0 8,883.Q0 (4,422.00) 19,081,00 5,531.00 $590.380.50 DATE iSSUED: CONTR,4CT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTR,4CT DATE: 23 April 1997 CP-d.01 Building Construction Multiscope 18.lanuary 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $34,949,080.50 RECEIVED FEB 0 5 1997 � . Contractor Proposal No.: CP 4.67 ' Project: ST. PAUL CiVIC CENTER CP.4 `�IX3�2?�5 Contract No.: 4.01 A change i� the scope of the work is requested as indicated befow: 1. It is requested the completion date be (} extended, (} decreased, O unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted compfetion date wilf be 2. Description ot the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appiicable). Reference RFP No.: 4.67 ; FO NO.: Title: Concrete Seams Stair #4 & #5 3. Basis of payment: lCheck one) {X) Firm price for performing this change is ��'� Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) iDeduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. O Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S {) Actual cost at compietion of work s Submiited by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: � 2� ? Contractor �4�Qm � � „�9��,_ Contractor Signature __ FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) ( � Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the fol(owing basis: ( y As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabie. �Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not accepta6(e. �Basis ofi payment shalf be 5 �¢�,The foitowing modification is recomm nded: ' � () Change in compietion date is accepted. (} Change is acceptabte with no change in price. �hange is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reason for Change: �d'Design Change t i CVient Request (} Field Condition �) Suggested 6y Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? {) YES �70 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulted. �.YES ( 1 NO Prepared by: �/�— CPMI) � Approved by L� " � HGA) ✓�� Date:���__ Date: �` l�'�7 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- � 1/21/97 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion L,l�1J { Z35 Summary Change Proposal ��� ST. PAUL ClV/C CENTER FJCPANS/ON ��� 300EAGLESTREE'f' JOBZD_951042 SAlNT PAUL. HIN SSIQ2 PK 612Q93-9154 FAX� 612/293-955� Description: CP 4.67 Titte: Concrete Beams Stair#4 8#5 Mortenson Labor. (See aftached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) 5 Amount $ 275 $ 7!i55 $ - $ - General CondiGOns: � - (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAI M. A. Mortenson $ _?• i�:: �^ SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. Ambassador Steel � . 2. Ceco Construdion $ 3. LH Sowles $ 4. Prospect Drilling $ 5. LeJaune Stee! $ fi. $ Z — 585 1,100 583 480 SUBTOTAL SubNertd � Z,�48 M. A. Mortenso� Company Fee: SubcontrectorsNe�dors Fee 5°l0: M. A. Morte�son Work � 5°la: SUBTOTALFee SUBTOTALTax Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: $ 137 $ 259' 7_ f' := $ �� � � 1,455 7% $ �92" "3 $ aA2 SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortensort + SubNead + Fee + Tau $ 4,97� - -� 0.0007 ($.72lThousand) 0.0038 ($3.77fThousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593ffhousand) g .� � S 19' $ �25' U � $ ��- �t � Builder's Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment 8 Pertormance Bond SUSTOTAL insurance & Bonds TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL . $ �`� �-' �;.. Page 1 �� �a� �� _____.�,� �,��0��� • . � (6 J h Q � a � h b N � O :� : q 1 M ) P � i , N ' b ] 4 . a a U J Z � a m U � rn N 0 1�OIZ3� � � N ¢ � N 6� � � A ti Qg �'� � 0 � �, ff z�m � o o a o00 �� n N O O O O O U a o O � J q W � O O O O O O � lL l� " p 0 O O O O � � N �a Q Q� 4 W Y � 1,� V Q O O O O V � O O O Y Z n N o 0 0 0 0 U K o � m � � Z M O� Q O O O O � N � � p O O O a n N � p O O O � o Q U � W W� O O O O 0 Z r � � p p O O O g � o 0 0 oao �Z �o� �, o� a � `° c °� °p N m o mpd � r o n; ti�n So � `��N a Z w � W r ' N O> O O O O O O � N 1�- �y O O O O O 111 Z O O O � � � tJ LL N � m � g R N � � � W y LL O � Z � m ¢1 Z Q-' w o d ¢ W � � = C J � m � � N n p` � Q m Q. Rl m m � c f- F � � J � m o O rL O m n � :°. �` j m j 3 � o � � ��� �' N � @ 0. Mat9 �W I 4 �� u SL PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSlON 300EAGLESTREET JOB ID.4?I04L SA/NT PilUL, MN 351 �2 PH:612/243-9/54 FkX:6l2l293-9557 C.P. No. GP 4.67 Reference: Date: 127�97 • 1 Material Quantity Und Cost Total Measure Concrete (10%waste) cy 5373 1074.60 � - .- � ��/ HeaUEnciosure � „ ; ?�� �Y 6 ��� �� '� �� ( i =' Drill/grovt doweis � 40 ea 6.50 260.0o 0.00 0.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 Su6total 1454.60 � i - � Page 1 11l96/96 17:33 F.� 61233&7307 :�F1B3SS-1D�IR STEEL �UUl/U01 � � � 235 • � �� od aoo �{��o QcID a• o 0 0 5913 Broadway Street NE - Minneapolis, Minnesota 55AM13 -.612-623-6302 • FAX 672-623-3923 •.�.•�. • as a.. DATE: 11/6l96 2C1: M. A. MorEenson 300 Eagle Street St_ Paul, MN 55'142 ATiN: Heather Jensen RE: St_ Pavl Civic Center St. Paul, M[3 Ct�nge Pz+opqsal No_ 57 C[�At1GE PRAPO$d1T< BA. 57 THZS cxataC.E: A p I� S4a..00 + tax . a. «� .- . . � -. -• . - �. �.. � � RE'P 4.67 REVISE-JOISTS Aq' �� ITjNDING, ADII 1_06 tons r�.inforcing steel ADD 1 hour redetailing at $50.00 hour= ����Q��� NOU - 7 7996 1�.A. MORTENSON C0. r�JN1P SUM $447.00 50.04 r ����' 7l�TAL ADD $547.00 + tvc NCY1B: PI.EASE, �'IRM THTS PROPOSAL BY SICG'NING PI3E CX3PY AND RE.�SA2NING IT R�? OtIl2 OFFIC�. AN AQQWW7,IDGID �PY WILL $E RER[7RNm � YW FQR YO[7k F1I�ES. b1tX�TE.T]: AMf�SALY.�R ST�, CORPpRATTQN BY• BY• l/� � C�"�.q�n-�r' �TOM Q3�At2IS -� TITLE• mr1�E- SALES REPR�E�7rAmIVE ��: .7oB NUME3F.R: 2595033 ��- �rjb/�6 TRUE HAPPiNESS DEPENDS UPON A PEASONAL RELATIONSHIP WlTH GOD � i2. rt�_ �F, Oi : 56 Prai -��EC4 CD—FRIDLEY �0� 1�1235 ,� Ceco Cancrete Gonstructian Gorp. �� 769 Z 4 UNCOLNSfREETNE.HAMCAXE.lA1NNE50fA6630a p � « ` E m���y - �> • FAXtlt'YF�N�118 r DatA: 1� - (�- `� �,,, M. A. MoRenson Company 700 Meadow Lane P'. O, Box 710 Minneapotis, MN. 55440 Attention: Alfen 7roshinsky Subject: St. Pau! Givlc Cerster CP4 Ceco 50961Q10 MAM 954042 R�: �- r� 4�L`t � 4`r � . D � ` / 7 y � _ � � � v �� °`�'� 2/, ���`�� t, y � ` ��Cc?U bear Todd: abave Sf hss been reviewed nd wil! resuft in a� �t�� doitar ad / deduct along with a�day add to the schedule. inegrely, . Q��.W.�'t..r- tiJ Richard J. Gaidner Disitiet Engineer FAX: � .lobsite ❑ MAM 293-9557 522-37Q7 � 1 2. �r F,. �F O i: 5F PY¢� *�E�O �D—FRIDLEY ,- Ceco Goncrete Construction • 15824 IINCOIN STREET N� . NqM IAKE, MiNNE50TA 55304 . F01 1 " 12� pHaNe s�z�s�em FnX 6t2434-8716 NUMBER (5l2) 434-871G NAX COVER PAC� QATE: �� ~ t—' �� SEND TO ' `� ` � 1 ` �-'�'a'�.�..1� � ATTENTION: SUBJ�C7: ���� NUMBER O� PAGES: �Z-- (InciUdingCoverPepg) FROM: ��.�4- CECO GONCRE7E CQHSTRUGTlQN - MiNNEAPOt/S Any problems with this transmisalon, pleaae call 6S2 434-4637 � �� � � � kF..- - �� r� � c.��t--� t �—� � � {VL� u. �N ____�� t�t.eY'�u.aesc't_+�1._- tc , f'L.- � c� 1�._ Ga cJ �2.-. ..— , ` �.t._r�. , � � +��� DEC 18 'S5 �3.13PM E12�7z5�4 l C D M�P A M 9 Ref_ Fiie # Page 1 of 1 i. '\ � w � i i � � '�/� �. : � . e. Project Name: Praject Address: .•. .� December 18th, 1996 St. Paul Civic Center Egpaasioa, CP-4: St. Faul, Minnesofa. MinnEa�Olis g42$72-4G56 6f 2•872-6824 (FA)() Bitl'rRgS 49fr248-d357 406$48-8330 (FA)C) Spokane 509-922-9121 5o9-s27-5964fFAXS Gen. Catttractor: M. A. Martenson Company Inc. G.C. Address: 700 Meadow I,ane IVoxth Pbone # 412-293-415A Minneapolis, MN 5?422-A849 k'az # 812-243-9557 AttenGon: HeatflerJCnsen Bidder's Name: DLO_T&; �N?'- S{'APE of W(7AK: pe&trin inn: joists. Sitnon K IGihauya 'Phis price proposal is far labor only including necessary Fquipz�+enc/Tools for the ErectioMnstal2atiou of the Scope of Work as tabutated in ihe CfIANGE oxnEx nocu�n�r�s� nac�a �ioW. RF.P, #A.67 Adds. $ 583.p0 Lump Sum Price. Concz'ete Reinforcing Steel; RFP #4.67 Adds 5.06 Tons of Rebaz @ revised Stair laning Please issue a change ard¢r fo reflect our additional cost lu installation of note woek p¢r above refereneed document. �(�(� F_o�l� IJI� � ��� L.H. Sowles Cram¢aay 28t 3 Bryarrt Avenue Soum Minneapofis, MF7 55408-2724 � i235 � '�t �J � ,� , . •, ,,, , -, . Date: October 18, 1996 St Paul Civic Center Expansion Tota( Paees inctudin¢ cover - 7 MAMJob #95I�92 _______ � M.A. Mortenson, Tom Schwab XAmbassador Steel, Tom Chegaris Ames, Mike Moeller Amsysco, Rattan Khosa Adas Foundation, Dave Peterson B& B Companies, Bill John Bartley Sales Co., Dave Grimm C.R. Fischer, Curt Fischer XCeco, Jim Paquin CemsCOne, Pat Kinsel Don Hazstad Co., Don Harstad Gateway Glass, Kevin Swanson JGC, Gteg John Kremer & Davis, Michaei Pratt XL.H. Sowles, Simon Kihanya Larson-Berry, Jim Berry XI.eJeune Steel, Scott Houdek Mahon Door, 7eff Gunelius Enclosed please find Request for Proposal No. 4.67 Please review this RFP for any potential cost or scope of work unpacts and please respond. These copies should be kept as a record and added to the construction documents assoc�ated with the Saint Paul Civic Centei Expansion CP-4. Please review this document and indicate by 11/1/96 if it requires a Change Order to your subcontract or not. The Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing all appropriate field conditions before responding to the Request for Proposal. If you do not respond by the date stated above, you have forfeited any claim for additional costs or rime which this document may tiave generat�l. If you do not respond by the deadline and it is later discoveced that your company does have a change in scope, cost, or schedule, that is direcfly related to this RFP, you will be required to complete the RFP at no additionai cost to the Owner or M.A. Mortenson. If there are costs associated with your work, do not proceed until you have received authorization. All claims for additional costs must be detaited and per allowances set forth 'sn the contract documents. have any questions, please do not hesitate to comact me. Bngineer cc• RFP file Minnesota Elevator, Chris Anderson Montgomery Elevator, Kevin Bardwell Mulcahy, Mazk Peterson National SpeciaLties, Liz Tittunons Neilsen's Equipment, Don Zytkoskee Panelfold, 7olui luday Paul's Woodcraft, Dave 7ohnson Pierce Sales, Dave Dunnigan Progressive Handling, Ra1ph Shepazd Pyramid Tile, Mike Harren St. Paul Linoleum & Carpet, GaxyFarsund Securiry Metai Products, Mazc Stroot Stanton Building Specialries, Bill Uhunan Summit Door, Jennifer Williams Twin City Acoustics, Dave Brinker Valley Building Products, Jack Romsis Wasche Interiors, Randy Bergsten Wheeler Hardwaze, Troy Haupert The above referenced RFP has been reviewed and we find this issue wi(I NOT result in any cost, credit or schedule impact to our Work. �t G�.(� � �� Subcontractor Name ; �1- 2��2�46 Date � O1i21/97 FIRM: �ot���, I3AME: l�j 00 L ��c. ' DA'�: 1-- z_�, -�`� ^_._ FROM: �°�—,�s,��� FHONE: WE ARL�'IR4NBM[T17.Nt3 � PAt1E(8) 7 NG`LTIDINQ'1HIH COYER 7�TT'IER. �N �AN9M18,4ION Ls NoT Cot�J,�� pj�r,�H �� (61x} 3J7-0820. � �J : P�.,....__ G.J �c.._ CE.,.� r� (�-� P '--E . �1 TUE 16: 02 F� � nn (�� ��a 2��l�,�� tP ,S' �� � ' SERV WG CONSTRUt,'�TION AND INI1 DIAMOI+3D CONCRET'L SAWThI .C', AND CORE DRILLING 12813 IN17US'TItIAL PAItK BLVD PLYMOUI'H, Mi3 554�lI PHONE (612� 557-0820 FAX (612)557-671U �oP� �.�-i� ,� � . .. "�_�'���5 IJ (Z- � �, ,� .. x� X � � = � ���. � � �z35 REGEIVED � FEB 0 5 1997 C�i The Construction Organization � Minneapolis Offica 700 Meadow Lane NoM P.O. Box770 (55440-071�) Minneapolis, Minnesota 554?2-4599 21 January 1997 Susan Jones CPMI c J o Saint Paul Civic Center T. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Foarth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 Request for Proposal #4.67 Concrete Beams Stair #4 & #5 BUILDING DIVISION Telephone: (612) 522-2700 Pacsimile: (6t2) 520-3430 r Dear Susan: In response to RFP #4.67 dated 15 OctoUer 1996, we are subsnitting Ehe foIlowing cost proposal. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotations and our price Ureakdown. We are requesting a Change Order to increase our Contract AmounE by Five Thousand Twenty Four pollars ($5,024.00). Please let me know if you need additional information or clarification on the enclosed_ The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specificaily ideniified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are exduded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for addifional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in camUinaflon with other changes. Very truly yours, W:�,� � �1 � A11en S. Tioshinsky AssisYant Praject Manager file: RFP #4.b7 Minneapolis•Seattie•Denver•Colorado Spnngs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•NOnolulu•LOS Angefes 3225 S � 1�0 ��35 C� Date: 10 March 1997 Contract No.: 4.01 1. It is requested the completion date be ( l extended, (] decreased, O unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted compietion date wili be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specitications, addenda, if app(icablel. Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: ; PCO No.: 111 Title: Extend ladder at Wilkins roof hatch 3. Basis of payment: 1Check one) {X) Firm price for perfiorming this change is S 807.00 Adequate supporting detaifs and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attached to a(low Owner to evaluate. ( � Time and materiat per contract, but not to exceed S i 1 Actual cost at compfetion of work $ Submitted 6y: M. A. MORTENSON Date: March 10, 1997 C tractor �,. � a ..�.� Contractor Siqnature FOR CPMI USE . 1. Action Recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No.: 3225 (} Change wifl not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. {) Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be $ �The following modification is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. (} Change is acceptabfe with no change in price. �hange is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( } Other 2, Reason for Change: ( S Design Change { � Client Request �ield Condition O Suggested by Contractor {) Design Omission or Other (expiain) 3. Is this a part of the original cortract scope? i 1 YES �AIO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ` YES ( 1 NO 5. AIE consuited. ��,`!ES ( ) NO Prepared by: � CPMI) Approved by ` ^ HGA) Approved by, Date: �� y ! ! Date:�l- �—� CPMI Inc., cfo Saint Paul Civic Cenier, LA. 0'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 Wesi Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 557 02-t cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: `�C��/ � • � �2.35 3J10/97 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposal � � ST. PAUL ClVIC CENTER EXPANSION ���„ 3t10fitGLESTREET )OBID:951042 SAINT PAUL, MN 5510? PH:61 22 93-9 154 FAX-bt3/293-95�7 Description: PCO#11'1 Title: Extentl ladder at Wilkins roof hatch Modenson La6or, (See a@ached) Mortenson Materiai: (See attached) MoAenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ Amount $ 355 $ - $ - $ - General Conditions' � - (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 355 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1, LeJeune $ 373 � 2 $ _ 3. � 4 $ 5. $ - 6. $ " 7 $ - 8. $ - 9. $ - 10. $ " SUBTOTALSubNend $ 373 SUBTOTALFee SUBTOTALTax M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontradorsNendors Fee 5% M. A. Mortenson Work 75%: Total Material & EquipmeM $ M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: $ 19 $ 53 $ 72 7% $ - SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 800 Builder's Risk GCL Vnsurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SU6TOTALinsurance 8 Bonds 0.0��7 {$.72/Thousand) 0 0038 ($3.77Rhoasand) 0.0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) $ � $ 3 $ 4 $ 8 TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ $ Page 1 • � O 9 N J r n �n Q ^i a N h b 4 �t i � J � V � h a M Q \ b C # O U a U O � Z a �^°' U K rn `o oi � 0 � �235 � � � �o "'" N N 4g ��' � N �- 0 � � � W O � O O O O O Z � O O O O O O �� N p p O O O U w rn N R . O o � J O � � O O O O O O Q� o� ? o o O o 0 0 W r N o p o 0 0 a ° LL � �r Z W � V 3Wa a o 0 0 000 YZn cv p p o00 U K o � K � m 0 K W F- N p� N � .- N M Z C � � m M til tn N W �^ � � l0 O«J N � Q N � N N '- c� Q U � p � ° m o o a ° o ° o ° o m Z h O� p p O O O g Yo �z w p �n ,� �� a rn o o ° o o ° o g oo 0 0 000 � 0 m � a � o � w o � w � LL O � w o `� m z j d` K N � � m � O � o � J � J Q m Q Q' N J � l0 e Q a' Q J N N � G1 p] m N � QI Q �- tL � J(n � N m N a ��235 .i:...E......�i �.�_.�_:__� �S T E E L C O M P A N Y ll 8 W. b01H ST. � MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55419 b12/861-3321 612/861-2724 FAX Ms. Heather Jensen To: Mortenson Construction 300 Eagle Street St_ Paul MN 55102 Project St. Paul Civic Center �������� MAR 10 �9 �1.A. PAORTENSON C0. GHANGE ESTIIVIATE Page �_ of _.�_ Change Esrimate No. 93 Date 3l7147 E110 St. Paui MN Revised plans and/or sketches dated Verbal Re�uest We propose to furnish material and/or labor as indicated below for the described project subject to the general terms and conditions as included in the original contract, unless noted: DESCRtPTION OF CHANGE Additional materiai requested by contractor for new ladder between existing roof and new roof at Wilkins Auditorium. Instailation by Others. See attached for additional infortnation. , ADD: $373.00 rection Not Included des or Use Tas Tncluded atus of Chan$e Hold pending C.O. eform Chau�e Estimate Amount $373.OQ Performance Bond Included Schedule Change To be deteriuiued Sincerely, �-�+1/ cott e c, Project Manager • � 1 y � O O T "� •� W � :� � °�� v f�. o � fi • ka �� W y , � s� � a� � � � g � U U ` � oz .° d � d > � o d ., g � � � .°'o .'3 * � m cC °a' m � a � a d '� z � O � 3x � C � .] � 3 � N � h l� M N1 M Vi Vi fH V3 �f3 Vj ° o 0 0 0 4 0 � bs v� es �n s9 � R � � �� � p o V � � O O O O o O C� a O fA 69 b9 vl f5 y .� � .� H � H � ef U r 0.�1 � � ' ����'�� - eeee��� � � � � ���d 0 0 o c 0 x VI { � � a � t� � `o 3 4. 0 M M FH vi vi v3 0 0 o , v+ , v �� � � o N a , „ 0 �, �� 0 0 ���„x��x F � � .�O�O� O 5 q � 0. d W oi 3 v�i � � o � `� a s`� tiZ35 N m � �1t � � � U � V 0 C � D 8. M(ron Works, Inc. P. O. Box 18127 Mpls., Minn. 55418 Phone: (612} 639-0009 Fax: (612) 839-0025 it�.00V r.l�l � � �� Please Deliverthis Faz InFortnation to: SCi�� From: JACK D. DANIELSEN Numher of Pa9es To follow: RE: CIVIC CENTER ST. PAUL, MN. NOC #87 - ADD FOR f.ADDER MATERIAL .................................. $20 lABOR . $196 � DETAILING .................................. $70 ALLOWABLE MARK UP ............. $43 TOTAL ...:.......:............................. $329 � Date 3R/97 - � �,, ntron� or GONIACI -��e eun� � �o Q G b� P.O. 8ox 19070 •�Nest b�ih St. • Minneapotis. Minnesota SSG19 6121861-3321 INfORMATION FECEIL�ED BY: ( TEL£PNONE TO/FROM ( ) HEETING ATTENOED ( ) PLANS OR SKETCNES SUBJECT: wn�rw�wa ���.��.�'�. 1��T: �T. fl4U�. C ��t « c� .10B NO.: � � �Q DATE: � — 5 ' ( � G N C�J � AGTION TAKEN: 0 � DESCRIPTtON OF AFFECT ON JOB: � 11STRIBUTION: �H{EF DRAF7SMAN j7� ������ } CHIEF ENGINEER ) VICE PRESIDENT Of SALES � P l`'� Sco-�`r' t�avDEK. �DMIvJ BY � Y •O r O d � EXTEND [2AIL8 3-b 1 ABOVE LANDIt�(Cz OR RC EDCzE g STfiP- TI-4Rt! LADDEfZ • � w U Q � � � Z � C � d) 1-- � � m 3 Ql X Q � U Q Q N z � � 18' GLEAR U O iv e 1- � � O u � n � Q iL N N z � C'� w . � � •r 4 c� � � m � � SEGTION . � ,— ' ; � � U � U ELEvAT{otJ � ° � °,('� ' µW�N��W�f4WNF50TA SSW1 DA7E -1 -•• 1 sVYaltST 1995 li � li\ .�-'T�TT.r�i71 807 SECDIN AV�M17� 9.1fTE 5M scwin�, w,�vm+cror� saiot YI3:��.'�dcT7 i�0 iZ35 22' GLEAR l-tT STEP-7I-IRL! LADDER COt"{IT t2llNCzS ABOYE LANDINCs OR ROOF EPCsE) AT LADD£R TO HATGN, LOCATE TOP ('d]NCs 3` SELOW SOF�IT OF i-aATGi-I COV�R TOP OF �s FLUSta WIT}-i LANDING OR TOP oF RoOF �CXsE (5N0(t�l DASHED) 1/4' X 3' BENT STEPL PLATE SRACKETS. UIELD 80T�'OM f'AIi2 TO RAIL. AT OTHER PAlRS: 3/8' ROLMrJ BOLT 70 RAIL TNRL! YERTi- C,4LLY SLOTTED HOLE M SRAGKETt TACK-WELO PINGER-TICsNT NIYf TO SOLT. 3/S' ROUND SOLT 3' LECs 70 llJA1.L. AT STUD UJALL, PROYIDE 1/4' X 3` ST PL CR055 MEMBER �LUSI-1 W{7{-{ STtiD F.4CES < GLIP SOLTED TO STUD SiDESt 70GCsLE SOLT SRACKET 70 Gf20S5 PL THS�Il PIPE SPAGERS. 3/4' ROtMD STEEL BAR RUNCsS-LET INTO AND U1ELD TO RA{L. CsRIND ��us� wir+� raa�L siDe. 3/8' X 2' STEEL 6AF2 RAIL. EASE AT GORNERS. LINE OF FLOOfi2 Ot2 ROOF SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER 1 EXPAI3SION - - - SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA �j — ( G 1."� i235 RECEIVED � MOR'tENSOH Tlre Coastruction Organization� 3z25- �� S � � CPM� J BUILDINGDIVISION Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-07� 0) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55472-4899 10 March 1997 Susan Jones CPMI c/ o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St.Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: � DearSusan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 PCO#111- Extend Ladder at Wilkins Roof Hatch Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 As the roof along the south side of WIlkins has been raised and a permanent means of access is not addressed in the Contract Documents, we propose to extend the existing ship's ladder with a vertical section of ladder as described herein. We quote the sum of Eight Hundred Seven Dollars (+$807.00) for the added costs. Enclosed are copies of suUcontractor quotations and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need additional informafion or clarificaHon on the enclosed. If this work is to p�aceed, please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically idenrified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to suUmit a proposal for additional costs and tune related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or Eor the effect of this change in combinafion with other changes. Very truly yours, C� � ,.�--�_ Allen S.Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager � Eile: CPMI �v'` PCO#111 MAR 1 1 1997 Minneapolis•Seattle•Denver•ColoradoSprings•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•HOnolulu•LOS Angeles