245219 Y �45�19 sORIGiNAL TO CITY CL6RK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ` � DATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed properties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of the meeting of July 9, 1969, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; 477 Holly Avenue Mrs. Estella Goodvin 1964 Marshall Avenue Parranto Bros. Inc. 1026 E. Lawson Avenue Sophie Stahnke FOKM AFNi?:� � Asst. Gorporation ounsel AUG l� 31�d9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays ��—. auG � 3 i�ss Dalglish Approved 19..— Meredith F' n Favor �f � Peterson � Mayor Sprafk2 Tedesco A8'ainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED AUG 1 d 1969 0 � , 7/9/69 . < D1`�����~I�o. 1� • �19 MINUTES JF' ':.:;; MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, July 9 , 1969 Library, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. �Iembers present : Lawrence Cohen, Chairman Estyr Peake . Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso , James Voigt Members absent : Charles Velin Othexs present : , Dr. Paul Cox Henry Streich Robert Ames Sam Blue Arthur Pream Edward E. Parranto Louise McElmury for Estella Goodvin Ruth llahlby Gerald Okoneski Lois Stahnke for Sophie Stahnke Mr. A. L. Mueller Richard Grayson, Attorney for A. L. Mueller Robert L . McGee , Architect representing A. L. Mueller The minutes of the meetings of June 11 , 1969 and June 25 , 1969 were approved as read. A letter dated June 13 , 1969 from John B, Burke Jr. , Attorr_Ey for the St. Paul Racquets Club was read concerning repair cf the fence at 600 DeSoto . �, 477 HCLLY AVENUE The appeal to allow continued occupancy of a basement �partm,ent at 477 Holly was presented by Louise McElmury. Mr. Tieso moved that Section 54 . 13 paragraph 7 of the St . Faul Legislative Code stating : ` ., 7/9/G9 ._ Y M��;�ting r1o . 12 "No dwelling unit l�z��tially below grade shall be used for living pu�roses", and Section 54 . 13 paragraph 4 stating : "No space in any cellar shall be used for sleeping purposes" , be waived for 477 Holly . He further. moved that upon the sale or transfer of ownership of 477 Hollv that the basement occupancy be vacated and that occupancy of the� third floor and basement apartments be disalloiaed - in full cor�pliance with the St . Paul Legislative CodE�. Ay�s : Cohen, Sommerdorf , Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : none. ��,.b�tention� : none. Motion carxied 4 to 0 . 1964 MARSHALL AVENJE �r .�— � The appeal to allow cvr�tinued occupancy oi the third floor apart- ment at 1964 Marshall Aven.ue until October 1969 was continued by Edward E. Parranto . Chairman Cohen n:oved that continued occupancy of the third floor be allowed until October 1 , 1969 in waiver of Chapter 54 . 16 paragraph 3 of the St . Pau.l Legislative Code , under the condition that the following repairs be made before Ju1y 23 , 1969 and that �i1G ��ilit� ��OC� CCCL'r3.:C�' b? r?rmangntiv y�.C�teC� O11 OT' bef:ure October 1 , 1969 . 1 . Trat the aluminum combination window providin� ex.it to the 3rd floor fire escape be removed, 2 . That the rotted fire escape outside of the S:rr.l � floor windoH� be repaired and made usable . ' 3 . Tl?.at the exposed wiring in the third fleor an�:l , b�.sement be repaired. 4 . Tr.at the fiz•e extinguishers locat.ed in the ciw<�11- ir_g be rechar�ed. Ayes : Cohen," Pe.ake , Sommerdorf , Tieso , Voigt . i�ayes : na:z�. Abstentions : none. Motic�n carried 5 to 0 . 736 E. GERANIUM Chairman Cohen ruled that the appeal for 736 E. Geranium, .•��e- sented by Ruth I�ahlby, cor.•.cerned a zoning matter and was t:z-.;re- fore not under t.he jurisdiction of the Board. Mr . Voigt s��;;- gested that she file a rev,uest with the City Cler}.: for a c.lange of zoning at th�.t address . Chairman Cohen moved t:nat Mrs . �:�ahlby be refunded the $5 . 00 filing fee. Ayes : Cohen, Peake , So�tunerdorf, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : nor�e. Abstentions : none. Motion carried 5 to 0 . ^ - ,. - � 7/9/69 ° , w h4eet ing No . 12 1098 Vt'AKEFIELD Gerald Okoneski a.ppealed to the Board to waive the required �ide lot line clearance at 1098 Wakefield. Chairman Cohen asked Mr. Okoneski to obtain a registered survey of the property and present to the Board at its July 23 , 1969 meeting the results of that s.�rvey along with other possible alternatives of action. _ 1026 E. LAWSON AVENUE , _. Lois Stahnke appealed the notice dated May 15 , 1969 issued by the Health Department to Mrs . Sophie Stahnke for 1026 E. Lawson Avenue which listed impx�vements needed to brir_g the property into compliance with the Housing Code. Chairman Cohen moved that an extension of time be granted until June 1970 to complete such improvements at which time the matter be reheard. ��e further moved that the front stairs from the private to the public walk be repaired immediately. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdoi•f, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : none. A�stentions : none. i�otion carried 5 to 0 . 335 JOHNSON PARKWAY A. L. Mueller appealed for the continued use of an elevator at 83S Johnson Parkway. Chairman Cohen moved that �r. Mueller grese:t to t�:s �card at its July 2T � o�o mnot;n^ a list ef 1 J � 1✓V✓ lll v v V 1 �' improvements that he would make in order to continue the use of the elevator. He further moved that Mr. Mueller transmit a copy of such list to Arthur Pream, elevator inspector. Ayes : Coren , Peake, Sommerdorf , Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : none, Abstentions : none. Motion carried 5 to 0 . Chairman Cohen also asked Mx. Mueller to see how his insurar�ce company views the elevator in Question. There being no further busi:ness , the meeting was adjourned. "'� A Z.9� t�.a..�r.,..�,.''y� T�omas 4@. Andersori Recordaiig Secretary �� - �',� � - J _ D['PLICATE TO PRINTER _ 'J'��`('�� CIT1( OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO �" "�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLV�D, �t'hat the Co�zncil hereby approves th� a.c�ian o� thQ I3o�rct o� A,ppeals pertaining to the �'ollowing listed p.roperties as sho�ran b� the offic3al minutes of �aid Board of the meetin�g r�L Ju1y 9, 1969, a cppy of which is att�ched hereto and ac�ade a p�.rt hereof by re�erence a 477 k�o11y Av�nue Mr�. E�tel7,a Goodvin 196� P�x�.rsh.ali ��venue Parran�o 33ros. Tnc. 1C326 f„ Lawson Avenu� Sonhie Stahnk� AUG I 3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ' � � �'��� Dalglish / Approved 19_ Meredith �c' Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka �'� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �