245113 / ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL C�UNCIL 245;�13 ' FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI �TIONr.,—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY obert F. Peterso COMMISSIONE �� DATF RESOLVED, Thet the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to pay to Armc�r-Coat Co�pany, Ic�c. on Estimate No. 4 and Final, Contract L-�045, for the 1968 EXTRA ORDINARY MAINTENANCE ON UNIVI�RSITY AVENUE from E�erald Street (City Li�its) to Lexington FarkwBy, SIXTx STREET fro� Sibley Street to Broadway Street, FIFTH STREET from Robert Street to Broadway Street, SIBLEY STREET from Sisth Strest to Eighth and Jackson Streets and BROADWAY STRIs'ET f rom Kellagg Boulevard to Sisth Street, Said esti�ate being paid for the period of October 1, 1968 to July 16, 1969, it being the understending of this Council that`such final paya�ent in no way is to be construed as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employees e$tending the tiaee specified � � £or co�pletion or in any way changing the ter�s of said � contract, plans or specifications thereof, nor in any way nor by any �eans shall this resolution or payment be construed as a �aiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract; l�nd provided that prior to payment of any.of the aforesaid final estimate, said contractor by its duly authorized agents or cor- porate officers, shall f ile with the Cfty Co�ptroller in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the con- ditions of payment as hereinbefore set forth, and � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the absence of said accept- ance being filed with the City Comptroller, no payment as afore- said shall be made. � AUG � 3 1� �i� F COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas lvays AUG 1 3 l�f 9 �� Dalglish pproved 19�_ Meredith � Tn Favor �� / Peterson Sprafka J Mayor Tedeaco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBLIS1iE� AUG 16 1969 O CUPLtCATE TO PRINTER ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY e rt _ Patareen eqTF COMMISSIONER � F R85E�LVED, Tltiat the pmper off icers of the City nf &aint Paul e►re hereby authoria��d ta pay to Ar�r-Comt Ca�mpeny, I�ac. on B�tie�at� No. 4 atad Fir►�1, Gontract I�7!?4S, tor the 1968 E3CtRA ORD�iARY' MAII�iTE�1,�C� QN LilIiYEASITY AdSl1tJ8 ��rom �e�nid Street tCitq Lia�l��e? ta �,s��ngtan Farkwsy� SIXTB 35TR�gT fro� Si.bl�y S�seet Ca Brc�adwe�y �txeet� 1�?.1� STRBBT froa �taberC Street to �roadwey 3C�reet� S'tR1�Y STRBBT from Stath S�ree�t to $ighth e�nd J�cksar S�re�tis aund SR�AD�AAY STRE�T from KelYagg aoulevnrd to 5ixth S��aet, 8a�d ee�t3waCe beaing pazd f�x the� p�riad af Oetobe�ac 1, 1�68 to ,Xu�y 16� 19b9, it beia$ the understendi�� of thi� �ro�cil tbat such fi�l paym�nt i� �a wey t►� tc> be �na��ru�d 1N�► ee�a ae� by khe Gity or stny of its sgen�s� se�xvants cr �mpla;�eea e�at+�nding tha tiwe specified £or completion or fn e��y;WSy changing the tex�s of sa�d contrnct, pl�ns ar �peeifi�e�tionffi tt�er�of, nor !n any wsy nor by any ��s shali th�s r�a�►olution or payaaent be construed as a N+�iver of �ny of �ha �cights of amid City unde�r s[tid �rontr�cty ind prcvided that prior to paym�nt o£ any cf the e�foraeaid final estiaiate, eaid Qontra�ctox by iCs �ly auChazi�ed agents or coz- porate officexe, �hrtll file with tt� Citq Cc�pkroller in a� foz�a epproved by the Cearpctira�ioa Coaneel an a�aceptun�e o� the can- ditians af paymez�t ae h�ereinb���re get forth, and B� I'F L�'t1�tT�R R�'.S"ALV�D, Thet in the abeenc� o� said eccept- aace b�ing filed With th� City Co�pts�oller, ao paym�nt +a� sf�x�- eaid shall b� made. Ado ted by the Council'A�� 1 � �� 19— COUNCILMEN p Yeas Nays ,� �� � � ��r,�f ear�ea- `° . Dalglish / Approved 19—_ Meredith J� Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco . Mr. President, Byrne ��O