245198 �
� ' - ' 245�98
File No 17415
In the M$tter of constructing a public storm sewer in LINCOLN AVBI+iUE from Cleveland
Ave. to Fairview Ave.; in ST. CIAIR AVENUE irom 200 ft. West of Hawell St. to Hcywell St.;
in GRA�D AVBMJB from Aawell St. to 400 ft. Sast of Hawell 3t.; in PRIOR AVEN[1E from
Princeton Ave. to Grand Ave.; in AO�LL STRE�T fraoa St. Clair Ave. te Grand Ave.; in
FAI�VIEW AVENUE from St. Clair Ave. to 20� ft. North of Lincoln Ave.; in SAAGLNT STREE?
fram 200 ft. We�:t of Fairview Ave. to Fairview Ave. ; also eonstruct catch basin leads
to drain alleys in Renna's Subdivision; Blocks 1 and 2, Macalester Place; Block 1,
Wright and Williams; mnd A. Berghold's Addition to x�ale Park, Block 5; also
construct public sanitary se�er in LINCOLN AVENUE from Finn Street to Cleveland Ave.;
and all to be knawn as the WHEELER-FAIRM�t1A1T RELIEI� SYSTEM, S-475G,
under Preliminary Order 244 S3 q approved J une 20� 1969
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Coxnmissioner of Finance
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the sa.id report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be prceeeded with.
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommenda is
to construct a public storm seWer in LINCOLN AVENUE fram Cleveland Ave. to l�airvia`►
Ave. ; in ST. CIAIR AVENUE from 200 ft. West of Howell St. to Aowell St.; in QRAIiD
AVBNi�E fram aowell St. to 400 ft. East oi Aowell St. ; in PRI08 AVEpUB fxo� Princ�ton
Ave. to Grand Ave.; in HOWELL 3TRE8T fran 8t. Clair Ave. to Grand Ane:; in FAIRVIEW'
AVENUE from St. Clair Ave. to $00 ft. North ot Lincoln Ave.; in SARGBNT STRBET fram
200 ft. West of Fairview Ave. to P'airview Ave.; also construct eatch basin laads to
drain alleys in Kenna's Subdivision; Blocks l and 2, Macalester Place; Block 1,
Wright and Williams; and A. Berghold's Addition to Rosedale Park, Block S; also
construct public sanitary sewer in LINCOLN AVENUE from Finn Street to Cleveland Ave.;
and all to be knawn as the WHEELI?R-FAIRMOUNT R�LIEF SYSTEM, $-47SC,
with no alternatives, and that the estirnated cost thereof is $ 636,6�5 OQ
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of
SeTt�her� 19�9 , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Gommiasioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sta.ting the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council '�� 1 3 �
Yeas CefISt�R� Nays � 1 3 iss�
D�Igtfsh Appro
Peterson �
Sprafka n Favor �
TedesCO � Mayor
gyrne agasnst PuBUSHEO AUG 16 1969
s-66-SM °�'� x.l