245191 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���191 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�ENC�� NO. LIC��is�; co.�-i:��il`i'1'-r�.t.: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1`i11','U S�, �.�'G 1969 COMMISSIONE DAT� � � i�SOLVLU; That Ch •�ale Liquor La.cer.se i�1o. 7622, and 'iavern i.i.cer:se T�to. 579� both e�:�irin� Januarv 31, 1970, and -��stazra.nt, Oif �ale iialt `�evera�e and Civaxette Licenses ido. 1279� all eao�irin� i,�ovember 21., 19�9, issued. to The Bellam� Corporation at 7q9 University Avenue be and the same are hereby teraporarily suspended upon �he recommendation oi' the :3ureau of Police, the approval os" tYie Chief of Police and the Carn.missioner of Public Safety as �ha.irman of the License Committee, pendin� an ac3mi.nistrative hearin; before the I,icense Committee of the City Council relative to said establishment. (Temporary - �uspension} qUG 131�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 1 3 1,69 ��� Dalglish A proved 19— Meredith �n Favor � Peterson Sprafku U Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� AUG 1 b 1969 �O