245189 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �4518y CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `"' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. ISCE1dSE CO�+TirII`I'TEL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENiED BY AU£�115'I'i �.2 t 1969 COM M I551 ON E DATF t�IiEREAS: On Sa1e Liquor I,.i.cense i��Jo. 7552, e�irino Jarniary 31, 1970, is issued to Peter Jay, Inc, at 1�80 South Snellin� �venue covering '��Iain Barroom and r�djoinin;; Room�� and applic�tian has been made for the chan�e in the coverage on the license, therefore, be it RESOLV�ut That On Sale Liq uor I,icense i1o. 7552, expiring January 31, 1970� iss�aed to Peter Jay, Inc. at 430 South Snelling �venue with the covera�e of l�7ain Barroon and Ad.joinin�; l�oom be and the same is hereb3* amended to read nMain Barroom and Two Adjoinir� Rooms." Qn Sa1e Liquor Establishment Amendment to covera�e on license. Informa�ly approved bf Counc il July 29, 1969 Orig Apnn. 873� q�G � 31�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �\ AUG � 3 1969 Dalglish Approve 19— Meredith �� Favor ✓ Peterson Sprafku � Maqor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISNEi� AUG l.� 19 ��O ; � � � @ CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of �inneaota � C/�/ �g 7 � �e a�ti�erzt o ablic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspecto� July 29� 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul� l�Iinnesota Gentlemen: Currently Peter Jay, Inc. axe holders of Qn Sale Liquor Lieense No. 7552, and r.u.sce.11aneous licenses, all e�iring January 31� 19�9� at 1t80 South Snellin�; avenue They have been licensees at this location since July 1963. The covera;e on the liquor license is for the P�Iai.n Barroom and adjoining room. Having recently remodeled the premises� application is made for the amendrnent of the liquor covera�;e �rom T�tain Barroon and ad j oinin� r oom, to '�IvTain Barroom and Two Ad j oinin�; Rooms.�� Attached is a letter of ap�lic::tion from the licensees. �ry truly yours, �Z-�,tic.v�� � /�"1 � ����.�,. License Inspector t,�r" 4�_.".� C---' �� 0 � ,a . r r � �. P'atll� Mitin�e!l01�► J�,y 2�.� 1969 Roaorsbi� Mayor and City Ccun�.l 3aint Pml� M1nr�ea�ata (iantle�aen c C�Q D� P. McLaughlin� Liaense Inspector, Public Safst�► Buildit�. t�rrently Peter Ja,y� Ira. hald 0�; 3a0.e Liquor Licenee �'a. �5�2 arrc� daaell�eaus liaer�aaa� �c�irf�.�ag Januazy 31� 1970� at !►� South 9u211ng Avenne. Tha liquor license no� co,rere tha "1�Ia�in Barroo� ar�d Ad�nining Room." �avi.ng treae�tly rs�wdelec! and �dding another ro�n,� applio�tion i� es de Sor the �ea� at th� corerage to read� "Main Bax�raaa and T�o Ad,joinin� Roo�." Thar�king yc>ur for conaideratfon at' ttii� requeat� �+e �re Yet'Y 4,tv]Y Y+�urs� PETER JAY� INC. }�80 3o.9nelling �re. - gt. Parx2, Ml.nnesata,� 55105 �'y:�. � ,,.,, �'ff.cea � ' . � J� 29, 1969 Hon. William E. Carlaon, Camsr. of Public Sat'ety, 101 E. lOth. St., St. Psul, Minn. Attn: I�lr. Da.niel P. McIaughlin Desr Sir: The City Council tod�y grsnted inPormal approval of the application of Peter Jay, Inc., holders of On Sale Liquor License l�o. 7552s snd miscellaneous licensee, all expiring January 31, 1970, at �+80 3. Snelling Avernte for an amendment of the liquor coverage fr� Main Hsrroom and ad�oining room, to "Main Barroom and T�vo Ad�oining Rooms." �lill you please prepare the cuatome�ry resolutionT V�ry truly yo�a, City Clerk hp