245186 OR161NAL Y�CITY CLERK 24518� y CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �c�1s� cai���Tnr;E COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �U.r,LlS�i �.2• Z�169 COMMISSIONE DATF , i�:SOLU�; That Council File 2�50f33� a{�proved JulSr 31� 1969s rescindin� Douncil File 2�.t�997, approved July 21�, 1969, is hereby cancelled in its entirety; and be it FfJl�i':iLr� :t��Lj+��.�hat Council F''ile 21�.997� approved July 2�, 1969, is in force in its entiretyT�► � 131969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� 1 3 19�� -�ar�sv�` Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith ��n Favor ,/1 Peterson Sprafk2 [� Mayor A gainst t Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne Puec�s��� AUG 16 1969 �o /� • �1��Q . . � ` D Council File No. 244997—By William E. � Carlson— Council File No. 2�5083—By William E.I Resolved, That application for the Carlson— transfer of On Sale Liquor and Sunday- Resolved, That Council File 244997, On-Sale Liquor licenses issued to tlie �approved July 24, 1969, �vherebti� appli-' Tifi'any Lounge, Inc. at 2051 Ford cation ior the transier of On-Sale Parkway to H. L. 14., Inc. at the same Liquor and Sunday On Sa:e Liquor address and their application for Res- Licenses issued to the TiFiany Lounge, taurant and Cigarette licenses for the Inc, at 2051 P'ord Parkway to FI. L. M., same location, be and the same are Inc. at the same address and the ap- hereby granted on tkie concition that plication for Res.aurant and Cigarette I within 60 days of this date said H.T..1�Y., Licenses at the same location were Inc. sh�il comply �vith ali requireinents granted, is hereby rescinded in its of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and entirety; and be it r��,._a .,.� tiH� r;.. o r.,�„��r�,- p„r_ Further Resolved, That the afore- suan: :o '.hc S:. P:u2cLe�isla*.ive Code said licenses shall remain issued to and all other applicable ordinances and the Tift'any Lounge, Inc. at 2051 Ford laws. Parkway. Adopted by the Council Tuly 24, 1969. Adopted by t:�e Council July 31, 1969. Approved July 24, 1969. Approved July 31, 1969. � (July 2G, 1969) (August 2, 1969)