245183 ;�`��` OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK • � �145„�$3 , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO.:., � I,IC��;s�: Ct�il�ilTTrrE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOCUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Aubust 12, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF tZES�LJEll; That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale I�Talt �evera;e, Cigar�tte and Cigarette Vendin� l�.achine Operator's Licenses, applied for by t,he Pit anci Paddock, Inc.at 181 North Snellin�; Avenue be and the same are hereby ;ranted. on the condition that within �days of this date s�d Pit and Paddock, Inc. shall compl�T ��ith a11 requirements of the Bureaus o�' Fire, Health, and Police, and the Li.ce-.nse Inspector pursuant to the �t, Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. _, P, � � � iJ� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19� Yeas Nays � � � ���� � ^---'--- Dalglish � A prove� 19— Meredith _In Favor ;i � Peteraon � Mayor Sprafku A gainst Tedesco PUBLISl�E�i AU G 16 1969 Mr. President, Byrne O . CITY OF"SAIlVT PAUL Capital of Minneaota ;�4�1�3- �e a�ti�erzt o a�`ic c�a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HswLTH FIRE PBOTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiesioner POLICE AND FIAE ALA$M ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Comai�sioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, License Inspector Au���st 12, 19�9 Honorable T��.a�:or arzd Cit�� Council Saint Paul, iTinnesota �eni;lemen: The Pit ancl Padc�oc�, Inc. make application for I-testaurant, On and Off Sale i�alt :3evera;;e, Ci�arette and �iUarette vendin� r�achine operator�s licenses for a business at 1�l P1�rth Snellin;; �'ivenue which is on the 'vrest side of the street betv�een Selb�� and �ayton Avenues. '"hi5 loca;ion has been licensed for a similar business since �93?. `�he present licensees, 181 Club� Inc. have held the licenses since i�ovember 1961�. The �fficers of the Pit and Paddock� Inc. are Duane �. �3rohau�;h, President and �ecretary; and liary Anne Bronau;h, Vice- president and Treasurer. The two off.icers are ttle only stockholders. There are no otlYer 3.2 places within two blocks. ihe closest On Sale Liquor place is across the street and the closest Off. �ale Liquor place is about half a blc�ck away. �lhe nearest church is about five blocks and the nearest school is about two blocks away-. T�tr. Brohaugh as an officer of the same corporation, operated a similrr business at 3�.7 ':dest Kellogg ?3oulevard f'rom 19�li to 1967. Since that time he has been a car salesman for the II�nda P�lotor Sports at :Iinneapolis. i�irs. Brohauoh, also taas an officer of the sa�ne corporation, anci operated a similar business as stated ai�ove from 1961� to 1967. < 5ince that time she has been a waitress f�r Diamond Jim�s. Very truly �uurs� License Inspector �O / ' . N • LAW OFFICES SMITH, BLOMQUIST, VITKO & RUMMEL W-880 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CLAnENCE B. RANDALL�18B2-1963) DONALJ B.SMITH Ii906-1968) SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55101 � MORITZ J. BLOMOUIST JOHN P.VITKO 224-9487 GERALD C.RUMMEL AREA CODE 612 BERTRAVD PORITSKY . � NEIL P.CONVERY . HARRY T. NEIMEYER � TERRY C.SMITN ' JONN A.MCFARLAND AUgUS� ��� 1969 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector , Department of Public Safety ' ' lOth and Minnesota Streets � Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear A1r. McLaug�lin: This is to advise you that Pit and Paddock, Inc. was formed as a Minnesota corporation in 1964, That the first meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Sep�ember 15, 1964, at which time Duane A. Brohaugh was elected President; Lavonne M. Brohaugh taas elected Vice President and Treasurer; and Gerald C. Riunmel was elected Secretary. � > Subsequent to that time, both Lavonne M. Brohaugh and Gerald C. Rimmiel have resigned as of.ficers and directors of the corporation and Mary Anne Brohaugh was elected a director and is an officer as Vice President and Treasurer. Duane A. Brohaugh is still President and also Secretary of the corporation. They are also the sole s�tocl:holders of this corporation. Very truly yours, �, � S'MITH, BLOMQUIST, VITKO F, RUA�L , BY���=�`.'°�-- �� GCR:cl f`1$g'�.��1 J'�,� �1� `' �l � �:11G 1969 �' r�.�.� -� cv : yCE9 �l � � �; s �{CENSE Dly, ti �v Dept. o; Public Satety 0 . �?� ^� V ��'��CZ9Z 5?ti2�'ti� . . ' C ITY flF SA INT PAUi+ DEPAR�IT fl�' P[TBI,IC SAFETY LICENSE DNISIC/N Date 19 (S� 1. ,Appli.oatiar�. �'ox �a U e�'Yl -- �� '� `� -s-•-u LiQer�e �.�� �� � 2, Na� of �pplioant U.�L.Y�e �� Y O �a Ul. 3. Buai.nesa s►ddr�ea���Y1 1► r � Residenoe ��5� da. 1CL .c�;n� �. Trac�e x�ame, if aay Y i�� � h eY �,�. �J���. � 5. �etai7. Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Ret�il Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p �vill be uaed, _ �..-. 6. Qn �rhat floor lccated � �'� I�umber oP rocena used� 1 7. Betireen �at cross streets� `b /- n�l�, iPhich side of atreet 8. J�re premieea now caQUpied ve�1'�Phat businese ^ �0.��Y' }/� Ho� long p� r�t S �._�..� __ . 9. �re premi.aea now un000upied ^ Flow long vacaat '— Previoua use —� 10, �xe qou a new ohmer �' Have you been in a sim.ilar buaiaeas befora �t'l,° S 'N�hera i �E,' ',O �hen cS�.EJ� L��i ��- �2C ��� '/ � T 11. are you going to operate this buainess personal�y "� If not, xhu �ill op�rate it 12. Are you in any other buain.ess at the present time ��� 13. Have there been aay Qomplaints a�;ainst your oparatian oF this type of p]�e►ce�_` Nher� "� ilhe re .'---. 14. Ha� y�u ev�er had any licen�e revo]aed��fthat reason and date " 15. Are you a Qitizen of ths t7nited Stateaj ��Nativ+e�Naturalized 16. 11R�ere w�ere you born � � Date of birth ��.(,G �' I � J � 17. I am.��married. ldy (vrife's) (husband t s j name and address ia (� r V � � � - � a �1► n 18. (If ine�rried fema le) my ma iden n�ame ia ` 19. Ho�r long hava yuu lived in S`t. Paul r 2�. Hav�a you ev�ar been arreated�Q S Vio1a ioa of what criminal ]av�r cr ordinAncse� a,rc�1 21, Are you a regiatered voter in the Ci�y of St. Paul Yea ��/ No, (Anetoer fu11,�,and Qom letel . These a �lioations are tMorou hl cheolflad and an fs►l8if�oatian �ri��be cause for sninlo � 22, l�umber oP 3.2 pl�►oes �rithin tteo blooka �l�y12--. - . �C Off 5a le 0.r � 23. Cloaeat intax3.cating Iiquor plaoe. t�n Sale Glr I�, I� 24. Nearest Churah �� �l�Y�;�,� Nearest 3chool 25. Nr�mber of b�otha Tablea 0 � Chaira Stools < �..__ �.n__r__�. �.r.?� � o 26. �t occupatian have you flollowed for the p�st five �sars. (Give namea of emplo�ars and date� ao employed.) Q'.�,v n�Y' o`�' �'�' fi ��� Pa d'cQo� � - j 9 �� � 146 � ��.r Soe ��5 ►�'�o�� - Flon�c� �1c��`or �'�o7�'c- 1aC1J CD-l��P --I1'l,nnQeof�g l�'6� 27. Giee� ra�tea an8 addrease� of t�ro peraons,, residenta of 3t� P�ul, �innes �rho oan gi�e iz�formatiou ooncerning you, xam@ � �1� �Y' Aaars�e� ���� �ct�' S�ia �1 �1�e " �1' �iu,f Na�� ���r►��k IN eeaQ a.�. Add s � .0 �' ��' Q. �-u -� � , `�� � Signature cf pp ieant 3tate of ��inne aota� �ss C ounty of Ramsey i� � , �� being firat duly s�orn, deposea and say� upon oa'+���t he�a�read t�ie foregoing statement bearing his signature and l�o�re the contenta thereof, and�that-tf�e aams is �i�ue� of his awri l�owlecigs except as to thoae mattera therein. stated upon inforn�tion and belief and as to thoae matters he believea them to be true. C�� ��a�,��_y�� �.gnature of Applicant Subsaribed arx3 s�nrurn to before m�a ' thia �� day of 19� GEn-";•'.� C. F.���+!14EL ry Public, �ey �O��YY� � Qf:: ::t:_::��. R/��11►�a � T , __ _ , „ g r97G, � ._ � _ ..�, i e.�. . My Ccmu�.ission expires ' (Nota� Theae statement form� are in dupl.3cate. �Both esopiea must be fully filled outa notarized, and returt�.ed to the License Diviaiono�— AFF IDpV I'P B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA,II� BEER OR LIQUOR LSCENSE Yl. Re s n��Sale rG7, �/ �Y yt Licenae Name of applicant C � hal.l P -- Busine sa addx�eas � �,ti - 5''�' a y�. ( Are you the sole awner of this business? e If' not, is it a par�tnerahip? corporatian3_ x , o:bher? Others interested in buairiess, inelude those by loan of' money, property or otherwi�es Name� .�/lil� /cl�`"l'f� Address,.�8�� �1�/�G�f2� H� ��� - `G"�� /�� _�_____,� "/ k ! ��. �lf.-..��. ✓ � .l�(E.c/ � If a corporation, give its na� �j� � ��,y�r� ��,�„����L � .,�yj C . Are you interested in an� way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buaines�? � �s sole aamer? �� partner? � Stoekholder3 -f' Othermrise? (Through loan of monsy, etc. Explain) j� Address of' such buainess and na,ture of interest in same -�-,,� � Signature of applicant State of Minnesota ss County of �msey �e.�-�-v� ��j.�.��.. being first duly sw�orn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing ffidavit bearing his signature and lazows the contents there oP; that the same is true of his awn lrnowledge a except a,s to those matters therein atated upon information and bel3sf and as to those matters he believas them to be true. GG Signature of app icant Subsoribesl,and sworn t before me thia �t�� day af _19�'� I'�'otary Public, Ramaey County, Minneso�t�,��� ,�„ L,����,1�.� -,,�,_ M ao�.ssion ex irea rJAt-rv - '���+7�'��r�� Y P Mv C�e�.. ' � . �.r� �� 18i�.9L6, s�� � ��rnTrrESOTA) ) S$ CpUNTY 4F RAMSEY � being first duly s�orn, d oth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in connection with applica�ion for � " Sale" liquor license ("��Salen malt beverage licenae) i.ri the �ity of 3aint Paul, Mi.nnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the StaEte of �tinnesota and has resided therein f or �a � years, — months a and is nair and has been for the time above mentioned $ bona fide residant of said State and that he now residea at '�j g QCk, ` Addreas � , J t �CL(�l. ( , Miizne s ota. City or Town � � Subsaribed and sworn to before me this „-���� day of�y 19G � � Notary blio, Ramaey County9 Minnesota My eox�iasion expires r'�►t�l1l,C' t. r.�1n;�•,+;��?; '�,. , i ; ';.:�hy o rJ;lfli�a , , : � . , . ',',q�;-r.. , ,,i8x.�976� , a�y-��'�� CITY �F SAINT PAUI+ DEPARTMENT �' �T$LTC SAFETY �ICENSE DIVISIt7N Date �(,(q���7.9� � __...�., 1. ,�ppliaation for ��ot.V C'Y'ri �-- �J'�'�. ��.a�.� ���+t-PiG /�.�,�.,.*-�-r.-�,� LiQenae Z, Na�e oP e►pplic�nt 1" `�Y Yi.YI Y d • 3. Buainesa addrese�! . �,, n J Residance ��� QGY,,�`'QI1� - 4. Trade x�ame, if any �� 1 a.r�( l Q (�c�OCL� _ ...__ _. � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp�Retail Ziquor Federal Tax Stamp �i.11 be used. 6. t� xhat flaor Iocsated � S� N�uunber of room�a u$ed°` ^� . 7. Betwaen �at c�osa etreets"�'�`"`""7' h ���r ich eide of etreat a y� _ �L 8. �,ro premisea now 000upied ���'�PYia� businesa �a,��y' n Hcm long�� Q $� �_...�_ _ . __ 9. �Are premi�es now unocoupied — Hovv long �acant "� Frevioua use ''� . _ ._,... .. _ _. 10, �re you a new rn+mer Have you been i.n a s imilsr bua inea a bef ore �/P�' L �---• 'i�here � � (N . l.�.C�-.�.���q� � V�hen ��t� �' ��'L°1� '�C � Q'�' (� _ �� 6'� 11. Are you going to operate thi�^ businesa personall� ' If not, who wa.Xl oparate it — 12. .�re you i�. any o�her buairiess at the presex�t time �O 13. Have there been any Qomplaints againat your oparstion of this type of p7ace��+ �1hen ^ iPlhe re � 1�. Eave you ever had ax�q liesnse revolaed_����Ihat reaeon and date �-- 15. Are you a ci�iz�n of the IIni.ted atea �G Native y�e�N�tc�ralized � ro ��� T � 16. lk�ere �rore you bor� y Date of birth ����4 . _ u.a.ne 17. I am y2s �rried. My (v�.�) (husband�s� name and addreas is� 7,.�_ c- - Gt �C �a n . s u,� �i /7 18. (If m�rried female) my maiden nmme ia �n�I i n �' J 19. Horr long heve ymu lived in St. Paul �TQ.�XY.S' �� � 20, Have �rou ev+er been arreated�violatioa oP what cri.minal lsvr or urdinancse � �� 21. Are you a regi.stered voter in the City of 3t. Paul Yea� � No, (�ias�r full,�r an+d oo�apletel.y, Theee a �lic3ations ara thorou hl ahealfled ancl an falaifioation �11 be oause for clenialo Z2, Number oP 3,2 p].aoes �rithin two blooke �Orl�-. 2�. Cloasat intoxicating 13.quor p].aoe. �i Sale ''� ec Off Ssle_� i 24, Neareet �hurnh j l (X,f l� Neareat 3ehool ►c r �0�� 25e Number of boothe Table� ��y�,-� Chairs O Stoola �Q _ _ ... _ _ . 26, i�hat occupatian have you followed for the past five years. (Give namea of employers and dates ao employad.) C�'o_ er o�' a - 6 `- - q :(�,i 2 � �l Y10Y1 i S � � � I " �°�'��d- 27. Give� r�mes �nd sddresse� of two personss reaidents of 3tb Pl�ul, M.inn„ �rho can gi�e informe►tion ooncsern.ing youe x� rnY �'L��- �C � n e aaa�8s I`'� � � �a�' S�c�� � � U� ° sfi �cCU.�1 xame 1'�r ldl,l r r,e� I Vee� �a.lf� �aaress a� J��j',�eY'�,�i 'u�� � � l c�L� � $i�na u pp icant ' Btate of Minn�sota� �ss C ounty of Ramsey ��h yw,r.�.�J �. lieing fir�t duly s��rn, depoaea and say� upon oath t he ha� read the regoing �tatement bsaring his aignature and }�.o�rs the ooaitenta thereof, and that the sam� is �rue- of his au�n. lalo�+rledgs e�cept as to thoee me�tters therein atated upon inform�tian and belieF and as to thoae mstters he believe� them to be true. Signature App icant blabsaribed and e�rorn to before rme ' this 6� � day oP -� 19�' � oi�x°�r Publia, Ramaey County, ,isu�esota My Cam¢nisaion expires ' (Note� These statemer�t forma are in duplicate. Both Qopies must be fully filled outa notarize�,��.c�.��,�.�d to the Lio�nse Divisiono�- No�=.n� . •.... �,tfnn, P'�V' . .. . . . , .. .: :d 'c,�E • - •- � _-� ``.� .,' , ' AFF ID.�,V I'r B Y ApPL TCANT FOR RETA IL BEER �JR LIQUOR I.TCENSE � n �. Re s �Sale ��,�J eY }'`, Lioense Name of appiicant ,�" l.� .:.�-� _ r� ;.�•���.-�, , Business addz^es� � � Are �ou the sole owner of this business? . If not9 is it a partnership4 corporatian? � , ot�her� Others intereated in business, include those by loan of money, property or othex�nri.ses Na me��U����/1 dd re s s ��S�C������L1'�H°wr �5���.t'Y .� _&��� Z�- If a a orporation, give ita name ���a y�� ����_�/� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liqu�r busineas? �Q ds sole own.er? Partner? S�oekholder? Otherwrise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain� Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same � �� / Signat of applicant State of Mi.nne s ota as C o�anty of �msey �v.h V�V��- \J^r� '� being first duly sv�orn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing a fidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the same is trua of his wun ]rn.owledge, except a� to thuse matters therein atated upon inforn�ation and belief end as to those mattars he believes them to be true. ��i'� � $igriatur f applicant Subsorib� and sworn tu befare me this� � ' day of 19 6 � Notary Public, Ramaey ounty, Minnesota „- . .M1,. _; My aommission expires '`'Zg j ,. `. .'� ,, -F.. '_ ..... . �.. "� . , ��� . ... . .Y � IY ,.,. ' .. . . • � . 1� , � a..y,�� . . .. . _. .�...� . n. . s�� � �2n�r�so2�,) � ss COIJNTY 4F RA�dSEY � � /I e y'0/I GC!�( be ing f irat cluly sworn, d oth depose and say that he makea this affidavit i.n conneetion with applica�ion for Yl " Sale" liquor license ("�Sals" malt bevera�e license) 3n the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the 5tate of Minnesota and has resided therein for �j years, �" moraths� and is now and has baen for the time above men�ioned a bona fide reaident of said State and that he no�v resides at QCC k. /a-�� � —�Address � �Q,�,(�/ , Miilnesota, City or To�vn � Subscribed and sworn to before me this �' " ' day �f_.,L�'`'�' 19�� '�"_ � Notary blio, Ramsey County9 Minnesota My connnission expires .. .;.�;:._ ... �%�;1�, �:.. .,.. I�ly vG;R3 :ii�E.hN,;'iij� ":�ty, ^,!jnn ,,_:� I8w y_`976"