245181 r �Prisintl to City Clerk . , - �� OR ]� INANCE ` � 245181 . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and s af ety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Legal As sistant _1.,_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• _ Attest: � City Clerk or / �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B � / 1 ��� . �� . . . . . , . . , ` � 245�.81 �"itde �f: cl.�ss: I..:i�:f�.ab�, .���a�5�"1�.�i"�� / �S�' I.'��tie� �izu resp�n;�iT�ilit�eso �Jr�c�cx� s�.����rvi�ionj to asszfitc at�tna�ne}fs in t�e �or;�o���taon �au�sc�.�s �f:fice �T,ho a-rr� rea�onsx��e fs�r iegal t�ark imvolvin� �-���1. es���.e :�nd C:'Ot19:'i'�:C'�:f�t b;� ��:i��lii�z� ac��zin-;.atr�.ti�rs details �nd xuut;n� c�,�r�5por�c��:xice :ix:rle�er.�dea�tly, by cl�nckinp and �.�s�i��Ziii��; i���z' aC3C1T.271(:271$S� am.ri 1��r perfarmzn� �tenograpfiic �r,�ork i.YxvcPtiri�id IL�aI an�i t�c#:�Zic,al t�rx-��inola�y? ��x�3 to perform r�3.��:e� ���nrk: a� �s�i�r�ea� Z+:acai���les ��' �vcsx:tr. �e�:•�'o;rned° '�"o co�x�ipiie anri ���ec� ie�wl doc�arr.�;i�ts nec�ss�ry foz� real e��a�� �-�x• cor.'c;.^��t tr:�n��:ctior�.:�> `Tc ,�x�e�a�L ��°di�i�,:�.�:�� ��c� z e�.�Q�.u�ic��s fax intr��iucl;ic�n i.n ttiie �ity �';c��z�icii. �.�'C> 1.A1'w�c1:c°G; i.��xli �CiC>:.'31TY�CLIi:S SUt��7. ?3S e`3:4'lE�S, st2�T'YSc TjF:G, EiC. io i:al�€� anJ. t��an�c�.°i��c, cl�c�:at?uY�. iilelur'.i23F Ie;al o�inicans �,n� +D���t S:y°2. EC1:'i.i''C'fi �71�.ti:(.I'� �� a�a�wve* ��aiixlr-. car.res��on�c:r�c� in��eper�denfily, �O ICZ�.'lCVC' c;���'a'YlE:fS ��t 2'O�.'L2E1G ��;?�'�; �eF'�:E31�.8, �'� coi,;uc�. int�s�vicws ir th� afx�ne mx �� i:c:l��hone xo mbtain o� �ivc� ifxfor�n�tioi� ..��gar�'ix�� ie�al ixz::tdexs, ��ii:-.i��:�tt:xi c�tali;ic;ati�rs� �Ii�}�n F�c��Ja? ���.c�iz��.�ici: ax�c:� vig¢�i. y�:a.srv' cZcric:�.l €;stg�?�i�nce, , tii�.we� �r��ru c�:t ������;i :�xiz�3�: ha�-e ��exz as ;ti Cl�r?:-St.cno�r:�p�xer II�:F C):t' G'i'�U7.Vc��'LII�� 1Y'i <: ���"Ica� LI��ti:;T'tI'11C�I�'i:. ��_ 9rl�inal to City Clerk . � , - -� ' ORDINANCE 245�81 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and a.fter its passage, approval and publication. � � -s- AUG 2 6 ����► . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlaon � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka � � Against Tedesco �UG 2 6 1��� Mr. resident rne Appro A eat: . Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � PUBLISHEO AUG 3 0 1969 � . . � , . � 245�81 �'itle c,f cl:�:��:: / T ''''" �' �.: .''.a��r `�r^ �`` ��,Cd ��_,ti8.<�:�. _,.��a.��7.�._t�.i1��. i�tZ�;iC� c'illr� •.v^' S�*U13:^l�itl�;..." ?jXli�Cl' :�Ll��.'•7'T��2�'wl�ri�. t::7 =::3S7.E3�. c.�'iCs-Y'Tl£y8 7.Y'1 �.�.L' v�'.�Ul.'?,7ta2'c,�10I1 �c�ll1.?S3C:.'.'�` �'iiCC; `�;�5:'.�J c rE-', iCGJ�^�?:51K}'d[; �a:.9S �P'F7cil WJT.'�'i 1I1VO�V.'.T1� s�a':�J. L�u',ui,:; .":i?C� ��y�";2����%Z�'•:i.:>k i.f j� Sh�lA�'�E�:LiiF� i3�.22�1�2�.::i'�,R'i�.�;��.V� G.@Lc'�11$ t1. �+.�. 2'GL2i:;i?'L�' CQT'Y;t'..i�:.�31C'l�'.?.S':1CC YT?,C'�(`�,:C':Tl`�C.T.':{-�yJ, �'r ''::�7�`�,C:�.lYl� r'.1'I1CA acSE�t^:±i<<7..`;.�; �.'�'��= �. ;"'�3�1_i7:r°C;e�i;S. �;�.��i. . ' �'t;r,��i3�:?'31it� S��l".YJI'I��!Y'r��3YSlf� ��+OI�t. tYlz�C:i.:r2:i?� .i':l�:F;. %2L'E�L %::CzS.�il.C;�� r4AV3'i"'i:li:3t?LC��i�,.' ?Il"� '�C/ Tz3@1Cit33"lt: X'��.�'i.'V G lV l�'i'�•;. 8.:> _.�l S i.�f i:�:C�., �:.:'C�4Z!:i?�;:3 !�f� `:�%C�1'3: i:t��;2!'CS>'S::^::C�1', .�O �:71YiF:lj ., :'.L1;1 C:6�a°C.�:i _'?2?:�?�. C:e3CZlY<"!�1^..�2.'i Tl�C:'.:G.S$��..":�j► £03.' ?.'��� _,.�f;:?'i;t:, Cl�' ti.!.3T:��;.";ut.:'� {:�?Flf><<t:'�:�n:Z�.i, ��. CF ��'C'i^�P., �i3'Ctli^.....i_.�� _:Cl��. .:<'.`'.i):.3.,TT-:.QF'2,. f-'.s,`•. 12'itT��a'.�..UCt1C'�Yl dY3 ���a�,' �.e�.�La.` i,.�./F�.yi�.Z;.. e ��^� �73.".°,5")ty�'�, :_��{'';'� '.:i:iC:ti`z:�E:.i:2�;�� Si:±r'i'i z.'..`c> {:3'It'.���"_ 3:2:�:y'�lc'i7°1C:�r �F.`,fC, . ,. . �.�L V �'.L;Z�.�.: ��.�1..� L i '::l(�tv��n L'_!'� ��...1..-;��i�1a�. I.y�.�����.fi!.f.Af; 1��4jGF.t r.l'.�11�.�L:�l1G G?.S.�V. tsi:�r.�:t <, 3�r..�;t;.i.�� , �:•:r.Y;:e�. o r� :1'i'L�i�ff�"L° 'f nl:{=i?":'r: �::C;3'Z'n.;i_74,T`�t7e�::!C+3 af2"s���t'.Yi:i�`:3']l:ijj'.: •_� � S�L3C�vL :�,�:, -.��.t�����1�:i J!' ...'iJLtt.i?z':.� 1':'r�c.'`.l 1��i�.�:.:.�:i: :.c� cc�z,.;'.tic� �r�.i-�t•�a4s-:��:. i�a. i.`s.�.:: �:�,'?.�.:�', +:�_ •� t�..:'<�:�.�3x1� 4:�.� r�'�tain ::, ��.: UC �'2V�: ?"A;r�."�1"r"i='��Cs::s ,'e?.��1�'�:ilF.?.Z„ E_;�7. I�E�!;.1�GL:-`,S'�� i:�;l i12;i'aL:t x't G U.t1�.:t:.^::'',':;I t?:t"_.:� ��l�i:t .`SE:�"•.C?( 3 ;. ,�'lb:a t t2 _ li'i ;�.���zl 'iPCd _ " C.1.''T'1i;3� 'd'.:�^la"c�.::l�`�CE"� ii3':'''I'-E'-. �� �_..i.. �?3 �.'v.�.i;:i _.,iL�;�C xl:�'!C �3::.,i'1 c+.`"� :? �.��.�'."%—,r'��Z4;:i1f..�'�a.���'<C:T ��.$,. �°!:L' c3r�L?I'y3?s:,,^;L, i:? ._. li:��y::x [1�'q7�:�?:'iXI?�'T'?.L. � ..�,,— DnDlicate to Printer - _ ,� ORDINANCE 2���,�2 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO` � �' .An ordi.�ance arnending p�rd.i�ance P�o. 76p7, entitled: "A�x ordixs�nce ffxixig the duties and re��c�n�ibilitiea and the minimum qualificatians �or the varfaus elaeees of pUSitian� in thi� Cla�sified Service af the City, " I approved February� 13, 1 q35, a� am+�nded. Thie is an emergencv ordin�.z�ce rendered necessar� fo�r �he pree�rvation of the public peac+�, hea�th and safety. ', THE COUNCIL I�';?�` THE CT'SY' OF SAI�'T I�AUL AQE� C7:��?AIN: Section l.l' That C?r�linanee i'�Ta. 76t?7, approved Febz^ux�ry 13, 193 5, as amended,� be and the eame ia hereby furt��r ame�.ded byr , ineerting in it� proper alphabetical order th� foi�owing title, and epecifications f�r � i Le�al Aesfatant � � i I i � . I , ' i � � � I -1-- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson '� Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peteraon Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 2�5�.�1 COUNCIL FILE NO. � � / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �f0 S��txon 2. '7�his a.°dXxzaance is herek�y c�e��ared to lae �.r� em�rgency axa�i�sanc� xenderea neee+�s��ry :�ar the pr�:serva.�i�o� of the'gubli�: ��eace, he�lth and saf�ty. S�ctian 3. This axdix�ance �hall take effect �anc� be 3n farce frorri an�. after its pas.�a�e, �pprovaT and �ubli�atidn. , � w�� . �� � � ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish ��' Meredith In Favor- a ' Peterson O •`•� ; '� Sprafka Against '"�` Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: �°76�'` `� '-' 1��� Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �� � � � - . � �� �� I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app ' � G —Adopte � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish �Dalglish Meredith 24518 eredith Peterson �f ,� eterson Sprafka / .��Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco � ,\ Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O August 8, 1969 Mr. John Haid�r ChieP Examiner �O Director oP Peraannel <'--- Civil Service Buresu --�----�, Dear Sir: The City Council today gave F Readin o �h� Pollowing 2 ordinances which will come for Th � Readin� on August 19th: C.F. 2�+5180 - amending Clyd. No. j �by 3.nserting in Sec. 6 in Grade �.ind;e "Cle i a1 Group" the title ''Le�al �lssi nt'' ; � ��� V C•F• 245181 - �,tme in�; pr�., N . 7607 by insertin� in its praper a�p betical or the title and sp�ciP�.ca,ti.dns fbr al Assi t nt. /�� \`��� / Yery trul,y yours, ng C3.ty Cl�rk , �