04-1076Council File # �.�1� Resolution # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Bill Topero, in Zoning Fite 04-138-025, applied for a Reestabiishment of Nonconforming Use as a duplex at property located at 422 Charles and legally described as LOT 50, BLK 16, SMITHS SUBD OF BLKS 9, 10, 15 AND 16, 36-29-23-24-0062; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 16, 2004, upon giving proper notice and in which ali persons appearing were given an opportunity to be heard and, at the close of the hearing, voted to recommend denial of the Reestablishment of Nonconforming Use; and WHEREAS, on September 24,2004, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based upon all the records and files before it and the recommendation of the Zoning Committee, moved to deny the Reestablishment of Nonconforming Use based upon the following findings of fact as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 04-91: 1. The house was built in 1886 as a one-family dwelling, converted to a duplex some time beiween 1914 and 1947, and converted back to a one-family home in 1994. County records show Raymond Simpson as ownzr of the property from 2000-2002, and William Topero (the applicant) as owner from 2003-2004. 2. Section 62.109(e) states that when a nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and land in combination, is discontinued or ceases to exist for a continuous period of three hundred sixty-five (365) days, fhe planning commission may permit the reestablishment of a nonconforming use if fhe commission makes the following findings: (1) The structure, or structure and land in combination, cannot reasonabiy or economically be used for a conforming purpose. This condition is not met. This two-story, 1740 sq. ft. house has been reasonably and economically used as a one-family dwelling in recent years, and recently appraised and purchased as a one-family dweliing. (2) The proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than the previous nonconforming use. The proposed use {duplex) is the same as the previous nonconforming use. (3) The proposed use wiii not be detrimental to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare. This condition is met. There are other nonconforming dupiexes on 40 foot lots in the immediate neighborhood. (4) The proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This condition is not met. lhe Thomas-Dale Small Area Plan and Forty Acre Study, adopted by the City Council on April 2, 1997, rezoned this area from RT1 Two-family Residentiai to R4 Onefiamily Residential with the stated purpose "to curtail the conversion of structures built as relativeYy smali single famify homes to two or more family homes." (5) A notarized petition of iwo-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property has been submifted stating their support for the use. This condition is met. The petition �vas found sufficient on August 25, 2004: 20 parcels eligible; 14 parcels required; 16 parcels signed. Green Sheet # ���� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAllL, MINNESOTA �, 0`�-161to 42 43 3. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 The Planning Commission has established guidelines for applications for nonconforming use permits for dupiexes. These guidelines iay out additional more objective factors the Pianning Commission wishes to consider in determining if the required findings for granting nonconforming use pertnits listed in §62.109 of the Zoning Code can be made. The Planning Commission's Duplex Conversion Guidelines state that for applications for nonconforming use permits for duplexes in residential districts, staff wil{ recommend denial unless the foilowing guidelines are met: A. Lot size of at least 5,000 sq. R. wfh a frontage of 40 ft. This guideline is met. The lot area is 5,300 sq. ft. Cncluding haif the adjacent ailey) with frontage of 40 feet on Charles. 8. Gross �iving area, after compietion of fhe dupiex conversion of at least 9, 800 sq. ft. forthe two units. This guidetine is not met. According to the Uniform Residential Appraisat Report dated 7/28/2003, the gross living area is 1740 sq. feet. C. Three off-street pa�lcing spaces (non-stacked) are preferred,� iwo spaces are the required minimum. A site plan showing improved (durable, permanent, dustless surface) parking spaces must be provided. This guideline can be met. There is space for the required number of off-street parking spaces at the rear of the site, with access from the alley, although this area does not now have an improved surface. D. All remodeling work rs on the inside of fhe structure.... This guideline is not met. Plans submitted by the applicant for adding a unit to the second floor show a new second floor egress door. Photos taken 9/03/04 showthis recently added exterior door and exterior exit stair, which did not exist when photos were taken for a 7l28103 appraisai of the property. E. The proposed duplex structure is located within a mixed density neighborhood, not a homogeneous single-family area or in an area where duplexes and triplexes are already concentrated to the point of congesting neighborhood streets. The structure is located in an area with a number of nonconforming duplexes and some triplexes on 40 foot lots, but they are not concentrated to the point of congesting neighborhood streets. F. A code compliance inspection has been conducted and the unit is found to be up to the housing code standards, or the property owner has agreed to make the necessary improvements to bring it to housing code compliance. This guideline is met. A code compliance inspection report dated %=3/04 was submitted by the applicant, and he has agreed to make (or has already made) the necessary improvements. G. An econo.mic feasibility analysis has been conducted forthose cases where economic hardship is claimed as one reason forthe ...raquest. This guideline is met. The applicant has submitted a pro forma with information on income, operating expenses and debt for this property. It is unciear, however, that he is claiming economic hardship as a reason for the application for reestablishment of nonconforming use as a duplex. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code §61.702, QTI Holdings duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commissionand requested a hearing before the City Counci! for the purpose of considering actions taken by the said Commission in Zoning File 04-163-823;and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §61.702 and §61.704 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on October 27, 2004, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission does hereby RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paui does hereby affitm the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter based upon the following findings of the Council: 1. The Council finds no error in the facts, findings or procedures of the Planning Commission in this matter, and accordingly, adopts as its own the findings of the Planning Commission as contained in Planning Commission Resotution No. �4-91. O�,-t��b 97 98 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of QTI Holdings be and is hereby denied; 99 and be it 100 101 FiNALLY RESOLVED, that the City Cierk shall mail a copy of this Resolution to QTf Holdings, 102 the Zoning Administra:or and the Planning Commission. Adoption Cez By: Approved by By: Requested by Department of: Planriin & ECOnomiC Develo ment By: Approved by Financial Services By: Form Appxoved by City Attorney �y Adopted by Council: Date J� �j/—�rJ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE - Planning & Econouuc Develapment � 28-0Cf-04 � Cor�ct Person 8 Phone: _ Patrida James � 266-6639 1 ; Must Be on Councii /�qenda by � Assign Number Por ROUlllig Order Green Sheet NO: d�{-10Z� 3024056 - 9 annio & Ec000mic Deve1 { a"cia ames 1 �Rlannine & Eco¢umic Develoo � Denarhnent Direcxor 2 'ri Atromev I Citv Aitoruev 3 or's �ce Ma oN isq t 4 ouncil I G�N Covocil I 5 'ri Clerk I Ciri Clerk I -�y 7otal # of Signature Pages �(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve resolution memorializing City Council action to deny appeal of Plann�nv Commission denial of Reestablishment of Nonconfomiing Use as a duplex. Public hearing held October 27, 2004. Recx�mmendations: Approve {A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal5ervice Contracts Must Answw the �. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a conhact for Mis departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally Qossessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to Qreen sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): QTI Aoldings appealed the Planning Coauuission's denial of Bill Topero's Lequest to Leestablishment a nonconforming duplex use at 422 Chazles. AdvanWges If Approved: City Council intent is fmalized. NoV �? 200� �€ t � ��s ���lY�� DisadvantaneslfApproved: None �9��,v�_ ` J t DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Ciry Council acrion will not be completed. "otal Amount of Transaction: Fundinq Source: Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: y � #'. Financial Information: , (Explain) DEPARTMENT OFPLANNING & ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT Susan Kimberly, Director � -1�1` CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Randy C. Ketty. Mayor 25 West Fourlh Streei Saint Paul, MN 55102 Zelephone: 65I-266-6700 Facsimite: b51-228-322D � .a...-,-• y ��. - _ October 6, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: ��� � � �U�� I would like to contirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 27, 2004, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: Appeliant: Address: Purpose: Previous Action: 04-163-523 QTI Holdings 422 Charles, between Arundel & Western Appeal Planning Commission denial of reestablishment of nonconforrning use as a duplex Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial, 5- 0, September 16, 2004 Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial, unanimous, September 24,2004 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the October 20, 2004, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul �egal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sinc rely, / �.a Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 04-163-823 Appellant: QTI Holdings, Knute Alger Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson NOTICE OF PUBLTC HEARING The�Saint Paul Ciry Council will cpn- duct a public laearing on Wednesday, Oc-' tober 27; 2004, at 5:3Q p.m in the City Couricil Ct�artibers, Tl�ird Floor, City Hall, to considei the appeal of QTI Holdings on atlecision of the P�annirtg Comnussion de- nying xhe re-establisl�ment of a noncon- foi�nitag use as a duplex at 422 Cl�arles Avemie, between rlrundel and Western. Dated: October 8, 2004 MARY ERICKSON, Assistant City Cnuncii Secreta .ry (October 14) -- 5£ PRi1GLEGAL Lm6ER —�=e 22N87162 AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Svsart Kimbe'Iy, D"vector � 0'f-i07 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelty, Mayor October 18, 200� 25P/ertFour[hSveet ?elephone:65S-266-67D0 S�raP¢uZ,MN55102 FacsimiZe:651-228-3220 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hali Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: 04-163-823 Appeiiant: QTl Holdings Address: 422 Char4es, between Arundel & Westem Purpose: Appeal of Pianning Commission Denial of Reestablishment of Nonconforming Use as a duplex (Zoning File # 04-138-025) City Counci( Hearing: October 27, 2004, 5:30 p.m., City Cauncil Chambers Staff Recommendation: � District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Ptanning Commission Recommendation: Denial Denial Denial, vote: 5 - 0 0 peopie spoke, O letters were received 0 peopie spoke, 0 letters were received Deniaf, vote: unanimous Staff Assigned: Patricia James, 266-6639 � Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Planning Commission minutes, September 24,2004 Zoning Committee minutes, September 16, 2004 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File #: 04-163-914 Appetiant: QTI Hoidings Applicant: Bill Topero City Council Members District Council: 7 Wendy Lane �arry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Wamer � AA-ADA-EEO Employer SwINT P�UL � AA11A APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departrr�eru ofPlannirco and Eeonomu Development ZoningSeclian 1400 City Hatl Annex 25 YYest Fourtlz St�ee1 Saint Pau� MN 55102-1634 (65Z) 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION �rtY �Fhs' r� � St. �Q�Zip GJ� Daytime Zoning File Address / � TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: � Board of Zoning Appeals �City Council Under the provision of Chapter 6�, Section �� � Paragraph �'�' of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by the Y I C� y� �� � p� ( 2j �„ �, on q�y��� 20 . File Number: (date of decision) GROUNDS FQR APPEAL: Explain why you 4ee1 there has been an error in any requiremerrt, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or fiinding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. � Y��t�nl�c� L��nS'�� cac�r,es�.5 `�;ssu�.s i�/ �1s o��',s�s=�� � � C`lev/a2.e a� j- �/'�u.� �� �� �..5"Su�S �� v�e � �/o �36�? �� I sr l-�.sl�e����b's� ��-7t�e ����ve ���d-�d ►`� �,����� � ��, � �e�u� �, -� � � � d� ��� �'tr.� -b r����.�.- �e-�Q�4,���(,� ��_ � � ��'� �!�J 6ur- �x�"lrl` aoes �� � S7� e������ a��,��1-e � ��c2c�r�5�5rs c�l,� �I� e�. `��'-r�2 � �Ce. �e C�t�C�� �Lc.b'2Q2i.G�,�� r t'-e.K' '�. ��J'�2 �q,'�tSi � ��a'`1 � �,��' + 1 �a� t�i�g, SS y�p �� � �-Qr °�-� c�c� . �l (attach additional sheet if necessary) �plicanYs � ` �' t5 Date `- G'�'l City Agent - � �r������ �� � 1 � u � ��� Memorandum To: CC_ From: Date: Re: a.,mniHe. �GE APPRNSAL OIG sr�roa 422 GaNes Ava. Sabrt Pwl, MN 55t03-t906 �� M GarYOUr �¢qyeat we we�¢ to tln proparty at 62T ChaYles Aw. in SaqCPaN arxl r¢meay�r¢y yp S�AjgcG Tir LoW Mable yoss bWIt8n9 arw � 180] square faetas ePP�tl tn tl� aPP�I we �E hstY� on R wkh tliebW�'g aketch � tt was 17C0 aqwn feet Inout aPP�7s�lso/twaretherels a ske2h program (ptl sysmm) m amw wxme alcexh a�w k aNem�iresme s(w�etoomea in ws sotlwaro mareare wramem.s Catfiava toba➢*a� antl aDme of tlws0 Wtamebrs an M set b ramd W Mtbwn te the rearectfoot.1/2 too[or ircK Asfor m�ample Hyau meawe 4 the nearestfoot arM myny Epwn y�ena 78' 8' measuremerR woultlhe rouMetl dwmto 7B aml B rtwasbW torpmq up ywn Wt 18'6 meawr¢mwrtwould 79'. Whan thisnew atmehed aketch was tlrawn we mt W Par�ef¢rto the nearmt hxJ� wkh m rdaqh�gfx �ea0er a�au+cYaM as a wnYt unmbl tlrahfa�oas d+Otlb+Barw 7� t867 e9�ateet Wenorma�y sattho Px�e�s ro 1ho rearest 1lZfootfor appraaat puryoses, k is apWrentOn[tM aPP�aieer d�aw the sketrh wkh amaccurary m t faotaM had "QmuMdovm, ihe whiettwas6iweeted eneFa extenor oMf sotha r°w^P�aemwrtontlg5ketehmaYbemf(grentnqy. Weapobecefofa�ryuieueqAeMeanGwearehopaFWl tluttl+e new sk¢teh aed>xP�ruGOn (n Gds form wW tesake Yeutmal[ars. � �, f • . - Date• seommee.a�ooa krtn MC2—'fPfAl hr Wmmxs° appr�sai mftware pya W moae, inc.-7-8�p�AfAIdpOE \ o�-to�� M _ 4 � ;� �:- � �" -, � - -�� � � lR � ,,_ - :: �_ . ; Y < . : . �. ;�� , _ _ i :.�- .� � � m; a, � fs ) y �� ti.- �. ..:: . � -� � s_, _ . Ip ' � � � ��� . .. �.:�"-�� � ' � � �. : � �� �� � e .. ,. �.. iiI � tsaao� � � Ai2Ek CAE �" � lSai Tlmt 3u�i tJmi Bu�C Q �� 70TAL Bi/1lDfNG riaaw � ._.�.-�_-' ia va �� oen � m I om:�arsmn em�m� � 8 e� c.�a � � b, �9� �' � E4Y�vn $ Secmd flaor -: - .- �9a tLtTaWS� ' ` , '-�_ _ ' �yayy 931.33p0 9E.3300 p1�at l�e H6.M00 896.OL00 2.30 i 15.'N 36_1100 8�6.0.f00 896.p6pp 6.80 • ].90 �.npp ue.aoao ias.0000 ya.�a : ss.� eu.aaao s.cwa naer z.xo : u.�o y.y� u.�a : m.oa s¢.�e 1807 fuim SK[81�d— WmMws' �rssai wMnre C7 a la mme, mc.—f-BA�AlAt400E 1807 � 4 f �10� /_ e#N2 t�� BuRdiag Sketc6 (Page - ti 188M' B958IIIBAi � 3 �� ` `I [arm Stt.�9d—'sOtaL ror vtnev,rs a�asal sonumie q a 0 rtmtle, i�c. —7 �('aaLAMO[� • Bailtlln� Sketch fPaae - 21 o�{-ia�� city of saint paul plan;�ing corr�mission resolution �ile number o�-9� d�f° s�a_=��z� u, zoc4 VVH�R E�-"�.J, BIII Tope-o, rif� T Qe-�38-025, has 2pp4ied *."or a P.ees��biishmeni of Nonconforming Use °2rmii for us� oi a house as a duplex under the provisicns of §6�.109(e) oi the Saint Pau{ Legisiziive Code, on prooer[y locaied ai 422 Char�es, Parce! Identitication Number (PW) 36-29-23-2�-0062, legaly described a; LOT 50, BLK 16, SMITHS SUBD 0= BLKS 9, 10, 15 AND 15; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Commi�;e= of the Planning Commission, on Septemb�r 15, 2004, h�id a public hearing a� which a!i persons pres�nt were given an opporiunity io be heard pursuant fo sa!d application +� accordance with the rzquirements of §6? .303 0� *.h2 Saint °aul Legisiative Code; ard NJHEREAS, the Saint Paui Pianning Commi;sion, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Commictee at the public hearing as substaniially re`fecied in the minutes, made the roifowing findings o` fact: ?. The house was built in 1886 as a one-family dwe{fing, converted to a duplex some ±ime between 191a aqd 1947, and corverted back to a one-family home in 1954. County records show Raymond Simpson as owner of th2 property from 200Q-2002, and Wifliam Topero (the appTicant) as owner from 2003-2004. 2. Secfion 62.109(e) states that when a nonconforming use of a structure, or st�ucture and land in combination, is discontrnued or ceases to exisi for a contrnuous pe�rod of three hund�ed srxty-five (305) days, the planning commissron may permit the reestab/rshment of a nonconforming use if the � commissron makes tha fo(lowing frndings: (i) T'ne structure, or structure and �and in combinatFon, cannot reasonably or economrcally be used for a corforming purpose. This condition is not met. This.two-story, 1740 sq. ft. house has been raasonably and economicalfy used as a one-family dwelling in recent years, and recently appraised and purchased as a one-family dwel[ing. (2} The proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate fo fhe disfrict than the previous nonconforming use. The proposed use (duplex) is the same as the pr�vious nonconforming use. (3) The proposed use wili not be detrimental to the existing character of deve/opmenf in the immedrate nerghborhood or endanger the public health, safety, or general we(fare, This condition is rnet. There are other nonconforming duplexes on 40 foot lofs in the immediate neighborhood. (?} The proposed use rs consistent with the comprehensive p(an. This condition is not met. l?ie Tfiomas-Dale Smail Area Plan and FortyAcre Study, adopted bythe CityCouncil on Aprii 2, 1997, rezoned this area from RT1 Tu�o-family Residentiaf to R4 One-family Residential with fhe stated purpose "fo curtail ±he conversion of stn�ctures built as relativefy smaii singfe family homes to two or mora family homes." moved by Morton seconded by �� �aV�� c�ar,imous �gainst �t-1o1� Zoning File # 04-138-025 Plalnning Commission Rcsolition Page 2 � (5) A notarized petriion of two-thrrds of the properfy owners witfrin one hundred (1 d0) feet of fhe property has b2en submtfted stairng therr suppo�t for the use. This condiiion is met. The petition was iound suriicient on August 25, 200?: 20 par�els eligible; 14 parcels required; 1 o parce(s sianed. 3. Th� Planning Commission has esiablished guidetines for applications for nonconforming use permits for dupiexes. These guidelines lay ouf additional more objective faciors the P(anning Commission wishes io consider in determining if the required findings for granfing nonconforming use permfYs fisted in §62.'[09 of 4ha Zoning Code can be made. The P[anning Commission's Duplex Conversion Guidelines state that for app[ications for nonconforming use pe�nits for duplexes in residentiaf districts, staff wi!! recommAnd denia! uniess the folfowing guidefines are met: A. Lot siza of at feast 5,000 sq. �. ina'rh a frontage of40 ft. This guideline is mef. l lo� area is 5,300 sq. ft. (inc(uding half the adjacent aliey) with rrontage cf 40 iezt cr� Charies. B. Gross lrving area, aftercompletron of the dup(ex conversion of at least 1, 800 sq. ft. forthe fwo units. This guide(ine is not rnet. According to the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report dated 7I28/2003, fhe gross livirtg area is 174� sq. feet. C. Three off-street parking spaces (non-sfacked) are preferr2d,� two spaces are the required mrnimum. A site plan showrng improved (durable, permanent, dustless sur`ace) parking spaces must be provided. This guideline can be met. There is space for tfte required number of aff-streef parking spaces at �he rear af the site, with access from the altey, although fhis a2a does not now have an improved surface. D. All remodeling work is on the inside of the sfructure.... This guideJine is not meT. Pians submitted by the applicant for adding a unit fo.the second floor show a new second floor egress door. � Photos faKen 9/03/04 showff�is recentty added exEerior door and exterior exit stair, which did not exist when photos wera taken for a 7/28/03 appraisaf of the property. E. Tf�e proposed duplex sfrucfure is (ocated within a mixed density nerghbarhood, nof a homogerteous sirrgle-family area or in an area wF�ere duplexes and triplexes are a/ready coneentrated to the point of cangesting nerghbor�ood sfreefs. The structure is located in an area with a number of nonconforming duplexes and some trfp(exes on 40 foot fots but they are not concenfrated to the point of cangesfing neighborhood streets. F. A code complrance inspecfion has been_ conducfed and the unit is found fo 6e up fo the housing code standards, or fhe properfy ownerhas agreed to make the rzecessary improvements to bnng rt to l�ousing code compliance. This guideline is met. A code compliance inspection report dated 1/23/04 was submitted. by the applicant, and he has ag2ed to make (or has already made) the necessary improvemenfs. G, An economic feasibility analysis has been conducted forfhose cases where eccnomic hardship is c(aimed as one reason fortl�e ...request. This guideline is met. The appiicant_ has submitted a pro forma with information on mcome, operafing expenses and debt for fhis property. !t is unciear, _ however, that he is cfaiming economic hardship as a reason for the app(ication for reestabiishment oi nonconforming use as a dupfex NOW, THcREFORE, BE fT RESOLVED, by the Satnt Pau( Pfanning Commission, under the authority of tne Citys Legis}afive Code, based on firddngs 2(4), 2(4), 3(B), and 3(D} above, that the applicafion of Bili Topero for a Reestablishment of. Nonconforming Use Permit for use of tf�e house af 422 Charies as a dup(ex is heraby denied. i o�-�a?� � Saint Paul Plannmg Commission City Hall Canference Center 15 KeIlogg Bonlevard West NIinntes of September 24, 2004 �= �<� -�:. _ - �;° A meefi:n� o{�e piallning Commission ofthe City of Saint Pau1 was held Friday, September 24, 200d, at 830 a.m. in the Coaference Center of City HaIl. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, McCall, Morton, Porter, Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Ale�nder, A1ton, Anfang, Dandrea, Fotsch, Gordon, 7ohnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia, and Scott. Cummissioners Messrs. *Coletta, *Mazdell Absent: *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Adminisfsator•, Donna Drammond, Nancy Fiomans, Patricia James, Lucy Thompson and Cazol Peshman, Department of Planning aad Economic Development staff. I• Approval of minafes of July 30, 2004 � MOTION: Commissioner Anfang moved approv¢I of the minutes of March 12, 2004. Commzssioner ponnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Cfiair's Announcements � �. . Chair Johnson reported that the Steering Committee met this morning and decided to cancel the Plaaning Commission retreat scheduled for October 29� due to the accelerated, every-other-week schedule thaE we adopted a8et the change in the 60-day rule for zoning 3ecisions. Instead, tfie Commission will have an extended meeting in Tanuary to tattc about Planning Commission goals and objectives for 2005. _ MOTION: CommissionerA&on moved approval of the �esolution honoring Nancy Flomans. Commissioner MoKOn seconded the mafion. T7te mation carried unanimourZy on a voice vote. Planning Admiaistrator's Announcements Larry Soderholm gave the Planning Administrator's report. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINES5 #64-121-918 John Webb - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a triplex 673 Lincoln Avenue, between St. Aibans and Dale. (Patricia,Tames, 651/266-6639) D�l� <07� for this to effecfively work. Chair 7ohnson commented that the applicant hired an attorney that specializes in condominium conversion, and the applicant operated on the advice of the attorney, A step might kave been overlooked by the attorney when advising the applicant, however, the applicant relied on what his attomey told him. Commissioner Fotsch questioaed how many of people that owned property within 150 ft. of fhe case were in favor and how many were against. Chair Johnson commented that oriainally there was a petition that a number of peopTe signed, and then after the fact some of those people felt they had signed the petition in error. MQT'IpN: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning CommitYee's recommexdation to . approve the Zegal nonconforming use Ty�e motion carried on a roll call vote of I4-5 (Doxnelly-Cohes, $ramer, ChairTohnson, McCal� andMortonJ r�w susnvESs #04-136-948 FeIine Rescue Inc - Determination that a cat shelter is a similaz use to a pet store. No location specified (Patricia.Tames, 651/266-6639) Commissioner Morton stated no Iocation has been specified as the appficaut is look�g to reIocate. She said no district comment was received, No one spoke in support or opposition. The pubtic hearing was cIased The Zoning Committee recommends approvai on a vote of 5-0. 1VIOTTON: Commissioner Mortoa moved 1he Zoning Commit[ee's recommendation to approve the detemunation of simil¢r rese. T7�e ynoti�n carried un�rnirm�rr�jy ox a voice vote #04-138-025 BilI Tooero - Reestablishment of nonconforming use as a duplex. 422 Chazles, between Arundel & Western. (Pcuyicia Jcrmes, 651/266-6639J Commissiotter Morton stated District 7 recommends denial. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public fiearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommends denial on a vote of 5-0. Commissioner Alton commented that the fetter of the appficant asks for an appeal, saying they weren't awaze tfiere were any issues. In a letter from LIEP, dated Januazy 22, 2004, the appficant was told tltaT there were zoning issues. The apg$cant proceeded without proper approval. Commissioner Morton commented that she did not see anything new iu the letter, therefore does not think that tliey need to take any action on it. MOTION: CommissioyeerMorton ynoyed 1he Zoning Corrsmittee's ruommendation ta deny the reestablishment of nonconforming us� The yno�n c�ed unus�Iyywusly on a voice vote. Commissioner Morton announced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on September 3Q"` . � .� � �if -/07� � Commissioner Anfau� reported on tfie ibiississippi River Corridor Critical Area Task Force sayin� they have been meeting rea lazly and said fhey wiil be taking a trip down the river on a bazge this Tuesday. Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti reported the I,e�no on/University Task Force Coznmittee will have a�eeting October 4'�, at 5:00 p.m., at ihe Dunning Recreation Center. X. Chair 7ohnson reported for Commissioner Aiton that the Rice Street Task Force is going well. Oid Business None. ZII. tiew Business None. XII• Adjournment � Meeting adjoumed at 10:05 a.m. Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, Ciry of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, i t �� I�'�1�� " --- - .�,.. ,�� �• •.,� , . . s - '�a`� �, J ������ > Approved (Date) Sue McCall Secretary of zhe Planning Commission � PED�Bruton�Minutes\September 24, 2004 Q�f 1a7�6 MlNUTES O� THE ZONING COMMlTTEE Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 3:30 p.m. � City Councit Chambers, 3rd Hoor � City Halt and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: ABSEiVT: STAFF: Alton, Anfang, Faricy, Kramer, and Morton Donneliy-Cohen, Gordon, and Mejia Mary Bruton, Atlan Torstenson, and Pefer Warner The meefing was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Sill Tapara - 04-938-C25 - Reestablishment of Nonconforming Use as a dupiex . 422 Charies, between Arunde! & Western. Aflan Torstenson presented the staff report with a recommendation of denial for the Reestablishment of Nonconforming Use. At the question of Commissioner Anfang, Mr. Torstenson stated the new second floor egress door was added prior to the appiication. The reason for the guideline for ait remodeling work to be on the inside of the structure is to prevent exterior work that changes the single-family character of a house from being done as �arf of the conversion to a duplex. In this case it was done. �homas Amrhien, 4 Hfgh Circle Way, representative of the appiicant, stated they worked closely with Seeger [LIEP] and the buiiding has met codes. There are no objections in fhe neighborhoDd to this erty becoming a dupiex. at the question of Commiss±oner Anfang, Sv1r. Am.*h�en s±a*.ed ihey requasiad a� � i�spection o� ihe buiiding so hey knew what needed to be done to bring the home into comp4iance and they brought it up to code as a iupiex. Jpon question of Commissioner Kramer conceming the fetter received from Karen Zacho, (LIEP] that says hey wouid have to rezone or get a nonconforming use permit if they want to convert the house to a dupiex, ✓tr. Amrhien explained they just added some doors to make it a duplex and that was not a big cost. Jo one spoke in support or opposition. 'he public hearing was closed. :ommissioner Kramer moved denial of the reestabfishment of Nonconforming Use. Commissioner Faricy econded the motion. ,depted �rafted by: Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: r �� � �� Martineau /L � Allan Torsfenson Gladys Morton . ording Secretary Zoning Section Chair a�f-io�� DEPARTMENT OF PLAVNINC & ECO*IONIIC DEUELOPMEN'I' Sus¢n Kzmberly, Dsec:or � CI'I`Y OP SAL1v'T PAI�Z ?m+dy C. KeIII, iYtayor Ocfober 8, 2004 Biil Topero 104 2nd St. N.E. New Prague, MN 56071 Q.T.f. Hoidings, LLC Tom Amhrein, Knute Alger 333 424th Street Harris, MN 55032 RE: Zoning File # 04-138-025 Bil� Topero Dear Mssrs. Topero, Amhrein, and Afger. Z� 'AertFowzn Stree! ?e?ennone.� 65i-Z66-6700 S¢n.t Pcu1. A/X 55702 Fac.n.miZe: 65?-?28-32?0 On August 13, 2004, you applied for a permit to reestablish a nonconforming use as a dupiex � C m ttee r on Septemberl 2004n he Comma sion e to the r�eestabiishmenf of nonconfirming use on September 24,2004. The Zoning Code has estabfished a period of 10 days within which an affected party may appeai the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. For this application, the deadtine for appeal is October 4, 2004, and you submitted an appeal on that date. Minnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that al! city action on zoning app{ications be completed within 60 days of the date the appiicafion is made, but allows the Ciiy to extend this period for an addit'sonaf 60 days {total of 120 days). In order to ailow time for a City Councii public hearing on the appeal while also meeting deadiines established by state law, the City of Saint Paul is hereby extending the deadline for action on your appiication from Ocfober 12, 2004, to December 11, 2004. The public hearing on this appeal has been scheduled for October 27, 2004. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have quesfions. Sinc ely, , Patricia James City Planner cc: Fi4e # 04-138-025 � Zoning Administrator License Inspector Districf 7 Community Council M-ADA-EEO Emplov� o5f-1a7� �, � � C�4- t3� - �34� � Data_ September 11, 2004 T0: Department of Piannin� and Economic Development 1440 Ciry Ha11 Annex, 25 West 4`� Street SaintPaul, Minnesota 5�102 651-266-6639 Direct 651-228-3220 Fas From: QTI Holdings, LLC and Wiiliam Tope:n Knute Alger and Tom Aznrhien on uehaif of QTI Holdings, LLC 333 424�' Street, Hams Minnesota 55032 �b3-b91-8075 Direct 763-591-8075 Fax RE: City Counsel meetino and Findings 09-16-2004 To �Vhom It May Concern: It was quite the education yesterday aftemoon to find that we at QTI Hoidings, LLC have invested several months of time, money and energy to substautially upgrade a declining � neighborhood property, only to be declined bp the planning counsel in a matter of minutes. It is ironic and unfortunate that QTI Holdings, LLC did receive the city counsel planning package today, the da.y a8ei our appeazance in front of the counsel. This factor alone did not ailow for QTI to possibly be prepared for responses to the four area's that the counsel has used to decline our request. We want to be ciear ihat the caunsel's decision to deny our request has caused a financial hazdship to our company and will increase the costs of our efforts on the 422 Charles project QI'I has expended many hours of time dedicated towazd becoming educated in the area's of the counsels needs, starting several month ago when we inquired about the pracess of obtaining appmval. We feel that there was ample opportunity then for proper communication from the city to let us know what issues we would face in having our request granted or if we should have proceeded aY ali with this piau of action in making the praperty conversion. We deait with the city on many occasinns with regazd to the conversion and not once were Told of the issues brought to aur attention yesterday by ihe City Counsel. � 0�--_to16 . ... iVVV.�iVVi� i.V4 Although we have a tremendous respect for the counsePs opinions and the city plannin� guidelines we £eel that there have been some misinterpretarions that may have led the counsel to deIiver the decline in the manor they chose. With this decision by the eounsei QTI Ho3diugs, LLC wili face a substanrial fiaaneial hardship for our fiim, potentially a company closing har@ship. We at QTI Holdings, LLC feel we did our part each step and leave some room for the fact that we did not compleiely understand Ehe counsePs process. We educated ourselves by going to city officials and ta the counsel and not once were we totd of any of the issue's tha counse[ now addresses or potentiatly would address. In fact we were very confident that we did tfie riaht things az:d had communicated with the right people ta get the job done cortectty. We puiled pemuts and wen# Yhrough inspections, we obtained the consent of the neighborhood as requesTed and in #tte end we have delivered a substanrially better home to the market. A home that both the naighborhood and the city can be proud of. Tlus being said QTI �Ioldings, LLC would Iike to address the fact that the counsel uses 4 points to decline our request. Some of which QTI believes the counsel did not have accurate and unportant iniormation about. QTI wiIl address those issues now. The counsel uses the follav✓ing issues to decline the QTI Holdings, LLC request: 2-1, 2-4, 3-B and 3-D of ti�e Zoning Commiitee Staff Report QTI response in this manor_ 2-i: Upon purchase it was discIosed by the seller and selling agent that rhe reason for conversion back to a SFR was due to the Seuer wanting to red�ce the Tax Burden on the property and that there were no appareni reason's the propetty could not be converted back to a dupiex. The property had from, the time of purchase, exterior and interior si�s of a duplex and appeared to be easily coavertible back to a duplex. The property as iY sat tequued only a Kitchen be added to the upstairs and a second means.of escape from the upper unit. Simple but costly modifications. The property was in a deteriorated conditian and requized much time and money in cosmetic enhancements. With the amount of renovations require@ in the substantially deteriorating candition of this property, QTI Hoidinas, LLC did face economic issue with re-reniing the praperry iri an after improved condition. The property required $58,000 of improvements in total and several months of holding costs weather or not it was a SFR or a DupleK In the manor of a SFR the mazket wouId not bring enough rental income to support the debt a�ainst the subject property_ Y � � o�-to?f� � U T'��ra was howevez a�� econoznic ability to support the 422 Charles pmject in the manor of a duplex that tha mazket has snawn a demand for. The property was by way of L'�e counsels own documentation a Duplex for decades prior ta 1994 when the owner chose to chat�ge the zonia� due to hi�h property tax issues he was facing. The main issue of 2-1 sata3 that the properiy couid be wed reasonably and zconomicaliy as a SFR QTPs response is that this was so in a deteriorating condition but not so in an after improved condition. Rents would not follow the payment burden in supportin� this praperiy in a SFR after improved status. It would hawever do so in the capacity of a Duplex. The fact that the city has initiaily dzclined our QTI request wzll place a financial hazdship on QTI Holdinas, LLC. To date QTI Hoidings, LLC did spend a documentzd amount of $170,000.00 to deliver a high quality product that displays to a large degree "Pride of Ownership" and a home the azea and ciry cauld be proud of. 2-4: Despite the fact thai QTI feels the city couid have made us aware of conversion issues at many stges of our pmject, a comprehensive plan on behalf of the City of St. Paul was never made available to QTI Holdings, LLC. Ironically the documents did show up today. The day after our meeting with the caunsel. QTI Holdirigs, LLC does � feel that had the documentation been made available prior to our counset meetina then QTI Hoidings, LLC wauld have had ample opportunity to prepare for the counsels issues and respond accordingly. QTI does not feei that 422 Charles represents a structure built as a reiatively small SFR and has far more square footage than the average SFR in this mazket. Tha main objective of the counseis 2-4 issues appeaz to address the conversion of smaller homes in the market that coulc3 noY adequately address proper room for a duplex. Later in 3-B and 3-D responses you will see that the building and site meet the requirement of size presented by the counsei. 3-$: The issues here that the counsel present were based on a Certifiad Residential Real Estate Appraisal used by William Topero on behalf of QTI Holdings, LLC to purchase 422 Chazles. In this appraisal report the findings showed a total squaze footage of I,740 sq ft. At the time the appraisal was completed the appraiser did not take into consideraiion the main level addirion on the back of tha home and were the main levei baihroom sits that is equal to 1 QX10 and an additional 100 sq fr for a total of 1,$4Q sq $. The appraisar took ti�e sq ft of the main building oniy. QTT did re-measure the property and found it to be 20 feet wide by 44 faet long an the main home and with the 1�X10 main fioor addition the property acivally totais 1,8b0 sq ft and exceeds the counsei b ideline of 3-B of 1,800 sq ft. � O�f-lo1�b . .. .. ioovolo�ii r.�y 3-D: Per the connsels own communication in the counsel meeting, there is ao raason's appazent that a second means of escape coutd not be added for a SFR It seems reasonable to QTI Hoidin�s, LLC that a Dupiex or SFR second means of escape wouid enhance the sa£ery of ihe occupauts of the homz. T egress door and stair case were major expenses to QTI Hotdings, LLC and built soiid and safe so as to protect the occupants of the home. Aside from general cleanup of the properiy there were no other exteriar improvements. QTI Holdin�s, LLC would like to note that we be�an from acquisition with the idea that this home would become a Duplex once again and this required a second means of escape from the upper unit to meet code. We have doae so in a manor that has exceeded the ciry building code. In closing QTI Holdings, LLC woaid like to appeal to the counse2s good senses in the fact that we have substantially improved the market and valuation of 422 CharIes due to the vision from acquisition that this prpperry would be a duplex aacl in the only way there could be an economic impac� sufficienT enough to support the property in an affer improved condition. With out tfie approvaI &om the counsel QTI Hoidings, LLC wiil suffer an extreme financia! hazdship. There is ample demand for tha unit as a duplex and QTI does see that demand �owing as our state receives 5000 new Hmong individuals whom wiII aIl need housing by the end of 2004 and housing in the exact azea that our property is iocated. We are nat seasoned at the covnsels pmcesses or expectations. We simply wish to help improve our city by purchasiag property that needs help and beIieve that we deiiver back to ihe market piace pride of ownershig with each project that we do. QTI Holdings, LLC wotild appreciate it greatly if the counsel could outliite for us how we can make an appeai to the counsel for re-consideration of our re4uest and based on the responses QTI Holdings, LLC has Iaid out far the counsels review. We Thank you for yo�u timz and consideration of our request. Sincerely, r ��1�. ute Alger President QTI Holdings, LLC knuYe(rr�,al�ezfri.cam 651-48�-8234 Cel1 763-691-8075 Main 763-691-8077 Fa�c � � � � September 10, 2004 [RICT 7 .NNtNG UNC[L Patricia James Department of P.E.D. Zoning Section 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul. MN 55102 Re: Nonconforming Use Permit Applicarion for 422 Charles Ave. Deaz Ms. James, �_� �... �....�. �-.... �/ �` � ! i'+ 651/29&SQ68 {affce) 651/298-SD72 (fan) distriet7@jntegraon/ine.com (e-mai� 689 North Dale Street Sainf Pau/_ M.nnesota 55103-7644 � Tn regazds to the request of Bill Topero to convert 422 Charles into a duplex, the District 7 Planning Council recommends denial. The City Council adopted Thomas-Dale Small Area Plan cleazly states the des'ue of the neighborhood eo prevent the conversion of sinde-family homes into duplexes. Thank you for youz consideration. Sincerely, .�-- . , G� Tait A. Danielson Lead Organizer • Serving fhe rteigAboihoods of ML Airy, Capito/ Heights, Frogtown and £ast Midway since 1970! 45f-/o7{A ZONlNG COMMiTTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 04-138-025 1. APPLICANT: Bifl Topero HEARING DATE: September 16, 2004 2. TYPE O� APPLICATION Reestabiishment of Nonconforming Use 3. LOCATION: 422 Chades Avenue, between Arundel & Westem 4. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 36-29-23-240062, LOT 50, BLK 16, SMITHS SUBD OF BLKS 9, 10, 15 AND 16 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 7 • PRESENT ZONING: R4 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §Sec. 62.109(e) 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: September 9, 2004 BY: Ailan Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: August 13, 2004 DEADLINE FOR COMMISSION ACTION: Sep. 28, 2004 A. PURPOSE: f2eestabfishment of nonconforming use as a duplex B. PARGEL SIZE: 40' X 125' = 5,000 sq. feet C. EXISTING LAND USE: Single Family Residential D. SURROUNDiNG LAND USE: North: One-, two and four-unit residential dweilings (R4) West: One- and two-unit residential dwellings (R4) South: One-, two-, and three-unit residentiaf dwellings (R4) East: One- and two-unit residential dwelti�gs (R4) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §62.109(e) lists the conditions underwhich the Planning Commission may grant a pertnit to re-establish a nonconforming use. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: No a�ning history G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: No officiai commeni received from Thomas-Dale District 7 Planning Council at the time ofthis staff report H. FINDINGS: 1. The house was built in 1886 as a one�amily dwelling, converted to a dupiex some time behveen 1914 and 1947, and converted back to a one#amily home in 1994. County records show Raymond Simpson as owner of the property from 2000-2002, and William Topero (the applicant) as owner from 2003-2004. 2. Section 62.109(e) states that when a nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and land in combinafion, is discontinued or ceases to exisf for a confinuous period of three hundred sixty-five (365) days, the planning commission may permit the reestablishment of a nonconforming use if the commission makes the following findings: (1) The structure, or structure and land in combina6on, cannot reasonably or economically be used for a conforrrring purpose. This condition is not met This two-story, 1740 sq. ft. house has been reasonably and economicaliy used as a one-family dwelfing in recent years, and recently appraised and purchased as a one-family dwelling. (2) The proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate fo the district than the previous nonconforming use. Tfie proposed use (duplex) is the same as the previous nonconfortning use. (3) The proposed use will not be detrimerrta! to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger fhe public hea/fh, safety, or general welfare. This � condition is met, There are other nonconforming dupiexes on 40 foot lots in the immediate neighborhood. 05� /b?� Zoning File # 04-138-025 Zoning Committee Staff Report Page 2 (4) The proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This condition is not met The Thomas-Dale Small Area Plan and Forty Acre Study, adopted by the City Council on April 2, 1997, rezoned this area from RT1 Two-family Residential to R4 One#amily Residentiat with the stated pu�pose "to curtail the conversion of sfrucfures buiff as re(ativefy small singfe family homes to two or more family homes." (5) A notarized petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the properiy has been submitted stating fheir support for fhe use. This condition is met. The petition was found sufficient on August 25, 2004: ZO pa�ceis etigibte; 14 parcels required; 16 parcels signed. 3. The Planning Commission has estabiished guidelines for applications for nonconforming use permits for duplexes. These guidelines lay out additional more objective factors the Planning Commission wishes to consider in detertnining if the required findings for granfing nonconforming use permits listed in §62.109 of the Zoning Code can be made. 7he Planning Commission's Duplex Conversion Guidelines state that for appiications for nonconfortning use permits for dupfexes in residentiaf disfricts, staff wi(t recommend denial unless the following guidelines are met: A. Lot size of at least 5, 000 sq. ft. v�ith a frontage of 40 ft. This guideline is met. The lot area is 5,300 sq. ft. (nciuding half the adjacent alley) with frontage of 40 feet on Chartes. 8. Gross living area, aftercompletion of the duplex conversion of at least 1,800 sq. ft. forthe two units. This guideline is not met According to the Unifortn Residential Appraisal Report dated 7/28/2003, the gross living area is 1740 sq. feet. C. Three off-sfreet parking spaces (non-stacked) are preferred; iwo spaces are the required minimum. A site plan showing improved (durab(e, permanent, dus8ess surface) parking spaces must be p�ovided. 'ihis guideline can be met. There is space for the �quired number of off-street parking spaces at the rear of the site, with access from the alley, although this area does not now have an improved surface. D. All remodeling work is on fhe inside of the struc#ure.... This guideline is not met Plans submitted by the applicant for adding a unit to The second 9oor show a new second floor egress door. Photos taken 9/03/04 show this recently added exterior door and exterior exit stair, which did not e�ast when photos were taken for a 7/28/03 appraisal of the properry. E. The proposed dup(ex structure is located within a mixed density neighborhood, not a homogeneous single family area orin an area where duplexes and triplexes are at�eady concentrated fo the point of congesting neighborhood streets. The structure is located in an area with a number of nonconforming duplexes and some triplexes on 40 foot fots, but they are not concentrated to the point of congesting neighborhood streets. F. A code compliance inspection has been conducted and the unit is found to be up to tfre housing code standards, or the proper(y owner has agraed fo make the necessary improvements to bring it to housing code corr�liance. This guideiine is mef. A code compiiance inspection report dated %=3/04 was subrriitted by the applicant, and he has agreed to make (or has already made) the necessary improvements. G. An economic feasibifity analysis has been conducted forfhose cases where economic hardship is claimed as one reason forthe ...request. This guideline is met. The applicant has submitted a pro forma with information on income, operating expenses and debt for this property. It is unclear, however, that he is claiming economic hardship as a reason for the application for reestabtishment of nonconforming use as a duplex I. STAFF RECOMMENDAT(ON: Based on findings 2(1 }, 2(4), 3(B), and 3(D) above, staff recommends denial of a permit to reestablish nonconforming use of the house at 422 Chades Avenue as a dupiex i � � JHIV ii:e� 'c:i� ur 5i. rs�-Litr NONCONFORMING USE PERMi7 APpL1Gp7TQp bepwtmemt of Plannmg and Economic Develepmenr Zouurg Sec&an I400 City BaQAnnsx 25TYestFaurth5tre¢t � �"`� Saint Paul, MN SSIQ�T634 {65I) 266-G589 . Oy�lo? (,� Address _ t G y � :r�� � % /G % �'• _ — _ APPLlCANT C'eiy f!�+Vrs �A�� ii� ���r/� �� 67/ ` Daytfine Phone Name ot Owner {if tliffererit) . Co�tact Person (if Address / Location u�- LOCATtON Legal Deserlptlon G ��' B� �' s�i ,•T� SvG'� c` �Ge�s 9� :�,,� Current Zonina . (attach a8ditiw�al sheet if necessaryl � TY�� �� �'��M�T� f+PA����on is h�reby made tor a Nonconforming Use Permit under pravlsions of Chapter 62, Sectton 102, Subsectlon !, Paragraph oi tffe Zoning Cade. �h permft is tor: ❑ Change from one no»cohforming use to another (para 31n Zoning oade) � Re-estabiishment of a nonconforming use vacant for more than one y¢ar (para, 5) � Lega! estabiishment of a nonconfcrtning use in existence at least 10 year (para. t} d Enlargement of a nonconforming usa (para, 4) SUPPOR7ING INFORMA710N: 5appiy the informatlon that is appi[cabte to you type of pert�if, CFtANGE [N (lSE: ' Peese�tt / Past Use_ _ � f\ �� ��- —��"" t i � Oii RE-ESTABUSHMENT: Praposed CS Additionai +nformatlon for ali appllcaUons (attach additianal sheets if necessary): �ttachments as required: D Site Alan �Consent Petition i C7 AtEiaavit � pplFcaaYs Sig�atule Date_ !/ �_ .� y .6T'' T�-!'/ , _ CitY A9ertt � �-13-0`� =8 � io�,� � ZONING PET'ITION SUF'FIC�ENCY CF�£CIi SHEET REZO�LITG SCLFP NCUP FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITIOiI SUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEFVED: V�/ PARCELS ELIGIBLE: �' � �a� �r �2 S'o `7 PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: �� RESUBMITTHD DATE PETITION RESUB�fITI'ED: DATE O�FICiALLY RECEIYED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQ(FIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: � ���%�/If/�LL/� DATE: O� LS� O � � � � CIT�' OF SAINT PAUL i CONSFNT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A NONCONP'ORMING USE PERRZIT o�-eo1,6 �Ve, the undersigned, owners of properiy �� ithin I DO feet of the subject proper.y, acknowledge that we have bcen presented with the followin�: , A copy of the app]ication of � _�f' t+7� `J �f ��" /'� i � / l ' � � ��,/ � , r� � C' : ��i. (name of applicant) � toestablisha �'L'�Ct'/����c. /'�r.�-� "<;% j� � (Proposzd us�) , located at j7 -� .� /-�?�? r% _s � i��'r (address of properry) requiringa nonconforming use permit, alon� with an}• relzvant site plans, diagrams, orotherdocumentation. �Ve consent to the approcal of tl�is application as it was explained to us b}• the applicant or his/her represenEative. ADDRESS OR Pf\ � , • .,, _ �.; -� . - :��� �'��S �il /�S G� i'f d1- ry j ���� ���slis �31�,�r��� =�tl �ez � � FEWRD O��"XER .�„ ,� �; rc� Gii/s%i un a. � . / i.vl?�iF �i�l � �< r.vls rl t/ �ofye��,7 �`e� 0 `��S( —�? �i�� � /�9 � y�� �'i� � ��rv v. �iGG �gf SSG\�7URE ___.'� ,/ _ _ � Da7E � _ .. r I �� Z� 7����� / ' I � � �„� �6 �. r�" g��� �,��_. , a� 813 0 � � �-��o�i — ` �`�'� l0-01 9 Oy'-167(o CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A NONCONFORMING USE PERl�2IT • bVe, the undersi�ned, owners of property �� ithin IUO feet of the subject property, acknowledge that we have becn presented with the foI(o�ving: A copy of the application oC .". c � s l�',1,,�./i- ti �c�. GG� .7.� % .„��� (name of applicant) ' ' toes[ablish a✓`�' � :�r/ f vr� .z- � LiSN � j�C»G�y � (proposed use) ` � located 'LrS' %d (addrzss of property) ' requiring a no�iconEorming use permit, alono �vith any retevane site plans, dia�rams, ar other doc�±menr�r,�;�. �Ve consent to fhe approvai of this application as it �ras expiained to us br• the appticant or his/her represenfative. � � 10-01 � ADDRESSORP[\ RECORDOL�'\ER SIG\ATURE ne�rc � CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A NONCONFORMING USE PERMIT o�f-ra7� We, the undersi�oed, o�mers of property u•ithin 100 feet of the subject propery, �c:nowledge that we have been presented with the follotivin�: A copy of the application of �_ to establish a ✓`�' �< i � (name oi applicant) (proposed JS �:i: GGi ��.� % i � ° r/'Cl " -�S iv� fe f'a'cst� �jJ �mn�rel� located at _�� </� G G7/��L� S" �d� (addrzss of property) � requiring a nonconforming use permit, atono wich any relevanc si[e plans, diagrams, or other documentation. `r've conseni to ine approvaI oi tiiis app3ication as it was eaplained to us b}• the applicant or his/her represenfative. �� . � � r � � �o_o� A�ITInCCC 11n fif�� ��-���.� .�... . ��-�b� � ��:z5 �� �,- � 5� . ��-��t� ----�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSFNT OF ADJQINING PROPERTY QWNERS F{1R A NONCONT'ORMING US� PERMIT We, the undersi�ned, owners of property within I00 feet of the subject property, acknow[edge tE�at we have becn presercted wi[h che fol�owin;: � U A copy af the applicacion of �`t �""�' �s ���'h/��/ "°'�L�%�-'^ / a�'�'^C', (name of agplicant) � A� iN�Gc �Fds�.iL� rp.,r.-v�. ���� d'o toestablisha d"�°vGG»sy��"�m�,��y //5��.-��v��,Y' , {proposed use) locatedat_`°` a� '�1cS _ /��'�- 5.r � (address of property) requiring a noncartformirtg use permit, along with any reievanc si te plans, diagrams, orocher documentation. '�Ve conseni to the apgroval of ihis ap}slication as it �vas explained to us b}• the applicsat o. his/her represenfative. � � io-o1 • � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A NONCONF4RMING USE PERMIT o��arl� We, the undersi�ned, otivners of property wi[hin 100 fee[ of the subject property, aclnowledg� that we have been presented with the following: � A copy of the application of to establish a ��l� /� Gp !✓, located n/1 r�f�� iA �f��/ i9rs / G (name of applicant) (proposed use) !'Z�S /Qi/. � (addrzss of property) requiring a nonconforming use permit, atono wich anq relevaac site plans, dia�rams, or other documentation. �Ve consent to the approval of this application as it was explained to us b� the applicant or his/her represenfafive. 10-01 n ADDRESS OR PI� , RECORD OR'NER S[G\a'iuRE r,n�rr . _ .. � .,•; � 19'4"---�--��� � , �s. 5..—=n' $ n !i'! , �918 � � � kifchen ° 'i3• ��• 9' 3" -� t�� `,'i• i---8� a°--i �� �000aio�rr r �c by�-1o�b + � living ; � � � z�6�',� � � ,o $., s� z��� •� ����� 422CHARLES.2 � �, . ,�� ��' -,8• 6• air� Levet � x� bedroom'� � ' �.3��� I W � r � -,��,o.. deck Z�/,3z � � �SI-lb7lo i � � � � � � .� s. � fl, � GO � "'�.�'T� � • • s� V � .� �L �,"' u8 �7i � � : W � � O � �6Z 'uZ.�{ 7( — K= t � � N . � � � / �� .� � � W � w5 �E""� Y.; CV�� � � � T . � -- � �� YE.7 _ � � Cr: c�s � � � 1 � ---; � T(1'`7 1.1.(iqLF�9F9J. •nti��tuntta vve�'rv �.+.n. �.+...+ ... .�.,.. � � �� � � � �� � r � � � ` Dy-/o�,b 44 FA% 65T2&69099 CZFY QF 3T.PAllL DFClLIEF � �oa,.Qa3 b4-lo1� .- ,«. .� ..: �.. , . y :.� , � . � � � „ �,. C-TFY OF SAII�`T PAUL xQ.ercxvp� er�yo, .�2IIO2iy�� ZOQ¢ t�w�.�rftro�xa 104 5EG4ND STRELT NQ1iTt�sAST I+tEW PRA.GLJE MN 56b71 Re: 42 Ciia�tcs r�,vcnue Rile # : 03 35�05t5 VBZ ��tr t+�fr_ Toperp: I�WRYP$QP�qpjfdLgUp1}dNQ 2'yypiy 631-3664¢9D d7�S:Paer�s25fcl6]dD Fae�FC Qfl-Z669JZr SmroP�6flEldarcSSlaZd516 1f�ik rrx�ces�Lm� 'iusuant to yoRr requesr che ahnva-refereaced pmpeaty was iaspected and the following raport is ubraicted: 3UR.bIN , � � Tuck ga�t aad eea�t �� tw�all���� ��``'�^"QEU d &.eplacc basemert siaits (�snds & risets need W be unifarm}. rr s� •���w$�c a Aa h> 3. Iffitall haztdtail witlt retrxrAS tsu isasemeat staire. p'v3 ��i;,wa�cv 4. I�II handrai! with reh:ms fctll ie�;th 6f fust cQ szecmd tiaar stai►s �contiauous).� 5. �utate sec°nd 4�[ ceilin� w6ere Qp�a t4 Co�. R-38 on fiSac, R i8 on stoges. opay to hevented. C PRR7'trt�. . Jca ,h.c�•—, ,�:c�=�� �-rstc.. �. t.aoha posr tn cooiinga undex frvac porch. iav7 � rs� w�€s, 7. B:s�mi,ng for £tontporoh is ha C � z-�acN 5 K-�� �. >thp6R. reQmrat to tD ode. P�[ aad'6ea9a'!S etG Oaf W COde. au tYe c,.stus �E� . �:v�`t 6. " Code. r.e�-r cve �u a�i'j .�EP�Fc� sx ��-c�.so a. ,+u:,�+ S. '} 4. IuStatl I� si x�sr e�etior dnoz. uaz' �wtwa rco . �- Repais fookngs to Code on east side, e�ar potcit. �e ;�.acL� o et1. E_ AtitCt0�13YCYC11f12�jfC[COd6. lvGT a � i�l Zd lII1LII�C � 18� l�ODIS SV17�i SL"LC-C1861�!$' dCwICeS IO 9ALiy QOD[S fI0lII C�tOII34II �SOfb09i1tGltS(�tObC�ttQC}. VO `a�c..F �.tb3�tal� t�vtcES .N��aEG , �• � �$ �� �. +a IIT aca c.w 060 . �. TSIS� �tllII�lt ��M�Lr S 9I1dC �16$t$1Tl }188(:IIICIIL NU'T t K'L.a�� � E O� I' �t! WSnB 80[� CCitlI1�8 f�a�Qli(� a� De�p33aty. ins�•... D=0 t. �Gp87CiSA�71. F3SCiflCISSI� �C.ISIIBCC552�! iFY. a.:��.y�B:f, • �. Fibinde fhl�l� lyjJC tIG3d b(7ILS�'9IR� OSIC (1� IIIC}1 tlft�OW fDr all CAtCydOOt'S. RCASOVC 3D)t S� t.sc.u9n�'A �. Ropaa or replaea aay deterio:aked window sash, bmkea glass, sash holdera. re-putty etc. aa i1CCCS88f�t, a.iGi �N��.vUL� -- . � ide atotms �nd seaeeas comglete aad itl �ood repair for att door aad window opemngs i'�GT t K G.ai= J'�O . �G C�11Ch�II AB II4C86S813! i atccrnCa � -�DI1G W8n 81� CCt�7[!� WVCF� 7S ICID89l� 9�iC� IC� d0418 S� W!ffi�QWS� {�Il�p� $TSSS. 7f/�14 $� �G.? S�I lGCCC IICw CIIQg� C4�C SCBtLdffi�9. NlrT ta�tt �asa� Fb . Gtl b7t-b47 a�utn rtnar�%ua� rt+w rrau� o� � FAw 6572&69493 CITY OF ST_PAU! UfClF-ZEP �db2J003 D�f't UI(A . r�t w�uM rc�P�o azz c�t� A� Jamlary 23, 2{�f4 Pa�ge Tx� �. t+reparc and paumt snterioc a�d ezte�ior as uece�sury (talce tha necessaty precantions if lead base paiat ia pra�eot). .� o-s ►KZ.�m �a - �- r4av a�g me�s diac do not meec coao twh�rc v�au acd ce�T�ng ea�rccmg is removed, atembets � t y ha � t at� ove-�ed, omx-�rced, �t be t� ptv door �nd wmdow Yr�^•"�D`i Wil �' `Wa 11�dQC� �.n} �. m� j�.. �QMiloaa+ffiC � 4�q�. 1'�'L7 1 K G�W'ZSS? . 24. Frovido�aFcieas�upofp�emise. �`�Y �..::-��+vn �o�u.,-r ,�-c�.�.osi� ?a• 's'mtide smoke detq�]ts us pa thc Minneso�t 5iata Bcrl7ding Cocbe- ?6. Provid� �neFaT iei�abiiitatiop of ga[8gc n�o-'T {," e. .,,� o.�-o . BLECTRICA� l. 2 3_ 4_ S. 4. 7. 8. 9. [0. [1. l�st iastait 120 voit b2ttery bsc�g snwke detectar im r�r bedroam. *. a-r � nr c.ssosa It�tatl AFCI bteake� far negr he.droom smoke detectocs attd oatlete. ��1 �QSC MS7�1E5t t0 CQdC. NC'f \ wi �u-%°J'�"O Wim secand floor ldtci�en end battrcoom ta C,flde (fcnishes are resnovedl. Iisve �t e[ecaicaE � p [4II + _ IIIS SI�E r�1G a+�-'c c u ��.= 3so M N���. t�[L�� $Q�f � tn ��R@� �� �Q�. � 1.�. N VC � Nt�tir'. � b • Ias�pmper fitses or brdcas fss all wn�s. �oT ..a c...a�n � s� RepBii �rCplace all loosc Ot brokCA devitxa snd �. r�a-t .a�c�•: � avJ Cha�c aI13-wge outtets farP�P�'�Y ���- ''�'` • a Lw n� a Thrcugho�builda�, ins�11 o+rtIees �d. 5xtssEea �s pteBuIIeaa 80-1. r�e�c � r: c�v�� lostatt �oke de�cGOis aapar $allet� 80-i. � �� z.•� o�rs . IIeclrical work r� a P�mit a� �spectiaos. SJ�r`S z.r �.V q, - .,.�. ��,�-� � I�"�it,,t: �.� , 1. � 3. 4. S. �. �. 9. 10. 1L 12. ,.. Y „::.�. . � . - .:. . . � .,. � � ... .� :, •+-< ,.,� .,.:�. . :��... � � . �� • , .. ,:, -. .:: . � .,, _ .�, ., : .. : � ,�. .�� , . .�„ ,� . . . ,, �In r i 4 ��� v.� _.� �i � �� ..� i ���' �� . r�� � � r:w 1G L �� : COIICCt�}rlreRt �d $�LkLOehm SmiC aad prDVide fiXtu[o t6 Co' dE BQ CO�Ci 1�`tStC 2� � dl S� QO� ba�i1�7- Ite�laeen�ed offventpipe ��amctt (4� staclent second $oa� ctoset. Re�ror �eplace lawahyd�4e. Pt�vide badc$ow assemblyordevice for Is�va hyd�nts, � ��� r � �� —17 ��� St� � '$.D �� C�SG��� � at`i �` � g d5 fAX Bg128ggd9S CITY �F ST.PAUL DFClLIEP � �003IOL3 �� �D j� • '�' '�� • • a� s • i , :� :,� - .���., .++� - i„ - :� � ; z. 2. 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7, �� ���� ��� 'J'Y �T� *�+, � � �'^' � ` iuu �� . . . ,. • ,�_u .t. ., . i • , . ; • , �� �'u�-��� • r. .•�._' M�. .u• �i� �� •.�� �.��� ��� •♦ - « � . ., ,-��- � � �. � . �. �.�..� ,. �� �� �� � � ... �, ,:�, .� � �., .,. . . � � 1' �.. , �� • " �t i � 1' ♦ i� :11 ir,l l • ' aq � W°. . i t i B� 1( +• ' � r , t� R/' t:'r1'� - .. , �.�� � .� �. ,.� :, . ., �: . � t — B , v.t � �ti �� � This bue(ding was ins�ted as bemg a duplcx. See encloscd let0er for iafaunafion regazdu4g the fegality. Enelq�4 are the agplicann�a t8 Cltangc the prop�tyta a tegal dnplex. Amy qu�sdans on rhis prac�ss contact Karen 2.ycEsq ac 451-256-9084. ��� i K t.w �= c� N�1 ES 1. See attachment far pm�mit requ�uemcots, Z. Masc of tln� tooFcov�ing couId �t be ProPa'iY ins�tEd from 8rad� Ra�m�ad this he dane befoxe r�6eb,'li�tion i� atb;mpted, Ladder ins�tectiaa to be d�e at Snst. Uwner must s�PPZY iadder- 3. There was cansidaabie stasagdalufiter wit}dn pzopceiy # ihe time of tiu im�fection. AII to m�� Codes whsa comgk�te. � 4. Ali iimss xated as � da nat have te ba compie�ad far code ca�giiaace but sUou1@ bc cqrupt�tcd at a tater date. Passibie pum€�ss of pmpetty s�si1 ba m�tde awaze of theae itep�3, imcerely, �-�- ��y� � �. s�� co�t�� o�«� �� ti i• ,,,� _,�� �y-1o7� OFFICE OF LICfiNSE, INSPECti013S AND ENVIItONMENt'AL PROTECIION Janeen E. Rosas, Dixector CTTI' OF SAIl�iT PAUL Randy C. Ke71y, M¢yo> 3anuary 22, 2004 Tom Amrhien 319 W. Maryland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 RE: 422 Charles Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. Amrhien: IAY7RYPROFESSIONAL B77ILDING Te7ephone: 651-266-9090 350 Sz Peter Snea, Suite 300 F¢csirrtite: 65Id6G9124 SaintP¢ul,Minnuota55102-ISIO Web: www.ci.stp¢uLmnus/liep The above referenced property is located in an R-4, Single Family Residential zoning district. A$er conducting a history search on the property is appeazs it was built in 1886 as a single family dwelling. At some point betcveen 1914 and 1947 it was converted into a duplex. I was able to confum the property has been used as a duplex unril 1994 but th�re is no er informarion. Based on a conversarion with you the property had been deconverted to a single family dwelling by revious owner. Therefore, we would consider this property to be legal as a single family dwelling only. If you intend on converting this dwelling back into a dupleac, you have two options. One, you may apply to rezone the properiy or two, you may apply for a re-establislunent of a nonconfonning use. I haue included the informarion and applications for both of these processes. If you have any other questions, please call me at 651.266.9Q84. Yours truly, Karen Zach Zoning - Ci . Paul �. Paul Dubruie] Jim Seeger • aa/adaJeeo employer ��� �� i �wr i e P b�e � i Oy'-�0��0. Co 9 • . SITUATION 1'PRO FORMA IN£Q&'fATION SHEET ( SITUATIO2V YRIOR TQ SZTtiATZON FOLLOWZNG ADDITION OF iINIT(S) � ADIIZTION Os U7vIT(S) REOUIRED I?vrOtZ*fATZON � T'0 STRUCTIItZF. TO ST�UCTURE Housin2 Ur.it' Breakdovr.i Nvmber of bedrooms Square foot size of tinl t COnt=dCT. TeIIt - Est. Ataount of tenant paid uti2ities Ineome from structure other than rent Operatin� Exoenses Maintenance • Insurance utxlitie5� Other • Taxes Existing Vacancy Debt Breakdown Initial principal amount Interest rate ' Amortization term Balloon (maturity) term Monthly payment Balance amount on debt sou��es a� laans . Debt service coverage. Zatio iequirements ' � � For rehabilitation � ro ects• Type of improvements (provide detail) " Cost of improvements �_ (provide detai2) �� ���� � ! O�t3 �t���� L�����'Y � i �So��,� 1����� i �?� ����� � � I I/��:� ��) � 3��� tv�� �`1 �", I�3'� ���� `L� "/A �� �t'1Y' �' �? �y y,� ��i�i �� - - (q -;- ' � �.���,� /(lt�� ��`�� `�1�f.f��� �t3`�� ����� l f � 25�/��� l �a� ��� �.� 17��'�`�� � <� .� �� ��. ���i G�� ���`/�. �� ' � Date of Valuation �rzsrcaas azz cnaaes n.e �ae so. eue e snnn+s suso oF aues e, �o, is Sai�rt Pau4 MN 557a3-7906 FOf Ayer Financial Network I�. 319 MaryWnd Ave. W SaiM Pau4 N�N 55117 TpBLE OF CONTENTS t.eUerafT�anuretlal _..._.. Summarf � Safient FeaOae. Cwnparable Plw§s 13.__..._. Comparzble Sales MaP -...__._. BuSdm9 Sketcfi (Page - i) .____ Fkod Map'...'.""'..__.__.... AddetM�an .._�.___..__._..._. SC�rtfe¢of L�dWig Ca�7is Servkes Imaae ..._.--.--- 10 11 73 i / � � Fwm TCP —TOTAIiw WmEOwS appfaisal wftvrme py a h mode, ine.—t-B00-ALpMO�E o�-io�� � Alidridge Appraisal Inc d40 Taybr Street ANOKA, 61N.55303 763323-9759 Alger Financial Nehvork IM. 3t9 MaryWntl qve. W Sa�t Pw1, NM 55717 Re: Property: 622 Charles Ave Sai�K Paul, MN 5510i1906 eonowe.: Winiam roparo Fle No.: 599 In accordance with your request, we have appra"setl thg above referenced propeM1y. The reQOR of Mat aPPaisal is a7achetl. T� WT�se of this appratsal is M estimate y�e market vaiue of the property tlescribed m Mis appraisal report, as improved. in unencumberetl fee simplettl¢ of ownershiP. This report is basetl on a physiwl analysis of tl�e ske amf improveme�, a loeationai anarysis ofthe nei9hborhootl a'M city. and an econanic anatysis pfthe mazkMfor prep¢�fies s�ch ys tl�¢ subj¢ct, The appra'sal was developetl and iM1e report was prepareC in accortlaMe wfrh the UnNorm Stantlards M ProfesSional Apprnisal Practice. ThE vaWe conefu5ions reported are ss of the etFective date sqted in Me botly W the rspoR and conGngeM upon Ne cerNfiwtion and limiting conditions adachetl. • k has been a Pleasure to assiStYOU Pkase tlo not�esihate W cortact me or a[ry of my sfaff'rf we wn he M atlditional service in you. Sincerety. ���� Susan A. AIItlriAge PresidefK Alldritl9e Appraisal Inc . o�t �o?� SUMMARY OF SALlENT FEATURES � IF1eNa.5991 Paoe�2J Sufi7ec[ AtlQress d22 ChaAes pve LegalOesc�eon Lot 50, BLK 9 SR97HS SUBD OF BLKS 9, �0,15 CC/ SaiM Paul ��'! RamseY � MN LPCaAe SSt03-1908 GnsusTract 0326.00 MapRe(erence 10864 � � S 115.000 DffieofSale UW79N3 BartowerlCfiert W71iamTOpem LenOer AI9er Financial Netwerk Ix. S¢e{SqiateFe�j 1,740 Pr2eP�+�P+ffieFOOt 566.09 Lx�on Ur6an M19e 1888 CaiU�an Average Tatal Rmms 8 BeOmwns 1 &ffis 2 Appaiser Susan A. Alitlritlge Offie Of Ap�aa6ed Vaqe 7128f2003 FinaI�olValue 8121,T00 • � • PoRn SSD—?OTALfa WmCows' apprz�sal soRwue by a la moUe, inc—l-eUo-PIAM00E ALLDFIOGEAPPfWSAL � � u 3ui[� ,� Over75A L 25-ii% ❑ UnZer25% i °� ` 5(OD01 Grau�h rate '� Rapd � SabR ❑ Sbw � Ovme� 700 I 0.5 Proppty raWes g �c�creatms L smMe ❑ oe�en§ ❑ Te�t ����186 i�znvs�PN ��'� �' Inealance ! J Orerw�N � vxav(0.5%) .-..._..,..— M1wpeenumne'�9JUnauamos.t 'lwersmos rlv r -��� �at Noic Raee aPtl ibe nWl mnP� a( tl�e pti9h6ahoaA am aot appraiml fa[to2 NeghbortroodhamUariesandcharacknsD�s: MarvWntlAvemlhenorth.35Erotlreex Fzctors iha[ affeUthe markHabdrty of Ne praper�es m the neyhbaiVioaG (praxunrty fu enpoymer4 anC x�n � No.oiUnrts No. of SYOires Type (DetIAtG) Cesign (SCile} 6o,OnyProposea Age (Yrs.) Fkars Wa¢s SraryFmRh B�h Pmor B�h Waim 1Mor5 Sq. R Mark@ conGNOns in tlre subjec[ ne�g�6arhwd pnUudng supportfathe a6ove conc0uiom relazeE m ihe trenU of popefly valus, Gemanysuppty. and maYreLng Sme —wch as Cma on conipe40ve p�ope�tiu fpr sale in the neighbortroo8, �scriplion of the prevaleirce otsales and imanimg concessiws, elcJ: rrqe¢m�annarwnrorpuosptaOPlw�le).-I5Ne6evebP�N�uWUmcaN(WNtheHameOwnecS'ASSawtian(NQAj� Vres �! AFyrobm#eWWnum6uofuMsintAesuh�eGpraject Appmm�teblElnumbuafund5forsaleinUresubjectproject_ Descrihe mmmon elemems and recre�ional taciNies: Ounensbns 45z125 Topogaphy LevH SHe area 5.625 Cumzr Lot � Yes � No S¢e .13acres SpecdicmniflgUass�ficatlnnand6esrnquos RSin lefamit reside�af Sfiape Rectanwlar ZOnmg campliairce � Le9al ❑ Leg�l noncoirforming (GrdnAlaNeretl use) Cj IOegal ❑ No zanmg Dramage Aucears Adequ XioSee & kst use ' mved� IQI PraeM use I� Other use s: lam Ycew Residenees Udi'mes Pobla Otl�er OR-siRMpo�emeN.s TYpe Pu6qc Rttate l.andscapei4 lAature Ekctricily � Street Bituminous � ❑ DmewaySurtace ClsssS Gas 1� NatlGas CulWgunu Conerete � ❑ ApparerA eaSemeMs Twiwl UtiIiN Water � Sekwalk Conerete � ❑ FEMA Special Flood HamN N¢a C SanrtarY Sewer � Sheet figMS Yes � ❑ FEMA Zone X Map �a�e �'^�r ��+� FH7qM o 2752480028F CommeNS (apparrnt a0verse ea5emerAS, encroachmenLS, special a5ses5meM5, sLEe areas, illegal m� noncadomnng mning use, etcJ: Mat� Matenals/CondNOn Space NgnB Sfairs Drop Slmr Scutlie floor xeazea AUGNanal f¢dtu25 (SpecW enttgy effitiHl[ dE115, etC.J; 2 batl15. uPOeI level family room. ca�amon m me imwoverirems. deprecia�n (physicat mrx.tional. and caemaq, repa;rs �de4 WaN'i � � AMesxenvkanmeMalccrAi6ons(wcha inimeWme viandy of the sublect P�OenY � ric.) �FleNO.599IPaae#31 /►�,�/O�l� �/ l I � IS%�ceh' � LDreN ❑ �n G�ocess � Conc � Conc � Conc � Conc � _ ❑ n ❑ m(s) 8, ❑ Non¢ � ' ❑ Gara9e 8 af cals ❑ Allached ooen � pgache0 Chainlink � BudHn etc.: Eucm UM12—"TOTALta WmQaws° zDP�msal software hy a la mode. mc.-1-BW�AWAOOE p�f �� �b L.�I IPIeNa 5991 Paae#41 • � • Fmm UA2—TOTAIfa WmOmvs' appraisal soMrae trJ a W motl& Nc.-1�806NAMODE F ��4� s�� � �� y3.. x. S �y - s � ^' ��3",�^'� ^''� f. ' . �.,�h� � .. r .. ^�:�. Jr- 'Z. �"" ' �t y „ _ * . *., �-. t. y ,w,. � - �'.r �„J � s.xt � '< - . . -�, � a '`. . - µ .+�� ` - �` ""� �'s`�r r ���9��� - y�, >...i- --'�� ^t r ``- . � , 'f, y . �" t � ; ,_ `�- ��; �'Lfi. m. ;3 : � - -.+. -�-«,� _.. �- ���:t .�.4�"`t _ sz',� . �. ` . y . �. - - -_. ._ ,.: . _. � ' ,s <.._. .. . '. _ � � F k g, `� �' � tr5 � �; � � . ,� _ - � � � °' . �l '� �� YN � - � ��� �- � .fa:�. �. = _ ^ , . , .. <. . . _ � � - ._ .:�: �� � , � ���� � :y � � � .�„ , 3,, � � •� � ��. x � � . �� �'"�" � '� . � i ,: �, - I ; , �- _ x+ , '"a- ` � . � , � s. r ;.� .,.,�,��-="-u� r r�r:�. � i �._ __ �' � � _ � " , �' , _ , -_ ,r. - �' •'� . : �`�`.`v> . _ - � '"' °,�� i�`., _ - - � � _�r` .. . � a� „y � � + ',�j,�' ��' .��. 76�����.� S � �. 'X`R` ��.s.�� � �+�- � X � - � . {+ I .. u � � . �, s �� �� ': y, R q 3�f iC :: Z° I $ A Y �..�Z [ . -��I � .� �� � .a- � �' -.°A`%'�� �5' � � �a �i '� �'�'-- � �'�� Y yL �y s .,��'�' ` � t , e y '�.. � � .��`.� � �� �� � _ - ��� �ii, . �Y'�` , :� „r,�.s - , _ - .�, � 1 � ��� - .y.-a..�..� -'.�. �- �-"� »�,-�, ..._- , _. ,�-..,.. .�.-. . . - . _ . < . . _. - . ' - ' � _- } '_ � ` - ' _ � ' " � - . . _..�.�.. _. _- T �.-- . _ �.. . . � _ r - -�-. . " .. � . . � - -_ � � � ;_ - .•-..� � ,._ � .... 4 tr '¢�-aM+a._.._.. �e: 6y �� � ��8 u � � J � fam 5Kf81C5F1—?OTALfawmaows° xPP�� soRware hya la made. mc.-7 Building Skefch (Page - 1) IFIeNO.5991 Psael671I O� f� j/ti 1� 7 l.J f DEFINRfON OF M{1RKET YALUE: 5}ce �mst pobabie pice whkh a pioperty shoWC brmg m a compeutive and apen marYet unGer aA conGnrns • reWSitr m a fau sak, f�e b�7e� anC sNkr. each ac6n9 PmaeMJy. Imowieayeabiy arM assening Ure G�ce ¢�t zYecled hy im7ue smcuWS. lmphc¢ m�is �fuotim is me con.wmm�ian of a sak as N a sP� tlate aM the pazsing of 4lle ficvn se7a fa bul'er wtltr con�tnrs whereby (1) bu9a miG u@a are HP�Y �wRek R) Coth P� am we9'vAcmzd a vre8 aMaed. sW eml a�g m wl�# M mrs�ders hs oxn bes! miera� (3) a reawna6@ ➢me's alNwed for e�osure m ihe open muket I PaY�rrt is matle m�m5 of cah m U.S. CoOars a in ferms af fuwwel artangertceNS comParah�e theem: antl (iJ the Price reprzsa�5 ile normal miuitler�m for U�e yopgty sWA waffetted 'nY sP�1 ar uez6re fmar,cmg a saps ancessions' �antec' 6Y �re zssaiffid wdh thesme. �i�s0�sms b tta camP�bles rmct be mzde �a speqal a ve�ve fea(emg a nks concessiom No �lustrna4s are necessary fm m�e cos6 wnich are nam¢IN P� %' seeDeers a a resWt of tra�6on a hw m a rt�Yxt area: Nae as5 are read�ly iCaitifiabk since me se@r pays me5¢ cos6 m rrcNaly ffi sass Uansacbm5. Spag� e cr¢�y¢ gy�my ffiN� �n Le mztle to the comP�k 0.`�P�Y 6Y WmP�s m fuuncmg te`ms offere0 bY a tlm0 paf,y inshLi6oial Imtlu ihz� 6�1 zVeaRy 6ivoivetl m�e ymperty a trznsaction INy a4�sLnent sMWd no[ be calwlIIeO on t mechmtical doliar fa doAar ms[ of the finanong a concusmn but ilre AaOa amaiurt of mry adjus4ne�G SMWtl aPP�'�E^. tlie mal�fs rzaC"sm to tlie finaxm9 m caicessi9n5 6a5etl on ihe aPP�s Ntl9emertL STATEMENT OF LIMITIN6 CONDRIONS ANO APPRAtSER'S CERTlFICATION CONTIN6ENT AND LIMITING CONOtT10NS: The appraaels certificarion 7hat appears m ihe avP�al report a su6�ect to me follaving contl7�ons: i The appiaiser vnll nat be respansibie for mapers of a legal na(ure thaz atfect edher Me ptopeity bemg appraised w Ue utle to R The appraiser assumes ihaz Ne Utle is gooU antl maACed6k antl, Meretore, witl not render any opnians abouf Ne trtle The propehy us appaised an the basis of H bei� under responsibie ownerShiP. 2 The app2iser has prwiAed a sketch in ihe appraisal rzport M shaw apprpqmyte dmen�ro� af ine improvemeirts and ihe sketch is mcludeE anty ro assist ine reaEer otihe report m v¢uaimng the pmpeM1y and untlersUnding ihe appiaiser's tleterminalion of ds s¢e. 3. The appraiser has eqmmeU the avala6le flaad maps tl�at are pmvideC py th¢ F¢a¢re{ Emerge�y µ�n�n� Agemy (m mhe� daa sources) aM has noretl in tlu epD� 2Wrt whether me su6jec[ srte k IocazeU m an iLeiNfieG Specwi FIooG Haerd Area &cause Me appaiser is not a surveyor, he or she makes no guarsMeS, express or rcnplietl, regar7ng i��5 tlMemuna6on. 4. The appraiser will not grve fes6mony or aOP� in cauR 6ecause he or sh� m�e an appreisal ot me property m ques6on, uMess spe'Mic azrmryemenis to Co • w have heen maEe heforehantl. 5 The appraser has estimaze0 Ifie value ot Ne lantl m tl�e cost approach at Bs hyhest and best use antl tAe impmvemeiAS at meir comnbutory value. These separa[e valuafiais af ine IanA antl imOrovemeiRS must not Ue used u� emjunctian wRh any aN¢r appaSN aiM x¢ yroaEtl R 1�¢y are so usetl. fi. The apprvstt haz Oatetl m me appraisy repprt anY adverse cond�mns (such az, ireetled repairs, Aeprec�on, ih¢ prsence M hazyEOUS wdsiw, touc su651m�ces, etc.) opservep puimq me im,pecYion ot the subject property or ihat he or she hecame avrm¢ of dunnq me narmal research mmNeO m pertartnmg Ne aPP�sal Unless oNerxise uu�etl in me a49rasal reWrt, tl�e appruse� has aa hwwkd3e of any tdtlaen a unzPPareM condmmrs �t She proyeM1y m ativerse emuonmeMal contli6ons [mclutling Me presence of hazardous wastes, tm�c substances, etc.) Nat woultl make the pmp¢M1y more or kss valuable, antl hu assumetl tlr� there are no sucn rnntl'NO� 2nC maiccs no guaramees w warrzmies, eMpresS a implieQ regardiiy Ne wnQ4ian of ihe property. The apprmser will not 6e retponsible for airy such cond0ms ihat tlo etist or for any enqincenng ar tesLng tlyc n¢ght 4e c¢quR¢e to Cscvm whefher such conOiUOns ezut Berause Uce apprz'ser is not an eMpert in tAe fieltl ot emaanmeriW hamrds, tlfe appaisal repoR miat nat 6e cons�Ceretl as an emeanmeMai assessmem U ihe WoPBM 7. The appraisu o6tametl Me mfomWwn, estimates, antl apinioirs ihat were e�xessed 'm fLe apptasa! cepat hwn sw��ces ihat he a she consMees ta be refable anA beheves mem fi 6e We aiM rortect. The appraiser Goes not assume respo�ibdiry fa ihe accuracy of such Aems ihat were fumished 6y alher parees. 8. The apprtiur vnll not Aiubse the corveMs of the appraisal report except as prm�CeE far m the Um[arta Stantlartls �f 4cutesswnal Apprmsal Pcachce. 9 nx aDPaiser hes basetl ha w her appraisal repoR and valuation conclus�on for an apprasal tlat is sub�ect W s�is(actwy cmnplefipq repaus, or 21I¢I2110R5On tl0.266YfNJb��tlW Wfii�E{101105 ihE MII�OVEInEihS `MII t¢ PEIIOIIIMd N d WOAm�M1112 rtldM¢f. 10. The ap0�� must pro�itle h�s a her pnor wrdten conseM before the LnUV/WieM speci(retl in the appraisal report can da�N6uh Ne aQpcasal repw( (mcludiig cwcWS�ons about ihe O�P�Y vaWe. me zPPraisu's itleMty antl qofessional OesignaGws, anG Bferences m arry prohssiaW appraisal a�gan¢adans ar the Tttm wSh which ipe app�aiser is assaciazed) Po anl� cYner tlrmi the hmrowu, ihe moitgagee w tts wecessors and azsigns: Ne mmt9age msurer. cansuAams: professio�pl aPDrsaal organ�0ons; anY smte a federzYY ePWavetl fnane�l insfaufion: ar an9 tleParimem, azkncY. ae mshurtce�0.y ot H�e llnitetl Stahs or airy sffie or (he D'aG'G N Cohun6iy except ihat fh¢ knE¢r/cG¢�t may d'strihu[e fhe O�hY �senPtlon sec4on crt tlie repor! mly ro daq wllectian ar repoNng service(s) xiNOUt havmg to aNan t�e a6M�'s P� x�Gten corrsem. The app�eisn's wrAtem m�SeM and zDP� must also 6e obtamed 6etare Ihe apprdisal ran p¢ corneye0 hy anyane to the pubGC mwgh ativetASUig, public r¢Wrons, news, saks, w oNU aredia. � FredNe M17ac Fvrm G39 693 Pa9e t of 2 farmie Mx frortn t00dB 6-93 ALLDflIDGEAPPqAISAL Form ACft —TOTALfir WinOaxs° app�a�sal sorywar¢ bya la matle, inc.—tAOPAtAd10�E IFIeNa 5991 P #12I OS�-/b76 APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: Thekqiraiisucero5esx�na�eesmaz i. 1 hare researched me subjec[ mail�t atea �O have tekctM a minunum N Nree �ttent saks af P�aPeNes most sumlar ana Pmrim#e ta Ne wUl� PmPehY far ccnSiEe,artart m ihe saps comPartwR a�sa mirt have matle a GaOar aQusunent when aPP�D�e to reflerS ihe marke[ reaz�on N thase dems of sipnfirdirt vanSOn. tl a signii'kaa item in a wmDa�eble Gmperty 5 supa�w to, or mwe kvwabk ihan. Ne sublecl WoF¢nY'. I have maEe a�puz adjusAn¢�( N rcdoce Ne aEus[e6 s�es pnce of the mmpa�abk an0, rf a signRrcaiR hem m a comparahk pmpeRy a inir�ia M, or less favordhle tAan the suhjec[ aop¢Ry, I Iqve maUe a P�'m�a�lw"��4M increaze tM1e e?usted sales prse oFffie amP�k. 2. I have taken urto comitler�an me hCOrs tlut have an impaR o� value m mY �eveWP� N tAe esnm�e N maACd vaWe in tlre ap�aisai report. I lave no[ Fnowm97 wrthMld �y si�iTCaiM1 infoimafion fiom the aP7��a� �WR an� I Ce6ev¢, to ihe hes[ of my ImawleCge, m# aN statemen6 antl i�rfIXma�on in tlre apprusal repml are true antl cmrect. 3. t Aaka in the aPPrers� repw[ anN mY own Personal. wdasM. aM W�sio�l siaiys¢. apinuns. anU canclisors, which are su6lec[ mly ta ihe coNingmt aod Wmtin9 condmons �xd�ed w th6 torm. 4. I Aare no pesen( ar pmspec6ve mt¢rest m ihe properry thaz is Ne su6�ect 0� Nis repa(, y�tl I Aave no peserrt or pmspec�ye p¢rso�ai iMerrst a b�as wM respM N the pv6�artb a� Vre fiens�. I dd rrot 6ase. ertha P�7Y a comP�fY, mY analYS% anNW Ne esOmate of maMe[ ralce in the appra�gal repoR mi Ne race. mWr. refi�on, se�. hanRC�. fmn�l staNS, or na5onal oigin of eMer Ae prospective ownus or occup�tc N the wb]ect pmpetry a ai ihe P�ert mmers w axWanls ofihe OroO� mtle ndmly of tlie mhlect Pmperc/. 5. I have iro p25ent a cmrtemptAeG fWUe vrt¢rest in me suhjec[ ptopary, ariC ned�er my ��R¢q w hMre employmera Iwr rtry cornp¢��n ryx p¢Aa�mm� ry�s aPP� �s coNy�gei¢ onme zPP�a'setl va42 olme Pmperty. 6. I wds na[ �eqoued to repaR a➢�lemimed value m QuMron m wWe 1h# kvws fie cause af llte c5eM m anY rN#ed patty. Ne amaM of Ne va6x esnm�e. tice Ahmment o� a SP�� �su�t, w ihe anmence of a subseque�d eveiR in aNer ta recPive my cwnpe��an anNar empbyment for perfurmm9 ihe aPAr�al. I Gd nathase Ne appaaal reporton a requestetl mmonum valuation, a spx'd�c rWU�on, arthe need ro appmve a spedfic mortgage loai. 7 I Perlartned lltis app2isal m wMOimM wM Ne Undatm SlantlarUS of P�otessimal Appraisal Pa�ce tllat were adaPle� aritl We�9#�d by q�e Ap{Paisal Sandar� Bovrt aF ihe Appra�sai ku�a0on mM Naz were in qace ffi af the efiecuve tl8e of tlris 3pPaisal. wdh tAe exception of ihe aeparture prov"sian of tliase SYariCarCS. w6ieb Oces mt apply. I acbwwkdqe 1h� an cv6mffie ai a ream�abM icne fia eparspre m fhe open market is a and@on fn me definmon of market value and Ne esUm#e i Eeveloped a cons'sha wdh llie marketm� 6me nated m ihe ne�ghpw6QOp s�On N ihis repoq unlxs 1 have oNe�e sffied u� me recanoTiamn secfian. 8. I have P��y i�sP� tlre mRrmr antl Werior areas of Ne suEJect P�cenY mia the e#mw of all propeNec 6s@tl as mmpalaUls in ihe zOW�a'saI 2porG i(IIMM LYMY 111# I hS!¢ IIOI2d 81}' ��31211I R INOWII 2dVHS2 LOII�IXIS m 1hC 51 �1� MP��VMIIE115. 0� �hC 51�112C[ SdC. W 011 AIY 56E WGIIIO 1�1¢ NNRd12(E wiwNy oF tlx su41� OmPMY af x9m� ! am a,rare mN Aa�e rt¢de ��osMeNS fm tlrese �se andNOns in mY analysis oF the p�opbty vaWe to ttce er.kM ih# I haG market evitleiweta sUpP�Nem. I M1ave a5o cammeMetl abau[ tAe effectaf Ne advwse con�Ons on tlremazlrelabBilyatfhe Sub�S 0.'�P�S'. 9. 7 Pe�NY PRP� al concPosia�¢ uM apinrorts a6out tlre real esf�e ih� xzte set toM N ihe appiaBal 2Wrt. N i r.ieU an sz,pid�t P���sianal asi9ance tran am m� ar mtlrviduaals m me pafm�¢nse m me aypraisa� w me prepa,asm m the apRmsal repm( � hare �amea sucrt indrvidiw(s) aM 6scbu7 Ne sPecific tffiI¢ PeAo`metl U7 ihem in tice reconcdiaAan section aF il� appreisal reWR I ceMy t1�M mry inSrvitluai so �n� is Wa6fiM ro O�tm tlre �. V hare mV auNa�tl ar/ox ID maFe a clwiR to m�g 8em in tlie 2WR Nerefma, rt an wauthmved change's maEe ID ihe aOP� reW4 I wtll take na�aPOnSiE�lyfard SUPERVISORY APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: tt a supervi�uy appaiser suy�ed ip¢ app�aeal repwt, rye w she cerLhes arM agrees IDat I�ectlY suV�'+iu tice aVWaiser wtro paPareG ihe �Wasal 2P�, have ie+iewed the �a's� reP�. � wiN Ue sffiements antl concAUwis of ihe apPr�ser, a9rcero ee�aum byNe �ers certiGCatlens mumiaeaaaumgOlaaare. aM mntaqng tun resvmsLa'b farme appa�sal ma me appraisa� re0uc AODpESS OF PROPEflTY APPRAISEO: 422 Charles Ave. Sai�rt PaW. MN 55tOb1906 APPRAISER: SUPERYISORY APPRpISER (only if required): Sgn�ue: ��. ,�it.�„ SignaNre: Name: SusanA.AYWridue ry� Dme9gnetl: Julv31_20D3 pffi Sl�e CetUfmaOOn #: 400ffi77 S�e �¢�Bic�on #: m Stme ucrose fi: asme License 8: Shle !AN � Erpaa�an Oate of CeASsafion a Lica�se: 8137/2006 bpir�on Daze A Ce7�r�on mlicen:e: ❑Oi0 ❑ OiENIXInaP��oPb1Y FrtdNe Mackrtn 439 fiA3 Page 2 af 2 Faeiie Ma Fwm 70046 6-93 . �� • Fmm ACR—'IOTALtor Wndows° �presal softw�e by a la mo0e, mc.-1,8�0-qLPA7pDE ' `Y, aa -< c �"' s� �'si'= .�a� ii a� .�. . � � y E� ., , � _ a � i �, ' �.:t;' � � a �$ t .�': r#&�.�' 2 � � � ��;. N i �cr �- 7�.. � � s " 6 �rz�.� L l �` ! � y x'� � k' r+''F#r �i ' C 'iV' 1R '� .- 4T3�( � �� ��� � 1 �� � �i� s. � .� �} b .��, f �. � � "'«�W �$' �.?Y. ��� .' � ., � � . 5 �j«. . �� � ��. _ :, �� a` �,;�, "'c �.i/ ; "�E..�., ,,,,,..,,.-..y � t �... : � i,;'� s ... Y .e�`_ .. - "` � `= ' "�` s " . 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