245163 � ; � ��ORIGINAL T6 CITY CLERK �4���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE R e t et 5011 DATF APPROVAL OF PLANS In the Matter of Regrade and surface with bituminous material the following alleys: The alley in Zachrison�s Add. from Arkwright St. to Clark St. The aliey in Blk. 5, Beaupre and Kelly's Add. to St. Paul from Geranium Ave, to Rose Ave. The alley in Blk. 5, 1bJeestminster Add. f rom Jessamine Ave, to Geranium Ave. The alley in lanberg's Rearrangement of Blk. 13, Beaupre and Kelly's Add, to St. Paul from Magnolia Ave. to Jessamine Ave. The alley in Lewis and Mabon's Add, to St. Paul from Westminster St. to Arkwright St. The alley in Hendrickson's Add. to St. Paul from Westminster St. to the East line of Hendrickson's Add. The alley in Blk. 6, Fairview Add. from Lawson Ave. to Cook Ave. The alley in Blk, 9, Fairview Add. from Jenks Ave. to Lawson Ave. The East-West alley from the Easterly North-South atley to the Westerly North-South alley and the tv+p North-South alleys from Geranium Ave. to Rose Ave, all in Blk. 2, J. R. Wleide�s Add, and Blk. l , J. R. Weide's Fourth Add. The East-West alley f rom the Westerly North-South alley to the Easterly North- South alley and the two North-South alleys from Magnolia Ave. to Jessamine Ave, all in J. M. War�er's Add, and Blk. 4, J. R. Weide�s Add. The alley in Blk. 5, Arlington Hills Add, from Edgerton St, to Payne Ave. The alley in Blk. 6, Arlington Nills Add. from Edgerton St, to Payne Ave. The alley in Blk. 15, Arlington Hills Add, and J. R. Weide's Re. of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Blk. 15, and Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 16, Arlington Hills Add. from Edgerton St. to Payne Ave. The alley in Blk. 16, Arlington Hills Add, and J. R. Weide's Re, of Lots 29 and 30, Blk. 16, Arlington Hill �s Add, and J. R. Weide's Re. of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Blk. 5 and I.,ots 1 and 2, BIk. 16, Arlington Hills Add, from Edgerton St, to Payne Ave, The alley in Blk. 4, Arli:ngton Hills Add, from Payne Ave. to Greenbrier St. The alley in B.ik. 7, Arlington Hills Add. f rom Payne Ave. to Greenbrier St. � Regrade and surface with bituminous material and construct and reconstruct where necessary concrete curb and gutter, concrete curb, and concrete sidewalk; and construct an orn�nental lighting system; also do all incidental work to complete improvement on the following streets: Rose Ave. from Westminster St. to Payne Ave. Geranium Ave. from• I. S. 35E Frontage Rd. to Payne Ave. Jess�nine Ave, from I. S. 35E Frontage Rd. .to Payne Ave. Magnolia Ave. from I. S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Ave. Cook Ave, from I. S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne.Ave. Lawson Ave. from I. S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Ave. Jenks Ave. from 1. S. 35f Frontage Rd. to Arkwright St. Jenks Ave. from DeSoto St. to Payne Ave. Westminster St. from Case Ave. to Hyacinth Ave. DeSoto � St. from Case Ave. to Brainerd Ave. Burr St. from Case Ave. to Brainerd Ave. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. ����3 r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATP -2- Jessie St. from Case Ave. to Brainerd Ave. Bradley St. fran Case Ave, to Jenks Ave. Bradley St. from Lawson Ave. to Brainerd Ave. Clark St, from Rose Ave. to Maryland Ave. Arkwright St, from Brainerd Ave. to Hyacinth Ave. Also, regrade, pave and construct and reconstruct where necessary, concrete curb and gutter, concrete curb and concrete sidewalk; and construct an orname�tai lighting system; also do all incidental work to complete improvement on the following streets: Arkwright St. from Case Ave. to Brainerd Ave. Edgerton St. from Case Ave. to Ivy Ave. Brainerd Ave. from Arkwright St. to Edgerton St. Case Ave. from 1 . S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Ave. Also seal coat Payne Ave. from Case Ave. to Mar� yland Ave. (G-1889) , under Preliminary Order 244345, approved June 10, 1969, 244346 approved June 10, 1969 and Intermediate Order 244903, approved July 16, 1969. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvement be and the sarne are hereby approved, and be it Further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to obtain bids for improvements as per plans and specifications, and be it Further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the improvements. �G, � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas �—�Naya �'�C� 7 1��,� .��_ Approve 19�_ ; ,, Meredith n Favor D..4.....d.,., � Sprafka � r eQtfg� Mayor A gainst Tedesco �;������e:: ::�:: PUBLISHE� AUG � i9�� Mr. Vice Prerident.d�� u��� 0 �DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCn. N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER ���r� �. p�t•rscxr� DATF AP�OVAL Q� Pl;AMS In th� Matt+�r af ft�gr�de �nd sur��cn wi�h bttcmainous r,a�t�►rlai the fotiowing ai le�ya. � Tt�s all�y in Z�chrt�on's Add. frixn Awkv�rtgbt St. t4 �l�rk 5t. The ai ley in Blk. 5� B�aupra �d K�l iy'g Add. to' 5t. Pau1 from &sranl�a Ave» tQ Ro�� Arra. The ali�y 1n Bik. 5. 1�stmlc�ster A�dd, firo�a �Is��amine Ave. to Qaranl�m Av+�� The �11ey fn Lanb�rg's Re�rrang�a�nt of �31k. �3. Bea�upr� and �a11y'� Add. ts St. Paul fram t�sgnol ia: Ave. to Jeasamino Arre. T1�e al ley in l�wis and M�an'� Add. ta St. Paul from W�s�rnlr►ster 5�.� to Arkwrig�� St. The a�te�y in Hsndrt�kson�s Add. to S�t. Pau1 from IJ�tmtnste►r 8t. to t�e Eas� itne of tknd�f+ck�on's Add. The �ll�y in Blk. 6� Fa t rv t�t �4dd. f ran Lax�r��sn Ave. ta� Ca�ok Ave. "1`h� a 11�y B n �1 k. �, ��t rw 1�w Add. f rom .ta►nks �v�. �to �a�vsc►n A��. T� ��r���bs t a 11 ey f rom t ha Eaa t+er 1 y t+br tF�r�Sc>ur th at lay to the i�estsrly �lorth•South al��y �nd th+� �wa North-South al t�ys from G�rani� Av�,. to Ro�e Ave. ati tn Blk. 2, J. �. �Fd��s Add. �nd �Tk. 1, J. R. Wi�tde�'s Faurth Add, 7he E�st�*l�est �l imy from the 1if�s�Cerly �r�lrSouth ai l�y ta the� �asterly l�ortir South a#ley and tE�� to� Na�rth•Sauth .alleya f'ram Magnal i�a Av�. to .le���ni�� Av�. al l In J. M. �lacner�s Add. and 81k. 4, J. R'. �t�'s Add. The ��ley tn 81k. �, Arlington Nills Add. fram �dg�rtan St. to f�ayn�a Ar��. "i't� alle�y tn Blk. 6� Ar�ington Nilts Add. from Edr„�rtor� St. to Payn� Av+�. The �i i�►p 1r� Blk. 15, Arl in�tan Hi1ls Add. �end J. R. �td�'s Ro. of Lrests 2$, �9 ar�d ,�p, E�1k. i�► and �Cit�r l �nd 1�, Bik. 16, Arl ingtan N i l l s Add. �rom �dgert+�n S�. to Payne� Av�. � +�i X+�y i n �l k. 16, Ar l i ngton H i t l s Add. snd J. R. I�bid+ef� 1�+s. of I.at� "�9 and 30, �lk. l6, Ar3ington Hill's Add. and J. R. 1�idm'� Re, of Lats �$, Z9 and �4, Blk. 5 a�d L�c►ts � end a, Bti�. I6, Arl ir�gton H111s Add. f�am Edgertan �t. t� �ayn�'Av�. '�'he a11�y in �lk. 4„ Arlingtr�n Hiila Add, �rom payn� Ave. to Rrm+�nbrier �t. i't�� �il�y 1n �;�k. 7, Arif�gxort Hills Add. Fran P�yne Ave. to Gr�enbrTe� $t. Regrade �and surface with bitunl�us mstertal and con�Cr'uct �and reconstruct where necesaary concr�+te cu�6 aryd gutter, concr�te� curb, and concr�t� �tderoa�i k; and ca�struc� en orn�a�ent�1 d�ghtl�rg �yst�, aiso do �i i incf c�en�al wark to complet� lmprovement on the folloaring str��tst Itose Avo. �ran Wres tai i ns t�r S t» to Payn� Ave�. Ga�r�n�c� Avo. �ram t. �. 35 E frontags Rd. to Rayne Ava. ,�e�aamine Ave. fran t. S. 3SE �'rontage f�d. _to Payne Au�. Ma�calle Ava. �rom {. �. 35E Frant,dge Rd, tv Payr►a► Av�. Cc�ott Ave. �roa� i. S. 35E �r�rr�� Rd. ta P�yr�►.Av�. Lawsan Avs. from i. S. 35E �'ront�g� Rd. to Psy� Av�. Jernks Avs. fran i. S. 35� �'ront�ge► �d. �o A�kwrlght SC. ,Je:nks Av�. €rom D��oto St. to Payr� Ave. t�stm�aa�sr St. frcrn C�se A�v�. to Nyecinth Ave. UeSoto St. frc� Ca�� Ave. to 8reinerd Awe�. 8urr St. �rr�an �ase Av�. to Brsinerd Ave�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays •—�a�se�-- ���� Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor P� Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O �UPLICATE TO PRINTER 24 5 1�3 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF J.�«. ,l�sste St. frora Ca�a� Av�. to Bra��rd Ara. Bradiey ��» Fra� C+es� Ave. to ,lenka Av�. eradley �t. fran 4awson �Irre. to Br�tr�rd Awe. �Iark �t. frc�m Rc�a� A�re. to Maryland Ave. Arkwright St. fran Bra�nesrd Ave. to Nyacinth Ave. A1sa, regr�de, pave �d Eoc►stret+�fi and r�on�trea�ct +�er� necosa�ry, concrets cur6 �nd gutter, co�rete c�rb and concreta sida�ik, �nd con�truct en crnsa�ental lZghting systr�m; also � ail �nc�dont�l �rk �o complate tm�r4ve�nt on the fotlo�tng st:r�ets. Arkr�-ight St. fran �ssm Aw�. to �r�tr�wd Ave. �dg�rtQrt St. Prum C�ae �vc�. to tvy Ave. 8reinerd Aws. �arom J�r�twr[qht St. �c► Edg+�rton S�. Ga�e �vc�. from I. S. 35� t�ranteg� Rd. ta Payn� Av�. Also s��l �caat P�yne Ave. fran G�s� A�r�. to Mary 1+�nd l�ire�. (l�rl$$91 . ur�r #'r�l iminary Orde�r ��i43'��� ,�ppraved June t�l, 19�9, ��+43�46 �pproved June� tt�, 1969 and tr�termodlate t�rd�r ��49�3. +�PPrc�vcd July 16, 1969. i�@solved, That th� �lar�� and` �p�ctflr�attcn� s� ��nittad for the ei�c�ve tmprov�nt be and th�s sam� �re l�ereby appr�va�d, and ba �t I�urti�+r Re�o1u++��, Th�t the Pwrch��ing Agent b� and is hsreby dlr�ctied ta ° abt�ic� bids for impr+�r�rr�s �� p�r pt�� �r�d ���fgtc�cton�, a�d be it Fuwther �sol�ad� That tt�e Purcha�si�g Ag�ant la�, artd i� t��e�by dlr�ct�d to �dv�irttss far blds for tJ�e ir�prrnr�nts. + '�_.f ....�....... .�. . �. E:)_. . - � .. , _r . . � . ds'r��.r ?t �.,:5�� � ` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - _� .��s�aorr---_ ' ''°' 1� �. , Approved 19-- Meredith �� Tn Favor Pp+ Sprafka C.� Mayor A gainst Tedesco �.����s3d�rit, Byrne,...,;? ...� .�..,�- - . :.NIr. Vic•.', i'r�y'si;i_it 55