245154 • , , • CiTV o
, Har�}1 E. Marshall `w F�� Albert B.Olsoa
C'+�y Clerk and ` �f % Cou�tc�il Recorder
Co;nmisa2oner of Repistrmtion � � .
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2y�- hr
�88 City Hall -`��
St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 `� /
,Tu13r 31, 1969
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Mr. Joseph P. Summers , ����r���
Corporation Counsel ''�,
Deax 3ir:
The City Council todqy x�squested that qau prepare a resolution
granting the attached appeal of Donnary Realty Co�pa,ny tc relaac
the area requiz�aents of the Zoning Code as applied to praperty
located on the ea�t side of Winchell 3t., aonth oP Arlington AQe.�
described aa the north 1/2 oY Lot 9 and the sazth 1/2 of ;,ot 9
eucept the east 150 �'�et thereof a.nd except part ther�of taken
for Winchell St., both in Black 6, Rogers and Hendrick's Acre
Lots l�o. 2, 81TB�1ECT to the conditions as set out in the attached
letter of the Zoning Bosrd.
Very traly yours,
` , �
City erk C�
July 31, 1969
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
City Hal.l and Court House
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the appeal of Donnay Realty Company to
relax the area requirements of the Zoning Code as it applies to property
located on the east side of Winchell Street, south of Arlington Aventa�.
This property is further described as the north 1/2 of Lot 9 and the south
1�2 of Lot 9 except the east 150 feet thereof and except part thereof
taken for Winchell Street; both in Block 6, Rogers and Hendrick's Acre
Lots No. 2.
The applicant desires to construct two duplexes on lots that have an
area of 7,325 square feet, the Code however, requires 7,500 square feet
for a duplex in an "A" residence district.
The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its June 5, June 19 and
July 3, 1969 meetings. The staff reported that the small variance of 175
square feet, or 2.33 percent is caused by the improvement of Winchell Street
with a turn-around which required acquisition of a small portion of e.ach lot.
Several_neighbors appeared in opposition, noting that the proposed construction
would cause a drainage prcblem on their property. Consequently, the matter
was laid over twice to allow the appellant and the neighbors to reach an
At the July 3, 1969 meeting, Mr. Donnay stated that he had made certain con-
cessions to some of the neighbors, i.e. to Mrs. Mildred Lindahl, 1329 Barclay,
he agreed to fill in a low spot and provide her with additional fill; to
Mrs. Ma.rie Brobakken, 1455 East Ivy, who has property to the south, he promised
to take down the bank adjoining her property, reducrng its height and will also
provide stone for developing the bank as a retaining wall.
Subsequently it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the variance was
small and the request reasonable. Therefore, the Board recommends approval
by a 5 - 0 vote of this appeal to relax the area requirements of the Zoning
Code, subject however to the agreement as stated at the July 3, 1969 Board of
Zoning meeting.
ry rul o s
Robert Ames
-�... �...
RA:FGI % �'.�::
CLS '-�� rJ
Z. F. 6764 '`'" "�-
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� ' . ' .
_. , .April 21, 1969
� �.
The Honorable l�ayor and City Council �
c% City Clerk j,,
Room 386, City Hall and Court House "
St. Paul, I�innesota 55101 �
This is an appeal fr arn Andrew J. Donnay doing business as Dorm.ay Realty
Company , 1471 I�ydia Avenue, St. Paul, I�i.ru�esota, 55113. Phone number is
Lega1 descriptions of property involved are parcels C and D of attached
Tha property is located on the East side of Winchell Street, 3outh oP
The property is naw vacant.
I wish to construct two double bungalows.
This appeal is necessary because of the cul-de-sac makir�g the sites
approximately 300 s:quaxe �eet short of t he required aroa.
Appeal is made und.er Legislative Code Chapter 64 Section 03 Paragraph i.
Enclosed ara t�o sita plans.
I ha.ve built two double bun.galows on parcels A arid B and balieve that the
best land use for parcels C and D would be to put double bungalo�s there
Respectfully yours,
AJD:mfd BYs ,:.��i��/ Z�l.l�2
encls. 3 Andrev� J. Do ey
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�HOARD'�OF 7�QNING REPOR'� AN� /1CT�`JN July 3Z 19b9 _ " �'I3t :�{�� �13 :�
� *` Aatirii� und�r L�gislatiw Cod� Chspt�r 60 thru 64 .�
n� p�sed Auqust 22� 1922 as am�ndad to April 6� 1968 6764 ��
� , I
f` d : . ::?. :,i�..'a:�'�'S hA'1L' : Donnay Realty Cospan
. y
� Am�nd�nt 0 App�al ❑ �ern�it u�Jther " �
�. ��!.�SSIF'ICATI�JN s .
3. ^,1R?JSE ; Relax area requirements� for a duplex in "A" Residence
y . I�'Ki,TI�N ; Eaet side of Wischell 3treet south of Arlington pvenue � �
; S� ..C<;A:. �ESCRIPTI�N s The N. 1/2 ot Lot 9, �tad the S. 1/2 of Lot 9, except the E. �
150 feet thereof and exc�pt part thereof taken for Win�hell �
Street; both in Dlock 6, Rogera and Hendricic's Acre Lots �
No. 2. i
v. P:iESI:NT Z�NINc,: ��A" Rasidence �
7. P:SQSJANT 1'� Zoninp, Cod� Chaptsrs � S�ction: .03 F��rapraph: i �
' s. �TAF'F INVESTI�,ATION � REPORT: Dtt�s 5/26/69 3ys CLS �
_ �
;� B. HISTORY: None. ;
� C. PROPOSED USE: Develop each parcel with a duplex. �`
. D. NEED FOR APPEAL: Each parcel haa insufficient area for a duplex in an "A"
" Residence district.
E. pRESENT STANDARD: A duplex in an "A" Residence district requires a 60-foot
frontage and 7,500 squere feet in aree.
F. VARIANCE: Each parcel has a widCh of 62.96 feet with a depth of 120.75 feet. �
If each parcel was a rectangle, the area of each would be 7,600 squere feet. �
Winchell Street was improved s�ith a turn around provided north of Ivv Avenue.
The area taken from each parcel was 275 square feet . Each parcel noN has an �
area of 7,325 square feet, 1T5 aquare feet or 2.33% short.
G. AREA 20NINC: The area west of Haselwood Street is "A" Residence.
H. SITE CONDITIONS: Site is vacant and approximately 3 to 4 feet above atreet
grade of Winchell Street and about 10 feet above [he grade of Ivy Street.
I. AREA CONDITIONS: Most of the erea weat of Hazelwood Street is developed wiCh
aingle-family residences. There are some duplexes in this area of recent
construction. One older duplex is being moved onto a site across Winchell �
S[reet and to the nor[h. '
Council Letter
9. BOARD ACTION; To R�co�nte�nd t ^t Approval . �Denial �ted
Moved by; Cohen Yaas Nays Date of }{earing �
X Ames 7/31/69 .
Seconded by: Maietta X Cohon .
X Danna (Alt) Council Action �
X Gadlar ,
S�cr�tary' s remarkss x Maietta Date
McPartlin (Alt) .
Mansur (Alt)
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F � r i L � i. � .,� r. �f
F. �
��,;... ` � ����� ��' REALTY CO.. i.��
D .
: ��Q� Relax area requirements for a Lf+�N� V � `
�. � vuplex Q 01�—FAMtLY
��I�T Z� ��A�� Residence "Q" TWD�FA�..Y
� , #-`QUR-FAMILY��
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f1LE N0. 6764 +�K 't""1 n��RCiAL . .
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'' ��� �f� $�"�� ��- . 1�rY 2�, 19b9 . � P�y �
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i _�..�•.+�.�,,,..�.-_.�.,.,.,.,_ „� . .
ON TIiU$SDAY, .T[JI� S, 19b9 AT 2:00 P,Pi.,
PRESEI3T: Measrso Ames, G�d3.er, Gs�ger, ria�e��a� AicPartlin of �h� �osrd; �nd
Messrs, Sor�naon ar►d Wilkerson �end l;rse Irish a�f th� staff, �Mre
rir.P�rtlin l�f� tt�� mee�C�ng t�ft�r conaiderat3.an �f tk�e Beligonge
Company mettcer.�
D41�'+,IiA; An appeal. to re�a� er� requir�m�n�� �a pr�rmi� �:he const�.�sc�iom of two
doubl.e-buagalaws on property 1o�at�d oa �he �sst ai de o€ L�'irn�h��.l �eree�, aouth
of srl�ngton Aveaue,
P7ro Sorensmn �um�eriz�e� �h� ���ff r�poxt �����x�h �_1rffi� du� �o �:he coae�ruc-
�ion ef � �ul�de-s�c on �dfae:lie�? S�r�etn �n ��� of �'7S scge�ar� �'eettwao �ak,�n fgom
e�ch �srcel lesning each p�r�c�l IT5 sqw,nre ���t asr 2�?s3�� d�f�c�iex�� ia area; The
aiee is vacaut and ��pro�cia��+�2y 3�a �e�� ahc��� ��r��t �r�rle a£ Wa�sneh�l� street
and �nou� 10 feet abov� �h� gxac�e of Iv��► S�r�t� ?+I�<, Sar�r��o�a �s�t�d �he follawimg
concl�asiog to th� stt��� r�por�: in fmvor c�f Gt�r� a��ae��.; 1� Th� �cscatior� of the cuI-
d�-sec has r�duced the 7a� a��a �ela�a the are� r�quig��r.C� fmr a duplex; �) the
actu�l shorta�e is s�ll � I7S aquar� fe�e o� �e33 ��reen�a ag�ix�st the granting
of the ��pe�l; 1� The $pp�il�sn� h�s aot c2�3,m�d a �uerdsl�fp �1��� ��ul.d preven� de-
velop�tn� thes� prop�rr��s undcr g�xa� �i�t�ng coc�ey 2� �he tcao pa�r�e�s aesci�,d be com-
bf.ned sn:d di�fded to �l�.o� �� dcapl� and cr�e s��gl��fsmfly rea�denc�; 3� �he
origicasl Zrre�ing Code (A�.ege��� 1922y r�qufged 7,40i� f�t for a siupl�x� �.'he ar�a
reqair���at has e�cgs��ci �gr many gr�rs and f.a a r�aea�a'61e m�uin�am�
S�v�ral z��ighbors livfng on ivy Street $�s�e.�xed 3ra oppasYti�a aYtd asid they
�elt ehar� �aater would dsein o�f eh� s�b�ec� prop�rty c�nto �h�irso Mro Dannsy
ssid i� woul.d b� possih�� �o �ccze�rm�ct o�ne d�ble b�ssa�ala� a�d aaaa� �f�g�e-f�aily
dwa112�a without �skfYag �e�r szsy waiv�r whate�ers and ��ast he did neat w�nt �he
hard feeling3 of ��e� n���gi�bors a _
Aft�r �ome discuz��2� b�2-ra�en �ixe �c4ard me�4s��c8� ti�� ueighbor�s and Mr, Dodnuy.
A4r. G�dler moved �h�tt �he a��t�r be laid aver fo� two weeks to pet�enit rlso Donaay
and �the n�ighboLa Co r�ach �n s�re�at; motioa se�oaded by r7ro Mai��ts and ca�ried
un�aimously. �
Suba�itted by; Colonel Lo Soreaeon Robert L, A s, Ch�i�n
' on Thursday, June 19, 19b9, at 2:00 P,ri,
PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, Uann+a, Gedler, Ga�xger and Maietta of the
Board and l,essrs. Sarenson and Wilkerson and Nrs. Irish
sad Miss Poechmaun. of the staff. Mr. McParClin wss also
present but did not votE, except for the firat m��ter
when Measrs. G�uger �nd �leietta had not arrived.
DONNAY RF.lsiL1'Y (:0,: An appeal� to relax erea req�irements on
property loca��d on the esst side of Winchell Street, south
of Arlington Avenue. Z;r. Sorenson said the mattex had been
laid ov�r from Che last meeting in order for Mr. I?�nnay to
rneet with the neighbors who had indicated o�pasition.
Mr. Dounay said he had nvt t�lked to thc neighbo�s, aud wanCed
to witl�draw his appeal; he s�id he could construct one duplex
and one single-family residence without an �ppQal, �nd that the
drainage problem the aei�hbars ��lked about was brought about
by the contractor who built the reaide�aces on ivy and did not
put up retaining walls. A£ter �ome discussioa, he agreed �o
discuas it with the neighbora, and Mr. Maiett� maved to lay
the matter over for �wo weeks and ta have new aotices s�ent out.
Motion seconded by Mr. GadXer and carried unanimous�y.
Submit�ed by: Deaiel L. Wflkerson Rabert . Ames, C irmaa tt
on Thursday, July 3, 1969, �t 2:00 P.Me
PRESSNT: Measrs. Ames, Cohen, Danna, Gadler, and MaietCa of the Board and
r�essrs. Sorenson and Wilkerson an.d Mrs. Yrish end Misa Foechmann
of the etaff. Mr. McPartlin was also present but did not vote.
Mr. Gadler moved for approval a£ the minutes from the Iast mesting, and
3��r. Danna aeconded the motitin, which carried unanimously.
DONIl�TAY REALTY C4IPANY: An appesl to relax area require�ents for a dupl�x in
"A" Reaidence on property located on the east side of Winchell Street south
of Arlington Avenue. This was a lay-over from the two previous lBoard of
Zoning meetings. Mr. Donn�y �aae to have discussed the problem wiCh neighbors
in the vicinity; after much delay, Mr. Donnay and ad3oining neighbors had a
short conference in the Council chambers.
Mr. Donnay ataCed that he had made cer.taiu concessions to same of the
neighbora, i.e., to Mrs. Mildred Lindahl, 1329 Barclay, he agreed to fill
in a low spot and provide her with addigional fill; to Mra. Marie Brobakken,
1455 Eaat Ivy, wha has property to the south, he promised to take down the
bank adjoining her property, reducing its height -- will also provide stone
for developing the bank as a retsining wa11.
Mr. Cohea moved for approval subject to the conditions stated, as there was
accord between the parties, and the appeal was reasonable. Mr. Maietta
aeconded the motion, and it carried unanimausly.
Subanitted by: Colonel Le Sorenson r . a, C sinaan
Ikt ,..r� .I/�� •" ='� �►_
. . � - ' `
113 Court House 55102
July-18, 1969
City Clerk
File X721, Page
You are hereby notified that a pnblic heariag wiZl be held in the
Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall in the City of
3t. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on July 31, 1969, on the appeal of Donasy
Reaity Company to relax area requirements on the following propertq:
North � of Lat 9 except East 150 feet thereof and except part thereof
taken for Winchell Street and south � of Lor 9, except East 150 #eet
thereof and except part thereof talcen for Winchell 3treet, Block 6,
Rogers and Hendricks Acre LoC No. 2. Th e property fs located on tt►e
eaet side of Wiachell Street and approximately 123 feet north of Sast
Fo r further information contace the Planning �►ard, Room 1010 Commerce
Building or telephone 223-4151.
Caannissioner of Finance