245144 _ . ~ 2�5�4� . J. �� fNTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE Na By File No. 17409 In the Matter of constructing a public storm sewer in ALBANY AVENUE from Snelling Avenus to Arona 3tree�; ARONA STREET fram Albany Avenue- to Midwaq parkw�y; AIMOND AVENUE froen Arona Street to 300 fe�t east of Albert Street; PASCAI. STRF.ET from Albany Avenue to Alu►ond Avenue; MIDiNAY ail� from Aabury Street to Pascal Street; A3$U1tY 3TR�ET from Midway Parkway to 450 feet north; all to be kaaNn as the ALBANY-ARONA RELIEF SY$TEM, (5-1239) �' under Preliminary Order 243952 approve� May 16, 1969 The Council of the �City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said xeport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . 2. That the nature of the improvexr�ent which the Council recommends is ` to cotnatr�ct a public stora� sewnr in ALBANY AVENi�B from Snellina Avenue to Arona Street; ARONA 3?REET fxom Albanq Avenue to Midway parkway; A�ND AVEN[TE from A�ona Street to 30fl feet �aat ot` Albert Street; ?ASCAL STRLTsT grom Albany Avenue to Almond Avenue; MIDWAY �ARKiiAY fraym Asbury $treet to Pascal Street; ASBURY STRgBT fram Midway Parkway to 450 feet north; all to bs knawn a� the ALB�ANY-ARONA BELI��' SYSTEM, (5-1239) with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $ 299,590.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the �a day of S�ptember, 1 6� 9 , at the hour of 10 dclock A.1VI., in the Council Chamber of the Court Iiou�e and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the,Commissioner of Finance give notice of sa.id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total co�st thereof as estimated. COUNCILIVIEN AUG 619G9 Adopted by the Councit Yeas Nays na��,, �, Appro ed � b 1969 Meredith . '' rPgt�rSO�--� � Tn Favor Sprafka ��.�� Mayor Tedesc� o _ _ ;;�'i„�����s'"m'�•.a...�;�;.,�,R .; . �,,: Againat �.� • � �� ���� - 1969 , ,. s_ss_Z� �� �.� � �E� AUG 9 ¢ ,. .� . ... � ,!,_: ,�._ , ..�.,...�W . :— ���� .,:,, ;� ;� . �� . �� . � � . � �-.� .. d . �. . , - ' ' . . . T . , . . � �� ���� _�: �..�#,�.:::. -,,.�.:.,'.,.