04-1073Council File # �.t-tu't3 Resolution # Green Sheet # ��a��a� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ty Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WIIEREAS, Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development administers the Mortgage 3 Foreclosure Prevention Program, wluch provides mortgage foreciosure prevention counseling to Saint Paul 4 homeowners who have mortgage payxnent delinquencies and mortgage defaults; and 5 6 NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Saint Paul Department of 7 Planning and Economic Development to execute an Administrator Agreement with the Minnesota Housing 8 Finance Agency in order to implement its Foreclosure Prevention Assistance Program far the period of 9 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005. 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Benanav 2.g Bostrom 29 Harr�s 3� xelgen 31 Lantry 32 Montgomery 33 Thixne 34 35 3 6 Adopted by Council: 39 Adoption certitie 44 B 42 Approved by M o: 43 44 av. Date �� ///..�/7G Requested by Department of: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE - p��IDgffiEconomicDevelopmmt � O6-OCT-04 Cor�ct Person 8 Phone: Joe Coliins 266-6020 Musf Be on Couneil Aaen � Assi9n Number For Rovting Order � Da-�o,3 Green Sheet NO: 3023'123 oeoarhneM SeMTOPerson InitiaVDate 0 lannin Econ mic Devel . Mever I�� 1 lannin & o00 �c Develo T. Sanchez 2 lannin & Ecan mic Develo P Dire �� 3 ' Attome P J.Kell ___LVit�ti� 4 a or's ce � 5 ouncil 6 ioan i Servic M. Smith 7 lannin & Econo 'c Develo S. Collins Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaWre) PED requests authoriza$on to provide mortgage foreclosure prevenrion counseling services to St. Paul homeowners under a contract with Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MFIFA). IviHFA will reimburse PED in the amount of $28,000 for administrative fees. MF�A will also provide $32,000 in emergency loans for eligible St Paul homeowners who have mortgage defaulu. iaations: Apprave (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Folfowing fluestions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Euplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): PED provides mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling to St. Paul homeowners who have mortgage defaults and mortgage delinquencies. AdvantageslfApproved: PED will receive a$28,000 far administrarive fees and emergency financial assistance to implement the City's Mortgage Foreclosure Prevenrion Propram. Disadvantapes If Approved: None NOV � � 2004 ��� � � zoo� Disadvanta9es If Not Approved: PED will not receive administrative fees, and St. Paul homeowners will not receive emergency defaults. necessary to cure mortgage ,� _ „ � otal Amount of Transaction: $28.000 Fundinq Source: (R): � Pereonal Service CosNRevenue Budgeted: � 9g � gg Activity Number: 117-26523-3699 ,���� D e7 LYiU� E Financialinformation: (Explain)