D001234. _ - City Clerk - Finartce Dept. - Dept. Accoun[ing (Civic Cen[er) - Engineer (HGA) _ - Conuactor - Project Manager (CPMn No. �I Date CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-20 ADMTNISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to rhe Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Exnansion CP1l Building Construction Imown as Contract L Project NoA15117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of ffie following: 1. Shoring for BS beam. Reason: Additional marerials at Pour 5 and 8 to make formwork scheme consistent with design assumptions to conform with code stress levels. $19,081.00 Tota( $19,081.00 • ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 19.081.00 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L-, 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. AP D AS T FO � Assi taat6'ty Attomey , � r.pansion oordi aun Committee Exp i n oordinaf Committee Directoc of Civic enter � ���-�,J Architect and which amount is to be fmanced from: S�" / 2� 19� M.A. Mortenson � 19 � 1�'\ (� �tL..� p of Finance � d��J3 � 19�/ Administrative Assistant to the Mayor L��19� • �la� ���� � �«�� ���� DATEINIT�ATED GREEN SHEE ~ Y � CONTAGT SON & PHONE lNIT1Al.(00.TE INRIAlfOATE 'J} � OEPAF�MEM DIRE O CITY GOUNCII ri � � S�+ ���/J11� N Y'BEAPOH �fTYATTORNEY �CITYCLEFK iT flE ON COl1NCIL AGENDA flY (DATEy pO1RING � BUDfiET DIqECiOR � FIN. S MGL SEHVICES DIP. ONOEB � MAY�R (OR ASSISTANn O - 1��� 4 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) a ` � ACTION REQUESTED: .( � V I U�N � � ��- �.�� 5� RECAMMENOATIONS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) pERSONAL SERYIGE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOIIOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION CIVI SERVIGE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a cormact for this tlepartment? _ CIB CAMMfTTEE � Un- ~�c1'� �'ES �NO � 2. Has this personNirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES PJO _ DISTAICT CpURi _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPQRTUNITV (Who. What, When. Where, Why): � �t "�� NTAGES IFAPPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPRO�E�' RECEPVED MAY 2 01997 ClTY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: `✓ _ „ TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ �_ V � � v�� /'' COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIpG S�URCE _S A� ( SCf�F � ��"K �(,� fU 7�1A � ��' NUhIeER ��I " 9J�O -�� - C�� /�- JQfl OD FINANCIAL INFOflFSATION. (EXPLAINj � � (`j � / � U W . . �o �z� ; eor�r�ac�r sr�T�s; "' • r� \ PftOJECT: CONTRACTOR Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Sainf Paul, Minnesota DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: 21 April 1987 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. Deduct Add C4.01-01 C4.01-02 G4.Q1-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-05 C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4.01-09 C4.01-10 C4.�1-11 C4.01-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4.01-17 C4.01-18 C4.�1-19 C4.01-20 Subtotal 34,475.00 151,969.00 29,684.00 10,193.00 24, 598.00 86,610.00 (4,535.50) 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,OQ0.00 15,460.00 50,000.00 3,253.00 24,705.�0 29,185.00 40,889.00 8,883.00 (4,422.00) 19,081.00 $584 849.50 CONTRACT DATE: 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $34,943,549.50 • MAM 6122939557 03l21 '97 15:24 N0.55`.i 02J05 1� i �J`'I � �- --- .-:- . - _-- ------- - - - -.. ;� CONTRAC70R' 5 PROPOSAL __^_ ____ _; �— - � _.� -«:_.. . - -- — - Cantractor Prr,p�sal f;o.:_ __ FCC.� 6s Cate: Januarv 06, 1997 Projec?: ST. PAUL_CIVIC C[iVTER CA.a Consract No.: 4.01 A cti�r:c;e in t`'�.^. scape o4 i^e �Jatt iS r24uestNd as c:'�c:icsted below: 7. !: is reyues;Ad th= ccmpletir.n dr:?c h^ i) cxtc:�.dcd, O decreased, {! unchanged i.y .__ caler.dar days. The ad,'+usted compietion det= .vill 6a .._ __ ___ _ • • 2 3. Description of tf.e cr�ar.ne: ;Re.frr 2o drawLipr,, aprCificatic:�,, add4nda, iT aU�! ca 11e;. Referenr.r. RFP No.: ;�0 No.: :?CO No.: 63 --.,.. % 7itle: Lavel 4 Shcrinn;Re�horinq .,.�.______, ��� Basis of payment: fChack o�+.et � (X} Firrs p!ica for pe!fOrming thi5 ci^any2 {s $ 3 __C� �,�,0� f Adequatc supportlr�� rSetails a:;d ini0tti'�:3li��ii ( nct��D�"duci! tttust Be dttzched tr, allow Qwnet ta evaluate. t 1 Time �nd matr.rial per contract, but not ta exceed $ �_,_,__�,__ I 1 Ar.ru�i cost aF completion af wo!k S_ __.___..__,�__,_ _.., Suhnlit.^.d by; PA, A. MORTENSON__ CofrtracC � �� �, ��i � .:_ � I �: i J �. �� iS� h'._ _ �. � �o.✓�_ �__",. . . , ._. Contractor Siqneture __.,......,,_, ... .,__... -�,� :.......... ..._.... FOR CPMI 1J5� l. Actinn Racommended�, 1Check one! {) Lhanr�e +r;ill r,ot be made. Explairr: 2 CPMI .loli Nc � 3225 ( 1 Proceed on thQ fo!lnwing bnsis: t) As indicateti cFiUJ6, CY4ii11LJH tdll(� �Ii:iS.,�i of pr,vmont is acceptaale. 1 f Char,ge is accoptnble, bas+s ot p�y y�ent is not ar.ceptablx. i) Basis of paymarv sh:all k�e $ (} Tho foliowing modification is recommended: 1! CMa�tge in r,nmpietion date is �ccepted. i) Chanc7e is aar,spt�blo with ^o chanc,�e i!5 price. ( 1 Chenge i, acr.eptwblc wiih no ch.an�e 4n cvm�5teuun date. ( ) Other Reasonfar Change� { 1 Dr.:,ign Cha��c ( I Client Reyuest 1 1 FiEld Cor�r'i!ian 1 1 Suc,gestr.d by Contrnctor i 1 Desiyn Ornlssifln or O'.her i�;xplain; 3. Is thi;; a part nf the origin,sl r.ontract scopr_> ( � YES (! NO 4. Is ContrFctor's Estimate attached? f i YES O NO 6. A/E consuhed. t) YES {}�p Preps�red hy� __. _ , ._ {CPMI} A��roved by Approveci by ..._ --�{HGAI wner) D� ic: J�r.u�rv 6 14 ?97 bnta: Dafet Date� Approved bV�_ .__ _ __�__lOwner� Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Pei�; f.ivir, C�udu, I.Q. U'Shuu�finessy Ploza, 14? West Fourtn Sireer, 3Air[ Paul. MN 55102�1299 cc: CI'�ris Hanxen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225 "���z3�-� • .a�s� �, �; • `_� � �: s • .,. / •. ... • Summary ST. PAUL CIV1C CENTER EXPANSION ���E.iGCES7RIE( �qi;�i�_q;�i��� SJI.1"TP,dL'L. IL\' ?9J0' P/Ir Gl1 ^%3.9!?; FLL G/?7J3-7i i' Description: PC0�63 Ti!le: Level 4 Shoring/Reshoring S Amcun, Mortznson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Materiaf. (See attached) Mort2nson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) S S S S General Gonddions. S _ (PAortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.MOrtenson S _ SUBCONTRqCTORSNENDORS • 7 Geco 5 � ���i 2, S 3. $ - 4. S - 5. 5 - 6, S - 7. 5 - 8. 5 - 9. ' S - 10 S - SUBTOTAL SubNend S 35,937 SUBTOTALFee SUBTOTAL:M.A.MOrtenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax S 3� ��� St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal M. A Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fez 5°/: M A. Mortenson Work 75'/0: Total Matenai & Equipment S - M, A. 64ortenson Material & Eqwpment Tax: 7/ 5 SU9TOTAlTax S � Builde(s R�sk GCL insurance Costs Payment & Pefortnance Bond SUB70TAl lnsurance & Bonds 0.9907 (S 72lThousand) 0.0038 (53.77lihousard) 0.0050 (S4.9593lfhousand) s y � qoo S - 5 1 y9�7 �p s� s x� � y- S i�4� 7 Z S � 95 S �5T' �& � TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL S '�/ O81 �� ^�. �-�� L� Page 1 MAM 6122939557 03121 '97 15:25 N0.55`.i 04/05 1_:. 1 r. '_4i-� [� -', , �f=� 1't•:�I ! CEGO GD- FRIDLEY i�i; � �O I Z?'� • . � Ceca Cnncrefe Construction Corp. 16H1{ t �h(`,�p,ryl��FF.T GF . MAM ;akE. µ' »ronc �e.�.,...,.� Fw% (e � P1 q�.d).� December 17, 1996 M. A, Mar�ansQn Cvmpany 7d0 Maadow Lane P. a. Box 710 Minneapolis, �N, 5g440 Attentian: ASien 7roshinsky SubJeCt: St. paul CjviC Canter Ex�ansion Cetd # 50967010 MAM # 951042 • ��: Adtled Beam N(atorial Dc�ar A!lon: 7he prlcir�g 6reakdown for the added B5 beam rr�ateriai and the added pour 8 sr�a beam materia! follaws: A) The added 85 beam iabor and mater;al lnvolve �a ��) �e�m bottotri pe�nets, four (4) 3d' he8m sid�g and ten {�p� �2� be8m side9. The cost breaktlawn is: Labor 270 MH r�i $22,p5 -$ 6,008 6urden - 3,7&5 Material = g COST = gi � B) The added povr � ��bor and mRteri3l invnfve ten {10} beam bottoYns and (20) beam siiias for the mild cross beams, The cosi 6raakdc�wn fs: �abor 130 MH Q �22.26 = $ 2.892 Burden = 1,828 Matsria! 5 COST - $13, 0 � � MAM 1 . - � i G r1 LJ 6122939557 '-� i ; (J =; : , ' i=� 1`-' P'•;1 �. C � C O Summary: A) 658M g7 �'aur 8 15% Overhead & Profif 70TA1, COST Please call if you have pny questions. 03/21 '97 15:25 N0.55`.i OS/OS CD itj-� ��2� S7 S,OOO.DO 13 pp $31,250.00 4 6 .b0 $35,937.00 ours truiy, � /� ` I 4j � d sY_ � Rich�rd J, Gardner, ❑istrict Engineer • MAM 6122939557 03/21 '97 15:23 N0.55`.i 01/05 � � L-._l�i • ..:�.:: , . 7hr C�nr.�.tna•;�m Ur,sm:i-a7i:iu rD IY1A�i'rb � 7 �� fi lani�aeyl�iU7 Susr�i Jone�, CPMI c j o Samt S'au l Ctv ic C�mter ]. Fi ().�i�lltl�*�lilf'GSY ���iiLkl l�i"1 LVest Fuurth Street St_ P,�ul h1'v' iSlfl^_-I299 P.c tit�l�j: � k: • L)au �+usan� • Snu�l' Paul <"ivir. C:eritf�r f:xpansirni C'P--1 M<�rtenson I'rajeCt :9310-1? PC'O�G3 - Le��el 4 SILUCiilgi Keshvrinv lr.;� BUILC!`JG CIViSfON F.tirnea;oi•.« C'f:,e 7Q0 PAee9ew Lz�e Nr.rth F.Q. 8ox Ysp �Ei45"v-:7t0} M11irr=_a: olig. h,tirn�s,!a 5�d22-L'u9E 7elEphore: (612j 522�21GO Fdcs�mile: (5;2j526�s13C � y � j�Q, +. � G� �'� y'�'�— 1n aci4rdaince witl! lYi�* postlion prr.s�•ntod in r�iCni ta�ti'�by '�lortrnsnn in tt�et`.u���s �idt C'('\'I, F?C�h, and C:��rn res,pv�din� ad li:.lU77dI S}40:L1L, nind resfit�rin;; r�i,�irCEUCn[5 aL fhe Level 4 sh� r;r q:tote tbe stttn of 'lllirh�-Lit TIIDl1SilA4� i�.'.n:' l�o�i�trs�;�for 4hc �d[le[1 �naterizd nrni 1ai�or. :�, ind'scaPc•d l�rrvirni.c(y, �v�a vnc{ersY�url IIGA'ti re.�siii�en (o h� Ueyund tlinstt rc�li:ir��d l�y' ;iie Cuntrz:� t T.)C)CIEEtt'C1lYB. LR CG41511I �r�t;oi: o( Ih^so add'llion�tl sliurin�� an. TCAIIM'itl� I'NL]L't+�117Bf1:5 a�ui t�rir im��atL t71 1' l�$ � S` � � T � t t' ��o}< <ll repYC.�.nis {'cr,ns rtfc.rt t�� mifiZ3,c lhC IdSLtlfBflt St��E'� dcla}'. Erreseil ar� �o n! sul�cnntractei' quntationti a5i�1 c,ur pricE� br�..jV.cimvi7, P1r�tse let me l:nne�' if ��: n��•�? a,l�liii.,nzt infurmi[inn nr �i�riticatton un tlte enCl�seil. I7ea�;o is�. �^ �i rentrac! ci!.inge orde�r. Thu ainc�unt quoted in[luda; nnly the �:c�+t of thr, ck��ii�ey iuenh.fi�c� hnrein. Ch�Liges tu tl:u ��.mtrart �in± specifically identified as revidicn� nrrt �;n! indt�de.i in this propo5��l a�ut �u�� e�du�ted. hrnrt��r�,�:on r�•��r��e, tlte ri�ht t�i s��i�mit a prop�snl for d�l�l?E:un<:I .c+;t5 ,�rn.i ti[Sti• related tn fhr. impact nf tl�,:� �iian`;e on urn:hange[i ���urk or Inr th�' cf(��r.t nf E?vs.han�c� in iu�l�b:nation witlz nthor ciianges. �'erc trt�lt' yours, �� � � < ������_ Ailen S. `I rnshinsky assistant Projccl hlan�gFt file: C_CS�;1 G�'i�^z 767� ��a�a PCQ# 5.3 ---.... .. _ __ . ,.__ .__ .._�.._ M:nnaspolis�6eatue��e�ver+Co�oradoSpnr•gs�'davraukFe�Grancf+auid t�anoiSCU•E{o.^.aiu'u•L;�s+,�an!�, �� �� Post-It` Fa�c Note • • CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street Sa�nt Pau1, MN 55102-5299 612/295-5409 19 February 1997 Ron Schreiner MA Mortenson 300 Eagle Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Level 4 Formwork Dear Ron: ��� We are in receipt of your fetter, dated S January 1997, requesting additional compensation for Level 4 formwork. It should be recognized the level of cracking and vibration expected from your form removal design is unacceptable per the Uniform Building Code requirements and therefore is unacceptable to the Owner. The design presented by MAM is adequate for ultimate load capacity but does not consider the condition of the fi�al product. Your form removal sequence exceeds the cracking limit of the concrete and therefore does not perform as intended. Recognizing the magnitude of your problem the Owner provided the services of FIGA to research economicaf so(utions. To date they have analyzed a selective removal plan at Pour #5 and they have reviewed Pour #8 for stripping prior to placement of Pour #9. In addition, the testing engineer performed grout tests which HGA has determined to be of adequate strength at two days cure. MAM, HGA, CPM1 and tfie contractors worked jointly to review and resolve this in an expeditious manner. We take exception to the two cost related items: 1. Ceco has established with its expert that reshoring should have been expected. In addition, with HGA's recent review on Pours #8 and #9, the scope your letter references has changed. 2. Per Section 03100, Paragraph 3.7.D: "Design forms for safety in removal and in proper sequence without damage to concrete. Provide removable side forms for beams and slabs to enable removal without disturbing bottom forms or shoring beneath them." If the formwork was designed per this requirement, side form removal should not be an issue. We take the position that incorrect assumptions relating to form design is a contractor issue. lf these incorrect assumptions negatively impact the schedule then the Owner will require the contractor develop a recovery position. However, it is our understanding that Level 4 formwork and shoring has not negatively affected the schedufe. \ J �0123� RON SCHREINER LEVEL 4 FORMWORK 19 FEBRUARY 1997 � PAGE TWO The costs presented to us in yourletter dated 6 January �997 are not acceptable. We propose that you delete any charges for beam sides and provide a credit for the reshoring which should have been provided for in the base bid. Resubmit your request for additional compensation at the Level 4 formwork with consideration of these issues. Thank you. Sincerely, COST, PLANNING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. � ��` 'i ��� y' � ��� _—_� Ken Anderson Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Paul Asp Paul Oberhaus 3225-404.2 3225-404.8 . �J 3�a.s-4o�.3 � � Tlre Constnection Organi�ation November 22, 1996 Ms. Susan Jones CPMI c/o St. Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paut, MN. 55 1 02-1299 KE: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Job NO: 951042 PCO # 63 Level 4 Shoring • Dear Susan: ��U�1�F� ?�OV 2 2 1996 CPPJiI BUILDING DIVISION Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 770 (55440-0710) Minneapoiis, Mlnnesota 55422-4899 Teiephone. (652) 522-2100 Facsimile� (672) 520-3430 In accordance with previous discussio�i; reiaiive te atiditionat reGuir�mer,ts for ie� �! G shoring, attached is additional information that Ceco offers. i'.eco has contacted the chairman of ACI-347 and attached are his comments on this issue. The enclosed information substantiates our position that the additional shoring requirements coald not have been anticipated and should have been clearly shown on the documents if required� � We are proceeding per HGA's requirements and we wil] submit the cost and time impacts of this issue. �C�� on Schreiner Project Executive RS/mkl encl. r� \ Minneapolis•Seattle•Denver•Colorado Springs•Milwaukee�Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•HOnotulu•Los Angeles 1 I_ :-: i. '_! �:_, � i r � : I I F' T•aI • i�ECO CD—FRIDLEY = Geco Concrete Constructio� �- 15�J2�LINCOLN9iPEfTNE���AVILAKE. i--UJ � PHOIdE (81.'.) d,3C-(c37 rr.F ro zt+x +-+e Ni_ P,. MoRenson 740 Meadow MN 55422 Minneapolis, Attn. Ron Schreiner Re: St. Paul Civic Cen#er Subj: Level 4 Shoting u � Nov. 20, 1996 Ron: Susan Jones had asked me to geY an opinion from a third party an ths shoring f2qUf1'�meiltS fOr {eve4 4. i had mentioned to you that I discussad the shoring reqUirement for level 4 with several peoplc knowiedgeable in eoncreta formwnrk and post-tensioning and afi agreed that what was being askad couid not be anticipated, but I was looking for an individua4 with whose opinion, CPMi would be comfortable. �n a racent meefing, Paui Asp, HGA presented a copy of AC1- 347, 2 Guide t0 Formwark for Goncrete, and indicated that those experienced in fOfming tYtiS type of structure shoutd have anticipted what was being asked. So, I thought a fiair person to contaci would bG th� chairman of ACI-347. Hi5 name ts Sam Greenberg. He's a structural consultant for Dansco Engineering in Apollo Beach F�ofid2. He has over 20 years of experienc� in deS�gning concrete structures as well as formwork design. We sent $acn tha structurai +nformation (transmittai attac ou�s shored atone woutd Ot be HGA`s request to leav� iwo adjaCent p anticipated and pointed out that such requirements shouid be addressed in the bid documents. He went on to say that even after analyz�ng the design, teaving the shoring in after grouting was not necessary- He suggested putting somc reshoring in after gro�ting and stripping to take care of any additionaf cnncerns th� engineer may have with deftection. shrinkage and creep. i've attached a copy of Sam�s written comments. Hopefu[ty, Sarrt Greenberg's comments wiii be enough backup to our fnit+al statement that the additional shoring HGA is requiring could not have been anticipated. We are proceeding with Aaul Asp's shoringlstripping procedure of leaving two ad}'acent bays in piace and are making up the additional materials as we discussect� { wilt forward khe eosts under separate cover. i � Si � cerery, � Gttitl . ;,� � � Jim Paquin • � ►2_3y� � ��� ���� ���p������� A CeCO IndU5ina5 COmPeny 111T��]����IL� l,iJ3l7����V���7Y`✓i G=F�C� ��\' `� � � . - ,� 7`�:tJ �CO �/tJG , �,� � _ � �� � � �- � <-���nor: �R �'�'n ��z� t�3:-2G �,i�JcC'f. �\ `'��.±L�\lil�..� �`�2. �.�v - � t� Cr � 1� r,�,�-� � ��� ,v fl�� �,� '��"�A e u.-;-.� . V � \ �.� � 1 S ,, S � � c�� : � S4; :3 �Z��C� 1b S7'=.`. ���c `S J�'�'�uC;c-��--^it-S 5 J � `C (� C� C L v m L; �- .� ��= �- ; ��-c^�F, � '1 � �S��Z "r 5 �� =1 1a�\ Y �';�'.. � _ . . __ .._ .� .� � �U '1 S'� ` � ��J � 1 l '�JZ �`� '� '� � ltic� L f : �.- '�, :�. �� . , � z �� �:.. j ZZt� { Z3v ���.�,� ��� S�� ���v;�Y��:: �,� �-� t2.� �� � c S P; C ��\ �-'�- � S l c� ?L.f'�. = � i�o � {� �o?-� C i� � q-t-q�.. Ca-k �r-�-�c, c�l ; � ,���4 �i-<<-g.c�- ��� L,—ct - _- � - \`�l - g 4 � Y� tZ �.- �- • Z�l- g C� CZ- C' � C- Z� C.- G - Z c. • `� c. " �s�,.� � 0 �Sv� r �� � �A �S � � �� � . �� � �S ��i d � �.�5 Z �O VlLS \ A.]�A C.- '� A (Y1 � Y✓ SF?t+ � 1s� �A `-�S � u � Z �O � 2S \ tJ �a-�' ���,a.S-= Cwt,.� � c= �-c�� �-�,-�-,�� '�ti �=zst�r.� S - �.:, . _,_. _.,.���:�,,,_, ;, �: . � - - - .,- - - �1.Z:�.. _ . . .� � ������ ���3������`���� ��9 • ^;vicn;i-�r 19 lnc�� Ccc; Co�rr�.: Crn;t.ucu. ., 15��?.; Li�:coln SU'cc: N.L. Ha,n Lai.,e, r,J\ »: 0; !:i�2'd'JJ1i: 1�'il. IZ:C}lBiCi Gft;Cltll'i�i�lf. JI01 PiL';Li:;i Rc;crcncc: St. Paul Civic Cznter Ccco �'.}n:. n 5�96:0;0 Dl� 1013 �� 9v-� i GG Gcnt;cn,�n: 1'uCSiifltt; f0 �CIL' �Cl'�i�•c` `.CC Lr;��� ru�:icor:.:i ..,_ i�:�orr,:si!iU�� $;r�ilil:;� C�i `.�Q�.. 117 ;.?_' ":ii i0 ...., j ' �_.� . ' '' r ' . J� :� �. g��nrin��:t�S;;C�ll15; N tV;C pOSi-i�%?tiK:� �ICU°i51?lC� iiCulii� fc�t' l.e��e! � Oi tl:: 2L?Ul%C C?GI!OI:C:j ;ii.^.�j°C:. . i k • . �. 1�i0 ili'$i �;Qltll IS L'7 1'C9,E1 l0 li'� �_2i?'Cn! I1C�CS Cli �;ICCi S�Q I i.$ ?Y°.�),I'CC{ U�/ 1 ;I"CI11;t'.�t5 C� LI1�q;1;CC�5 Oi R'iilln�[?]:u�u, �171111\CSOi�. ��?e+-:il;;i';4`, �`:e. 3CC 1:iCiCCSSL'i�� (;:� SU)ijli�il'�ZIl:3l ri.LCS YC�18ii1;1:s, l'Sflilll[1fl110t10f ;�:'� (�l'il' 817.i I�121 SilOI'i!'_.� IS CC:]illl"Ci fc�r C7!?SIfI;C.ii)i1 �ii:j CI'CCii0t7 Oi ,"�iI Si;liC!lll'8! .l'y'S:2it1S $iII�SC^UG1I (0 ii:iS:. ftOiC$, il :^.j'1`2�i'S l}l8t i�)^ CIILIII�C1 Oi rCCUfCi �1flCi Gil"CIC:! SOI11C' 8(jC�lllOil�� COII$tl'8111�.5 �Vlii) iC��iliC15 f0 S�lUS:11t Oli T_PV° 4. F��o�t� l�:C 4'�4{C`N Qs I�IZ ,l'l;j�(71:8Q COI7li'Nil I�OCliIllCiliS, (�f1�:+ii54�S FIIIC� `� 6CI�ICiIIIpIIS, li is not clear tht;t Le:�c 4('CC�l11YCS C011ili)UOUS shorin, prior tc the pl�cen�cnt of corcrete on ti�e subsequent arcas. lt is our ur.derstanciing ihat �6e CUIISLi UU loin;s tivere d;rectrd "<i)1t� 1�?j?fOV2(� L�) the cs:gii�cer of re GOCJ t:it�C 1i1�3 CO!7l4'RCi `:: .� ����a��: ed bt�t prior to the stan oC constnictio�i. It f,as been our experience ti�a( �vhen speciai sherine%reshoring requi�cme;;ts a;e in!ended by thc cn�inecr of record, the dra�? and "sj;CC;i��CEt:�CI1S i�.^C1:IC3��'{ Si:liC �i7t:� �i::; fJi�OlVllltl 2iL'u� l;ocr,ticci by tl�,is gri:: �IliO ili:1 i�ifli CO�I'.:+:I: �iil.. �VI�� re:����in sherer3 for fb:�rtecn (14?:!:tys. Fnr es �lili�)��� ;oL;rtee ��4'� C�?�'S 01� llfitll t�iC U(��)�.1"?.l0>i floo, is placed or that lo.�ds s„e coUec:ed .vi�l; s'ierin�> not bein� removed �erticali� or enou�h dciail so lL•a! ic is specif'iecl bc��er.d a��v cioubt p�io, ;o?�i�_i ti;ne so tl;at the cornac;or ks,H�.�� full a��:ci �.ec'i (lil'. SCOj.`•C OI" P,7i]��I71Il:Ct� 01 �ti3 `,��11'��. �CC ���� ?'�! 1.�1.5 es� `2CiCi��?' �81'iLi ��`�l Li �COj))+ FliilC�t°;i� Sl�ee: S2� 0, c:h;cii �.�1s scizt !;y �our otlic•a, c�:�ecifics the �re<s dr.li��e�t.ted. \t�i:h r2gards to pot�r ;;1, tiic r.or,h-south be<<n�s 2re cauabic of sup�;o��in� the�r o��n deacl load bascd on the draped pronfe as sLo�;^; in the conu:xt uocu;nenis anci the r�otcs rrom the post-tension suppiie,. It n�ould appear to US t�l:l( f11C:'C�`i C;i$11I1��� Si(ZSililtt $fii� 4fOL1111i'2 Of I�7C SiililC�S \�'Oil{(j �0 itt�L•C�Li'd su�uctLS��flily fCf S�'�° �iren to L^ve i,S sl;oring removed, a�� a for i! to be r°sliored �t sevcr�l loc�tions nlon� the s� an of th� . girder as a me�ns o� conhallin� c(eCecti;�n, shrinl:n�c a�rl creep. 1z:l�en you move foi1�'�rd to pour ;i2, ihe ss�me inform?tion �voulci appiy escept th.it the canlifcvei j�orlionF of ihe north-south bcntns oti p�ur ;�1 tio�dcl al, ro .+dy bc shorcd. 1'he nrw S8C11C_+I1S fUtl11117� south wou!u be ntatch cASt to the P.O. Box 3400 Apollo BeaCh, Fiorida 33572 (813) 645-0166 Fax (II13) 645-9G98 _.,,,. ._ _... _.,,__: �,��_; �: ` J Li_�.-- �. _._ ,- - -_ ___���.���� ?a--e 2 • f: 1 � r� I 'r n i r r '� �; '� °. C:1;1`:7�C;VCiCt� SC'CtlOiiS Si0S71 �>`JISi -� il!l:: ii�:C: �;C'.lI il<'.S l.S tiifi:iiCj"s i�l'.,�_�.:, n.iC� f.fOiliC.., i I; i.., COUiC� VC tC1i?iiY ti�l'CC�{l'(j �i'.It ;�lli� . C��lOYiG,L' �C �Ij:jii�Cii, nil°..'. }'�U iii i0(\'ldf(� �IIC� COII]f)IC;C AI'_8 i±i, (;iC 1'CSil01'li:� Ill H�e.^. «� CO:lll� b� jJti�i2;i Gl:� CUi'P)�C:i:�}". UI1CC :1i�2� =3 1$ COillj)iCtC(i� SIfC�lBC�. i:I1C g:oi�t�:c�, ali of ;l;z r:sh��rii�, ir; po�:, ;' _:: �3 co�.}id C� +e�ti�o��ed p� ��•ided no adc(i:iai:�; (oad; �:ere l0 u:; I;iCtiCG OIl fCj7 4+ i�7°S•� S���D� r"i5 (IC �lii.°,:; ;'•}' (�l� �)OS:`i�:1S1011 _::j)y'•fitt� �.�ifi3.�IlII JSl+Z fi:� f:;i:� t:8iii11S S;?l'C;iiC:�'.1'011iC? �;'.`•'C lU YC7118111 Siy.(�ii ! �? L,.}C:;Cfui il1�C \'iC �iliC� l�lf!i Elll;i lii;1C E Cn11t1t1U0US �)°(. �i i$ �)IO�: �i;y,";e; e alon� its sp:,n, fI1C:: �. ..'•nr�t, )( 1�1C Cit^l1iCV�i �;C?f�1Gil li }�� er icss th�n oniy ?IiC tliC C8liiii�V@I'�C� �)Oi(i0❑ Glli�l�lti :�.... , ' ,'.) � n171 1 i 7Ti�2Y $j�� il, TilCii' C£l^i:�i.VCI'CC{ (1p1i1C11 �Cil]F1I;7� Sii(il'•2.(i. tf II '�*i85 1110(° 1�1£1:1 � 0: l}lC UC l�,� � I <: :�v: ,_1' � ? ;lll tilE �Oil':�.iC� $1.'•i.;l :J ililli;ll;i,''.?. C.i• C:iIiCE; �;BCi SU1Il t'Citl,;15 ti�;0 ' j$'.1 8S .i; C I�;I"C;1 U^f�CC i. 0� � iliOlil::;li I�i.V�I'58�5 O"°: ��72 �L'!i"ili;� 1;1'>!:Cti7litf?�, i):.50:1 l�i: l� f�3icrn��r,ticn y,r 0�•'^CU �iiC� :iCl:l?2( jJ0$: CO:lSil'U^:10?? jl:'2CT1C° ..J ou,' pro.ession:tl opi:^.r, (ha! pau„=1, _, i'F c: :'! i sl;ot:ld've cast, s:ress: �, �.;rouled, ��;�c�ked <:;�r. LiCi1 i`J;�i^f:C�. rlil?�CE`i", �iUUiS %i`�, ri�>� ii:i �f_' •,'7 Sj'.n;i�:� i.d ll'°i:iCC :�iC Si:;P,C R':^.}`. ��IiC.° �Ul7T.i �%i �%^ C.:. ,� jQ S;C j)�i1C�!�� Ui?S: 9�� [CSliUC!ilti lA�CG:,� l:C [CAIOI'�C', �)1 CQL1I"S.^. ICCf� 81'r ��}l:l(ji131 GI��;C3:IIS :�78i C�^v :lOi 77:2'.'�I l�]P:l �CC�LIIiL.ii4Ill iJl:� (h�\' ii:'.1':, UC°:1 C�? „�iiCCt �)•J i�l^. �:i.$i-i�:Sti;Clt 5Lirt�) �v':� ".-i 'cqt:iri :�, cc>ntinuccs S!;e� „� u:;tii t's;e r�rnu;t'r b^':'u?r_!:t;; sp�:7; i;e.�. ° l�een };i.;ceci .\j �i\.?jS� 1� �p11 �i8':'C 8i1}'.�'.ICa�IOI;i CY i:i'.C.� n:iiiitiC�,::� 111i0rlllki(iJil� j)I°F;tiC �e_'i ;f�C (Q C^I:�i��; .:3. ��..�. l'C' T'��i; �li?��t�� S:1G:,is • .,... : �_U�ii��ll:ccr.ilr , Pt� • • • J47(i-4 iL_ . ��. �... •�. i.•: i _ . _ _ y�ll.J' �-�,/ t teniz as preciscly as pr��ciieablc. Rcfer to Scc.i.nn 3i. and Ci:apteC 5. 1.4.4 Desib::, i�;.�.�et'linir, �c::ew, mtG r.�r�nnr�l o�f"nrr :ro�%� — AliLou4h Il:c sa (ci� of fo� nnvOt n i5 :Ile ;_r�;�::=i- �i:iity oC (ISC CO;t:iflC:Oi� llic c�iE;iaccr, archiicc:, ::r n; ��roving agc:�c: ;nny undcr ^.crtain circur,t:��czc :,.-., to .*c�:ic:� and/or epnrovc thc Cormwor'r., inciu�in� d;a�::- iugs and calculatious. Ii so, :!�c enoir:ee*/architec, �hcr�l� cafl for sucly rev;c�v or app;vval ia thc cor.tra��, uoeu- �.te�its. Apuroval ;;tigl�t lc roc�uirccl tar unusu:illj cc;;np�ic;teci tit;ucturec, (c�r siructures u''.tcue designs ivzre L'ascd :u ,: par�icu]armetLo Of COIIS�LUC�IOiI, I07 S171CillCCS I^ ��I�ic:. tl�e torms inipart a desi:cci ar:hitccturai finisi�, fcr ccr:air post.lc�tsinnod st,-ucturct, f<;r foldcd pla.es, fc; :i,.., sliulls, or [or long-span roof slructures. Thc �ci;o'�:;r.� ilcius sltould be clari(iCd in thc cOn'stiN, documoi;ts: :i }3y wl�om form�vo:k wiil be designed b} Tiy wimm, whea, nnd r^r �tihat fcatu;es 'ocne:or: v;i;l be iospec�ed !1� �V}IflC i'C:'IC'.i'S fl1:C�,%Of :1`.:1)C01'1I �,c;ii b� req:;i:: d: 1, for forn,�cc�rk dr.n.iags �. [C1f I�IC fOY!ii$ tlC:OiC CQi;C:L'::,^.�� 7ti:G .....7:1:± C:i GTV'�Illy 3. �vl�o svi:i �;ivc sudi rcvicvrs <�n:i/o; ayip.cra:s 1111(�CCUid. n�vcll-i Coi m�a�c,r�: spcciiic:u;:�n 'r.� �ii. vai::c r.oi or.iy to thc o�vr,cr �mu ;l�e conuactcr, i�u! aiso :n t:�u i �� : . _ _ . - r, _i.; t�ct cor.ic�n � �__ ra�r�oer isl�cd structtirc. 'llre cn�inr�r;arc6itcct l;•j rcvici��ir�; [hc Cornnvork dra�vings, can sr.c how d;c contracror h�s intcr- p;eted tlse contr;icl dc'a�t•iugs. Soiiie local ��cas ha:•e Ic,al �cquir�tnc;i.s dc:`ir.ing ti;c s��ccsCi_ responsibiiitics of ;h'= e^gineer/�ic:�itect in (o;m:sn;k de:ig�, re�:iew, o� al pro��al. I.d.I Indici<funl .cp�•r.ifioctFnr,.: — "Il:e sp_citica;ion w;iter is encourn���d io re�er to tliis guide ns a source ol recommenda[ions tlmt can bewr'tten in:o liw proper lan- �uagc for conaaa docua�cnts. I�or aay concreta sL•uctwc, tlic spcclicauon k>r forni- �vor}: �ti 'i11 S�;�vc muc:t to dn ��•icii t:te ovcr�ll economy �uui c�ua]itti� nf ilic fini;hcd vrnrk. Suc;� s spccif;cation must t,c tailored for cacli particutar job, r;ust indicatc ex;ictly �v;�at �vil3 he cxpcctcd of thc contrtictor, nnd sLoulu be so ���.i::cn as .o resulc in ecenomy a:�d s,fcry. Aw�cll-t�rittcn ft�rAnvork spcci[icalinu lcuds to �y�:;�l- izc hids for the �vork. Umiecess�uily e;:actin� rzcuire- ments m,�y make bidders quest'rr,n the spe.cii:cation as a �vlio]c .md rnuy rcr.dcr it ��iru:nily i;np��ssii Cn;• �licm ti� uzi�orstancl cxacqy �vhnt is e:<pcctea. Tiiey u;ay bc overiy cautious amd overbid o; mi;iatcrprc: r�_,uiren,ent; na:l .ie:<7 represc:�tativc oi t{ie ergit;eer;arci;itzct ati:�;or apprc>ving �i�ency nud tn iLc sub:o::trac�ors (7� OIL'L'i cra�es. So�nc rey:.irer.iants n:ay bo aiit�ca to �ll���:� �l�c contrnc;o; discrction �v6c;c qcalir� o( finisl:c; mncrctc �vork would no: be im�lireci bj usc of :�itern��te 3nntcrinis r.nci cnctt�ods. Coi�s;deratinn ot thc appiicab!e generaf requireiniuts sur2;cstcd hCrein will uo� bc su:(idunt to maS;� a cn�t�- picte s, cciiicalion. Requi�ea:cnts rmst bc addc:d toi nc:c:d matcrials, fiuislics, ;utd other items pcculiar :i� an� neccssary for �lic individunl spucn�rc. 'll�c cn�inccr! ,irchitect ma}� cxchrdc, cail sper'a! nucuiic+n tv, stren�tlteu, or ma�:e morc lcricn� ary gcncrat rc��uir�- ment to bcst fit tlic nccds oC thc partic:dar prujcrt. t�tucli hclpinl and detaiicd infornr�tioa is ��ii�e.n i7• rernrn::r!; fnr :? C�ncrr.le. ' 1.4.2 /�ornnvorti rnaterials n�rd nccrs:�v:r,'c�c — 7. Ihr. pn;tict�in. dcsign or dcsircd finisli requiir.s s�?cci,�l attentinn, Il:c cn�inee:'/atchitect ntty specity iu �he con- tr�ic� doaime.nts ttic I�ircmvorn m:dcra(s nnd suca c�tl�i=r Icatures� ncces�:�ry to atloi:� tl�e oi�jectires. 1f tl�c eii!;inecrlardiitect does noi catl Sor s�xdfic m:,tnr.:,1s u� accessories, t(ie coutraetor m❑y chovsc any ma!eii�ls diat nicct thc contrsct rcquircmcntti. \�'lic❑ xtructur.�( design is bas;d on tlic use af cem- mcrci�\11y available form units in standard si�es sccL+ as onc-���ay or to•o-r;uy joist systems, {s:ai�s shaald be d�awn tP me}:e u5e oI Rvail.�ble sLapcs and sii.es. Some lali�udc n:ust be pernliricd for cess+irGinns of form uni�s tu othcr framing or een[e: ing t� re[]ect ihe toleranccs �ud norm:�l iustatiatiou praccices ot tlic [orm type iuiiicinnted. 1.4.3 Fini.rl� ajccPor�;! concrrte — Pinish requirenuuts for cor.crete surfaces cliould bc described in mea::urable �.S.S �.otr/7'iIC! t1Y.^.t:'(H�?S — lil:'. CpiL'!'2C. ..,... _- s:;cuId includc li1(+JZit771!IJ^ ii(:C�SS�1'f :�� Ii:^ G';;;�:;:i_:C; _ft[ �tjl'IliW01':i �CStf?i] A11C1 f0i I::V I?;C�?(1*IliiCfl Oi iJi:`.;lC^i.; iii 8R'ii)(;S, SuG�7 715: aj Nt:mbcr, localio;i, :�:�d detaiis oC a;l ccustrac:;c^ joir,ls, co7ifl'flcliot) )nisStS, n:�Q cspansion joiu':3 t!1at •.vl c'- rocuired fc�r �L•e particular jn1; or p:u ls ot it. l� � SC(�LiC�iCC nI cOI1::PCiC �:i�CC.tIC)lt, if c;iiic;�i. c:) T6c Iivc load :uid superin:�?ns�ci cic:�d lon i Ic�; uhidi the s�n!cture i; desi,red n��d tmy li��c ic:,;u r�- d�:c�iou uso�.'1'I�is i:: a reyuircn:cn� ci ;hr itf;i is;idr,'.::; Cndc (ACI 313), ci} tntcrmcdi;�tc su� por;s under st::�•ur;,i, c: :v;n�,=. si:cl� .is metal cieck used (or ;orms :i:ui_� (cr-; u( othcr tttatc:inls: supports nnd,br lsrccing requu:c L lhe sicuclurnl e:�gineer's �csign for u�naposite actioir, :..,. auy od�cr spcciat s:,pports. cj'[Itc locaiion aiid ordcr of cr�ction .uici removai c: s'tacs for tom�>osi:c cnn;t;uction. ;j Spccial pro�'is;ons es�ential for formwur'n for s��cci;�i cou �truction mc!I�ods, nud Cor special struc:ures sucS :�� shclls and [olded plates. Ti�c Uasic gcometry oi s::h s.ructures, ns tccl( as thcir requirec? c:imLer, mus: be sivcii in sufficicnt de,ail to l�ermit U�e contractor to Luii� lhe lornts. Cnmber should bc stif�ulated fur measuren:ent afier initial se� uncl Uc(ore decentering. g) Spccial requircancnts for post-�eusios�ed concrctc men;bers. "Il�e c[Ccct of load transfcr duriug tensioniug oC post-tensioned members mny be ctitical, and ti�e controc- tor shnuW be r�dvised of anp specinl provisions tl�at tnus! b^ ntadc in thc Co;nnvork for thi5 conJition. r �. .. . , . - - - - - - ' --'_ i 1 i i , i � - !- � _ _ : i ? -- � _. - I _ � - l ' . � ' . i i i � ' ; .- - - - GUICE 70 i OT31d`.\'UIIY, fOR COHCRE7E � • lt) An;ount oL desired car.:ber fnr slab, ur u�lier s[n.c- turz� �cmbers lo conpCitsatc for dcflection n[ ,he itruc- 1:�rc. bic::su;c�t;cnts of c�mbcr attaiucd shoulu hc ;;.,..._ �: ;.t sn;(it 4cvc1 aCter iai�ia[ ,.t , r.ci L�::torc rc^xr:::l .. ;ornr::o�k sup��ons. i)':ii;:;c chamfcrs arc reqi�ired o: �+ri>tiihi:ed o�� !�e���i so::i�s or coiumn a:;aers. j) Requirements for inscrs, �%:atcrtops, buiit-in Ira �:es (�; n�,cniugs and l�olcs dirougi, conce[e; simi'ar mqirr:- men;s •.��herc t};e �vork oi oil�cr tra:les will be nundicd to, sup�,nrted h;, or P,vccd througl� formwnrk. l:) �Vhcrc architcc!uTSI fc:�turc;, cmheddcd i�cm�, or t::e �sc,. oi othe; lrades �nu:d cl�an�e the loc�don o( s[ruc[ural ii;cmbcrs such 1s jcis�s in onc-�vay �: m:o=� joi;, s•:stems, sisch ci��s�_cs or coadidons shaold c; ordinatcd l thc cn;inccr/arciiitcct. 1) l,oca:ions oi and dctai;s far architecturil �or,:r `,�+'hcr architcclu, detai':s sr� to bc cast ir,:o saucui a�ncret:, diey should be �o inric:ated or rc(crenced ;he strac+.ural drawings sinca ihey ;u� � t.�y :i t:cy rolc :iic siruaural desig:� of ci�c fonn. �.— ea•; b°. st r,! on in i.3—I:EfC]'LI1C0S i.i. rLCf ('.ommittnc b22, "'i�osm Canslr;ic:ion ?{:o ,,.. ' i�Cl Joti�tN.v� I'r��cee:iir,r; V. Si, ;vp. i2, Jure i9�i, i;p. ll`J�-ll30. 1.2. .'�Ci Comutiticc C>22, "PrC^sures c:t Furnr.eor� " ,'?CI,SpUI2;vV Prorer.:�itrr,rV. s`� iJo.2� I�ug. 19�1i, �;p. i i.i. j �:�. ].i J `f {., i ortnw;r.::J<ir C.b!ICrc'ie, �P-4 ,",ntcr- ic�v:i Cocc.e:e Institi�te, DeUOit, 5!;; i.d;'tion, Re:•i;ed iJ3:�, as< p�. CSL�PTL'it Z—DLSTG;7 � �.i—Gencrni 2.1.] i7rnuvi�r„— i1ny fnrm, ieL�:udic.s o{ si�.:•, snnui:i be �,l,i.:ned in eve:y pnrliail�r prinr to iis conct:ncticu. Tnc ac;outu nf j�i:um;ng require;i wiil derrad on ,l�U size, comnicxity, aud ir;por.ancc (consida-irr rcusas) of ;l:c in; m. ,1 dcsign nnniysis should bo mndc tor ai; fornr.�crk. Slai�ilit}' :�nd i�uckii:ir shou:d i>c im•csti�:ntcd in : c:iscs. 2.13 De.s;gr. n:ethod.r -- ranmco:k is inade of ;uany c!iCier�:�t matcri�ls, ,ind ;Ite cotttmottlY ilsed des;,�,n �iiac- ticcs for esci� viatcrial arc Ic�llo�4a1 (scc Ch�ipter dt. I'or csamplu, wood forms arc dcsigr,cd by worY.iii� stresz rncthods rccnmmcncicd hy ihc Na(ipu�l Porest Products i�:socia;inn. �Vl�eti thc courrctc s;cccmrc bccomcs r� ��ari of thc \onttu'ot.: ali�+;ot; S;lSte:;;, ;5 in �uauy multistory l it is im�,i>rtant for tlic (nrrn desi�,ucr i<� rcc'o�uiic I;ia( (lic cnncrc:c usuvil(v h:is'. dcvi�r,ad i+y 1L'c s(rcnrl6 mcihnd. 'll�roug.iiaut tfiie puidc, tl:c tcrmc dcti,�n, dcsi�;n lna<i, auci dcsir�i c:�p:�ri[y :�rc uscd lo rc(er �a dc.r,gn n( llic �o:nl��'Or ;. \\'hcrc mcn(ion is m:idc ol dcti�n lo:ul Cor lLc s:ructUrc i(SCIf, sUUttur:tl dCSign ln:id, �IfuC(Ur:tl dca� 1� � 1nnd, or somc similzr tcrni is usccS to roicr to un���dUre<1 )oad, o:i thc strvaure.� 2.737Jnsie oGjec,ires — I�orrnvor}: si�ould i�c ces;;;ncc so thr.t concrelc s'.nL•s, u•a!is, and othc; :ncmbr,s �.ci i L nf cor;ece di:ne�uioas. shape, alignmeat, eie.�aGor., anr: p�sition an�l o;ithin estatili ,ted t�Ierar:e,. ror:�;:co!!•: ;i�nuld also be desioned se .� at i: �k'iIl S,ifcly sup�:ort ?i� ; crti;.ai and late: ai ln.ids that mibl;t �>c aj;plied u�;ii succ loads can be suj:perted l�y the cor.ctat� StrucCUre. Verii- cal nnd i:.ternllnads must Ue ca: ricd to tlte grour.d'uy thc form�vork rys;em or 1>y tl�c in-� laco c�r,siructicn tiia? ?: ;� adeqn2te stten�th ior that purmose. Rc�onsibilih; ,n; t:i� dcsirp of thc fornnvor',: res25 vfith lne ca7'.r;:c:c;r „r tl�c eugine�r hired by the cont.*ac:or to desigr ar:i i�e respna- siUlc: f�r tl;c f�r�nwor'�. Z.I.� DCSi�^ri llfJi('tGtf.IP.: — SOIIIC C G;p;::o!; desi�': :'.cti- cieac;r.s tiiat may ;cad tu f^itcrc arc: a ) L�ck oP eiio�vancc in dcsi?!i fo� s.:ch (oadin�s ns ��•inci, pbtver btiw;i^.s� Plncin� e!�uirn:•nt, and tcr,��oran ❑1:1(C'i81 SIp;1�C. bi Inndequa.e re;lioriao. c) Qvers:ressed ;esi:orit:g, d) iaadcquatc pmcisio;�s to .�r�;�e::c ;oca:io;; cj __,�... Cor:•,s wItcrc iiv� ;(ai�s f:a;uc utic ,i,c;�: o;t c:ti;' c:'.� siac lscc i�ig.3.S.i.b). c; Tnadcc�u�tc arcitiora.?-:. s, �,irst �a,r.'.iit i;: c;: i:.a::crc:i i0.'711 f3CCS, fj '_115ii(:)Cii.11[ :lilOW�77CC i0." CCC91?i1'IC iO3tliit�� Ci:C :,^ � ;OCCi{7Cllt 53GU017CC3, g) Failurc to irvcscign:e. be�rir.; s,�esses ;:t m�:no^r; jn cni;tr,ci �v:tll sllore5 Cl' Stlui�. I:) l�ailurc to pirn�ide pr�pzr intz�nl Utccirg c; l3cin� o; shoring. il Paiiure to im�es,igntc die si�ne!eracss ra;;n ni cc,;.- nressinn memne;s. J� Tnadcc�u:rte Ptm�I510t15 to r:a roruers ot intc:;cc:{ni; C:tlllilCVGTCd fornu iogctIier. k) Pailure to acccunt for !o;�de Itt;rUS�:i Cn a�che.r.;,�; d�3ring �ap c!OSUrc in niignin, ft»:n«ro:k. 2.7.5 l�a�ar��or.=: r.'�:;u�in,�.^s m,tl cn;c•;�ln.ti�ns —]ZC(ocs cons;ructing for;n;, the cozlr��ci�r, ii reqnired, wii: suhtnit dctnited drmvings and/or dcsi�tin crQcuiaGor.s c. �r,opc�ecd (orm��:vr`.t ;<.;r rr.view an<i(o �DC�DV�I Iri't?tC C. • �i;ie.r/arcliitect pr a�;pro'��ing ��gency. ii sucii :ir�r.eings z;e nnt in con[ormity �citl� con;ract documeats as dutermined bp ;he enfiiner.c/<�rc':iitect o: npprovin� agoucy, qie ar�- L wi11 i111IiC St1� c:h;tr.gcs ns m:ry bc �equircd p:in� to start of constructit�ii of tl�c. fc�r�mrnrk. Tlic rcvic�v nrpro�ni uC thc ;orm:vurl: dra���ir�;v in no ��:^.y �clic��cs ti�c ci,ntractcr o[ L!ic resp:?nsibilily lor adc�;uatd;: cnnst:uctir.� and muintaining Il:e fnrn:s sr ti;at ;hcy �eiil CimcUOn p�ope:ly. it rerie�red hY t�er�or.s ot;�cr lliau 16ote enipinycd Uy ilic conlrnclor, llie revic:�: or approv::i indica:cs ❑o cxccpli<in il (nkcn:by ILc ;e- t�ic�.�•c: to: thc as�uincd dcti�;n IoadinrF: in cambination ,\a dcfineL by nC:l J1A. LML d.xJ !ntid nnJ I7+<• I���d nre n��L�Pn•�.�i :� nAv